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Slogan Safety:

 Safety is no accident.

 Think before you act.

 Safety is forever.

 Never forget about safety.

 Safety means zero accident.

 Keep no accident record.

 Remember safety! You family is waiting for you at home.

 Safety is our first priority.

 No safety, no business.

 Stop accidents before they stop you.

 Come safely, work safely and arrive home safely.

 Work safely means success.

 Keep safety at the first step.

 Make your workplace safe and comport.

 Safety is our concern.

 With safety, we win.

 The safe way is the only way.

 Get smart! Use safety from the start.

 Be safety minded.

 Your work and safety can not be separated.

 Safety is the biggest investment.

 Learn from others mistakes; don’t have others learn from you.

 Safety is a must.
 Work safely today and everyday.

 Always talks about safety before you start working.

 Do it safely.

 Think safety before you work.

 You can’t get home unless you’re safe.

 Ignoring a warning can cause much mourning.

 Remember unprepared means unsafe.

 Safety is the first gate to success.

 Safe workers are smooth workers.

 Safety is our main concern.

 Always think safety before you work.

 Working without safety means failure.

 Follow the procedures, keep safety in mind.

 Save tomorrow. Act safely today.

 Safety is a journey.

 Yes! Safety is our business.

 Safety is the best way to work.

 Safety is our value

Scroll Down……

o • A fire today – no job tomorrow

o • Fire catches, so don’t play with matches.

o • Fires that are small, soon will be tall!

o • Cooking food’s hot, so don’t touch the pot!

o • Crawl down low, when it’s time to go!

o • Get out quick, before the smoke gets thick!

o • When in doubt, there’s two ways out!

o • Gather your clan, make a fire plan.

o • Hey just in case, have a meeting place.

o • Never hide, stay outside!

o • Stop, drop, and roll.

o • Learn not to burn.

o • Fire is a good servant but a bad master.

o • Whatever bums never returns.

o • Think of fire before it starts.

o • Never trust fire.

o • Uncontrolled fire knows no frontiers.

o • Fire defence is a self defence.

o • Fire the Friend, Fire the Foe.

o • Kill Fire before it kills you.

o • Be alert avert fire.

o • Carelessness is the biggest cause of fire.

o • Fire loss is a national loss.

o • Old fire-fighters never die, they just stop arson around!”

o • Match have heads, but without brain, when use their heads use your

o • No safety knows fire, know safety no fire.

o • Less fire safety, more risk More fire safety, no risk.

o • Fire safety on, accidents gone.

o • Fire safety goes Danger grows.

o • Know fire safety, no pain, no fire safety, know pain.

o • Duty without fire safety . . . . brings fatality.

o • Know the roots of fire safety- enjoy the fruits of duty.

o • Fire fighting is one of the most essential services of an organized


o • A little fire is quickly trodden out, which being suffered, rivers cannot

o • Wherever there is fire safety, pins are hefty.

o • Accident brings tears, fire safety brings cheers.

o • Fire destruction is one man’s job, fire prevention is every body’s job.

o • Electrical safety leads to fire safety.

o • Ensure fire safety, save life save property.

o • We serve to save.


P.P.E (Thanks to Trevor P.)

o • Safety saves, Accidents cost you.

o • Safety First, Avoid the Worst.


o • Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car!

o • Safety is a frame of mind – So concentrate on it — all the time

o • Safety is like a lock – But you are the key

o • Before you do it, take time to think through it.

o • Accidents hurt —- Safety doesn’t.

o • Tomorrow – Your reward for working safely today.

o • Falling objects can be brutal if you don’t protect your noodle

o • Safety first, to last.

o • Safety first makes us last.

o • Safety rules are your best tools

o • The safe way is the only way

o • You can’t get home, unless you’re safe.

o • Ignoring a warning can cause much mourning.

o • The adage “look before you leap” is a lifesaver.

o • Safety fits like a glove; Try one on

o • Safety…Do it. Do it right. Do it right now.

o • Some have eyes and cannot see

o Some have ears and cannot hear

o So lets be wise

o And wear our safety gear.

o • A CASUAL attitude toward safe TY = CASUALTY

o • Don’t learn safety by accident

o • Working safely may get old, but so do those who practice it

o • Safety is as simple as ABC…Always Be Careful

o • Think Safety, Because I Love You Man

o • Courtesy and common sense promote safety.

o • Don’t be safety blinded, be safety minded.

o • Don’t put your life on the line in 2009 – Think safety

o • Work together…work safely

o • Take time out for safety

o • Safety pays
o • Safety starts with me

o • Safe and healthy!

o • Make safety a part of your work

o • Keep safety in mind. It will save your behind.

o • Don’t be a fool, cause safety is cool, so make that your rule.

o • Safety will set you free.

o • One safe act can lead to another.

o • Keep your eyes on safety.

o • Dare to be aware.

o • Hard hats, they’re not just for decoration.

o • Have another day – by being safe today!

o • Have your chimney inspected by a professional before each heating


o • Have your furnace checked every year by a professional.

o • Health and safety, words to live by.

o • Hearing protection is a sound investment.

o • “Hey, wanna see something cool?” (Last words uttered before a mishap)

o • Home safe–not just for baseball.

o • Ice skating on thin ice can be deadly, skate in supervised areas.

o • If caught in a riptide: go with the flow.

o • If the cord has a fray, throw it away.

o • If the little voice says, “I wonder if this is safe to do?”, it probably isn’t.

o • If you can’t find the time to do it right, when will you find the time to do it

o If you don’t have time to do it safe, do you have time to do it with a man
o • If you don’t know what is going to happen, there is no way to stop it. Plan

o for safety.

o • If you don’t think it will happen to you, find the person who had it happen
to them.

o • If you don’t think it’s safe, it probably isn’t. Stop the job and contact your

o supervisor.

o • If you drink and drive, you might as well smoke.

o • If you mess up, ‘fess up.

o • If you think safety is expensive, try ignorance.

o • If you think your safety specialist is a pain, try a leg fracture.

o • If you’re going to be stupid, you have to be tough!

o • Ignoring a warning can cause much mourning.

o • In case of injury remember “rice”- rest, ice, compress and elevate.

o • Informed is better than deformed.

o • Is better to crash into a nap… than to nap into a crash.

o • Is better to lose one minute in life… than to lose life in a minute.

o • It hurts to be unsafe.

o • It’s easier to ask a dumb question than it is to fix a dumb mistake..

o • Just because you always did it that way, doesn’t make it right.

o • Learn from others mistakes, don’t have others learn from you.

o • Leave firework displays to professionals.

o • Leave horse play to horses.

o • Lift with your legs, not your back.

o • Lifting’s a breeze when you bend at the knees.

o • Light up your Christmas tree, not your home; use approved decorations

o lights.

o • Living with your mistakes is harder than you think…. wear your safety

o • Make safety first, and make it last.

o • Mixing bleach and ammonia can be deadly.

o • Momma didn’t raise no fool… I use PPE to stay cool!

o • Move your ladder to avoid reaching.

o • Mow across the slope when using a hand mower. Drive up and down the

o for stability when using a riding mower.

o • Mowing and drinking doesn’t cut it.

o • My job provides my paycheck, but safety takes me home.

o • No safety know pain, know safety no pain.

o • Operating a boat while intoxicated is illegal.

o • Organ donor — A person who doesn’t wear his or her helmet.

o • Pencils have erasers–mishaps don’t!

o • People helping people–lending hands for our safety.

o • Use your eyes, don’t lose them

o • The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.

o • Remember – Safety is not a job; it is a way of life.

o • Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy

o • While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work

o • Safety doesn’t slow the job down but mishaps do.

o • A spill, a slip, a hospital trip.

o • When it’s hot, drink plenty of fluids.

o • When jogging, run against the traffic flow.

o • When safety is first, you last.

o • When you’re out on the water, don’t forget the basics of safe boating.

o • While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work.

o • Work safe today–heaven can wait.

o • You can’t cure stupidity.

o • You can’t get “home” unless you’re “safe.”

o • You get the level of safety that you are prepared to walk past.

o • Your accidents affect others too.

o • Your safety is everyone’s responsibility, especially yours.

o • Your safety is everyone’s responsibility, especially yours.

o • Safety… You will regret if you forget.

o • Those precious fingers don’t ignore. . . Or they could end up on the floor.

o • Protect your back – Use a jack.

o • Success is no accident

o • Never forget about safety

o • Shortcuts cut life short

o • No Safety – Know Pain, Know Safety – No Pain

o • It’s better to correct an unsafe friend than to bury one

o • You can eat with false teeth, you can’t see with a glass eye

o • Be a safety hero – score an accident zero

o • Safety – it’s the tool for LIFE

o • Safety comes in a can, I can, You can, We can be safe

o • When you gamble with safety you bet your life

o • Safety has no time out

o • New Year Resolution – if its unsafe I will find a solution

o • Safety – Live with it

o • Safety – everyone’s full time job

o • When in doubt get out

o • Safety in – we win

o • The chance taker is the accident maker

o • Lifting’s a breeze when you bend at the knees

o • Safety Glasses – All in favour say EYE

o • Zero tolerance on safety

o • Safety awareness saves lives

o • Safety – a good friend to take home

o • Better to lock out than luck out

o • Make safety a reality and don’t be a fatality

o • Safety rules are your best tools.

o • Safety first makes us last. S

o • Safety is like a lock – But you are the key.

o • Prepare & prevent instead of repair & repent.

o • Don’t be safety blinded, be safety minded.

o • Never think working safe is in vain when it could save a life time of pain.

o • Courtesy and common sense promote safety

o • Safety is as simple as ABC…Always Be Careful.

o • Safety isn’t expensive its priceless.

o • Working safely each day will keep the doctor away.

o • Safe actions bring lasting satisfaction.

o • The door to Safety swings on the hinges of common sense.

o • Open the Door to Safety: Awareness is the Key!

o • Safety is a full time job, don’t make it a part time practice.

o • Safety… You will regret if you forget

o • Safe Operators are Smooth Operators

o • Personal Protective Equipment is Self Defence

o • Time runs out on luck. Do the job the safe way

o • We need you! Work safely

o • What you don’t know about Safety could Hurt you

o • Why learn the hard way? Obey safety rules.

o • Wishing won’t keep you safe; Safety Will

o • Working together gets the job done safely.

o • Working without Safety is a Dead-End Job

o • You can never over do Safety

o • Don’t work alone Watch for others

o • Flesh and Bone are no match for a grinding Stone

o • One bad day at the grinder could ruin your whole life.

o • Don’t get caught with your guard off….it could be dis-arming

o • Guard against man eating machines

o • Machine guards keep you on your side.

o • Trying to make up time could cost you your life.

o • Protect your hands…..Use your head.

o • Be hand-in-glove with safety.

o • Use your wits…..use padded mitts.

o • Replacing a saw guard is easier than replacing a finger

o • Think sharp….never handle broken glass with bare hands.

o • Using Safety gloves is all in your hands.

o • Safety is our goal…Whats yours

o • Protect your hands, you need them to pick up your pay check.

o • Quench the thirst–Safety First

o • Do the do’s not the don’ts





o • Business stalls if you slip and fall

o • Lead the way, safety today

o • Save tomorrow. think safety today

o • Those who work the safest way, live to work another day!

o • Wear safety shoes and keep a good footing on life.

o • To avoid a scene keep your work place clean.

o • Stop ! Think ! Then Act !

o • Protect your thoughts and wear a hard hat.

o • Keep a grip on life and protect your hands.

o • Think safety and act Safely.

o • A harness is better than a hearse.

o • Be aware of slips and trips.

o • SAFETY – The measure of success.

o • If in doubt check it out – Safety First.

o • Check your shoes and don’t let your day slip away.

o • Yes safety is my business

o • Safety rules are there to follow. So take care and we will see you



o • Safety…Do It For Family

o • Safety is a race we can all win

o • Our Job is Anchored in Safety

o • Safety is a Frame of Mind, Get the Picture

o • Safety starts with “S” but begins with “YOU”

o • Use safety as a vital tool, at work it’s the “Golden Rule”

o • Forgot your hearing protection? Forget about hearing!

o • Volunteers do it for free!

o • Search & Rescue Officers do it any time, any place, under any conditions

o they do it for free.

o • Support your local Search and Rescue Squad – Get Lost

o • For a good time, Dial 911- operators are standing by!

o • Our paramedics give you a charge!

o • Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car!

o • If you drink, don’t drive. Don’t even putt.

o • Keep your kids safe. They’ll choose your nursing home

o • If everything comes your way, you are in the wrong lane.

o • Have another day

o • You light ’em, we fight ’em; you crash, we dash.

o • Anger is one letter away from Danger. Drive gently

o • If you can’t be good, be careful. If you can’t be careful, we’ll get a call.

o • Smoke detectors make good stocking stuffers.

o • Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are

o • Triumph is just an “umph” ahead of try.

o • Santa likes a clean chimney, so do we.

o • The earth spins at 1,000 mph. Wear your seat belts.

o • Don’t lose your head to gain a minute, You’ll need your head, Your
brains are in

o it!

o • Life did not begin by accident. Don’t end it as one.

o • Unsafe acts will keep you in stitches.

o • The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense.

o • Forget the hearse with safety first.

o • It’s not the bullet that kills you, it’s the hole. Call 911.

o • Macho does not prove mucho. Do it safely.

o • You fall, you call, we haul, that’s all.

o • Call 1st, call fast, gotta make that v-fib last, till we shock ‘um, make ‘um
jump, get

o a rhythm, and a pump.

o • Old fire-fighters never die, they just stop arson around!”

o • If you drink and drive, you might as well smoke

o • Put Safety into action — stay out of Traction!

o • Safety never takes a holiday

o • Working safely is like breathing; If you don’t, you die!

o • ’97 – Too soon to see Heaven – Safety First



o • Luck runs out but safety is good for life.

o • Better dead sure than sure dead.

o • The chance taker is the accident maker.

o • A wound neglected may be a wound infected.

o • At work at play, let safety lead the way.

o • Practice safety in all you do — everyone depends on you!

o • You bet your life when you take a chance.

o • Only fools break safety rules.

o • SAFETY: To be or not to be — there’s no question about it!

o • You can eat with false teeth, you can walk with a wooden leg, you can
even hear

o with a hearing aid, but you can’t see with a glass eye.

o • BEST BE Safe Today

o • Stand up for safety

o • Work safely to-day and every day

o • Speak up for safety

o • Be aware Take care

o • Zero compromise towards safety

o • Safety is no accident

o • Always think safety no matter what the task

o • Always look after No.1 and if you need help just ask

o • Think safety avoid unsafe acts

o • Play it safe

o • Know safety No Accidents

o • The first 3 letters in workplace safety YOU

o • More waste prevention + more recycling =Less waste = Less landfill

o • Even in a hi-tech world you eyes are still your greatest asset

o • Check for safety then recheck

o • Put your brakes on speed

o • Think safety – it couldn’t hurt

o • If you can’t be good, be careful. If you can’t be careful, we’ll get a call.

o • Smoke detectors make good stocking stuffers.

o • Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are

o • Triumph is just an “umph” ahead of try.

o • Santa likes a clean chimney, so do we.

o • The earth spins at 1,000 mph. Wear your seat belts.

o • Don’t lose your head to gain a minute, You’ll need your head, Your
brains are in

o it!

o • Life did not begin by accident. Don’t end it as one.

o • Unsafe acts will keep you in stitches.

o • The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense.

o • Forget the hearse with safety first.

o • It’s not the bullet that kills you, it’s the hole. Call 911.

o • Macho does not prove mucho. Do it safely.

o • You fall, you call, we haul, that’s all.

o • Call 1st, call fast, gotta make that v-fib last, till we shock ‘um, make ‘um
jump, get

o a rhythm, and a pump.

o • Old fire-fighters never die, they just stop arson around!”

o • If you drink and drive, you might as well smoke

o • Put Safety into action — stay out of Traction!

o • Safety never takes a holiday

o • Every accident – every – time if it’s predictable it’s preventable

o • Have you an eye for safety or are you blinded by bad habits

o • Never give safety a day off

o • Let safety be a sponge – soak it up

o • Safety is a way of life

o • Risk – is is worth it?

o • Safety begins with No. 1

o • Your good health is your greatest wealth

o • Stop unsafe acts now

o • Be sure be safe

o • Safety first and last longer

o • Safety – it’s in your hands

o • Be aware – Take care

o • Safety is free use it generously

o • Safety is our business too

o • Accident prevention – Your No. 1 intention

o • Hear to-day gone tomorrow – use you hearing protection

o • Think positive an accident is only an attitude away

o • Safety is success by purpose – Not Accident

o • Safety records don’t happen by accident

o • Chance takers are accident makers

o • Get smart! Use safety from the start.

o • Think smart before you start.

o • When you gamble with safety … You bet your life.

o • Safety isn’t just a slogan, it’s a way of life.

o • Better to be safe than to be sorry!

o • Chance takers are accident makers.

o • Be alert! Accidents hurt.

o • A safer you is a safer me.

o • Unprepared = Unsafe.

o • The safe way is the right way

o • When jogging, run against the traffic flow.

o • Wear the right protective equipment for the job.

o • Use the right tool for the job.

o • Just because you always did it that way, doesn’t make it right.

o • Safety is something you learn from the start – Being accident free is
doing your

o part.

o • If you are aware of it take care of it

o • Safety begins with teamwork

o • Watch your step – it could be your last

o • When walkways freeze – walk safely please

o • Safety First, Last and Always

o • The goal must be zero accidents

o • You will achieve the level of safety excellence that you demonstrate you

o • Failing to prepare = Prepare to fail

o • Safe to do? Ask

o • Work smarter not harder

o • Don’t get caught in the web of unsafe acts

o • Wipe up and avoid a slip up

o • We need you – work safely

o • Working without safety is a dead end job

o • Don’t get caught with your guard off – it could be disarming

o • Guard against man eating machines

o • Safety is our goal what’s yours?

o • Do the do’s not the don’t s

o • To avoid a scene keep your workplace clean

o • Stop! Think! Then Act!

o • A harness is better than a hearse

o • Be aware of slips and trips

o • One rung too high and you could die

o • When you’re done messin’ up, sweep your darn resin up

o • The hotter it gets on the outside, the more water you need inside

o • Don’t get caught in the web of unsafe acts. (This is written in the
background of a

o spider web.)
o • Don’t get spooked by safety. (This is placed next to a picture of a ghost)

o • Wipe Up and avoid a Slip Up!

o • Zero in on safety

o • Team up to safety

o • Safety starts with S but begins with you

o • The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense

o • Safety is a state of mind – Accidents are an absence of mind

o • A wound neglected is a wound infected

o • Normal speed meets every need

o • Stop accidents before they stop you

o • Look sharp don’t get cut

o • Before you start be safety smart

o • Safety is a full time job – don’t make it a part time practice

o • 10 fingers. 10 toes, If you are not safe Who knows?

o • You get what you inspect, not what you expect

o • Work safely or Hurt greatly

o • Safety comes before schedule only in the dictionary

o • The safety risk is the one you didn’t take

o • KISS Keep it Safe and Sound

o • A casual attitude towards safety = CASUALTY

o • Safety is as simple as ABC – Always Be Careful

o • You safety gears are between your ears

o • Make your plant the best – safer than all the rest

o • Know safety – No injury, No safety – Know injury

o • Get the safety habit

o • Don’t fix the blame, fix the problem

o • Hearing protection is a sound investment

o • One safe act can lead to another


o • Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car!

o • Safety is a frame of mind – So concentrate on it — all the time

o • Safety is like a lock – But you are the key

o • Before you do it, take time to think through it.

o • Accidents hurt —- Safety doesn’t.

o • Tomorrow – Your reward for working safely today.

o • Falling objects can be brutal if you don’t protect your noodle

o • Safety first, to last.

o • Safety first makes us last.

o • Safety rules are your best tools

o • The safe way is the only way

o • You can’t get home, unless you’re safe.

o • Ignoring a warning can cause much mourning.

o • The adage “look before you leap” is a lifesaver.

o • Safety fits like a glove; Try one on

o • Use your eyes, don’t lose them

o • The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.

o • Remember – Safety is not a job; it is a way of life.

o • Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy

o • While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work

o • Safety doesn’t slow the job down but mishaps do.

o • A spill, a slip, a hospital trip.

o • When it’s hot, drink plenty of fluids.

o • When jogging, run against the traffic flow.

o • When safety is first, you last.

o • When you’re out on the water, don’t forget the basics of safe boating.

o • While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work.

o • Work safe today–heaven can wait.

o • You can’t cure stupidity.

o • You can’t get “home” unless you’re “safe.”

o • You get the level of safety that you are prepared to walk past.

o • Your accidents affect others too.

o • Your safety is everyone’s responsibility, especially yours.

o • Your safety is everyone’s responsibility, especially yours.

o • Safety… You will regret if you forget.

o • Those precious fingers don’t ignore. . . Or they could end up on the floor.

o • Protect your back – Use a jack.

o • Success is no accident

o • Never forget about safety

o • Shortcuts cut life short

o • No Safety – Know Pain, Know Safety – No Pain

o • It’s better to correct an unsafe friend than to bury one

o • You can eat with false teeth, you can’t see with a glass eye
o • Be a safety hero – score an accident zero

o • Safety – it’s the tool for LIFE

o • Safety comes in a can, I can, You can, We can be safe

o • When you gamble with safety you bet your life

o • Safety has no time out

o • New Year Resolution – if its unsafe I will find a solution

o • Safety – Live with it

o • Safety – everyone’s full time job

o • When in doubt get out

o • Safety in – we win

o • The chance taker is the accident maker

o • Lifting’s a breeze when you bend at the knees

o • Safety Glasses – All in favour say EYE

o • Zero tolerance on safety

o • Safety awareness saves lives

o • Safety – a good friend to take home

o • Better to lock out than luck out

o • Make safety a reality and don’t be a fatality

o • Safety rules are your best tools.

o • Safety first makes us last. S

o • Safety is like a lock – But you are the key.

o • Prepare & prevent instead of repair & repent.

o • Don’t be safety blinded, be safety minded.

o • Never think working safe is in vain when it could save a life time of pain.
o • Courtesy and common sense promote safety

o • Safety is as simple as ABC…Always Be Careful.

o • Safety isn’t expensive its priceless.

o • Working safely each day will keep the doctor away.

o • Safe actions bring lasting satisfaction.

o • The door to Safety swings on the hinges of common sense.

o • Open the Door to Safety: Awareness is the Key!

o • Safety is a full time job, don’t make it a part time practice.

o • Safety… You will regret if you forget

o • Safe Operators are Smooth Operators

o • Personal Protective Equipment is Self Defence

o • Time runs out on luck. Do the job the safe way

o • We need you! Work safely

o • What you don’t know about Safety could Hurt you

o • Why learn the hard way? Obey safety rules.

o • Wishing won’t keep you safe; Safety Will

o • Working together gets the job done safely.

o • Working without Safety is a Dead-End Job

o • You can never over do Safety

o • Don’t work alone Watch for others

o • Flesh and Bone are no match for a grinding Stone

o • One bad day at the grinder could ruin your whole life.

o • Don’t get caught with your guard off….it could be dis-arming

o • Guard against man eating machines

o • Machine guards keep you on your side.

o • Trying to make up time could cost you your life.

o • Protect your hands…..Use your head.

o • Be hand-in-glove with safety.

o • Use your wits…..use padded mitts.

o • Replacing a saw guard is easier than replacing a finger

o • Think sharp….never handle broken glass with bare hands.

o • Using Safety gloves is all in your hands.

o • Safety is our goal…Whats yours

o • Protect your hands, you need them to pick up your pay check.

o • Quench the thirst–Safety First

o • Do the do’s not the don’ts





o • Business stalls if you slip and fall

o • Lead the way, safety today

o • Save tomorrow. think safety today

o • Those who work the safest way, live to work another day!

o • Wear safety shoes and keep a good footing on life.

o • To avoid a scene keep your work place clean.

o • Stop ! Think ! Then Act !

o • Protect your thoughts and wear a hard hat.

o • Keep a grip on life and protect your hands.

o • Think safety and act Safely.

o • A harness is better than a hearse.

o • Be aware of slips and trips.

o • SAFETY – The measure of success.

o • If in doubt check it out – Safety First.

o • Check your shoes and don’t let your day slip away.

o • Yes safety is my business

o • Safety rules are there to follow. So take care and we will see you



o • Safety…Do It For Family

o • Safety is a race we can all win

o • Our Job is Anchored in Safety

o • Safety is a Frame of Mind, Get the Picture

o • Safety starts with “S” but begins with “YOU”

o • Use safety as a vital tool, at work it’s the “Golden Rule”

o • Forgot your hearing protection? Forget about hearing!

o • Volunteers do it for free!

o • Search & Rescue Officers do it any time, any place, under any conditions

o they do it for free.

o • Support your local Search and Rescue Squad – Get Lost

o • For a good time, Dial 911- operators are standing by!

o • Our paramedics give you a charge!

o • Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car!

o • If you drink, don’t drive. Don’t even putt.

o • Keep your kids safe. They’ll choose your nursing home

o • If everything comes your way, you are in the wrong lane.

o • Have another day

o • You light ’em, we fight ’em; you crash, we dash.

o • Anger is one letter away from Danger. Drive gently

o • If you can’t be good, be careful. If you can’t be careful, we’ll get a call.

o • Smoke detectors make good stocking stuffers.

o • Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are

o • Triumph is just an “umph” ahead of try.

o • Santa likes a clean chimney, so do we.

o • The earth spins at 1,000 mph. Wear your seat belts.

o • Don’t lose your head to gain a minute, You’ll need your head, Your
brains are in

o it!

o • Life did not begin by accident. Don’t end it as one.

o • Unsafe acts will keep you in stitches.

o • The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense.

o • Forget the hearse with safety first.

o • It’s not the bullet that kills you, it’s the hole. Call 911.

o • Macho does not prove mucho. Do it safely.

o • You fall, you call, we haul, that’s all.

o • Call 1st, call fast, gotta make that v-fib last, till we shock ‘um, make ‘um
jump, get
o a rhythm, and a pump.

o • Old fire-fighters never die, they just stop arson around!”

o • If you drink and drive, you might as well smoke

o • Put Safety into action — stay out of Traction!

o • Safety never takes a holiday

o • Working safely is like breathing; If you don’t, you die!

o • ’97 – Too soon to see Heaven – Safety First



o • Luck runs out but safety is good for life.

o • Better dead sure than sure dead.

o • The chance taker is the accident maker.

o • A wound neglected may be a wound infected.

o • At work at play, let safety lead the way.

o • Practice safety in all you do — everyone depends on you!

o • You bet your life when you take a chance.

o • Only fools break safety rules.

o • SAFETY: To be or not to be — there’s no question about it!

o • You can eat with false teeth, you can walk with a wooden leg, you can
even hear

o with a hearing aid, but you can’t see with a glass eye.

o • BEST BE Safe Today

o • Stand up for safety

o • Work safely to-day and every day

o • Speak up for safety

o • Be aware Take care

o • Zero compromise towards safety

o • Safety is no accident

o • Always think safety no matter what the task

o • Always look after No.1 and if you need help just ask

o • Think safety avoid unsafe acts

o • Play it safe

o • Know safety No Accidents

o • The first 3 letters in workplace safety YOU

o • More waste prevention + more recycling =Less waste = Less landfill

o • Even in a hi-tech world you eyes are still your greatest asset

o • Check for safety then recheck

o • Put your brakes on speed

o • Think safety – it couldn’t hurt

o • If you can’t be good, be careful. If you can’t be careful, we’ll get a call.

o • Smoke detectors make good stocking stuffers.

o • Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are

o • Triumph is just an “umph” ahead of try.

o • Santa likes a clean chimney, so do we.

o • The earth spins at 1,000 mph. Wear your seat belts.

o • Don’t lose your head to gain a minute, You’ll need your head, Your
brains are in

o it!

o • Life did not begin by accident. Don’t end it as one.

o • Unsafe acts will keep you in stitches.

o • The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense.

o • Forget the hearse with safety first.

o • It’s not the bullet that kills you, it’s the hole. Call 911.

o • Macho does not prove mucho. Do it safely.

o • You fall, you call, we haul, that’s all.

o • Call 1st, call fast, gotta make that v-fib last, till we shock ‘um, make ‘um
jump, get

o a rhythm, and a pump.

o • Old fire-fighters never die, they just stop arson around!”

o • If you drink and drive, you might as well smoke

o • Put Safety into action — stay out of Traction!

o • Safety never takes a holiday

o • Every accident – every – time if it’s predictable it’s preventable

o • Have you an eye for safety or are you blinded by bad habits

o • Never give safety a day off

o • Let safety be a sponge – soak it up

o • Safety is a way of life

o • Risk – is is worth it?

o • Safety begins with No. 1

o • Your good health is your greatest wealth

o • Stop unsafe acts now

o • Be sure be safe

o • Safety first and last longer

o • Safety – it’s in your hands

o • Be aware – Take care

o • Safety is free use it generously

o • Safety is our business too

o • Accident prevention – Your No. 1 intention

o • Hear to-day gone tomorrow – use you hearing protection

o • Think positive an accident is only an attitude away

o • Safety is success by purpose – Not Accident

o • Safety records don’t happen by accident

o • Chance takers are accident makers

o • Get smart! Use safety from the start.

o • Think smart before you start.

o • When you gamble with safety … You bet your life.

o • Safety isn’t just a slogan, it’s a way of life.

o • Better to be safe than to be sorry!

o • Chance takers are accident makers.

o • Be alert! Accidents hurt.

o • A safer you is a safer me.

o • Unprepared = Unsafe.

o • The safe way is the right way

o • When jogging, run against the traffic flow.

o • Wear the right protective equipment for the job.

o • Use the right tool for the job.

o • Just because you always did it that way, doesn’t make it right.

o • Safety is something you learn from the start – Being accident free is
doing your

o part.

o • If you are aware of it take care of it

o • Safety begins with teamwork

o • Watch your step – it could be your last

o • When walkways freeze – walk safely please

o • Safety First, Last and Always

o • The goal must be zero accidents

o • You will achieve the level of safety excellence that you demonstrate you

o • Failing to prepare = Prepare to fail

o • Safe to do? Ask

o • Work smarter not harder

o • Don’t get caught in the web of unsafe acts

o • Wipe up and avoid a slip up

o • We need you – work safely

o • Working without safety is a dead end job

o • Don’t get caught with your guard off – it could be disarming

o • Guard against man eating machines

o • Safety is our goal what’s yours?

o • Do the do’s not the don’t s

o • To avoid a scene keep your workplace clean

o • Stop! Think! Then Act!

o • A harness is better than a hearse

o • Be aware of slips and trips

o • One rung too high and you could die

o • When you’re done messin’ up, sweep your darn resin up

o • The hotter it gets on the outside, the more water you need inside
o • Don’t get caught in the web of unsafe acts. (This is written in the
background of a

o spider web.)

o • Don’t get spooked by safety. (This is placed next to a picture of a ghost)

o • Wipe Up and avoid a Slip Up!

o • Zero in on safety

o • Team up to safety

o • Safety starts with S but begins with you

o • The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense

o • Safety is a state of mind – Accidents are an absence of mind

o • A wound neglected is a wound infected

o • Normal speed meets every need

o • Stop accidents before they stop you

o • Look sharp don’t get cut

o • Before you start be safety smart

o • Safety is a full time job – don’t make it a part time practice

o • 10 fingers. 10 toes, If you are not safe Who knows?

o • You get what you inspect, not what you expect

o • Work safely or Hurt greatly

o • Safety comes before schedule only in the dictionary

o • The safety risk is the one you didn’t take

o • KISS Keep it Safe and Sound

o • A casual attitude towards safety = CASUALTY

o • Safety is as simple as ABC – Always Be Careful

o • You safety gears are between your ears

o • Make your plant the best – safer than all the rest

o • Know safety – No injury, No safety – Know injury

o • Get the safety habit

o • Don’t fix the blame, fix the problem

o • Hearing protection is a sound investment

o • One safe act can lead to another

o • One split second of carelessness could change your entire future.

o • Never think working safe is in vain when it could save a life time of pain.

o • Turn your attention to accident prevention.

o • Your safety gears are between your ears.

o • Make your plant the best, safer than all the rest

o • Safety Conscious, Smart Obvious.

o • When in doubt, safety wins out.

o • Safety comes in cans. I can, you can, we can.

o • Are you part of the safety TEAM…..(Together Employees Accomplish


o • Forget the hearse with Safety first.

o • Prepare & prevent instead of repair & repent.

o • Don’t just preach safety, profit from it.

o • “Working safely keeps everyone working.”

o • A “Safety” attitude is one that never hurts to take home with you.

o • The difference between preaching and practicing Safety is measured

one Safety

o Rep at a time.

o • 6″ of bruise is better than 6′ under – Buckle up!

o • Safety is something you learn from the start

o • Being accident free is doing your part

o • Safety is a frame of mind

o So concentrate on it — all the time

o • Safety is like a lock

o But you are the key

o • Before you do it, take time to think through it.

o • Accidents hurt —- Safety doesn’t.

o • Tomorrow – Your reward for working safely today.

o • Chance takers are accident makers.

o • Still water doesn’t always run deep, look before you leap.

o • Slow down! Your family will be waiting for you.

o • It’s better to lose one minute in life… than to lose life in a minute.

o • In case of injury remember “rice”- rest, ice, compress and elevate.

o • “Hey, wanna see something cool?” (Last words uttered before a mishap

o • Have another day – by being safe today!

o • Safety is a frame of mind – So concentrate on it — all the time.

o • Get smart! Use safety from the start.

o • Don’t learn safety by accident.

o • CAUTION – I Brake For Stop Signs!

o • At work at play, let safety lead the way.

o • Safety is the light …. Let it shine.

o • Fail Safety and it will fail you.

o • Take the extra step for safety

o • Invest in tomorrow. Practice safety today.

o • Know safety – No injury. — No safety – Know injury.

o • Safety… A commitment to yourself.

o • Safety… Always in season.

o • Safety first, to last.

o • Safety first makes us last.

o • Safety rules are your best tools

o • The safe way is the only way

o • You can eat with false teeth, you can walk with a wooden leg, you can
even hear

o with a hearing aid, but you can’t see with a glass eye.

o • Use your eyes, don’t lose them.

o • Lift smart, think, then start.

o • Caution: Read, then proceed.

o • Invest in tomorrow. Practice safety today.

o • Safe crane operation is uplifting.

o • Safety Clicks in 2006

o • Safety’s great in 2008

o • Safety never hurts!

o • Safety begins with teamwork

o • Your future brightens with safety

o • The safe way is the best way

o • Our aim, no accidents

o • Get the safety habit

o • Safety is everybody’s job

o • Safety pays all ways

o • The best safety device is a safe worker

o • The right way is the safe way

o • Take the extra step for safety

o • Think safety 1st

o • Safety is not an accident

o • Safety…it’s my job

o • First…safety…last

o • Knock out…accidents

o • Safety and quality go hand in hand

o • Safety in the mine in 2009

o • Make safety a priority

o • Think safety before you start

o • Personal floatation devices, don’t leave the dock without them.

o • Plan and practice exit drills in the home.

o • Play it safe in the water, swim in areas with life guards.

o • Pretend like you are invisible when driving a motorcycle or bicycle,

because a

o small percentage of people driving cars will never see you.

o • Prevent boating accidents, take a small boat safety course.

o • Prevent hunting accidents, know your target before you shoot.

o • Prior to games, check playing field to avoid fields of screams.

o • Proper planning prevents piss-poor performance.

o • Safe boating is no accident.

o • SAFE — Staying Accident-Free Everywhere

o • Safety — a small investment for a rich future.

o • Safety can distinguish you. Lack of safety can extinguish you.

o • Safety comes in cans:I can, you can, we can.

o • Safety doesn’t happen by accident.

o • Safety doesn’t slow the job down but mishaps do.

o • Safety: expect the unexpected.

o • Safety first… because accidents last.

o • Safety gear — 2 minutes … Risk assessment — 5 minutes … A mishap

that takes

o a life — forever.

o • Safety glasses: All in favor, say “Eye!”

o • Safety glasses: Making foresight 20/20.

o • Safety has no quitting time.

o • Safety is about doing the right thing, even if no one is looking.

o • Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy.

o • Safety is a continuing journey, not a final destination.

o • Safety is a mission, not an intermission

o • Safety is as easy as A-B-C: Always Be Careful.

o • Safety is as simple as ABC… Always Be Careful.

o • Safety is a value – not a priority.

o • Safety is everyone’s responsibility.

o • Safety is no accident.

o • Safety isn’t a hobby, it’s a living.

o • Safety rules are your best tools.

o • Shortcuts don’t cut it.

o • Slip, trip and fall are four-letter words.

o • Slow down! Your family will be waiting for you.

o • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors save lives.

o • Stay in shape, not only during basketball season, but also after the

o • Step up, be safe, or step aside.

o • Still water doesn’t always run deep, look before you leap.

o • Store guns and ammo separately.

o • Stretch and flex for your health and safety.

o • The only excuse for poor safety is poor planning.

o • The price of an accident is always high.

o • The safe way is the right way.

o • The stupid shall be punished.

o • There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth getting.

o • There aren’t many new accidents, but there sure are a lot of new victims.

o • There’s no face like your own, wear face protection.

o • There’s no such thing as new accidents, just new victims.

o • This is not a hobby for me–I do this for a living.

o • This machine can kill you.

o • This tool will punch you in the face , if you let it.

o • To learn about eye protection, ask someone who has one.

o • To see or not to see, use eye protection.

o • Unnecessary risks may leave you on the sidelines instead of in the


o • Unprepared = Unsafe.
o • Use the right tool for the job.

o • Use your head figuratively—wear a helmet.. Watch what you heat.

o • We all want to go home to our families at the end of the day

o • Wear a bicycle helmet to prevent serious head injuries.

o • Wear an approved bike helmet when you go bike riding, it could save
your life.

o • Wear personal flotation devices, they float, you don’t.

o • Wear the right protective equipment for the job.

o • What would improve safety on your job? Tell your boss.

o • When disconnecting cords, pull the plug rather than the cord.

o • When everything else fails, follow the instructions.

o • When in doubt, check it out.

o • * When it seems there is never enough time to do things the right way,

o there is always enough time for an investigation.

o • When it’s hot, drink plenty of fluids.

o • When jogging, run against the traffic flow.

o • When safety is first, you last.

o • When you’re out on the water, don’t forget the basics of safe boating.

o • While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work.

o • Work safe today–heaven can wait.

o • You can’t cure stupidity.

o • You can’t get “home” unless you’re “safe.”

o • You get the level of safety that you are prepared to walk past.

o • Your accidents affect others too.

o • Your safety is everyone’s responsibility, especially yours.

o • If you fidget with safety you could lose a digit.

o • Safety’s intention is accident prevention

o • Safe today – Alive tomorrow

o • Safety’s the key to accident free

o • Before you start – Be safety smart

o • Stop! Safety pays

o • Put safety first – Prevent the worst

o • Don’t learn safety by accident

o • No injuries to anyone, ever

o • You come into this world tied off, so stayed tied off.

o • Chance takers are accident makers

o • Safety…you do make a difference

o • Safety fits like a glove; Try one on!

o • Safety… You will regret if you forget.

o • Safety is a full time job, don’t make it a part time practice.

o • Safety… It can charm you, or ALARM you!

o • Accidents Big Or Small, Avoid Them All

o • What’s it Worth – Safety First

o • 10 Fingers 10 Toes

o IF you are not Safe

o Who Knows

o • You get what you inspect – Not what you expect

o • Death lurks in Confined Spaces

o • Seat Belts are for kids – Hug them at home – Belt them in the car

o • Work Safely or Hurt greatly

o • Open the Door to Safety: Awareness is the Key!

o • Safety comes before schedule only in the dictionary.

o • Safety, it’s for life.

o • Safety isn’t for helping you up, it’s to keep you from falling.

o • If you fidget with safety you could lose a digit.

o • Safety’s intention is accident prevention

o • Safe today – Alive tomorrow

o • Safety’s the key to accident free

o • Before you start – Be safety smart

o • Stop! Safety pays

o • Put safety first – Prevent the worst

o • Don’t learn safety by accident

o • No injuries to anyone, ever

o • You come into this world tied off, so stayed tied off.

o • Chance takers are accident makers

o • Safety…you do make a difference

o • Safety fits like a glove; Try one on!

o • Safety… You will regret if you forget.

o • Safety is a full time job, don’t make it a part time practice.

o • Safety… It can charm you, or ALARM you!

o • Accidents Big Or Small, Avoid Them All

o • What’s it Worth – Safety First

o • 10 Fingers 10 Toes

o IF you are not Safe

o Who Knows

o • You get what you inspect – Not what you expect

o • Death lurks in Confined Spaces

o • Seat Belts are for kids – Hug them at home – Belt them in the car

o • Work Safely or Hurt greatly

o • Open the Door to Safety: Awareness is the Key!

o • Safety comes before schedule only in the dictionary.

o • Safety, it’s for life.

o • Safety isn’t for helping you up, it’s to keep you from falling.

o • Safety isn’t expensive its priceless.

o • Unsafe acts will keep you in stitches.

o • A spill, a slip, a hospital trip.

o • Being safe is like breathing you never want to stop.

o • Safety Is Your Life’s Work

o • At Work, At Home, Let Safety Be Known

o • Life did not begin as an accident; don’t end it with one.

o • 30 Days has September.

o • Safety first – Please remember.

o • Safety practices … Do or die.

o • Better to have two on the job than one in the hospital.

o • Better to tie off than to fly off.

o • Better late in this world than early to the next.

o • Being alert never hurts.

o • Be a leader, follow safe procedures.

o • Be alert–accidents hurt.

o • Be alert, be aware, be alive.

o • Be proactive–not reactive–towards safety.

o • Be safe at work or you might miss welcome home, a hug, a kiss.

o • Be safety smart right from the start.

o • Be visible when biking or jogging, wear reflective material.

o • Before using any new equipment, read and fully understand the

o instructions.

o • Before you do it, take time to think through it. Use ORM.

o • Before you go boating, leave a float plan with a friend or marina operator.

o • Behind the wheel, anger is one letter away from danger.

o • Being safe is like breathing–You never want to stop.

o • Better to arrive late than never. Drive carefully!

o • Boat load limits; don’t exceed them.

o • Boat safely, know before you go.

o • Bottoms up, booze and boating don’t mix.

o • Broken tools can be replaced. You can’t.

o • Caution–I Brake For Stop Signs.

o • Chance takers are accident makers.

o • Change the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors annually.

o • Check your shoes and don’t let your day slip away.

o • Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

o • Children should always wear a helmet while riding their bikes.

o • Complacency will hurt you when you least expect it.

o • Crashing sucks

o • Do a pre warm-up and stretch prior to participating in any sport.

o • Do the easy work first–you could be replaced before the hard work

o • Do you know how to report an unsafe condition in your workplace?

o • Don’t be a fool! Inspect your electrical tools.

o • Don’t be a fool. Use the proper tool.

o • Don’t be safety blinded, be safety minded.

o • Don’t fix the blame, fix the problem.

o • Don’t just preach safety, profit from it.

o • Don’t learn safety by accident.

o • Don’t leave safe habits at work, take them home.

o • Don’t let safety take a holiday.

o • Don’t let the light go out, wear eye protection.

o • Don’t lose your head: Read signs instead.

o • Don’t overload extension cords.

o • Don’t put your life on the line. Think safety.

o • Don’t take unnecessary risks, use operational risk management.

o • Don’t treat an emergency as normal and don’t treat normal actions as

o emergencies.

o • Double check to prevent a wreck.

o • Dress for the weather. In cold weather, it’s better to wear several layers
o clothing than one bulky item.

o • Drink plenty of cool water to prevent dehydration in the summer.

o • Drinking and driving – There are stupider things, but it’s a very short list.

o • Electricity can turn you off.

o • Exercise at a comfortable pace.

o • Exercise indoors when the air temperature plus the humidity reaches

o • Expect the unexpected. Gear up for safety.

o • Eyes are priceless, eye protection is cheap.

o • Falling objects can be brutal if you don’t protect your noodle.

o • First… safety… last.

o • FOD — This isn’t your daddy’s flight line.

o • Folks don’t care how much you know until they know how much you

o • For safe bicycling obey all traffic signals, signs and pavement markings.

o • Forget the nurse with safety first.

o • Forgot your hearing protection? Forget about hearing!

o • Get a grip. To prevent a slip, use hand rails.

o • Get a medical check-up before starting any exercise routine.

o • Get help if the load’s too heavy.

o • Get In S.T.E.P. Safety Takes Every Person.

o • Get smart! Use safety from the start.

o • Going fishing? Get hooked on safety.

o • Good habits will normally keep you out of bad trouble.

o • Good housekeeping prevents accidents.

 Pastikan Area Kerja Aman Sebelum Melakukan Pekerjaan.
 Pastikan Lindungi Diri Dengan Alat Safety Sebelum Bekerja.
 Awas Anggota Badan Terbentur,Pastikan Hati - Hati dan Waspada Saat Bekerja.
 Jauhkan Bahan Mudah Terbakar di Saat Bekerja Memakai Api.
 Hati - Hati Saat Bekerja..Ingat Keluarga Menunggu di Rumah.
 Pastikan Berangkat kerja Selamat,Pulang Kerjapun Kondisi Selamat.
 Jadikan Budaya Safety Sebagai Ujung Tombak dalam Bekerja.
 Pastikan Kebersihan Area Kerja Selalu OK.
 Aku Akan Bekerja Selamat dan Membuat Area Kerjaku Sehat.
 Berbudaya Sehat akan membuahkan hasil yang maksimal.
 Menjaga safety Dalam Bekerja ,Menghasilkan Qualitas Produk Yang Istimewa.
 Berdoa Sebelum Bekerja,Konsentrasi Saat Bekerja,Safety Pasti Terjaga.
 Safety,Camkan Dalam Hati,Keselamatan Kerja Pasti Terjadi.
 Kondisikan Area Kerja Bersih Sebelum Memulai Pekerjaan.
 Gunakan Safety Belt Di Saat Bekerja Di Ketinggian.
 Lengkapi Diri Dengan Alat Safety.
 Safetymu Safetyku,Safety Kita Safety Keluarga.
 Jauhkan Diri Dari Mesin Auto Running Saat Perbaikan.
 Pasang Tag Dangerouse Sebelum Memulai Pekerjaan.
 Pastikan Sehat Jasmani Untuk Menjaga Safety.
 Awali Pekerjaan Dengan Berdoa,Semoga Safety.
 Pastikan Area Kerja Aman Saat Kita Bekerja.
 Selalu Proteksi Tangan Dengan Sarung Tangan Saat Bekerja.
 Check Kelengkapan Tool Kerja Setelah Bekerja,Agar Tidak Terjadi Foreigh Material.
 Ciptakan Area Kerja Yang Aman dan Nyaman.
 Ciptakan Hasil Produk Dengan Bekerja Safety.
 Menjaga Safety Dengan Saling Mengingatkan Rekan Kerja Saat Bekerja.
 Pastikan Kondisi Jasmani Sehat,Sebelum Memulai Pekerjaan.
 Pastikan Kondisi Mesin Off Sebelum Memulai Pekerjaan.
 Pastikan Power Listrik Off Sebelum Memulai Koneksi Kabel.
 Gunakan Alat Pelindung Diri Dengan Baik Dan Benar,Agar Safety Terjaga.
 Pastikan Komunikasi Rekan Kerja Dengan Baik dan Benar Saat Bekerja.
 Pastikan Semua Pekerjaan Sudah Finish Sebelum Memulai Mesin Running.
 Pastikan tidak ada Abnormal Fungsi Safety Saat Bekerja.
 Pastikan  Memastikan Area Perempatan Jalan Aman Sebelum Jalan.
 Jadikan Safety Sebagai Jiwa Dalam Bekerja.
 Bekerjalah Dengan Ikhlas,Maka Safety Akan Terjadi.
 Awali Pekerjaan Dengan Basmallah Dan Akhiri Dengan Alhamdulillah.
 Jagalah Safety Dengan Bekerja Hati - Hati Dan Waspada.
 Kenali Area Kerja Sebelum Melakukan Pekerjaan.
 Pahami Potensi Bahaya Pekerjaan Sebelum Melakukan Pekerjaan.
 Hindari Dari Tergesa - gesa Saat Melakukan Pekerjaan.
 Jauhkan Diri Dari Amarah Saat Bekerja,Agar Safety Terjaga.
 Keselamatan Adalah Target Utama Dalam Bekerja.
 Keselamatan adalah Nyawa Setiap Pekerja.
 Ingat Keluarga Menunggu Di Rumah,Pastikan Selamat Dalam Bekerja.
 Jadikan Safety Prioritas Utama Dalam Bekerja.
 Memakai Alat Safety,Konsentrasi Saat Bekerja,Safety Pasti Terjaga.
 Jangan Bekerja Tanpa Alat Pelindung Diri.
 Jadikan Alat Safety Sebagai Teman Setia Dalam Bekerja.
 Sayangi Diri Sendiri dan Jauhkan Dari Bahaya.
 Gunakan Sepatu Safety Dengan Baik Dan Benar.
 Kecelakaan Kerja Di Awali Dari Kecerobohan.
 Hindari Ceroboh Pada Saat Bekerja.
 Ceroboh Adalah Mala Petaka Yang Mengakibatkan Kecelakaan Kerja.
 Fokus Dalam Bekerja,Hindarkan Potensi Bahaya.
 Buang Sampah Di tempatnya Adalah Usaha Menjaga Keselamatan Kerja.
 Hentikan Kecelakaan Kerja Sebelum Kecelakaan Kerja Menghentikan Anda.
 Proteksi Diri Dengan Konsentrasi,Safety Pasti Terjadi.
 Hindarkan dari Canda Gurau Penyebab dari Kecelakaan Kerja.
 Gunakanlah Kaca Mata Dengan Baik dan Benar Saat Melakukan Menggerinda.
 Arahkan Percikan Gerinda ke Tempat Yang Aman.
 Pastikan Area Kerja Tidak Ada Bahan Mudah Terbakar Saat Menggerinda.
 Pastikan Mesin Gerinda Kondisi Aman Sebelum Di Pakai.
 Lakukan Kebersihan Area Kerja Setelah Melakukan Penggerindaan.
 Gunakan Masker Pada Saat Menggerinda,Agar Tidak Mengganggu Pernafasan.
 Pastikan Air Dalam Ember Ada Di Saat Melakukan Pekerjaan Api.
 Pastikan Melakukan Barigade Area Pada Saat Melakukan Pekerjaan Api.
 Pastikan Kabel Las Terurai Pada Saat Melakukan Pengelasan.
 Pastikan Tidak Ada Kabel Yang Terkelupas Pada Saat Bekerja Mengelas.
 Pastikan Tidak Ada Bahan Mudah Terbakar Di Dekat Area Pengelasan.
 Pastikan Menggunakan Sarung Tangan Kulit Pada Saat Mengelas.
 Awas Bahaya Terjepit ,Pastikan Komunikasi Dengan Rekan Kerja OK.
 Jauhkan Diri Dari Bekerja Pada Mesin Yang Sedang Running.
 Hindarkan Diri Dari Mengantuk Pada Saat Bekerja.
 Pastikan Dengan Menunjuk Bahwa Kondisi Area Benar - Benar Aman.
 Saling Mengingatkan Pentingnya Safety Adalah Wujud Peduli Safety.
 Biasakan Diri Dengan Peduli Terhadap Safety.
 Bekerja Dengan Safety Wujud Dari Peduli Terhadap Diri Sendiri.
 Menjaga Area Kerja Safety Adalah Bukti Peduli Safety.
 Kondisi Safety Di Awali Dari Diri Sendiri.
 Jadikan Safety Sebagai Ruhnya Dalam Mengais Rejeki.
 Ingat Keluarga Ingat Safety.
 Ingin Bertemu Keluarga Lagi...Bekerjalah Dengan Safety.
 Apapun Pekerjaannya Safety Yang Utama.
 Apapun Alasannya Safety tak Pernah Tergadaikan.
 Sakit Lebih Mahal Dari Sehat..Maka Bekerjalah Dengan Safety.
 Jangan Karena Kecelakaan Kerja,,,Karir Hidupmu Menderita.
 Peduli Terhadap Safety Adalah Modal Awal Saat Bekerja.
 Aku Harus Bekerja Selamat ,Aman, dan Nyaman..
 Ingin Hidup Seribu Tahun Lagi...Jagalah Safety Di Setiap Saat.
 Jadikan Safety Sebagai Kekasih Di Setiap Hari.
 Bekerjalah Dengan Safety Kapanpun dan Di Manapun Kita Berada.
 Bekerja Safety Tidak Kenal Kompromi.
 Maut Tidak Pandang Jabatan dan Pangkat..Jagalah Selalu Safety.
 Kelalaian Adalah Awal Dari Kecelakaan Kerja..Waspadalah..
 Sadarlah...Safety Bukanlah Hal Yang Harus Di Remehkan..Karena Maut Akibatnya..
 Budayakan Safety Sejak Dini.
 Kenali Potensi Bahaya Sebelum Melakukan Pekerjaan.
 Pahami Area Kerja Agar Terhindar Dari Kecelakaan Kerja.
 Pastikan Tidak Ada Potensi Bahaya Saat bekerja.
 Hilangkan Potensi Bahaya Sebelum Melakukan Pekerjaan.
 Safety Adalah Jaga Diri,Konsentrasi dan Hati -Hati Pada Saat Bekerja.
 Jauhkan Diri Dari Kelalaian Dan Kecerobohan Dalam Bekerja.
 Kelalaian dan Kecerobohan Menjauhkan Diri Dari Safety.
 Budayakan Kebersihan dan Kerapihan Dalam Bekerja Untuk Menjaga Safety.
 Kecelakaan Kerja Timbul Tak Terduga..Hati - Hati Dan Waspadalah
 Budayakan Bekerja Dengan Safety Di Setiap Hari.Jadikan Diri Selalu Ingat Safety Di
Manapun Dan Kapanpun.
 Ciptakan Suasana Kerja Yang Bersih Dan Nyaman,,Agar Safety Terjaga.
 Safety Adalah Harga Mati...Tak Bisa Di Tawar Lagi..
 Bekerjalah Dengan Hati - Hati..Safety Pasti Terjadi.
 Potensi Bahaya Adalah Penyebab Utama Kecelakaan kerja.
 Lakukan Analisa Duga Bahaya Sebelum Memulai Bekerja...Safety Pasti Terjaga.
 Bekerja Tidak Menciptakan Kecelakaan Kerja...Waspadalah Dalam Bekerja.
 Bekerja Safety Adalah Prioritas Utama Dalam Pekerjaan.
 Hadirnya Kecelakaan Kerja Membuat Bekerja Sia - Sia.
 Apapun Alasannya Keselamatan Bekerja Adalah  Di Atas Segalanya.
 Menjaga Safety Dalam Bekerja Adalah Bukti Nyata Qualitas Kerja.
 Menjaga Qualitas Safety Adalah Pekerjaan Yang Profesional.
 Tanamkan Safety Dalam Sanubari..Agar Aman Dan Nyaman Dalam Bekerja.
 Pahamkan Diri Tentang Safety..Maka Keselamatan Diri Pasti Terjaga.
 Jangan Acuhkan Adanya Potensi Bahaya..Karena Itu Adalah Awal Dari MalaPetaka.
 Jangan Sepelekan Keselamatan Kerja,,Karena Maut Sedang Mengintai.
 Awas Bahaya Selalu Mengawasi Kita..Waspada dan Berhati - Hatilah Saat Bekerja.
 Jangan Meremehkan Bahaya..Awas Maut Siap Menerkam.
 Jangan Jadikan Safety Sebagai Slogan Saja..Realitaskan Dalam Pekerjaan..
 Safety Adalah Hal yang Utama Dalam Pekerjaan.
 Jadikan Safety Sebagai Konsumsi Dalam Bekerja.
 Apa Arti Dari Lelah Ini Tanpa Adanya Safety.
 Safety Dalam Bekerja..Membuat Hidup Lebih Hidup..
 Jadikan Safety Nomer Satu..Lupakan Yang Lain..
 Apa Gunanya Bekerja Jika Tidak Safety..
 Pastikan Tidak Menggunakan Accesoris Selain Alat Pelindung Diri Pada Saat
 Pahamkan Diri Tentang Alat Safety Biar Kita Menggunakan Dengan Baik Dan
 Kenali Potensi Bahaya Di Sekitar Area Kerja..Agar Bekerja Lebih Aman dan
 Jangan Bunuh Diri Dengan Kecerobohan Bekerja.
 Gunakan Sabuk Pinggang Dengan Baik Dan Benar Biar Terhindar Dari Bahaya.
 Menjaga Keselamatan Kerja Adalah Harga Mati Bagi Pekerja..
 Rapihkan Rambut Untuk Menghindarkan Dari Bahaya Tergulung.
 Rapihkan Baju Kerja Agar Tidak Terbawa Putaran Mesin Saat Bekerja.
 Istirahatlah Jika Lelah Dalam Bekerja,Sebelum Kecelakaan Kerja Mengistirahatkan
 Jangan Bersahabat Dengan Bahaya,,Karena Maut Siap Menjemput Anda.
 Jadikan Safety Sebagai Pengingat Diri Di Setiap Beraktifitas.
 Bekerja Dengan Safety Atau Tidak Sama Sekali.
 Mengedepankan Aman Dalam Bekerja Bukti Nyata Peduli Safety.
 Mengabaikan Safety Adalah Langkah Awal Bunuh Diri.
 Konsentrasi dan Waspada Adalah Langkah Awal Menuju Safety.
 Maut Tidak Mengenal Basa Basi..Lindungi Diri Dengan Alat Safety Saat Bekerja.
 Maut Tidak Mengenal Usia..Pagari Diri Dengan Safety.
 Nyawa Tidak Ada Yang Menjual..Jagalah Nyawa Anda Dengan Alat Safety Saat
 Jagalah Nyawa Anda Sebelum Nyawa Meninggalkan Anda.
 Tergesa - Gesa Adalah Awal Dari Kecerobohan Yang Mengundang Potensi Bahaya.
 Hidup Hanya Sekali..Hidup Tanpa Arti Jika Hidup Tanpa Safety.
 Tak Akan Pernah Terjadi Kecelakaan Kerja..Jika Kita Pahami Potensi Bahaya Yang

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