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West Port’s ‘Orphaned Cats’ Left

$170,000 in Inheritance
By Simon Mckerral - Critter News Network
Posted March 17th, 2021 at 3:08 pm

Tiger - one of the aforementioned ‘Orphaned Cats’ - lounging in their foster home awaiting
results Tuesday afternoon. Simon Mckerral - Critter News Network

Early morning at around 3:16 am on February 28th, Mrs. Belle P. Marionette

was found to have passed away in her sleep at the age of 86. Leaving not
only her estate and inheritance but her two Russian Blue cats - Tiger and
Lillith - behind. Mrs. Marionette was reported by her family to have loved and
cared for her feline companions since their discovery inside the walls of the
Marionette-Delrich estate. It was no secret to anyone that from the very
beginning Belle had begun creating what she often called a ‘care plan’, one of
which to be implemented upon her untimely death to ensure the safety and
comfort of her furry friends.

However, no one knew the lengths that she would take until the appointed
Executor and Attorney would read her testament on March 15th. Surprising to
Mrs. Marionette’s three daughters, her firstborn son and two grandchildren,
the main beneficiary to both her estate and her inheritance was none other
than her two cats.

“It’s complete nonsense.” Stated Harold, the firstborn son and previous
heir to Mrs. Belle Marionette’s legacy, “She was very old and frail by the
time she passed. There’s absolutely no way she was in the right mind
when that Will was written.”

Despite Harold Delrich’s concerns, both the Executor and Attorney ensured
that Mrs. Marionette was mentally competent and capable of making decisions
at the time. In fact, both her children and grandchildren were labelled
beneficiaries as well - inheriting exactly two-dollars and fifty-cents ($2.50) and
causing outrage foregoing the reading of the will.

While cats, dogs and other animals are considered property and cannot
legally be recipients of any legacy following their owners’ death - Mrs.
Marionette appeared to have anticipated this predicament. In place, Belle left
the remnants of her cash legacy (after appointing payments towards both her
Executor and Attorney) and real estate to a Miss. Jessica Ulrich. Marionette’s
dear neighbour who was reported by staff to have previously been her
appointed ‘cat sitter. A caretaker for the two felines when Mrs. Marionette left
her estate and could not take Tiger nor Lillith with her.

“I honestly didn’t know her all that well.” Admitted Jessica. “I was
surprised (by being invited to the reading of Belle P. Marionette’s Will)
and even now I still don’t know what to say. I can’t believe she trusts me
enough to care for her little fur babies. I bet they miss their mother
Jessica Ulrich is a young single mother and veterinarian who actually helped
nurse the twin kittens back to health following their discovery inside the estate,
which Mrs. Ulrich believes is the reason for her being bequeathed the title of
Pet Guardian. A trust was established in the final Will and Testament to leave
a cash legacy to the aforementioned ‘Pet Guardian’ on the condition that she
must care and provide for the Russian twins. A set of instructions for both the
care of these felines as well as the ongoing use of funds that are placed within
the trust were left alongside the Will.

© 2021 Critter News Network, a division of Lawful Entertainment inc.

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