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1. The natural water content of a simple taken from a soil deposit was found to be
11.5%. It has been calculated that the maximum density for the soil will be
obtained when the water content reaches 21.5%. Compute how many grams of
water be added to each 1000 g of soil (in its natural state) in order to increase
the water content to 21.5%
2. A cylinder contains 500 cm3 of loose dry sand which weigh 750 g, and under a
static load the volume is reduced 1%, and then by vibration it is reduced 10% of
the original volume. Assume the soil density of the sand grain is 2.65 Mg/m3.
Compute the void ratio, porosity, dry density and total density corresponding to
a. Loose sand.
b. Vibrated and loaded sand
c. Under static load.
3. A sample of natural glacial till was taken from below the ground water table.
The water content was found to be 55%. Estimate the wet density, dry density,
buoyant density, porosity and void ratio. Clearly state any necessary
4. A sand is composed of soil constituents having a density of 2.68 g/cm3. The
void ratio is 0.58. Compute the density of the sand when dry and when
saturated and compare it with the density is submerged.
5. A 588 cm3 volume of moist sand weight 1010 g. Its dry weight is 918 g and the
density of solid is 2670 kg/m3. Compute the void ratio, the porosity, water
content, degree of saturation and the total density.
6. The value of minimum e and maximum e for a pure silica sand were found to be
0.46 and 0.66 respectively. What is the corresponding range in the saturated
7. A natural deposit of soil was found to have a water content of 20% and to be
90% saturated. What is the void ratio of this soil?
8. A 1050 cm3 volume of clay weight 143 g in its undisturbed state. When the clay
specimen is dried it weight 111.3 g. What is the natural water content of the clay
and what is the degree of saturation. Assume Gs = 2.70
9. The moisture content of saturated clay is 160%. The specific gravity of the soil
solids is 2.40. What are the wet and dry unit weights of the saturate clay?
10. A saturated sample of inorganic clay has a volume of 21.4 cm3 and weight
36.7 g. After drying, the volume is found to be 13.7 cm3. The weight of dry soil is
23.2 g. For the soil in its natural state find water content, specific gravity, void
ratio, saturated unit weight, dry unit weight.
11. A soil (medium sand) has a damp density of 1.77 g/cm3. The moisture content
was found to be 15.1%. Find void ratio, dry density and degree of saturation.
12. A 1 m3 volume of dry soil has a mass of 1.7 t. The water content is 20% and Gs
are 2.70. Find void ratio, porosity, degree saturation, moist unit weight.
13. A loose uncompacted sand fill 6 m in depth has a relative density of 40%.
Laboratory test indicated that the minimum and maximum void ratios of the
sand are 0.46 and 0.90 respectively. The specific gravity of soil of the sand
is 2.65. What is the dry unit weight of the sand? If the sand is compacted to a
relative density of 75%, what is the decrease in thickness of the 6 m fill?
14. The moisture continent of a soil sample is 18.4% and its dry unit weight is
15 kN/m3. Assuming that the specific gravity of solids is 2.65 Calculate the
degree of saturation. What is the maximum dry unit weight?
15. For a sandy soil, the maximum and minimum void ratios are 0.86 and 0.52
respectively. If the specific gravity is 2.66, what is the void ratio and the dry unit
weight at Dr = 65%.
16. The porosity of a soil is 35%. Given that specific gravity of solids is 2.69,
calculate saturated unit weight and moisture content when the moist unit weight
is 17.5 kN/m3.
17. The dry density of a soil is 1.75 g/cm3. Given that specific gravity of solids is
2.66, what is the moisture content of the soil when it is saturated?
18. For a saturated soil, the moisture continent is 23% and specific gravity of solid
is 2.67. Find saturated unit weight, dry unit weight and moist unit weight when
the degree of saturations becomes 70%.
19. The unit weight of a soil is 96 lb/ft3. The moisture content of this soil is 17%
when degree saturation is 60%, finds void ratio, specific gravity of soil solids
and saturated unit weight.
20. A sample fully saturated clay weight 1350 g in its natural state and 975 g after
drying. Compute void ratio and porosity. What is the natural water content of the
21. A 100% saturated soil has a total density of 2.05 g/cm3 and water content of
25%. What is the density of solids? What is the dry density of the soil?
22. The total volume of a soil specimen is 80.000 mm3 and it weight 145 g. The dry
weight of the specimen is 128 g and the density of the soil solids is 2.68 t/m3.
Find the water continent, void ratio, porosity, degree of saturation, wet density
and dry density.

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