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Ancient Rome Questions- Line them up Answers (Notes) Ancient Rome Notes

1. Rome, the capital city of Italy, had been one of the
most influential civilizations of all time.
2. Rome was established by a group (the Latins) in
753 B.C.
3. A group called the Etruscans conquered the Latins
and ruled Rome for many years.
4. In 509 B.C. the Romans overthrew the Etruscans
and started the Roman Republic.
5. A republic is a government system in which the
citizens elect leaders to make laws for them.
6. The two social classes of people in Ancient Rome
were the patricians (wealthy landowners) and the
plebeians (the working class).
7. By 100 B.C. the Romans ruled much of the
Mediterranean world.
8. Romans fought and conquered their worst enemy,
Carthage, a city in North Africa (Punic Wars).
9. The Roman republic weakened and the people
turned to a dictatorship.
10. Julius Caesar, a military leader, became dictator
and created an efficient government (not a
republic anymore)
11. A group of people, including his friends, killed
Caesar for fear he would become too controlling.
12. Then…Octavian, “Augustus” became the first
emperor of the Roman Empire, and for 200 years
Rome experienced the Pax Romana (Roman
13. Roman accomplishments- (Republic government,
improved architecture, sculpture, drama &
literature, extensive roads, sewer systems,
aqueducts, the Colosseum (gladiator battles),
public baths (spas), cement.

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