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1. I love living in Australia …. the weather.

a. Because
b. Since
c. As
d. because of
e. But


2. Tom opens the door. The passive is ...

a. The door was opened by Tom
b. The door opened by Tom
c. The door is opened by Tom
d. The door is being opened by Tom
e. The door opens by Tom


3. Andy : What do you think about the restaurant?

Budy : The price is too expensive

From the dialogue above we can conclude that…..

a. Budy is expressing pleasure
b. Andy is expressing pleasure
c. Budy is expressing displeasure
d. Andy is expressing displeasure
e. Budy is asking Andy’s opinion


4. My mom would buy me a new phone, if I ... the first rank.

a. Get
b. Gets
c. Got
d. have got
e. had got

5. Read the text to answer the question!
Indian society has traditionally been heavily based around a caste system, which
places stringent restrictions on social mobility and the ease with which people
considered to belong to a particular caste can interact with members of other castes.
However, in modern India in a business context, and certainly within leading Indian
and international companies, caste related identification is no longer the norm. Over
the last 50-60 years the Indian legislature has increasingly passed laws to reinforce the
more modern outlook and to remote and support social welfare.

Family values are a hugely important part of Indian life. Arranged marriages are very
common, and marriage as a concept is taken very seriously, leading to an extremely
low divorce rate. It is normal to see large, patriarchal families spanning many
generations. A lot of smaller businesses are likely to be family-run and owned, and
there will be a preference for employing other family members where possible.

What is the text mainly about?

a. The businesses of Indian castes.
b. The Indian social welfare.
c. The Indian social welfare.
d. The local culture of India.
e. The modern caste system.

6. Receptionist: Rinan Batik, can I help you?
Customer: . . . a gown, the code is 564. Is it available?
Receptionist: What colour will it be? Yes, it is available, ma'am.

A. I would like to reserve

B. I would like to order

C. I would like to book

D. I would like to know

7. Read the text to answer the question!
Kupang, April 2, 2013

Dear Paula,

Hello Paula, how are you? It’s been a month since I last heard from you.
Well, I just wanted to tell you that I was in a hospital last week.
According to the doctor I was infected by dengue fever. At first, I felt
my body became weak then fainted when was studying in the classroom.
Then, I was taken to the hospital because of the high fever.

At the hospital, I was brought into the emergency unit. The doctor
immediately gave some treatments. Finally, I had to stay there for one
week. Every day the doctor kept me on a drip. At the seventh day, my
condition was getting better. After the final check, the doctor gave me
permission to go home. Now, I’m okay and because of my illness, I am
now more careful about keeping in my house clean especially my room,
I don’t want to get the same illness again. Ok, think that’s all from me,
write to me soon ok?


What was the disease that she got?

a. Stomach
b. Toothache
c. Dengue fever
d. Sore throat
e. Influenza
8. Read the text to answer the question!

Urgently Needed Accountant (Code : ACC)

- Accounting Major
- Male and female
- Max. 28 years old
- Can speak and write English
- Familiar with MS Word, MS Office
- Having at least twenty-four months experiences

Preferably full time. To work in a well-established and a leading international export

and import company, located in Sidoarjo. Apply to HUMAN RESOURCE
DEPARTMENT (HRD), PO BOX 1234 Sidoarjo 223344 with full details; CV,
contact phone number, a recent colour photograph and certificates within 14 days

What position is offered in the advertisement....

a. Teacher
b. Job seeker
c. Job vacancy
d. Correct
e. Accountant


9. Read the text to answer the question!

All Students of Grade 9

You are invited to:

Day/Date: Saturday, the fifteenth of July

two thousand and nineteen
Time: 10 a.m. – 01 p.m.
Venue: SMA Negeri 1 Madang Suku I
Jl. Simpang Kepuh Rasuan - EAST OKU

*Invitation card available at OSIS room.

Where will the graduation party be held?

a. At Osis room.
b. On Simpang Kepuh street.
d. SMA Negeri 1 Madang
10. If you _________, I'll tell Jagger that we need time to think it over.
a. Want
b. Are
c. Wanting
d. will want
e. wants

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