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II a

“Local Scenery”

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I point to these "reports" as items to be-included in our data. Proxy has its way of keeping us very objective
regarding even the spuriously true. For all that few have complained of a "90 degree knife-edge horizon-wide
slice in their clouds" neither have I.

But then most people are yet to be convinced to distinguish between contrails and chemtrails to begin with. The
enormity of such an anomaly in the absence of more than a few "witnesses" would leave us hard pressed to at
least warrant a position in the matter. As long as we are including the spuriously true, might be so very well out
of the way of our perceptual expectations, requiring more obvious symptoms. What we can
measure inconsistent with anything we can remedy as "cause".

It is not otherwise unusual to be curious about the fact that the Earth spins Widdershins, untrained to think
backwards about moving forward".

That National Geographic and the Discovery Channel are not doubted equally (if not especially) guilty of testing
those of us who are not too sheepish to ask why the details are incorrect every time the Earth simulated this
way? Ignorance of such details for the sake of argument tends to be obscurely irrelevant when discussing
something say, like HAARP, unless the details are intended to quantify other arguments (such as the
relationship with jet-stream). Some tend to read the words in a book-rather than the pictures, although I would
agree for the sake of this other argument it would be nice to have accurately depicted which way the World is
"growing" Except...

It is, unless you are looking at the Earth from its North pole, moving in the right direction, Deosil, from the

The importance of including data is a matter of acquiring our response to the consequences presented.
Perspective consistent with expectation. It might be up to the architects of GE to have explained how the
possibility that things might from time to time contain glitches is something we ought to get used to [like corrupt
links and complete interruption of playback of anything on youtube shortly after e-mailing one of its
questionable links?]

So CTRL vapors may be obscured [in the case of stealth] or pushed aside [in some other case] in effect, beyond
the consequence of our perceptual expectations on the ground. The view is quite different on the other side of
the road. Would we know there was ever a bump if it had not been right under our feet? If not just filled a gap
with sand or swerved around or in some other way averted the consequence of our perceptual expectations?

The vapor might too, also be reflected, so as to only give the appearance of a "90 degree knife-edge horizon-
wide slice in their clouds" to the instrument sorting things out. Until the architects of GE explain the glitch is
consistent with such expectations, still a glitch- A fissure in the road.

Local scenery.

“Another important movement is the spiral, of which there are two principal forms, one inward,
one outward. They can be performed in either direction; and, like the circumambulation, if
performed deosil i.e. In the same direction as the hands of a watch move, they invoke — if
widdershins i.e. In the opposite direction, they banish.”

Aleister Crowley Vol. 4:III:c10p64

F layer

The F layer or region, also known as the Appleton layer, is 120 km to 400 km above the surface of the Earth. It
is the top most layer of the ionosphere. Here extreme ultraviolet (UV, 10–100 nm) solar radiation ionizes atomic
oxygen. The F layer consists of one layer at night, but in the presence of sunlight (during the day), it divides into
two layers, labeled F1 and F2. These F layers are responsible for most skywave propagation of radio waves,
facilitating high frequency (HF, or shortwave) radio communications over long distances. They are thickest and
most effective in refracting radio signals on the side of the earth facing the sun.

Unforseen intent?

Perhaps all just a glitch in the architect’s design. There are no ideas here involved with randomized dating of
some fantastic event, including those involving Arks, whales, or cannibal worms, and particularly “Motherships”
and runaway planets. We’ve been at this too long to make a point again of regarding “Brotherhoods and
Federations of Light”, “Ashtar” commands and the like. These mysterious chalklines matricing the heaven we
are assured, reason purpose, though if we are to arrive at anything worthwhile we must ask right questions, and
include data. 2

Who could see such an anomaly 150km above the Earth’s surface.

242 miles. 1277760 feet. Even the steepest right angles at very high altitude, for just a few miles, would appear
too unremarkable for anyone on the ground to mind. Not even commercial aircraft.

But I have not until now ever noticed aircraft flying at the altitudes some of these. Ask the right questions.

Just how high are these aircraft thought-if no t known to be flying? A need to ask someone, maybe one or more
experienced pilots, who would know what sort of aircraft can carry dispersal payload that high [for that long,
must be awful heavy!]. Nor has anyone noted how there could be 10 or 20 aircraft in the sky at one time and
noone has missed a flight, had an air accident or even reported a near miss. 10 or 20 planes cross-hatching in
layers as the trail can be seen.

There is certain to be some glitches in any mechanism intending to visually scan the entire World, as it rotates,
and digitally render, format and trasmit that image every hour in every available detail. Indeed it is quite possible
that large chunks of data are completely excluded-lost-from the local scenery. At least we can begin to become
familiar with the kinds of anomaly yielded by such glitches-Namely the loss, or mushing up of polygons while an
object is being rendered. On the other hand GE’s engine has an hour to complete the process-compared to ID’s
Q3map engine which does it in fps (frames per sec), rendering millions of polygons as fast as there is enough
processing power to translate the instructions.

Our hearts, when unfettered by such selfish ideals as tend to suppose natures rules revolve around our
perceptual expectations, will otherwise confess that yes, the Earth is an organism, was at some time born, and
has endured a process of growth and maturity and follows the same organic rules as everything else in it- Local

Monday, November 10, 2008

9:30 PM

No one ever heard of “Ashtar” until John A. Keel journalized the claim of stewardship by the foul odoured “Princess
Moon-Owl” in his investigation of events surrounding the collapse of the Silver bridge, “The Mothman Prophecies”. It is
not remarkable to the author at least, that since then, hundreds, if not thousands of so called “contactees” have made put
forth testament of the existence of a “Federation of Light” operated by the “Ashtar Command”, which Keel has warned us
is for the most a lot of “ultra-terrestrial” hogwash perpetrated on the minds of those too gullible or plain stupid to need to
know that anything else far more fantastic has been going on in this World we live in for a very long time.

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