12 Labors of Lent WORKSHEET

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12 Labors of Lent WORKSHEET:

1. Prayerfully decide on a person (can be a family or couple) to pray for. Remember you
are making a 40 day commitment of labor to this person, so choose wisely and
It is best to not prayer for something in particular as it may not be what is best for
the person (ie: for a girl and boy to get back together). Keep the intention general.
When that has been discerned, commit to the person by writing down the name.


2. Think of the things you can do for this person and their benefit. Think of easy things
and move up to more difficult. Don’t make it too easy but also don’t come up with
monumental tasks that are not feasible. Try to balance them in the 3 categories of
prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
a .Prayer is the spiritual component that is directly related to the care of the soul. It
is not a mental or physical exercise although body and mind are engaged. Think of
things you WANT to do instead of the things you feel you SHOULD do.
b. Fasting are the things that affect the body. Most times it is deprivation but geared
toward disciplining the appetites. Again, think of the things you WANT or NEED to do
rather than things you may feel FORCED to do.
c. Almsgiving is the action of giving to be free of possessions that are in abundance
and have become maybe an obstacle in your life. Think also of things that you can
give that you’ve been either selfish with or irrationally afraid of giving.

3. When you have decided on some things, list them in order of possibilities of
completing by the end of Lent. Then score down to 12 of them. List those 12.


4. Write the 12 labors down on a sticky note or piece of paper and keep it with you
or put it in a place
that you can see it regularly as a reminder. Put the person’s name down on the
sheet to remember who this is for.

5. The list can be a reminder or you may want to carry something around like a cross or
stone in your pocket to remember the person. You may want to wear a cross every day
in Lent as a reminder or some other memento of the special labors you are taking on.

6. At the end of Lent, compose a note or letter. Here is an example:

During these 40 days of Lent, I have done ………………… for your intentions and the good
of your soul. I have found great pleasure in serving you in this way and hope that the
graces of this season of penance bring you only good.
God bless,


The myths tell of Hercules being driven mad by the forces of evil and as an offering
for his sin, he was to complete 12 tasks to receive the grace of the gods again. The
labors are: 1. To kill the Nemean lion. 2. To destroy the Lernaean Hydra. 3. To
capture the Ceryneian Hind.4. To capture the Erymanthian Boar. 5. To clean the
Augean Stables. 6. To kill the Stymphalian Birds. 7. To capture the Cretan Bull. 8.
To round up the Mares of Diomedes. 9. To steal the Girdle of Hippolyte. 10. To herd
the Cattle of Geryon. 11. To fetch the Apples of Hesperides. 12. To capture

Lent sets aside 40 days for us to atone for our sins. We are called to “labor”
as well: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.

Fr. Joe’s 12 labors of Lent:

1. Find someone to pray for.

a. Someone you love and care for who has particular
needs (sick, in crisis, etc)
b. Someone you love and enjoy thinking about
c. Someone you care for or admire but don’t think often
enough about
d. Someone you have grown distant from but desire
reconciliation with
2. Come up with 12 labors that you can reasonably carry out
during the 40 days of Lent for that person’s intention or
benefit. The labors, if possible, should cover 3 categories:
a. Prayer (Spiritual): ex: Spiritual reading, learning a
prayer, attending Mass, Adoration, Rosary, Retreat, Bible
study, Spiritual direction, Confession
b. Fasting (Physical): ex: Fast day a week, a fast day in
the month, giving up certain foods, abstaining from
“pleasure” foods/drinks, semi-fast days, vegetable diet c.
Almsgiving (Social): ex: giving money to a good
Christian/Catholic cause, making commitment to good
investment, paying off debts, giving of self to charity or
health cause, attend to broken relationships, visit hospital or
3. After you’ve decided on 12 labors, write them down on a
4. Pray over the list and promise that you’ll do the labors for
your intention.
5. During Lent, make every effort to DILIGENTLY carry out
each labor. No shortcuts, no blowing it off. Remember each
time you’re doing something, that you’re doing it FOR
someone else’s good. You may carry something around to
remember the intention ( a pocket cross, wear a cross, etc)
6. After Lent is over (Holy Thursday), write the person you
were laboring for and tell them what you did for their
benefit. You may include the things you hoped to do and did
not and commit to doing them as soon as possible
7. Prepare to feel redeemed!

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