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Based on the slide that is explained, the urine can be used as a sample for the lab.

How do the
urine test results say normal?

A urine test can be declared normal if the urine looks clear, smells like normal

urine, has a normal pH level, no red blood cells or white blood cells are seen,

and there are no bacteria.

What about lab results function of negarif or normal?

This test is used to examine a hundred people. If the hundred people get negative results, then
NOT ONE of the hundred people will actually suffer from the disease. Therefore, a positive result
using an examination with specificity means that the person actually has the disease.

Materi 2
Of the material preparing a patients for radiologi, what there any side effect from this radiological
examination? Explain!

Doing a one-time CT scan is actually safe for a person. However, the risk of

cancer may increase due to radiation from repeated CT scans. Especially

when a CT scan is performed on children on the chest or abdomen.

MRI's strong magnetic fields can damage aids in the body, such as a


The body can get injured when it forgets to remove jewelry before doing an

MRI examination.

Although the case is rare, contracted fluids can cause blood pressure to drop

(drastically), anaphylactic shock, and even heart attacks.

The contrast fluid given to the radiation examination can cause dizziness, a

metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, and itching.

Why we must do fasting befote radiologi examination?

Before doing a radiological examination you are advised not to eat solid food

for two hours before the examination. This is done so that when the

examination is carried out, the doctor or radiologist can clearly see the inside

of the patient's body without being obstructed by solid objects

and To reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration in the event of vomiting.

Pulmonary aspiration is the entry of food, stomach acid, saliva, or other

foreign objects into the lungs which can lead to pulmonary infection.

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