Senior Project Product - Video Outline

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Video Interview Outline/Speaking Points

Topics discussed in interview:

➔ Prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping
➔ Racial Microaggressions
➔ White Fragility
➔ How can we do our part?

➔ Hello everyone, my name is Rida Yunus, I’m a senior in high school at Michigan
Islamic Academy
➔ Today, I want to talk to you about an issue that is very important to me, and that
is just as relevant today as it has been throughout history. That issue is racism.
➔ Touch on how prominent racism is even now (not something that ever went away,
just got concealed and “brushed under the rug” so to speak), what inspired me to
research this topic, what aspects of racism will be discussed (questions from
letter to judges), talk about social psychology
➔ So today, I actually have a special guest that I will be interviewing to get a bit
more insight on this issue.
➔ Introduce Dr.Harvell
*Transition Frame*

Prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping:

➔ So I think we should start off with a pretty simple question, so I want to ask you,
how would you define the word ‘prejudice’?
➔ So when we talk about prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping, these words
are sometimes used interchangeably, as if they roughly mean the same thing, but
they don’t right? So how would you define discrimination and stereotyping?
➔ I know that those three statements can a lot of times go hand-in-hand, or at least
one leads to another? Can you give examples of that? And also, is it possible to
ever have one without the other two at all?
➔ Is there such a thing as a “good” stereotype?

*Transition Frame*

Racial Microaggressions:
➔ Introduce this topic by stating the definition of “racial microaggressions”
➔ Emphasize the “intentional vs. unintentional” part
◆ How this can also apply to POC doing it to other POC
◆ A lot of the time, the people who say these racial microaggressions are
unaware that they are doing it, either because they are not well-informed,
mean it as a compliment that they do not realize sounds offensive and
racist, or both/a multitude of reasons
➔ Bring up the three forms: microassault, microinsult, microinvalidation
◆ Ask Dr.Harvell to define/describe each one, and discuss
➔ Talk about the 9 categories of microaggressions with distinct themes
◆ Show pictures of chart, or put text on screen

*Transition Frame*

White Fragility:
➔ The next few questions I have for you are regarding a topic that is a little tricky to
talk about, to say the least, but it’s also really important. I actually remember a
friend of mine saying recently that when a conversation is uncomfortable or
difficult to have, that's how you know it's important, and that it’s a conversation
worth having. So I wanted to talk with you about the issue of white fragility.
➔ Mention Dr.Robin DiAngelo and her article
◆ Quote what she said and the phrase “racially illiterate”
➔ Result of always having reaped the benefits of being at the top of the racial
➔ Talk about this phrase from the article: “They move through a “wholly racialized
world with an unracialized identity”, which basically means that “white people can
represent all of humanity”, while “people of color can only represent their racial selves”.”
◆ Discuss our own experiences where we may have witnessed an example
of this in stores, on the street, etc.
➔ They don’t have to deal with race-based stress
◆ The different challenges that trigger racial stress for them

*Transition Frame*

How can we do our part?

➔ Non-racist vs. Anti-racist
➔ Being open minded and looking at your own self critically
◆ Even if you think you are free of racist ideals
◆ Not easy to do, but so important for change and growth
➔ Acknowledging that there is a problem
◆ Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter
◆ Don’t discredit the experiences of POC
➔ Educational books, videos, movies/films
➔ Donating to and supporting organizations that are fighting against racism
➔ Support Black-owned and POC-owned businesses

➔ Video editor: vimeo, picsart, adobe spark video
➔ At the end of the video, there will be a list of resources for the audience
◆ Educational resources
● Books
● Videos
● Movies/Films
◆ Accounts to follow
◆ Businesses to support
● Black-owned businesses
● Asian-owned businesses
● Latinx-owned businesses
● Indigenous-owned businesses
◆ Organizations

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