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Technology Initiative Project Plan

Matt Hard

INTE 540
Problem Statement

Collegiate Athletics has become more and more reliant on measurable

data from student athletes to help teams perform better. Not only can

observing data help a team see how their individuals are performing, but

they can use this performance data to calculate how likely an injury is to

occur due to these numbers. Catapult is a company that specializes in

athlete wearable technology that allows an organization to track these

metrics from their athletes. It measures the distance the athletes run, how

fast they are moving, acceleration, heart rate, and several other factors

during practice. The one drawback from this is that without external sensors,

Catapult does not work indoors because it relies on GPS technology. If the

unit is indoors, it is hard to connect to a satellite to determine its location.

Project Mission Statement

The focus of this project is to install and operate a system of sensors

in the indoor practice field (IPF) so that Catapult can operate for all

practices, and not just the ones outdoors. This will allow the training staff to

better monitor the player’s performance and manage their injury risk.

Hopefully, with proper deployment of this system, we can make our athletes

safer, while achieving optimal performance from the athletes. This will also

help the team recruit better players because of the availability of this all-

encompassing technology that another school probably will not have.

Project Objectives

The Catapult indoor sensor system will be installed to help the Training

and Strength staffs manage workload for players on the practice field. They

will calculate the player effort ratings based on measurable captured with

the Catapult system to reduce the number of injuries on the practice field.

Reducing injuries is the goal of installing this system indoors.

The objectives are:

 Obtain approval from admin to make the purchase of the equipment to

install the system

 Survey facility to locate optimal sensor installation locations

 Work with facilities crew to create an installation plan

 Install the system

 Run tests of the Catapult system indoors for all of spring ball

 Have the system up and running fully by April 2020

Success Criteria

These factors will determine the success of this project:

 40 sensors are installed in the indoor, and all connect to the Catapult

system with no errors

 During a full practice in the IPF (around 120 players), 95% of the

catapult units successfully record data from the practice with no

extraneous data.

 All our data sheets will be expanded to include Thursday (IPF)


 After one fall of full operation, verify that the whole system is still

operational as intended.
Work Breakdown Structure Outline View
1.0 Initiation
1.1 Meet with Catapult to learn about product at Vegas
2.0 Planning
2.1 Asses product
2.2 Create product proposal
2.3 Create team consisting of IT personnel, facilities personnel,
Catapult operator, a Catapult employee, and an
Administration representative.
2.4 Submit order for hardware and installation materials
2.4.1 Consult facilities to see what additional hardware
is required
2.4.2 Survey IPF with facilities to finalize materials list
3.0 Installation
3.1 Schedule 2 Weekends for work in the IPF
3.1.1 Schedule 1 contingency weekend
3.2 Facilities installs conduit
3.3 Facilities installs sensors
3.4 IT runs fiber and Cat5e cabling
3.5 Switches are installed
3.6 Base station is installed
3.7 Functionality is tested
4.0 Testing
4.1 Test indoor sensors with test group
4.1.1 Gather training and weight room interns
4.1.2 Equip them with the Catapult sensors
4.1.3 Have them run around in the indoor to generate
4.2 Test indoor sensor during spring ball practices
4.2.1 Adjust sensors according to data
5.0 Project Closure
5.1 Fully functioning sensors are working for Fall Camp 2020
5.2 Develop bi-yearly testing plan for sensors
5.3 Happy Hour Party
Work Breakdown Dictionary

Level WBS Element Name Definition Predecessor Duration


1 1 Initiation Finding out about the - -

IPF sensor system

1 1.1 Meet with Catapult Meet with Catapult - -

to learn about vendors at the
product at Vegas conference to see the
conference product and learn
about functions.

2 2 Planning Planning the project - -

2 2.1 Asses Product Bring information back 1.1 2 Weeks

from the conference,
and sit with
representatives from
training, weight staff,
and administration
(together or
separately) to gauge
interest in product.

2 2.2 Create Product Create proposal for 2.1 1 Week

Proposal administration to sign
off on moving forward
with the
implementation of the
indoor system.

2 2.3 Create Team Create team 2.2 2 Weeks

consisting of IT
personnel, facilities
personnel, Catapult
operator, a Catapult
employee, and an
representative to
facilitate installation.

2 2.4 Submit order of Contact Catapult to 2.3 2 Hours

hardware and purchase IPF
installation materials, as well as
materials other installation

2 2.4.1 Consult Facilities Sit down and discuss 2.4 2 Hours

project in detail to
determine what will
be needed for

2 2.4.2 Survey IPF with Walk around the 2.4.1 4 Hours

facilities indoor to look at
layout and positioning
of hardware
throughout the
building. A scissor lift
will be needed to
assess the structure
at higher points.

3 3 Installation The process of - -

physically adding the
system to the indoor

3 3.1 Schedule 2 Consult administration 2.4.2 1 Hour

weekends for work to schedule time in
in the IPF the indoor when no
other events will be
scheduled in there.

3 3.1.1 Schedule 1 An additional weekend 3.1 No additional

contingency will be reserved in time
weekend case overflow time is
needed to install the

3 3.2 Conduit Installation Conduit must be 3.1.1 2 Days

mounted in the IPF to
house the cable run to
every sensor position.

3 3.3 Sensor Installation Sensors must be 3.2 4 Hours

mounted at their
assigned positions

3 3.4 Fiber and Cat5e Fiber and Cat5e 3.3 8 Hours

Installation cables must be pulled
through the conduit
and terminated at
correct positions

3 3.5 Switches Switches will be 3.4 2 Hours

Installation mounted in protective
boxes and connected
to power, fiber, and

3 3.6 Base Station Computer will be 3.5 30 Minutes

Installation installed as base
station in IPF training

3 3.7 Functionality is Basic functions will be 3.6 1 Hour

Tested tested with handheld
sensor units

4 4 Testing Checking functionality - -

of the sensor array

4 4.1 Test IPF sensors Before testing on the 3.7 2 Hours

with test group team, we will test the
wearables with
another group

4 4.1.1 Gather training and Gather a group of the 4.1 1 Hour

weight room interns student volunteers
from around the
building for a small
scale test.

4 4.1.2 Equip them with Outfit the volunteers 4.1.1 20 Minutes

sensors with the wearable
sensors for the test

4 4.1.3 Have them run Have the volunteers 4.1.2 40 Minutes

around in indoor to run in the indoor to
gather data generate data so that
we can test sensor
functionality and

4 4.2 Test indoor sensors Using the same 4.1.3 4 Hours

during Spring ball process we use during
practices outdoor practices, we
will equip players with
the wearable sensors
and track data from
the IPF practices

4 4.2.1 Make adjustments if Read data and 4.2 2 Hours

necessary to sensor determine if there are
array any blind sports in the
IPF based on this
data. Adjust setup if

5 5 Project Closure Closing out the project - -

5 5.1 Fully functioning System should be 4.2.1 -

system is running functioning with no
by Fall 2020 blind spots with 95%
wearable response

5 5.2 Develop bi-yearly Make plan to fully test 5.1 1 Hour

testing plan for sensor system before
sensors fall camps and before
spring ball sessions.

5 5.3 Happy hour party Interested parties will 5.2 4 Hours

go grab some beer.
Gnatt Chart Schedule
I don’t think this is a useful schedule layout in this format because of the length of my project, so here is
the schedule in a better format.

Statu Priorit Begin work
s Task Name Description y Date End Date days) % Done
  PRODUCT LAUNCH OVERVIEW     01/12/19 08/03/20 407d 46%
  Initiation Phase 1   01/12/19 01/12/19 1d 100%
Meet Catapult in Vegas Conference 01/12/19 01/12/19 1d 100%
about IPF project
  Planning Phase 2   04/01/19 07/01/19 66d 79%
Asses Product 04/01/19 04/12/19 10d 100%
Create Product Proposal 04/15/19 04/19/19 5d 100%
Create Team 04/22/19 05/03/19 10d 50%
Submit Order for Hardware 07/01/19 07/01/19 1d 0%
Consult Facilities 06/28/19 06/28/19 1d 100%
Survery IPF 06/28/19 06/28/19 1d 100%
  Installation Phase 3   01/13/20 02/23/20 30d 0%
Schedule 2 weekend of work and 1 01/13/20 01/13/20 1d 0%
contingency weekend
Facilities Installs Conduit 02/15/20 02/17/20 2d 0%
Facilities Installs Sensors 02/22/20 02/22/20 1d 0%
IT runs fiber and Cat5e 02/22/20 02/22/20 1d 0%
Switches are installed 02/23/20 02/23/20 1d 0%
Base station 02/23/20 02/23/20 1d 0%
Functionality is Tested 02/23/20 02/23/20 1d 0%
  Testing Phase 4   03/02/20 03/23/20 16d 0%
Test with Test group 03/02/20 03/02/20 1d 0%
Test during spring ball practices 03/23/20 03/23/20 1d 0%
  Project Closure Phase 5   07/31/20 08/03/20 2d 0%
Fully Functioning Sensors Deadline 07/31/20 07/31/20 1d 0%
Develop Bi-Yearly testing plan 08/03/20 08/03/20 1d 0%
Happy Hour Party 08/03/20 08/03/20 1d 0%
Risks and Contingencies

 There are several risks associated with this project. There are some

ways we can plan to take care of these risks when they come as well.

Here are a few risks we have identified for this project:

 Individual sensors in both the IPF and on players could malfunction,

causing the project to be cost prohibitive to replace additional

hardware. This could be solved by making sure that faulty ardware

replacement is included with the contract with Catapult. 

 Facilities could run into issues installing the hardware and running the

required cables, making the installation more expensive than

budgeted. We will build a little wiggle room into the installation budget

to cushion the cost of additional labor or parts.

 Internet/Power outages in the IPF could bring the entire system down

where it could not be used for that day. This could be mitigated

through the use of hotspots, backup generators, or a secondary

internet source.

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