Big 4 Bo de Tu Kiem Tra 4 Ky Nang Lop 4-Tap 2-New

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HOANG THI NGOC TU. sign oan THEO ‘ONG TRINH Wa cine tho oyc e vAoAo TAO ‘SACH DANH CHO Tu kiém tra 4 ky nang red Hoding Thi Ngoc Ta Pe a~ BO DE Ty kiém tra @ ky nang Nghe - Noi- 8oc-Viét Tiéng Anh (Co ban va Nang cao) eg NHA XUAT BAN BAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOL Puen Tony estaely Trén tay cdc con dang cém ld cuén sdch Big 4 - 86 dé ty kiém tra 4 ky nding Nghe - Nai mét s6 hudng d&n cy thé cho viée stt dung sach: Doc ~ Viét. D8 cdc con hiéu rd vé sach va ding sdch that higu qua thi sau day sé la 1. BO sch duge chia lam 6 cudn danh cho hoc sinh ldp 3,4,5. Mai lap s8 c6 hai tp. MBi mét tap sé dya véo néi dung sch Tiéng Anh 3, Tiéng Anh 4, Tiéng Anh 5 cia BG gido duc va dao tao ma cde con dang hoc trén 6p. N Nhéing trang déu la phn Chii thich, cdc con sé tra cdc tir chu biét dé biét you cau cia cdc hoat déng trong ting bai. @ . Cdu tric trong mdi mét cuén: * Sach sé chia ra ct hai bai sé c6 2 bai kiém tra, tét c& cdc bai kiém tra déu duge thi&t ké theo quy dinh théng tu méi nhdit vé kiém tra mén Ting Anh tigu hoc Trang du tién cla céc bai kiém tra truée méi 2 bai sé la phdn téng hop Iai ttt vung va edu tric duge hoc trong 2 bai dé. Hoc sinh cé thé nghe phat am tt thay gido nude ngodi, nhac Iai dé nhé duge tir vung va céu tric t6t hon. Day 1G mét phn rt thugn tién gidp cdc con cé thé d& dang nhé tir va hoc tr ma khéng cén mé lai sdch hoc. Phan tiép theo sé la 2 bai kigém tra, bai kiém tra duge thiét ké dua vao néi dung tir vung va cu tric ca néi dung 2 bai hec dé. Sau 5 bai sé c6 2 bai én tap (Review) va mét cau chuyén ngén (Short story) dua vao ngi dung da hoc & 5 bai Cudi cing sé la bai kiém tra cudi hoc ky dé kiém tra Iai toan bé kién thite cde con dé hoc trong mét ky hoc. 4, Cu tric trong mai mét bai kiém tra (Test) sau 2 bai (unit): Mi mét bai kiém tra sé gém c6 5 phén kiém tra nhé véi déy du cdc ky néng: + Phan kiém tra tir vung va nga am (Vocabulary and Phonics) - @ phan nay cde con s8 dug luyén lai cdc tit vyng va céich phat m cdc 4m duet hoc trong bai dung nhét. + Phan kiém tra ky ning Nghe (Listening) - G phén nay cdc con sé nghe va lam theo yéu cau ca titng bai. RAB Hung dan sitdung sach * Phén kiém tra ky nding Doc (Reading) - O phan nay cdc bai doc higu da duge thiét ké chi tiét dé cdc con c6 thé luyén dugc ky néing doc tir nhitng bai don gidn dén phic tap. + Phin kiém tra ky nang Viét (Writing) - G phan nay sé ran cho cdc con kha nang viét tur vung va céu tric cling nhu viét cdc doan van co ban bang Tiéng Anh. + Phdn kiém tra ky néing Néi (Speaking) - G phan nay cdc con é thé ty luyén néi hode ndi véi ban bé, anh chi, bé me, thay c6 dé nang cao ky nang néi. 5. Céu tric trong méi mét cdu truyén ng&n (Short story): * Trang dau tién sé la cu truyén, céc con sé nghe truyén lan 1 tiv dau dén cuéi. Sau dé nghe lan 2 dé lam cdc yéu céu cia bai nhu dién vao ché tréng hoe stra 18i sai, * Cac con nghe thém 1 én nita vai khi théy néi 1 cdu cdc con sé ditng Iai va nhée Iqi cau d6, c6 gang luyén néi gidng thdy nhéit c6 thé. + Cae con ty doc Iai cd cau truyén, 66 thé luyén doc mét minh hodc cing ban bé, anh chi, bé me, théy cé theo kiéu déng vai. + Cudi cing la cdc bai tap thyc hanh gitp cdc con nhé duge néi dung cla cau truyén. 6. Cu tric trong mi mét bai kiém tra cudi ky (End of Semester Test) sau 10 bai: Méi mét bai kiém tra sé gdm cé 4 ky nding Nghe - Néi - Doc - Viét dé kiém tra Iai ton bé cdc kién thite tit vung va edu tric cde con hoc sau mat ky hoc. 7. Phén Bap dn (Key) sé git cdc ban kiém tra Iai xem con dé lam ding hay chua ding cdc hogt déng trong sach. Trén day'lé ton b6 cdc hudng d&n cy thé gitip c&c con str dyng cuén sdch Big 4 ~ B6 d8 ty kiém tra 4 ky nang Nghe - Néi - Doc - Viét mét céch higu qué nhét. Chtic cdc con sé hoan thanh sém bé sdch va ty tin khi hoc Tiéng Anh trén lop cling nhu st dung Tiéng Anh m6t céch tr6i cha. Tran trong cém on! Hung dan st'dung sach ERR CHU THICH Vocabulary - Tit vung | Meaning-Nghia | Vocabulary - Tirvung | Meaning - Nghia choose and write chon va viét soy néi ¥ ‘ | sp xép cac tir circle khoanb tran Put the words inorder rey ding | number danh sé. talk | ndi —— tick anh déu underline gach chén the correct pictures cdc tranh / 7 5s. lin the blank / gap | dién va a pee filin the blank / gop | in vo ch ng listen nghe find tim _ the ben cnewer/ cu tré Iai dung nhét | question | cau héi respond | match néi answer ra lbi / cu tra lai | read doc draw ve true or false ding hode sai hear nghe the right name tan ding ‘odd one out tim tir khéc biét smn tha a complete / 4 he complete joan thanh Fat dclogue dogn hgi thogi dung sentence edu put the letters in order | SP X6P céc cht cai theo thit ty ding the right / am ding the correct sentence | céu ding correct sound the best option Iya chen ding nhét_| the wrong sentence | cau sai repeat nhac lai correct the mistakes stra céc |6i sai am Chi thich Vocabulary - Ty vung listen to the story | Meaning - Nghia nghe céu truyén Vocabulary - Tir ving yourself Meaning - Nghia ban than bon Pair work lam nhém di group of three nhém 3 ngudi a similar conversation | 9007 Ndi thos act it out néiro tuong ty. partner ban cing hoc timetable thai khéa bigu information théng tin write a letter viét mét Id thu 1 puzzle | td choi 6 chit describe miéu te z — hogt déng atext | dogn van daily routine hong naty get to know each other biét vé nhau interview phéng vén tick or cross Sanh.sau hogs first sound 4m thir nhét gach chéo finish | hoan thanh second sound 4m thet hai colour t6 mau the price gid lines cae dong column cét unscramble sdp xép Iai practise luyén tap begin bat déu passage dogn van the date ngay the given word tit cho sn make a card lam thé 30 seconds 30 giay 25 | TOPIC PAGE Unit 11 + Unit 12 Cover 7 Unit 11 + Unit 12 Test 1 9 Unit 11 + Unit 12 Test 2 Unit 13 + Unit 14 Cover Unit 13 + Unit 14 Test 1 27 Unit 13 + Unit 14 Test 2 35 Unit 15 + Unit 16 Cover 43 Unit 15 + Unit 16 Test 1 45 Unit 15 + Unit 16 Test 2 53 Review 1 - Test 1 - Unit 11-15 61 Review 1 — Test 2 - Unit 11-15 69 Short story 3 77 TOPIC PAGE Unit 17 + Unit 18 Cover 79 Unit 17 + Unit 18 Test 1 81 Unit 17 + Unit 18 Test 2 89 Unit 19 + Unit 20 Cover 7 Unit 19 + Unit 20 Test 1 oF Unit 19 + Unit 20 Test 2 107 Review 2 - Test 1 - Unit 16-20 115 Review 2 - Test 2- Unit 16-20 123 Short story 4 131 End of semester 2 - Test 1 133 End of semester 2 — Test 2 141 End of semester 2 — Test 3 151 Key 159 ea — What time is it? 382% ums ar fIRGAR 6 nghe hie Vocabulary and Phonics A Ag ARIS Kd have breakfast > vem sternoon [have breakfst . i @® ° @ Phonics: [ul - cook - book Ju:! - noon - school ® Sentence Patterns What time is it? Its two thirty.) — ( Its nine o'clock. —( ea fe clouen Sioon ies five fortucfve.) \_It's eleven fifteen. Its five forty-five.) UN i — a \What time do you get up? | get up at six thirty. ) - ( ; _ Content summary is What does your father do? oe mnt H! dé nghe 68% Vocabulary and Phonics . a ip ; ZB 2 {doctor | clerk (driver | | worker | [teacher 7 © student =) or 2 ga ah field | | hospital | [office | | factory | [school «@ Phonics: _ [i:/ - field - piece - teacher - reading oe Sentence Patterns He’s a doctor. ) Oe What does your father do? Le — He works in the hospital.) UNIT 11+ UNIT) 12 Ae VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and circle the correct word. Ne Ex. oy? doctor (worker teacher student 1. time nurse go home field 2. hospital school office factory a have lunch go to school noon driver 4. nurse doctor farmer student 5. have breakfast have lunch have dinner time Part 2: Questions 6-10. Match with the right sound. 6. cook Ex reading Cit) Unit 11+ Unie 12 Test 1 EID UNIT 11 + UNIT 12 0 0 OBER Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and circle the correct pictures. as (ce te > > &@ ‘ba 28 Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and tick ( V) the correct picture. 9 A Ex. % QO ww wo O VG -@> @ @@- BIO gO a s MRO Re Bo RO (ri) ©) UNIT 11 + UNIT 12 O Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and circle the best answers. Ex. A. It’s ten thirty. @ C. It’s ten fifteen. ’s ten o'clock. 17. A. | get up at 6 a.m. B. | have lunch at 11.30 a.m C. | go home at 4.15 p.m. 19. A. I'm a student. B. I'm a teacher. C. I'm a clerk. 16. A. She's a nurse. B. She's a teacher. C. She's a farmer. 18. A. He works in a factory. B. He works in a hospital. C. He works in an office. 20. A. My mother is a teacher. B. My mother is a doctor. C. My mother is a driver. 11+ Unit 12 Test 1 CET es Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and circle the right word. Ex. three forty five three fifteen go home go to school at midnight at noon Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and choose the best option. Ex. What time is it? = (A Its seven o'clock B. It’s a clock. C. He's a teacher. ‘ 6. What time does he go to bed? - ~—-He at ten thirty. A. go to bed B. goes to bed C. going to bed 7. What does your sister do? A. She’s young. B. She's forty. C. She's a nurse. 8. Where does work? - He works in a field. A. your brother B. your mother C. your sister 9. A clerk works : A. at school B. in a factory C. in an office 10. | go home at A.5am B.5 p.m C.10 am Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and tick ( v ) Yes or No. This is the report of my interview with Lien. Her father is a doctor. He works in Blue Hospital. Her mother is a clerk. She works in an office. Lien has a sister but she doesn’t have a brother. Her sister is a bus driver for a primary school. And Lien is a student. Yes No Ex. Lien is a student. v) cy 11. Her father is a doctor. a, O) 12. He works in Brown Hospital. O} O 13. Her mother is a nurse. O O) 14. She works in an office. OO 15. Her sister is a bus driver for a factory. O) O Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and fill in the table. Hi, ’'m Phong. | get Activities Time up at 6.30 a.m. | have breakfast at 7 get up Ex. six thirty a.m have breakfast 16. a.m. | go to school lunch at 12 o'clock. | go home at 4.15 have lunch 18. p.m. | have dinner at 19. four fifteen p.m 7.45 p.m. have dinner 20. 1 1 1 \ ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' ' | at 8 a.m. | have : 17. eight o'clock ' 1 1 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 i 1 1 ' \ Unit 11 + Unit st | RE STD Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and write. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and complete. Kim: Kate: Kim: Kate: Kim: Kate: Kim: Kate: Kim: Kate: Kim: Kate: BES What (Ex.) does _ your father do, Kate? He's a doctor. (6) does he work? He works in Middle Hospital. (7)__ he like his job? Yes, he does. (8) ? My mother is a teacher. 9) ? She teaches in Bentley School. 10.) ? Yes, she does. it 17 + Unit 12 Test 1 UNIT 11 + UNIT 12 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Put the words in order. Ex. mother / early / gets | my / up | . | —> ___My mother gets up earl 11.1 / morning / have | in | breakfast | the / . | — 12. work | brother | does / where / your | ? “+ 13. go / you / what / bed /do/to/time/? 14. thirty / is / ten / it /am/./ se 15.he/in/ala/ school | teacher/is/.) 9° — — Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write about you. 16. What time do you get up? > 17. What time do you have lunch? 18. What does your father do? 19. Where does he work? 20. Does he like his job? Unit 11 + Unie 12 Test 1 EB UNIT 12 + UNIT 12 CHET Part 1: Questions 1-5. Answer the questions. 1, What time do you have breakfast? 2. Do you go home at 4 p.m? 3. What does your mother do? 4. Where does she work? 5. Does she like her job? Part 2: Questions 5-8. Talk about the woman. 6. What does she do? 7. Where does she work? 8. Does she work in the office? ) \ My brother is a driver. vy | 10 > ( Yes, he does. SS \ He likes his job. ALB Unit 11 + Unit 12 Test 1 UNIT 11 + UNIT rus VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and number. Ex. noon 6. p__ce 7. r__ding 8. sch__I 9.t__ch 10. f__Id Unit 11+ Unit 12 Test 2 = UNIT 11 + UNIT 12 Bye OLSEN i Outime on BEEEH dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and number. |S ab (a Li Ex] C) C) Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen, circle and write. Ex. office 90 BEB unie 11 + unit 12 Test 2 UNIT 112 + UNIT 12 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and write. ? Kae Hi, my name is John. | (Ex.) _get up_ at six o'clock every day. | go to school at (11.) and have (12.) at seven thirty. I'm a (13.) and this is my (14.), He's a teacher. He works in my (15.) Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and write questions or answers. Ex. What does she do ? — She's a nurse. 16. ? > He works in a factory. 17. Do you like your job? a 18. What does your mother do? > 19. ? — She goes to bed at eleven o'clock 20. What time do you have dinner? = Unit 11+ Unit 12 Test 2 EB UNIT 12 + UNIT 12 Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and draw the time. 1. 2, | go to school | get up | go home at two thirty. at six fifteen. at two forty five. 3. 4. 5. | have dinner at | go to bed | have lunch at eight o'clock. at eleven o'clock. twelve thirty. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Look, read and choose. Ex. a. My brother is teacher. 6. a. Does she like her job? (© My brother is a teacher. b. Do she like her job? 7. a. | gets up at six fifteen. 8. a. She works in a factory. b. | get up at six fifteen. b. She works on a factory. 9. a. What time do you go home? 10. a. When does she goes to school? b. What time does you go home? b. When does she go to school? BB vie 11+ Unie 12 Test 2 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and match. [ Ex. Does he lke his job? (a. I get up at seven a.m. (a1. What time do you get up? (_b. He's a doctor. (12. Where does your sister work? ) Ce. Ihave lunch at 11.30. | 13. Do you go home at 5 p.m? “d. Yes, he does. 14, What does your father do? ( e. She works in a field 15, When do you have lunch? ( f. No, I don't. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and circle the right pictures. Hello, my name is Lam. | study at Lam Dong Primary School. Every day | get up at (Ex.) __six thirty in the morning. | (16.) at eight o'clock. School starts at eight fifteen in the morning and finishes at five o'clock in the (17.) . | go home at (18.) My mother is a (19.) so she can help me to do homework. She works in a primary (20.) 18. 7, Srey eS aim Unit 11.4 Unit 12 Test 2 = UNIT 11 + UNIT 12 JKT Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and write. re ‘ *& 8 a wh 3. 4. n 5. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Write about the jobs of your family members and where they work. There are people in my family. My father He works My mother She works My brother | sister He | She works ‘ And | am | study at RAB Unie 11 + Unit 12 Test 2 ° 1 sat EG Part 3: Questions 11-15. Complete your daily routine. Activities Time In the morning get up 11. Inthe afternoon | 12 13. In the evening 14 15, Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write about your daily routine. Use the information in Part 3. MY DAILY ROUTINE Hi, my name is Unit 11+ Unit 12 Test 2 Ey SEIS Part 1: Questions 1 - 4. Interview one classmate about his / her daily routine. Write activities you want to ask your friend in number 2 and 4. Activities Time In the morning get up 1, In the afternoon Hal 2. 3. In the evening 4, 5. Part 2: Questions 6-9. Interview two classmates about their daily routine. Place Place seb of work ge of work Father Mother Part 3: Question 10. Tell about your friend’s father or mother's job and where he / she work. 11 + Unit 12 Test 2 Sa oe [UNIT 13) Would you like some milk? oxen 1% Vocabulary and Phonics @aEe eae & (chicken) (beef) (fish oe (pork) (rice) (noodles ) wy ve £ (bread ») (vegetables) (orange juice) (— milk ) (lemonade) (water ) @ Phonics: _[f/ - dish - fish If] - beef - leaf ee Sentence Patterns My favourite food is beef. a : Ro It’s beef. ——————— ( What's your favourite food? | Eee (SSS ——— favourite dein: is lemonade. (What's your favourite drink? Pee 's lemonade. ) No, thanks. / No, thank you. Content summary (Would you like some fish? pe Ue ce) 0 a UNIT 14) What does he look like? ae Quét ma OR [ESAS dé nghe sy. Vocabulary and Phonics n? Os | thick | [slim | {strong | [thin @ Phonics: /6/ - this - that 18/ - thin - thick bey Sentence Patterns — — (What does he look like? He's old.) a J La enn u. She's slim. ——— | What does she look like? $< = LL Who's taller, i The boy is taller the boy or the girl? Se than the girl, = W Content summary UNIT 135 + UN we VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and circle. es ce ¢& small noodles es thick bread 3. ) 4. 7 5 7 small strong lemonade big slim water Part 2: Questions 6-10. Circle the right sound. Ex. this 191 /el 6. beef Si ifl 7. thick 14 18 8. dish ifl Si 9. leaf fl Il 10. that 18) 16] Unit 13 + Unit 14 Test 1 Ba UNIT, 13 + Be fm) LISTENING usta oR (RAR? dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and number. e } Oo % 2 3 a 0 a QO O O) ee Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and match. i ih Gb Ob ah 2° | Unit 13 + Unit 14 Test 1 7 IT 135 + UNIT 14 Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and circle the best answers. Ex. What's your favourite food? ~ My favourite food is rice /( fish. 16. What does she / he look like? — He's old. ‘taller | shorter, the boy or the girl? 18. Would you like some noodles | pork ? — Yes, please. | love it 19. What does your mother look like? — She's young / slim. 20. What's your favourite drink? — My favourite drink is water / milk. a _ Unit 13 + Unit 14 Test UNIT is + UNIT 14 iY} READING Part 1: Questions 1-5. Questions 1-5. Read and circle. noodles rice Ex. milk vegetables strong slim beef bread Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and match. Ex. What's your a. look like? 7. What does she 9. The boy is thinner on $ a a o 8 ir 10. My favourite drink EB unit 13 + Unit 14 Test 1 pe Ue ee Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and tick ( v ) the right picture. Ex. Her favourite food is fish. 1. What does your mother look like? > She's slim. 2. Would you like some lemonade? ~ Yes, please. 3. Who is stronger? — Peter is stronger. 4, What's your favourite drink? — Its milk. ea CO) Bo 5. This book is thicker than that book. % =o O @©o @o @, te a> O RO O aa = a Poy 0 Bo We @0 Oo ss O O Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and choose the correct sentences. Ex.What’s your favourite food? 16. Would you likes some chicken? 17. My mother is old and young. 18. Who is stronger, Jim or Tom? 19. What's she favourite drink? 20. His favourite food is pork What your favourite food? Would you like some chicken? My mother is slim and young. What is stronger, Jim or Tom? What's her favourite drink? He's favourite food is pork. Unit 13 + Unit 14 Test 1 [.2' UNIT 1s + UNIT 14 JST Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and write. Bill: What's your (Ex.) favourite food? Ben: (1.) favourite food is pork. Bill: What's your favourite (2.) ? Ben: My favourite drink (3.) orange juice. Bill: (4.) you like some beef? Ben: Yes, (5.) Part 2: Questions 6-10. Look and answer. “ene f SE tp & Who is older, Rim or his grandfather? What's his favourite food? | What's her favourite drink? | Would you like some pork? > > > UNIT 13 + UNIT 14 = Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and answer the questions. Ex. What's his name? —> His name is Jack 11. What's his favourite food? 12. Does he like chicken? Hi. My name is Jack. | like beef. It’s my favourite food. But | don’t like chicken. I'd like some fish because | 13. What's his favourite drink? 14. Does he like lemonade? love it. | like orange juice. I’s my favourite drink. | like lemonade, too but | 15. Would he like some fish? don't like water. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write the answer about you. 16, What's your favourite food? 19. What does your mother look like? 17. What's your favourite drink? 20. What do you look like? 18. Do you like fish? Unit 13 + Unit 14 Test 1 BEER eT Ty pe ede Thee Ue oe Part 1: Questions 1-4. Read and repeat. 7 +t YS 1. My favourite 2. He's stronger 3. My favourite 4.This book drink is milk. than his brother. food is rice is and pork. Part 2: Questions 5-8. Interview two classmates about their favourite food and drink. Food Drink Food Drink Part 3: Questions 9-10. Ask the questions. 9. ? ) My favourite food is chicken. — - - ON (my favourite drink is apple juice. ~~ / a ON UT ye ese UT ye TEST 2 rus VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and number. Ex. milk 1. thick 2. young 3. vegetables 4. noodles i = T ek oaeawe ’ Part 2: Questions 6-10. Match the right sound. @® Unit 13 + Unit 14 Test 2 ERR UNIT 1s + UNIT 14 ORS 2 ae dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and circle the correct pictures. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen, circle and write. Ex. What's your favourite food ? - My favourite food is __beef A beef B. chicken C. noodles 6. Would you like some pork? 7 A. Yes, please. B. No, thanks. C. ’'m ok. 7. What does he look like? s A. He's old. B. He's young. C. He's strong. 8. Would you like ? - Yes, please. A. some water B. some lemonade C. some orange juice 9. What's favourite drink? A. your B. her C. his 10. What do you have for dinner? - | have A. rice and beef B. rice and fish C. rice and chicken GB Unie 13 + Unie 14 Test 2 UNIT 13'+ UNIT 14 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and complete. = \ ( Ex. What's your ee si jo (11), favourite food (12) noodles. oo Vv “What's your favourite (13) ? 5 o My (14) drink _——_—_—/t is apple juice (15) , | don't \_ Do you like apple juice? Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and tick (v). O O O = O O O e he O | Ws O eo = QO oa O O eu) O \ a 19 ae e£- es " * » Fo Fo ge Unit 13 + Unit 14 Test 2 (EEA re] S UNIT 1s + UNIT 14 RZD Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and choose the best options. Ex. Would you like some fish? : A Yes, please. B. Yes, it is. C. No, please. 1, What's your favourite drink? “ Its A. beef B. lemonade C. noodles 2. What does look like? - He's old and tall. A. your mother B. your sister C. your father 3. My baby sister is ; A. young B. old C. thick 4. My father is than my mother. A. tall B. taller C. taller than 5. Would you like. 2? - No, thanks. | don’t like pork. A. some bread B. some rice C. some pork Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and match [Ex. Would you like some rice? (a. Fish is my favourite food. -:) (b. My brother is stronger than me.) {6. What's your favourite food? | [7. What does your mother look like? | (© Yes, its my favourite drink. ) 8. Who is stronger, your brother or you? d. Yes, please. I’m hungry. ) ger, Y ys PB gry. [9. Do you like orange juice? | (.1'm short ) {10. What do you look like? ) (f. She's slim and tall. ) EB Unie 13 + Unit 14 Test 2 Ex. Jay's father is forty eight. 11. He likes playing volleyball. 12. He's tall and strong. 13. Jay's mother works in a school. 14. She likes running. 15. She’s shorter than his father. ‘N This is Jay's father. He's forty eight years old. He's a doctor. He likes playing table tennis and swimming. He's tall and strong. This is Jay’s mother. She’s forty years old. She's a teacher. She likes playing badminton and cooking. She's slimmer and shorter than his father. a A AAA A mn Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and complete. Hi, my name is James. | like pork. It is my favourite food. | don’t like beef. My favourite drink is lemonade My younger sister Lucy doesn't like pork. She loves fish. It’s her favourite food. She likes orange juice too. It’s her favourite drink. She drinks it every day. James Favourite food Favourite drink: doesn’t like Unit 13 + Unit 14 Test 2 EE Ty eee SETI Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and answer. Ex. L 1. What does your mum look like? What's your favourite drink? > She's slim > a Which book is thicker, the green book or the blue book? What's your favourite food? > > 9 ° se it Y a) Who is taller, the man or the woman? — Would you like some vegetables? > ae Part 2: Questions 6-10. Write about your favourite food and drink. My name is (6.) . I love (7.) J It’s (8) food. | like (9.) . Its 10.), drink. (BB unic 13 + Unit 14 Test 2 UNIT 1s + UNIT 14 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Complete your daily routine. Dear Thuong, My name's Minh. I’m nine years old and | live in Thai Binh. There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my younger sister and |. My father’s thirty eight years old. He's a worker, he’s tall and strong. My mother’s thirty five years old. She's a nurse. | think she’s slim and young. My sister and | are pupils at Quang Trung Primary School, My sister is younger than me but she's shorter than me Best wishes, Minh Ex. What does Minh’s father do? 13. What does her mother do? —» He's a worker. > 11. What does her father look like? 14. Who is older, Minh or her sister? > 12. What does her mother look like? 15. Who is taller, Minh or her sister? Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write a letter to Minh to talk about your family. Dear Minh, My name's Unit 13 + Unit 14 Test 2 Part 2: Questions 5-8. Talk about your mum. 5. What is your mother’s name? 6. What does she look like? 7, What's her favourite food? 8. What's her favourite drink? Part 3: Questions 9-10. Ask your classmates about what your classmates’ family members look like. 9. What does your father look like? 10. Who is taller, your mum or your dad? BB Unie 13+ unit 14 Test 2 ® UNIT 15 + UNIT 16 0 (UNIT 15) When’s Children’s Day? oo 6 Vocabulary and Phonics SF os: ian wl {Tet | { New Year | { Children's Day | {Teachers Day} = 9 a» {Christmas | { decorate the house | { make banh chung a a? {visit grandparents} [watch firework display) {wear nice clothes ] _| lucky money @ Phonics: [elf - clothes - close Isl - flowers - floor be Sentence Patterns fi. OO (| When is Children’s Day? It’s on the first of June. } = — imp | make banh chung. i aps Content summary BER What do you do at Tet? — UNIT 15 + UNIT 16 = ~ Quét ma QR dé nghe SUPERMARKET buy some buy some buy some buy some bread medicine food chocolate is see the . | buy some animals swim see a film books e@ Phonics: 1 syllable - book 2 syllables — bookshop 3 syllables - bakery 4 syllables — supermarket ve Sentence Patterns oo! VY Great idea! Z a Let's go to the swimming pool. _gwittming poo, | want to swim. y = - val SS wk gry X Sorry, I'm busy. | (Whu do vou wont. a eee Why do you want to Because | want to | go to the zoo? ‘ see the animals. NX 2 REI content summary UNIT 15+ UNIT 16 : ri: VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and match. a. a film b. grandparents c. banh chung 3. decorate d. some medicine init e. firework display f. the house Part 2: Questions 6-10. Odd one out. Ex. bookshop Cook teacher 6. clothes close fy ts sweetshop pharmacy bakery 8. flower floor clap 2 bookshop supermarket sweetshop 10. food film cinema Unit 15 + Unit 16 Test 1 RE ‘i -— ODEN BAG ooo dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and circle the words you hear. Ex. Coweet chocolate medicine food 1. Christmas New Year Teachers’ Day Tet 2. supermarket bakery pharmacy cinema 3. banh chung firework. grandparents house 4. flowers floor close clothes 5. decorate buy swim see Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and circle the right pictures. “a fe = 9 s of Fa 10. é 8e a» eg BB unit 15 + unit 16 Test 1 a Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and circle True or False. Ex. What do you do at Tet? - | make banh chung. True aise 11. Let's go to the cinema. | want to see a film. True False 12. When's the Children’s Day? True False 13. Why do you want to go to the zoo? True False 14. Nam and his family decorate the house at Tet. True False 15. Because | want to buy some chocolate. True False Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and choose the best responses. Ex. Her sister A. wear new clothes B. get lucky money € make banh chung 16. His parents go to A. the bakery B. the supermarket C. the pharmacy 17. What do they do at Tet? - They A. buy flowers B. decorate the house C. visit grandparents 18. Let's go to A. the swimming pool B. the cinema C. the supermarket 19. | want to A. watch firework display B. buy some bread C. see the animals 20. It's on the A. first of June B. first of January C. twentieth of November Unit 15 + Unit 16 Test 1 ga UNIT 15 + UNIT 16 ETI Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and choose the best options. Ex. When's Children’s Day? -_—iit’s on (A. the fist of June B. the first of July C. the first of April D. the first of September 1. What do you do at Tet? : | A. eat sweets B. give flowers to my teachers C. watch movies D. make banh chung 2. Linh wants to go to the because she wants to buy some medicine. A. bakery B. sweetshop C. pharmacy D. zoo 3. When's 2 - It’s on the twentieth of November. A. Children’s Day B. Teachers’ Day C. Tet D. Christmas 4. James wants to go to the bakery because he wants to buy. A. some sweets B. see animals C. some bread D. some medicine 5. do you want to go to the zoo? - | want to see animals: ‘A, What | Because B. Why / Because C. Who / Because D. When | Because BEB voie 15 + unit 16 Test 1 UNIT 15 + UNIT 16— Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and match. Ex. What do you do on Christmas? {a. Great ideo! 6. Where are you going? [b. She decorates the house. 7. When is New Year? {c. Because I want to see animals, 8. Why do you want to go to the z00?| 4. watch firework display 9. Lets go to the bakery. |e. les on the first of January. 10. What does she do at Tet? ] [ f. 'm going to the bookshop. Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and write the letters. a. We also go to the pharmacy b. because | want to eat bread c. the twenty fifth of December d. watch firework display e. decorate the house f. go to the supermarket My name is Jack. Today, my sister and | (Ex.)___{ __ because we want to buy some food for Christmas. It’s on (11.) - 12) because my sister wants to buy some medicine. | want to go to the bakery (13) . | feel hungry. Before Christmas, we (14.) . | want to (15.) on Christmas. Unit 15 + Unit 16 Test 1 Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read the text in Part 3, circle Yes or No. Ex. They go to the museum to buy some food. Yes (No 16. Christmas is on the twenty fifth of December. Yes No 17. Jack’s sister wants to buy some medicine. Yes No 18. Jack is hungry so he wants to eat chocolate. Yes No 19. They decorate the house after Christmas. Yes No 20. Jack wants to watch firework display on Christmas. Yes No SRT Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and write the words. Ex. When _ is Children’s Day? - Its on the first of June. 1 do you do at Tet? - | decorate the house. 2. Let’s go to the . | want to swim. 3. Why do you want to the zoo? = | want to see animals. 4, Let’s go to the supermarket. * , Pm busy. 5. When is ? - It's on the twentieth of November Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and write. supermarket twentieth of November buy flowers Free Liem: Lanh: Liem: Lanh: Liem: Lanh: Liem: 8 15 + Unit 16 Test 1 want to When Are you (Ex.) free now? Yes, | am. Let’s go to the (6.) “ Why do you (7.) go there? Because | want to (8.) for Teachers’ Day. @) is Teachers’ Day? It’s on the (10.) Part 3: Questions 11-15. Put the words in order. Ex. you / the / like / bakery / go / to / would | to | ? —» _ Would you like to go to the bakery? 11.11] go / can’t | the | to / because / zoo | have | | / do | to | homework | my /. > 12. likes | because | lucky / He / his | from | Tet | can | money | parents / he | get /. ~~ 13. do | Day / you / What | do | Children’s / on | ? > 14. she | Why / go / the | does / want | to | to / pharmacy | ? > 15. decorate / and / banh chung / They / house / their | make / Tet / at / > Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write about your Tet. Before Tet, | During Tet, | Unit 15 + Unit 16 Test 1 EB UNIT 15 + UNIT 16 CHZIID Part 1: Questions 1-5. Talk about the activities you do at Tet. 1. At Tet, | 2. At Tet, | 3. At Tet, | 4. At Tet, | 5. At Tet, | Part 2: Questions 6-8. Look and response the questions. Be @ puarmacy SUPERMARKET 6. Why do you want to 7. Why do you want to ~—_8. Why do you want to jo to the bakery? jo to the pharmacy? jo to the supermarket? 9 y 9 P y 9 Ps Part 3: Questions 9-10. Ask the questions. 9. . ( ) Sorry, I’m busy. | want to see animals / 10. ? ) It’s on the first of January. Yy ———wtl UNIT 15'+ UNIT 16 fs VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Match the words with the pictures. | Ex. lucky money | | 1. see the onimals | | 2, see a film | ME 2s, 4} Ee sk [3. vist grandparents) | 4. buy some bread) | 5. swim | Part 2: Questions 6-10. Write the words. 1 syllable Ex. book Idl/ 6. 2 syllables Te in 8. 3 syllables 9. 4 syllables 10. Unit 15 + Unit 16 Test 2 (EER iS fa) LISTENING a 8 nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and tick (v ). Ex, When is Teachers’ Day? 1. Where do James and Jim go? = Er oft & = 2. What do they do at Tet? 3. Let's go to the on - Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and match. _XEUIEE, TA 6. Linh es 7. Kien Ex. Minh 8. Phuong 9. Son 10. Quang Unit 15 + Unit 16 Test 2 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and tick (v ) the right sentences. Ex. Let's go to the bakery. Vv) 13. | want to buy some bread. O] Let’s go to the zoo. _ | I want to buy some medicine.) 11. Sorry, I'm busy. | 14. | decorate the house. O Great idea! | Iwateh firework display, | 12. What do you do at Tet? __) 15. When is Children’s Day? _| What do you do on Christmas? | When is Teachers’ Day? Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and write. Ex. What do they do on New Year Day? 16. UNIT, 15 + UNIT 16 Ne Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and circle. Ex. (Sona, Gharmacy eT con bakery 3. OOK New Year a Christmas wear nice 2 see a film see the oo iia | animals wake Great idea! banh chung visit Sorry, grandparents I'm busy. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and choose the best options. Ex. Let's go to the A swimming pool 6. Where is Children’s Day? A. on the first of June 7. | want to A. buy some bread 8.1 at Tet. A. lucky money 9. They A. wear nice clothes 10. Where is ? A. Christmas RB Unie 15 + unit 16 Test 2 | want to swim. B. bakery 's B. on the first of January so | go to the pharmacy. B. buy some medicine B. decorate the house to their teachers on Teachers’ Day. B. give flowers It's on the twenty fifth of December. B. New Year UNIT 15\+ UNIT 16 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and number. Its Saturday today. Matt and Nancy go to many places. First, they go to the cinema because they want to see a film. Then they go to the bookshop because Nancy wants to buy some books. After that, they go to the sweet shop because Matt wants to buy some chocolate for his sister. Finally, they go to the supermarket because they want to buy food for Christmas. Christmas is coming. When they go home, Matt is going to decorate the house and Nancy is going to clean the house. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read the text in Part 3 and tick (¥) Yes or No. Yes Ex. First, Matt and Nancy go to the cinema (v) 16. Nancy wants to buy some pencils. 1 17. Matt wants to buy some chocolate for his brother. O1 18. Finally, they go to the supermarket. 20. Matt is going to decorate the house and Nancy is going to clean the house when they go home. 9900000 O} 19. Today is Christmas. O U) Unit 15 + Unit 16 Test 2 EEBy ye tse JETS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and write. Ex. r 1, | want to go to the zoo They because _| want to see animals _. at Tet. 2. 3. <= 20 a why They give flowers because | want to buy some books. 4. 5 <= 25 Let's Christmas is on | want to see a film. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Correct the mistakes. Ex. When do you do at Tet? What 6. Let’s going to the zoo. 7. Why do you want go to the bakery? 8. Because my mum want to buy some food. 9. | watching firework display, 10. | want to swim so | go to the pharmacy. ee 5 + Unit 16 Test UNIT, 15'+ UNIT 16 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and complete. % $ It’s Tet today. Nam has lots of fun with his family. Before Tet, his family goes to the supermarket and buys many things like flowers and food. They decorate their house and make banh chung. During Tet, Nam visits his grandparents and watches firework display. He loves Tet. Ex. It’s _Tet__ today. 11 + 12. Before Tet, Nam’s family and 13. Nam’s family decorates their house and 14 +15. During Tet, Nam and Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write about you. What do you do on Christmas? On Christmas, we do many things. We We We We ne We have a lot of fun . Unit 15 + Unit 16 Test 2 eh Part 1: Questions 1-5. Interview two classmates. Ask them where they want to go on Sunday and why they want to go there. | Name Where | Why Part 2: Questions 6-8. Talk about New Year’s Day. (Use the picture of New Year) 6. When is New Year? 7. What do you do on New Year's Day? 8. What can you get from your parents on New Year’s Day? Part 3: Questions 9-10. Talk about you. 9. Where do you want to go on Sunday? Why? 10. What do you do on Teachers’ Day? 9 UNIT I= UNITAS 25 REVIEW 1 - TEST 1 PALETTE Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and write. ee ny, doctor _§ & Ff Part 2: Questions 6-10. Write the words with the right sounds. r Ex.Ju:/ ~~ _book 61isl = 7.1f1 > 8.10) o oIf1 - wisi > Review 1-Test 1 [in Quét ma QR dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and circle the correct pictures. Ex. 1. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and circle the words you hear. Ex. orange juice milk water lemonade 6. have breakfast have lunch have dinner go to bed 7. farmer nurse worker student 8. bakery cinema pharmacy bookshop 9 ful Ill fir] If 10. medicine bread chocolate film Test 1 3° Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and tick the correct pictures. “S&S @ ah & 4) C) “a 13. o & C) O D Oo 0 Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and circle Yes or No. Ex. It’s eleven o'clock. Yes | No 16. He's a worker. Yes | No 17. My favourite food is beef. Yes | No 18. The boy is shorter than the girl. Yes | No 19. | visit grandparents at Tet. Yes | No 20. It’s on the first of June. Yes | No UNIT, 12 - UNIT 15 [Y} READING Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and choose the best options. Ex. What time do you get up? - (A.1 get up at seven o'clock B. It's seven o'clock. 1. What does your father do? - A. m a clerk. B. He's a clerk. 2. Joe: - Katie: Yes, please. | love fish. A. Would you like some fish? B. Does she like fish? 3. What does she look like? - A. He's slim. B. She's slim 4 - Because | can get lucky money. A. Why do you like Tet? B. Do you like Tet? 5. What time is it? = A. It’s in the morning. B. It’s ten fifteen Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and choose the correct words. Ex. This is my mother(S 6. Would you like some beef? - Yes / No , thanks. | He’s a doctor. 7. What | Where does she do at Tet? - She decorates the house. 8. What / What's your favourite drink? - My favourite drink is water. 9 + 10. What does your / you brother look like? - He's / She's tall. — REM Review 1 - Test 1 Jee Pe | pe ts Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and match. Ex. What does she a. Yes, please. look I love pork d. She's young. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and number the sentences to make a complete dialogue. __ ) decorate the house and make banh chung. (iy | visit my grandparents. | My favourite food is pork. Ex| Hello, Jim. What do you do before Tet? | What do you do during Tet? |] What's your favourite food at Tet? Review 1- Test | (fy UNIT 11 - UNIT 15 = SARTO Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read, choose and write. | ‘ny, works hospital student clerk He's Hi, I'm Bob. This is (Ex.) _mu family's photo. She’s my mother. She's a (1) . She (2.) in the office. This is my father. (3.) a doctor. He works in the (4.) This is me. 'm a(S.) in class 4D. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read the text in Part 1 and answer. Ex. What's his name? > His name is Bob. 6. What does his mother do? > 7. Where does she work? > 8. What does his father do? > 9. Where does he work? > 10. What does Bob do? *- — RB Review 1 -Test 1 111 - UNIT 15 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Put the words in order. Ex. time / is / What / it | ? + What time is it? 11. give | teachers | Teachers’ / | / on | Day / flowers / my / to/ . > 12. some /| like / you | Would / beef / ? Fre 13. favourite | lemonade / drink / is / My! . ~ 14. does | on | What / she | Day | New | do / Year's | ? » 15. factory / My / in | brother / works | the / . > Part 4: Questions 16-20. Fill in the blanks. Ex. Would you like some noodles? - Yes _, please. | like noodles. 16. What does your sister do? - a nurse, 17. does she do at Tet? - She makes banh chung. 18._____your favourite drink? - My favourite drink is orange juice. 19, What she look like? — She's slim and beautiful. 20. When is Christmas? - Its, the twenty fifth of December UNIT 11 - UNIT 15 SEIS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and repeat. 1, It’s seven o'clock. [ 2. My brother is. My brother is It's time | go to i 1 a driver. He works school every day. in a bus. 3. Its chicken. ¥ ( milk. This is my This is my favourite food. _ cae favourite drink. fileen een 5. | would like some evden and milk every day. Part 2: Questions 6-8. Make questions and answers. 6. does do 8. Does she he look like? you have dinner? at Tet? > He's . — It’s . Yes, Part 3: Questions 9-10. Ask the questions. 9. What does your father look like? | ( 10. What's your favourite food? ) ( oO UNIT 12 = UNIT 15 oO 0 REVIEW 1 - TEST 2 2 VOCABULARY AND PHONICS ] Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and circle. Gai | eZ | + (office hospital bread vegetables slim strong fF Christmas go to go lucky nice school home money clothes Part 2: Questions 6-10. Look and match. Ju:/ (close floor ——— 2 hse Sl eal . fl ent (31 ail SSS fisl eal Iell ] — Review 1 - Test 2 Sy = UNIT, 12 - UNIT 15 a '@) LISTENING Fe orn (EGER dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and circle the right sentences. Ex. | love fish. A love beef. 1. When is Children’s Day? When is Teachers’ Day? 2. He's a worker. He's a driver. 3. What do you do at Tet? What do you do on Christmas? 4. Yes, please. No, thanks. 5. What time does she go to bed? What time does she go home? Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and circle the correct picture. = ? 9. tt * a> > £ gg RAB Review 1 - Test 2 Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and circle True or False. "Ex. What do you do? — I'm a student Cine False "16. What does he look like? — He’ young. - True False 17. She works in the hospital. True False ( 18. Would you like some pork? — No, thanks. True False 19. What time is it? It's two forty-five True False 20. What's your favourite drink? True False —> My favourite drink is lemonade. Review 1 - Test 2 (Ay wT Ex. This is Sally. She's slim. 1. Where does a farmer work? —> He works in the field. 2. What's your favourite drink? —> My favourite drink is water. 3. When is New Year? — It's on the first of January 4. What time do you go to school? > | go to school at eight o'clock. 5. Which book is thicker? —> The blue book is thicker. Ex. They are young. 6. She's a worker. 7. | visit my grandparents at Tet. 8. It’s seven forty-five. 9. My favourite drink is lemonade. 10. | have lunch at school. (BEB Review 1 - Test 2 UNIT 172 - UNIT 15 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Circle the correct sentence. Ex. What do she do? What does she do? 11. What time do you go to school? What time does you go to school? 12. My favourite drink is water. Favourite drink is water. 13. He work in the hospital. He works in the hospital. 14. What do you do at Tet? What do you do on Tet? 15. She's old and young; She's old and short. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and circle the right pictures. as O Lf me | have breakfast every morning She's a teacher. $$ ——__} —_—___—_ Oe sa This book is thinner than that book. 18. “ew Would you like some rice? — Yes, please. | work in the office. Review 1- Test 2 Ey ze) WRITING | Part 1: Questions 1-5. Choose the right word and write. Ex. ¥ 1. 2. a) doctor / (nurse go home / get up big | small nurse 3. 4. 5. : “ake /% &g 3 2-2 aa ie nice clothes / lemonade | milk field | factory lucky money Part 2: Questions 6-10. Complete the sentences. When does What's Teachers’ like getup, 7 Ex. | _get up at six o'clock every morning. 6. Bob: your favourite food? Matt: My favourte food is beef. 7. Jim: is Children’s Day? Jill: It's on the first of June. 8. Would you some pork? — No, thanks. 9. What she look like? — She's tall. 10. What do you do on Day? — | give flowers to my teachers. ay Review 1 - Test 2 —_____________. It's twelve o'clock. It’s time | to (11) lunch. yo - ( Would you like Yes, please. | 412) chicken? (13)______ chicken. / Xf a / a4 ( 15) favourite your favourite food? food is chicken, too. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Underline and correct the mistakes. Ex. What time do you goes to bed? go 16. She work in the factory. 17. Would you like some fish? — No, please. 18. What does she look like? — He's short. 19. When is New Year's Day? - It’s on the first of February. 20. What does your brother doing? - He's a farmer. Review 1- Test 2 EER 0 CHAI Part 1: Questions 1-4. Read and repeat. fF We Gace — (1 What does 2. She's a nurse. \. your mother do? ‘. ~ S — an ( 3. What's your 4. My favourite \ \ favourite food? food is fish. , Part 2: Questions 5-8. Read and say. 4 This is my sister. She's a a (6) and she works in the ga © . —. Her favourite food is @ai (7) C and her favourite drink is ail @) Part 3: Questions 9-10. Talk about you. 9, My favourite food 10. Before Tet, ER Review 1 - Test 2 18 nghe Misael What do My brother is a your brother |] musician. He & and sister do? in a band |\"*@ My sister is 0 A (And what about]! cook. She your sister? in a restaurant. ~ Py independence Day in Vietnam My brother is very strong. 5 Today is I a 2 Really? What do people in Independence Dey? 7 2. Listen to the story again and repeat. 3. Read the story. 4. Pair work: Have a similar conversation 5. Number the sentences. (GER Short story 3 _1| Julie: What do you do in Vietnam, Gun? O] Gun: My brother plays in a band. O1 Julie: What do your brother and your sister do? O1 Gun: I’m a student. O) Julie: She works in a restaurant. __) Julie: What about your sister? O) Gun: My brother is a musician and my sister is a cook. L_ | Julie: Where do they work? . Work in pairs. Complete the conversation with the information about you. ‘A: Where do you live? B: . Where do you live? . What does your brother do? What does your brother do? . What about your sister? What about your sister? > P > PP . Find words in the story to complete the sentences. 1. My sister is a very good . She likes cooking 2. On Independence Day, we go 3. His brother is than his dad. 4. He's a very good, . He plays the guitar. aRAe UNIT 17) How much is the T-shirt? FE ono iy Vocabulary and Phonics y fan 2 [scarf | [ blouse | { Tshirt | [jacket | {skirt [ jumper} | shoes | { sandals) | slippers | {jeans J { trousers | | shorts } { how much | €@ Phonics: First sound stress: ‘sandals — ‘trousers ~ jumper — jacket be Sentence Patterns Yt s _———— \ How much is the blouse? It's seventy thousand dong. 70.000 dong - How much are these jeans? They're ninety-five thousand dong NL 95.000 dong Content summary Ea UNIT 17 + UNIT 18 Byam What’: " at’s your phone number oa. Quét ma QR ‘42 Vocabulary and Phonics 8 nghe 0975647898 { phone number | { mobile phone | { go for a walk | Be = . A rae gi ‘. 5 £4 { go for a picnic | [go skating | C go fishing =| @ Phonics: Second sound stress: re'peat — en‘joy ~ in‘vite - com'plete om Sentence Patterns It's oh-nine-seven- What's Jim’s five-six-four-seven- phone number? 0975647898 dight-nine-zight. v I'd love to. i alld een iba cn ) ( Would you like to cs ae go skating? 7 a. * Sorry, | can’t. a 4 4 x EI content summary we VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and color. Ex. a white blouse 1. a red scarf 2. pink sandals 3. a green jumper 4. a blue jeans 5. brown shoes Part 2: Questions 6-10. Circle the words that have second sound stress. Ex. ‘sandals repeat jumper 6. enjoy jumper jacket 7. jumper ‘sandals invite 8. jacket com plete ‘sandals 9. re'peat ‘mobile ‘picnic 10. fishing invite ‘yellow Unit 17+ Unit 18 Test 1 SER NIT 17 + UNIT 18 Quét ma QR {é nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and tick ( v ) the box. w * £ O) RE 83, fi\ @) oO 0986321476 |_| 0954078123 |_| 0993782109 | | Bao BO fl O 75,000 dong O "53,000 dong BBO REO he 89,000 dong 0 vo O Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and circle the right sentences. Ex. a. How much is the blouse? 6 A 8. 9. 1 6% a. What's Kim's phone number? a, It's seventy thousand dong. a. I'd love to a, Would you like to go skating? 0. a. How much are these jeans? Unit 17 + Unit 18 Test 1 (., How much is the skirt? b. What's Tim's phone number? b. It’s ninety thousand dong. b. Sorry, | can’t. b. Would you like to go fishing? b. How much are these shoes? UNIT 17 + UNIT 18 * Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and write. Hi, my name is Julie. On hot days, | wear a (Ex.) blouse __and a (11) - On cold days, | wear a (12) and (13) . At weekends, | usually (14) with my family so | wear jeans and a pairs of shoes. | like (15) Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and choose the best options. Ex. Would you like to go fishing? Sorry, | busy. B. No, | don't, C. Id love to. 16. What's your phone number? - It’s. A. 0987654321 B. 0912345678 C. 0907685431 17. How much is that T-shirt? - It's dong. A. sixty thousand B. forty thousand C. twenty thousand 18. Would you like to ? A. go fishing B. go for a walk C. go for a picnic 19. What do you wear? = - ‘| wear a T-shirt and A. jeans B. a skirt C. trousers 20. I'm wearing a jacket today. A. yellow B. brown C. blue Unit 17 + Unit 18 Test 1 UNIT 17 + UNIT, 18 eZ Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and choose the best options. { Ex. What colour is the scarj? | a. Pd love to. [ 1. What's your phone number? {b. No, | don't. } [2 Would you like to go fishing? | ¢. Its orange. ) { 3. How much is that white Tshirt? | { 4. would like to go skating. | { 4. Do you wear a jacket on hot days? | {e.tts thity thousand dong. | (5. What would you lke to do? | {es 0965342198 Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and circle the right pictures. 6. My phone number is oh-nine-three-four-four 0987412376 0947124763 0934412593 -one-two-five-nine-three. 7.1 would like to go for & ohn a walk. s Ex. This T-shirt is very nice 8. These shoes are seventy- eight thousand dong. 9. Phong wants to go / “sg c @ fishing with Nam. . 10. 'm wearing a pair of black shoes. EB unit 17+ 80,000 dong 78.000 dong 65.000 dong UNIT 17 + UNIT 18 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and circle the correct options. Hi, ’'m Matt. | like going shopping with my mum. | wear a blouse and a skirt. also like going skating with my friend. On those days, | wear a T-shirt, jeans and a pair of shoes. Sometimes, on hot days, | wear a cap and a pair of sandals. These are my favourite sandals. They are black. They are ninety thousand dong. Ex. Matt likes : A. go for a walk (B. going shopping C. go fishing 11. He wears and a skirt. A. a blouse B. a jacket C. a jumper 12. He likes going skating with his A. father B. friend C. mother 13. He wears jeans when going A. skating B. fishing C. walking 14. His favourite sandals’ colour are A. blue B. black C. brown 15. His sandals are dong. A. 50,000 B. 70,000 C. 90,000 Part 4: Read and circle the correct options. On hot days, | wear a (Ex.) (T-shirt / jacket and a (16) jumper | skirt. On cold days, 1(17) wears | wear a jumper and shoes. | would like to go (18) skating / skate with my sisters. She (19) wears / wear her favourite Jeans. (20) They're | It’s ninety thousand dong. Unit 17 + Unit 18 Test 1 Ey SRT Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and write. “@ @@ 22% The jumper is thirty My favourite shoes They want to thousand dong. are 3 4, 5. 0995617839 55.000 dong x My phone number is These jeans are This is my Part 2: Questions 6-10. Put the words in order. Ex. you / to | Would | skating | like / go | ? —> _Would you like to go skating? 6. wearing | blue / a] I'm / T-shirt | . > 7. How | this | is | much | jacket | ? > 8. phone / Henry's / What's | number / ? > 9. eighty | They | dong / are | thousand | . > 10. What | the / of | colour / is / pair / shoes | ? > Init 17 + Unit 18 Test 1 UT he pre Uy te bs Part 3: Questions 11-15. Write the questions. Ex. __What's your phone number? > My phone number is 09876578943. 11. ? —> My skirt is twenty thousand dong 12. ? + Id love to. | like picnic. j ? —> Sorry, | can’t. | can’t skate. 14. ? —> Her jeans are one hundred thousand dong. 15. ? —> I'm wearing a blue jacket and green trousers today. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write about you. 16. What are you wearing today? 18. What's your mum's phone number? > _ > 17. What's your dad's phone 19. Would you like to go for a picnic? number? > 4 20. How much is your jacket? SHEIID Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and ask the questions. “Ales 4s blue. ) | 3. It’s oh-nine-three-five-two 2. Its fifty 1 three -eight-nine-oh-one. , — \ thousand dong. 0935238901 50,000 dong « 5. | want to go skat 6, T wane go seating. J 4. Pd love to Part 2: Questions 6-8. Look and response the questions. 0967231097 75.000 dong x 6. How much 7. What's his 8. Would you like are these jeans? phone number? to go for a picnic? Part 3: Questions 9-10. Ask the questions about your family. My scarf is forty five thousand dong. a 5 10. 2 ») C Sorry, | can’t. | can’t go fishing. 7 - L N 17 + Unit 18 Test 1 UNIT 17 + UNIT 18 = fi:+ VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look, read and circle. Ex. cs mobile phone phone number clock 1 33 go fishing go skating go swimming K a T-shirt a blouse @ scarf % Ss go shopping go fishing go walking 4 V9 S: eo a cap a jumper a jacket Part 2: Questions 6-10. Look and match. on sandals | First sound stress a . Neaesei™ | Second sound stress Nana Si Unit 17 + Unit 18 Test 2 By 2, shoes sandals slippers OES Quét ma OR Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and number. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and write the price. mm Ex. 50.000 dong 6. dong ____ dong 8. dong ] dong | dong GLB Unie 17 + Unit 18 Test 2 NIT 17'+ UN Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and write the answers. Ex. What's your phone number? - ___ It's 0987679432. 11. How much is the jacket? - 12. Would you like to go fishing? = - 13. What do you want to do? - 14, How much are the shoes? - 15. What's Lucy's phone number? Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and fill in the information with one or two words. Ex. Name Macy, 16. Phone number 17. Clothes PASO =): 2 18. Colour 19. How much 20. Hobbies Unit 17+ Unit 18 Test 2 Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look, read and circle the right sentences. Ex. Am [like this jacket. I like this jumper. | like this cap. 2 He wants to go swimming. He wants to | go fishing. He wants to go skating. | wear shoes in the house. & | wear sandals in the house. | wear slippers in the house. It’s oh-nine-eight- » e seven-six-five-four 0987654321 -three-one-two. nA Theyjre ninety three dong. 43.000 dong » Would you like to go for a walk? It's oh- eight-nine- seven-six-five-four -three-one-two. They're ninety dong Would you like to go for a picnic? It’s oh-nine-eight- seven-six-five-four- three-two-one. They're ninety- five dong. Would you like to go fishing? Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and choose the best options. Thomas wears different clothes for schooldays. On cold days, he often (Ex.) wear | (wears a blue scarf and a pair of brown (6.) shoes | jacket. On hot days, he sometimes wears a yellow T-shirt and (7.) pair | a pair of sandals. He always goes (8.) skating / skate on Thursdays so he wear a pair of black (9.) shorts | short. He likes hot days because he can go for (10) a picnic | picnic with his friends. BEB unit. 17 + Unie 18 Test 2 17 + UNIT, Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and complete. Emma wears different clothes every day. On hot days at school, she wears a blouse, a skirt and a pair of shoes. On cold days, she wears a jacket and trousers. On hot days at home, she wears a T-shirt, shorts and slippers. On cold days, she wears a jumper and a scarf. | a T-shirt, (13.) and (14.) a blouse, (Ex.) a skirt_, a pair of (11) On hot days (12) Once ldidaus and trousers 15.) and a scarf Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and circle True (T) or False (F). In the summer, Danny usually goes for a walk with his brother. He likes playing sports like basketball, football with his brother in the park. At weekends, he always goes for a picnic with his family. He sometimes uses his mobile phone to take photos. He also likes helping his mum to cook and his dad to wash the car. Ex. Danny usually goes for a walk with his brother, @ er 16. He likes playing football with his sister. T OF 17. He always goes for a picnic with his friends at weekends. TF 18. He sometimes uses his mobile phone to take photos. T OF 19. He likes helping his mum to cook. . F 20. He likes helping his dad to clean the car. rT OF __Unit 17 + Unit 18 Test 2 EB SRT Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and write. “a. °% The cap is sixty ___| would like five thousand dong to _go skating 1, 2. 3, i ‘0934287561 5 4 5 Part 2: Questions 6-10. Draw five clothing items, colour and write the prices. On 150.000 dong Ex. The ___cap is white (ls They're __fiftu thousand dong 6. The . It's | They're 7. The . Its | Theyre 8. The It's | They're 9. The . It's | They're 10. The . It’s / They're + Unit 18 Test 2 UNIT 27+ UNIT 18: Part 3: Questions 11-15. Answer the questions. 11. What do you wear on hot days at school? > _Would you like to go skating? 12. What do you wear on cold days at school? > 13. What do you wear on hot days at home? > 14. What do you wear on cold days at home? > 15. What do you wear when you go skating / go swimming? > Part 4: Questions 16-20. Use the information in Part 3 to write the text about you. Hi, my name is On hot days at school, On cold days, On hot days at home, On cold days, When | go , | wear Unit 17 + Unit 18 Test 2 SHINS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and repeat the dialogue. 1. Hi, Tom. What do you wear on cold days? 2. | wear a scarf and a pair of shoes. 3. What do you wear on hot days? 4. | wear a T-shirt, shorts and a pair of sandals. 5. | like hot days. Part 2: Questions 6-8. Talk about the girl. (Use the picture of the girl) oe 4 A 6. What's her phone number? A 7. What is she wearing? y i 8. What would she like to do? Part 3: Questions 9-10. Talk about you. 9. What's your mum's phone number? 10. What would you like to do? GAB Unit 17 + Unit 18 Test 2 What animal do you sya | want to see? Quét ma QR dé nghe ps Vocabulary and Phonics gy SS { kangaroos / fast | {crocodiles | scary | [ elephants | big | ty {tigers / scary] {monkeys / funny| [zebras / beautiful] [ bears / big | @ Phonics: First sound stress: ‘crocodile — ‘elephant — ‘wonderful — ‘beautiful ee Sentence Patterns | i Se What animal do | want to see zebras. you want to see? 7 — Why do you like zebras? He wants to see crocodiles. i : 7} wha onnelons | Gi he want to see? ao —— ey LEG, See | He doesr’t like crocodiles because they are scary. Contenesummory EB | like zebras because | they are beautiful. UNIT 19 + UNIT, 20 ot Quét ma QR 8 nghe What are you going to do this summer? sa Vocabulary and Phonics iit vd ep [summer | [summer holiday] {swim in the sea| | stay in a hotel | ae taF we Z ° et eat seafood ) {build sandcastles| {go on a boat cruise] { delicious | @@ Phonics: Second sound stress: de'licious — e‘normous — No'vember — De‘cember Se Sentence Patterns | Where are you going to this summer? | I'm going to Phu Quoc. ay Ai What are you I'm going to goingtodo? = | eat seafood Content summary fi VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Circle and tick ( V) “aby -FNOGCmmMmAANUO Bo or ZF Emaz— a7 DDou wrondtrzcmsa BON swz>z0 mn mxrunos4zt > Teme mw Se oe ee ae te. Oe: x 2S em oe wa So Se -nnwrAmo-A I'm going to Ha Long. 16. What animal does he want to see? > 17. Why do you want to see bears? at 18. What is she going to do? pe 19. Why do you like elephants? > 20. What animal do you want to see? > Unit 19+ Unit 20 Test 1 LOB ye dea tp pede) Oo CETTE Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and match. | Ex. What are you going to do? [o. Because they are scary. | | 1. Where is she going to stay? [b. Because they are big. | [ 2. What animal does he want to see? | [¢ Theyre going to Phu Quoc. | | 3. Why do you like elephants? di tim going to eat seafood. | | 4. Why doesnt she lke crocodiles? | [e He wants to see kangaroos. | | 5. Where are they going to? [f. She's going to stay in a hotel] Part 2: Questions 6-10. Look, read and circle the right words. Ex. What animal does he want to see? ~ He wants to see Gonkeys | kangaroos. 6. Why does he want to see monkeys? ~ Because they're scary | funny. 7. Does he like them? ~Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. 8. Where is she? ~She’s in the sea | the zoo . 9. What is she doing? <5 ~She's running / swimming . 10. What is she going to do? She's going to build sandcastles / eat seafood. (GF unit 19 + unit 20 Test 1 UNIT 19 + UNIT. 20 — Part 3: Questions 11-15. Circle the correct sentences. Ex. What animal does she want to see? What animal does she wants to see? 11. He likes bears because they big. He likes bears because they're big. 12. | going to Da Nang this summer. I'm going to Da Nang this summer. 13. Why do you like zebras? Why does you like zebras? 14. She’s going to building sandcastles. She's going to build sandcastles. 15. They are swiming in the sea. They are swimming in the sea. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Look, read and choose the right options. Ex. What animal does the girl want to see? (A. She wants to see monkeys. B. She wants to see kangaroos. C. She wants to see crocodiles. 16. Why does she want to see monkeys? A. Because they're scary. S. B. Because they're funny. C. Because they're very big. 17. What animal do they want to see? A. They want to see elephants. B. They want to see zebras. C. They want to see tigers 18. Where is he going to this summer? A. He’s going to Nha Trang. B. He's going to Da Nang C. He's going to Ha Long. 19. Where is he going to stay? A. He’s going to stay in a hotel. B. He's going to stay in a boat. C. He’s going to stay in a house. Unit 19 + Unit 20 20. What is he going to do? A. He's going to build sandcastles. B. He's going to eat seafood. C. He's going to go on a boat cruise. SRT Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and write the answers. Ex. What are they? 1. What is she going 2. Where are you P x todo? 2 going to stay? Theu’re kangaroos. 3. Why do you want 4. Do you like 5, How is chicken? to see elephants? crocodiles? @ i oe Part 2: Questions 6-10. Put the words in the gaps. fast What Because kangaroos They're like Vicky: Dad, look at that (Ex.) kangaroos _. Dad: Oh, it’s (6.) . | like kangaroos. Vicky: But | don’t (7.) kangaroos. Dad: Why not? Vicky: (8.) they're scary Dad: Scary? They're not scary, Vicky. (9.) animal do you like? Vicky: | like zebras. (10.) beautiful RY Unit. 19 + unit 20 Test 1 UNIT 19+ UNIT 20 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Put the words in order. Ex. animal | you | What / like | do | ? —> __What animal do you like? 11. does | bears / she | Why | like | ? 12. going / this | is | to / Nha Trang / She | summer / . 13. is | going | sandcastles | He / to / build / . 14.1 / because / scary / crocodiles | like / they | don’t | are /. > 15. stay / are | Where / to / you / going / ? ae Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write about you. § 4 a” This summer, my family and | are going to We are going to stay In the morning, we are going to In the afternoon, we are going to We are going to eat Unit 19 + Unit 20 Test 1G eet) me Cb de) oO Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and repeat. 1. What animal do ~ 3. Why don’t you \\ you want to see? . like tigers? ) ( 2. | want to see tigers m i "4, Becau Because \ But | don’t like tigers. poe re scary. 5. | like tigers because they're big. Part 2: Questions 6-8. Look and say. 6. | want to 7. ?'m going see * to 8. Because they're Part 3: Questions 9-10. Answer the questions. 9. Where are you going to this summer? 4 ae oN 10. What animal do you like? ) ( : =a a =UNIT 19 + UNIT 20 TEST 2 PALES Part 1: Questions 1-5. Unscramble. 0 eCbee>>) (iiemay CD Ee 2 COO 2.OD ee s CDDDPTD) $ Canis) » COO Part 2: Questions 6-10. Look and match. grandfather badminton ia eee scene First sound stress ——$—$——= delicious Conde / 2 Second sound stress - basketball Seta Ceca ree : p Unit 19+ Unit 20 Test 2 Gy ee UNIT 19 + UNIT 20 Quét ma QR n dé nghe OBST Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and write the words you hear. Ex. __delicious 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen, tick and write. Ex. What animal do you want to see? - | want to see crocodiles. Bh SE, ec 6. Where is he going to this summer? - He's goingto_ BY. ac a. 7. Why do you like___? - Because they're big. Mo 645 Re 8. What are going to do? - I’m going to BB Unit 19 + Unit 20 Test 2 UNIT, 19+ UNIT, 20 0 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and circle the correct options. Ex. I’m going to this summer holiday. A. Phu Quoc B. Da Nang (€.Nha Trang 11. She wants to see in the zoo. A. crocodiles B. bears C. kangaroos 12. My sister doesn't like because they're big. A. bears B. zebras C. elephants 13. The zebras are A. wonderful B. beautiful C. fast 14. My family is going to in this holiday. A. swim in the sea B. stay in a hotel C. eat seafood 15. They are going to in November. A. Thailand B. Vietnam C. England Part 4: Questions 16-20, Listen and complete the text. Jack’s family is going to have (Ex.) _a holiday in Nha Trang. They're going by (16) . When they come there, they are going to (17) and (18) They are going to (19) because Jack wants to see (20) . Jack likes them because they are cute. Unit 19 + Unit 20 Test 2 Le = UNIT 19 + UNIT 20 ORO Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and cross the wrong sentences. Ex. Where is she going to? Where-are-she-going-to?- 16, What animal does you want to see? What animal do you want to see? 17. She's going to eat seafood She's going to eating seafood 18. They's scary. They're scary. 19. Why don’t he like bears? Why doesn’t he like bears? 20. What are you going to do? What are you going to doing? Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and circle the correct options. Hi, I'm Lean. This weekend, my class is going to the zoo. We want to see tigers, elephants and crocodiles. Mark likes elephants because they are cute but he doesn’t like tigers because they are big. | like tigers because they are fast but | don’t like crocodiles because they are scary. Ex. Lean’s class is going to the zo0 | the beach. 6. They are going to the zoo today | this weekend. 7. Mark likes | doesn’t like elephants because they are cute. 8. He doesn’t like tigers because they are scary | big. 9. Lean likes tigers | crocodiles because they are fast. 10. Lean doesn’t like crocodile so / because they are scary. £0] 9 + Unit 20 Test 2 UNIT 19 + UNIT 20 =——= Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and circle the correct options. James wants to go to the zoo this weekend. There are many different animals. He likes kangaroos very much. They can jump very fast. He doesn't like crocodiles because they are scary and they like eating meat. James's sister wants to go to Da Nang this weekend. She is going to stay in a hotel. In the morning, she is going to build sandcastles. In the afternoon, she is going to swim in the sea. In the evening, she is going to eat seafood. Ex. James wants to go this weekend. A. the school (B. the 200 C. the beach 11. He likes because they can jump very fast. A. kangaroos B. tigers C. bears 12. He doesn’t like crocodiles because they are scary and they like eating A. fruit B. chocolate C. meat 13. James's sister wants to go Da Nang < A. today B. tomorrow C. this weekend 14. In , She is going to build sandcastles. A. the morning B. the afternoon C. the evening 15. In the afternoon, she is going to. A. build sandcastles B. swim in the sea C. eat seafood Part 4: Questions 16-20. Look, read and choose the right options. A. I'm going to B. in a hotel C. eat seafood D. Where are you going E. are you going to stay F. swim in Mandy: Only one week to the summer holiday! Pat: Yes. (Ex.)__D_ this summer? Mandy: (16.) Hue. Pat: Hue? That's great! Where (17.) ? Mandy; I’m going to stay (18.) Pat: What are you going to do? Mandy: Well, 'm going to (19.) Pat: That sounds wonderful! and (20.) the sea. Unit 19 + Unit 20 Test 2 GG UNIT 19 +1 SETI Part 1: Questions 1-5. Write True or False. Hi, ’'m Harry. I’m going to the zoo with my friends: Tim and Andy. | want to see crocodile because they are big and they can swim. Tim wants to see monkeys because they can do a lot of funny things. Andy wants to see zebra because they are beautiful Ex. True Harry is going to the zoo with his friends. 1._____ Harry wants to see crocodiles. 2. Monkeys can’t do funny things. 3.___—— Andy wants to see bears. 4._______ The zebras are beautiful. 5; Crocodiles can’t swim. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and write. My uncle and | are going to have a holiday in Nhat Le beach next Sunday. We are going to stay in a beautiful hotel. | can see the sea through the windows. In the morning, we are going to swim in the sea and | am going to build a big sandcastle on the beach. In the afternoon, we are going to go on a boat cruise. We can go around the beach. It is going to be fun. In the evening, we are going to eat delicious seafood. | like the holiday! Ex. They are going to stay in a beautiful hotel . 6 +7. In the morning, they are going to and he is going to on the beach. 8 +9. In the afternoon, they are going to . They can go 10. In the evening, we are going to UNIT 19 + UNIT 20 ==" Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and answer the questions. Nam wants to go to Vung Tau this holiday. He is going to stay in a nice hotel. In the morning, he is going to go on a boat cruise. In the afternoon, he is going to swim in the sea and eat seafood. Khanh wants to go to the zoo this holiday. She wants to see many different animals. She likes bears very much. They are big and they eat honey. She doesn’t like tigers because they are scary and they are very loudly. Ex. Where does Nam want to go this holiday? > He wants to go to Vung Tau this holiday. 11. What is he going to do in the morning? > 12. What is he going to do in the afternoon? > 13. Where does Khanh want to go this holiday? > 14. What animal does she like? Why? > 15. What animal doesn’t she like? Why? > Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write about your holiday to the beach or the zoo. You can use the text in Part 2. Unit 19 + Unit 20 Test 2 ER - Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look, ask and answer. 4 Oe, Yee 1. Where | you / 3. they / don’t Ha Long Bay | scary Ne Le x 2. Where | he/ a ae . 5. What / she / 4. Jim | see build sandcastles | elephants Part 2: Questions 6-8. Talk about the animals you like / don’t like. 6. What animal do you like? 7. What animal don’t you like? 8. Why do you like that animal? Part 3: Questions 9-10. Talk about things you are going to do on the beach. 9. 'm going to 10. I'm going to in the morning. in the afternoon. GHEY Unit. 19 + unit 20 Test 2 =UNIT 16 - UNIT 20 REVIEW 2 - TEST 1 PALETTES Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and write. RY me Fi. go skating 3. 4, [Raremnanver = nh Part 2: Questions 6-10. Write the words in the right column. bookshop bakery father pharmacy Book, sweet one syllable two syllables three syllables Ex. book q 9 6. 8. 10. UNIT: 16 = UNIT 20 sy ae ’@) LISTENING Fag oro d8 nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and circle the correct pictures. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and tick (V) the right sentences. Ex. Let’s go to the swimming pool. v | Let’s go to the pharmacy, 6. How much is the T-shirt? How much are these jeans? 7. Would you like to go fishing? 00 000 Would you like to go skating? GHEY Review 2 - Test 1 8. | want to see crocodiles. L | want to see elephants. L 9, She's going to eat seafood. |_| She's going to swim in the sea., | 10. Why does he like bears? |_| Where is she going? C) 6 - UNIT 20 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and tick (/) the correct pictures. “hm & & (68 fw 1. & S “ei wx = s O O Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and write. Ex. What are you going to do? Review 2 - Test 1 §EEZy Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and choose the best options. Ex. What are you going to do? - I’m going to swim A in the sea B. at school C. in the cinema Let’s go to the sweets shop. | want to A. buy some medicine B. buy some chocolate —_C. buy some bread 2. - Great idea! A. What do you want to do? B. Why do you like bears? C. Let’s go to the zoo. 3. How much is the jacket? A. It’s thirty thousand dong. B. They're thirty thousand dong. C. | like this yellow jacket. 4. - She wants to see kangaroos. A. What animal do you want to see? B. What animal does he want to see? C. What animal does she want to see? 5. Why do you want to go to the supermarket? - Because A. | want to see animals. B. | want to buy some food. C. | want to buy some medicine. _ I 2-Test 1 UNIT 16 - UNIT 20 = Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and circle the correct sentences. Ex.€m 4 ig to swim in the sea. P’'m going to swimming in the sea. 6. She want to see crocodiles. She wants to see crocodiles 7. Why do you want to go to the zoo? Why does you want to go to the zoo? 8. How much are the slippers? How much is the slippers? 9. Let's to go to the cinema. Let’s go to the cinema. 10. What animal you like? What animal do you like? Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and match. [Ex. Would you like to go fishing? (4. Because they are big and cute.) (11. What is she going to do? —_| (.1'm going to Phu Quoc. _) (12. Why does he like elephants? | \ (. They're fifty three thousand dong) (13. How much are those sandals? d. Id love to ) (14, What's Kim's phone number? | (©. She's going to eat seafood. _) (15. Where are you going to? _ (fits 0984532187 ) Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and number the sentences to make a complete dialogue. O I'm going to the zoo. O) Because | want to see some animals. O) | want to see tigers because they are fast. [Ex] Where are you going to this weekend? O) What animals do you want to see? O Why do you want to go to the zoo. Review 2 - Test | ay UNIT, 16 - UNIT 20 SRT Part 1: Questions 1-5. Fill in the blanks. Ex. Where are you going to? -_|’m__ going to Phu Quoc. 1. What is he going to do? - He’s going to in the sea. 2. is this jumper? — It’s sixty two thousand dong. 3. What's Nancy's ? — It’s 0945378921. 4. What do they want to see? — They want to see bears. 5. does she want to go to the cinema? — Because she wants to see a film. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Put the words in order. Ex. are / they / going / What / do / to / ? ~/ ————What are they going to do? 11. Would / to | go / like / you / fishing / ? ad 12. wants | because / fast | kangaroos / are / they / She / see / to |. J 13. go | bookshop / Let’s / the / to /. af 14. a] is | How/ slippers | pair / of | much | ? al 15. seafood / is | Peter / to / eat | going | al Part 3: Questions 11-15. Write the questions. Ex. __What are you going to do? ? — I'm going to swim in the sea. 11. ? > Because | want to buy some medicine. GLY Review 2 - Test 1 UNIT, 16 - UNIT 20 12. ? — My shorts are twenty thousand dong. 13. ? > My sister’s phone number is 0954783298 14, ? — She likes zebras because they are beautiful. 15. ? — They are going to Nha Trang this summer holiday. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and answer the questions. It's Saturday today. In the morning, Ben and Beth want to go to the bookshop because they want to buy some book. In the afternoon, they want to go to the zoo. They want to see different animals. Ben likes crocodiles because they can swim. Beth likes monkeys because they are funny. They are going to the swimming pool tomorrow. They are going to swim. Then they are going to eat delicious pizza in the restaurant. Ex. What day is it today? > It's Saturday todai $ 16. Why do Ben and Beth want to go to the bookshop? ne 17. What do they do in the afternoon? > 18. What animal does Ben like? Why? 19. What are they going to do tomorrow? > 20. Are they going to eat delicious pizza in the restaurant? > = UNIT 16 - UNIT 20° b> SPEAKING ] Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and repeat. 1. What animal { 2. | like bears do you like? because they are big. | 4. Great idea! But why do you like tigers? 3. Let's go to the | zoo. | want to see tigers. 5. Because they are fast. Part 1: Questions 6-8. Make questions and answers. SUPERMARKET of 6. Why does she 7. How much is 8. Why don’t you ? ? ? ~ Because > It’s > Because Part 3: Questions 9-10. Ask the questions. 9. What animal do you like? \ 10. Where are you going) inthe summer? J PPTL a ao ed Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and circle. Ex. Ginema bookshop | mobile phone chair shoes shorts eR monkeys _ bears scary delicious scarf trousers Part 2: Questions 6-10. Write the words in the right column. crocodile invite jacket complete sandals delicious ] Second sound stress First sound stress Ex. ___ sandals 6. P. Review 2 - Test 2 GEER me | pede) a BE Quét ma OR dé nghe ORERIS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and circle the right sentences. Ex. 1. oF of It’s twenty thousand dong. (U's twenty two thousand dong. Would you like to go for a picnic? Would you like to go for a walk? She wants to see kangaroos. She wants to see elephants. Why does Jim like tigers? Why doesn’t Jim like tigers? It's 0976589345. Its 0974958356. They're going to Hue. They're going to Da Nang. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and circle the correct picture. 10. REAY Review 2 - Test 2 en @& Be 2% Ge ey 25 Oe * => wp Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and number. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and circle True or False. Ex. What are you going to do? True False —> Pm going to swim in the sea. 16. What animal does Ben want to see? —> He wants to see crocodiles. Tne false 17. Would you like go for a walk? a I'd loverto; True False _ 18. How much is the jumper? —> Its ninety four thousand dong. Tue alse 19. Where are you going? —> I'm going to Dong Nai. Tee False 20. Why does she want to go to the sweets shop? True False —» Because she wants to buy some chocolate. Review 2 - Test 2 eS _GEZY Review 2 - Test 2 wT Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and tick ( v ) the correct picture. Ex. This is my jacket. hi 7 @ = It is thirty thousand dong. = L 1. Let's go to the sweets shop. | want to buy some chocolate. 2. Would you like to go fishing? > Sorry, | can’t. 3. What animal does he want to see? —> He wants to see kangaroos. Fao 2s 4. Where is she going? > She's going to Thailand. — LC 5. What's his phone number? t. . — It's oh-nine-three-six-two-oh- 0936207815 C) 0936870215 CO) seven-eight-one-five. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and circle the correct options. lm going to the zoo (Ex.) (this weekend / yesterday. | (6) wants to / want to see monkeys because they are funny. And then, I’m going to (7) the pharmacy / the bookshop because | want to buy some books. My sister is going to the beach because she (8) wants to / want to (9) swim in the sea | go skating. (10) They're / It's a great weekend. UNIT, 16 — UNIT 20 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and circle the correct options. Hi, I’m Lucy. Today is Sunday. I’m going shopping with my sister because she wants to buy a new jacket. She likes the yellow jacket and it is eighty three thousand dong. | don’t like going shopping so | ask her to go to the cinema because | want to see a film. Then we go to the sweetshop to buy some delicious chocolate. Ex. Today is . A. Tuesday (B. Sunday C. Saturday 11. Lucy is going with Her sister A. shopping B. skating C. fishing 12. Lucy's sister wants to buy A. a skirt B. a jumper C. a jacket 13. It’s dong A. 83.000 B. 80.000 C. 86.000 14. Lucy wants to go to A. the bookshop B. the cinema C. the zoo 15. They buy some A. chocolate B. sweets C. books Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read the text in Part 3 and circle True or False. Ex. Lucy and her sister are going shopping False 16. Lucy's sister wants to buy a new skirt False 17. Lucy wants to see a film. False 18. The jacket is eighty six thousand dong False 19. Lucy likes going shopping. False 20. They buy some delicious chocolate. True False Review 2 - Test 2 QE S UNIT 16 - UNIT 20 SRT Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and write. Let's go to the cinema. 4. Goremwaner 5 © Part 2: Questions 6-10. Underline and correct the mistakes. Ex. They is going to swim in the sea. are 6. Would you like go for a picnic? 7. What animal does she wants to see? 8. | like tigers because it’s fast. 9. My trousers is twenty five thousand dong. 10. What's Kim phone number? Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and fill in the blanks. Hello, my name is John. My brother and | go to the supermarket today, We want to buy a new T-shirt for my mother’s birthday. The T-shirt is forty five thousand dong. It’s very beautiful. Then we go to the bakery because we want to buy a delicious birthday cake for her. We are going to Da Nang this weekend, too. In there, we are going to give presents to her and say “Happy birthday!”. BEB Review 2 - Test 2 Nit 16 - UNIT 20 Ex. John and his brother go to _the supermarket _ today. 11. They want to buy for their mother. 12. The dress is dong and it’s beautiful. 13. They go to the bakery because 14. They are going to this weekend. 15. In Da Nang, they are going to Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and answer the questions. My name is Vicky. My phone number is 0987896578. | like to go to the z00 because | want to see kangaroo. | think they are fast and cute. | like to go skating with my sister. We can skate in the afternoon after school. Sometimes, | go to the cinema with my friends because there is a new film. This summer holiday, my family is going to the beach. We are going to swim in the sea and eat seafood. Ex. What's Vicky's phone number? af __ It’s ob-nine-eight-seven-eight-nine-six-five-seven-eight. 16. Why does she want to the zoo? al 17. How are the kangaroos? A 18. When do Vicky and her sister go skating? J 19. Who does Vicky go to the cinema with? J 20. Where is Vicky's family going to this summer holiday? J Review 2 - Test 2 GE CHL Part 1: Questions 1-5. Answer the questions about your mother. 1. Where is she going to this summer holiday? 2. Would she like to go for a walk? 3. What animal does she want to see? 4. What's her phone number? 5. How much is her skirt? Part 2: Questions 5-8. Read and say. 6. Where is it? 7. Why do you go to the cinema? 8. How often do you go to the cinema? Part 3: Questions 9-10. Talk about you. 9. 2 ) I'd love to. | like picnic. Y ON 10. ? ) Ce Because crocodiles are scary. ™ UNIT 16 - UNIT 20 i Quét ma QR ié nghe WR awn kee 1. Read and listen to the story. Then correct the words in blue. 1 Gun and Min are going to the zoo. ZOO ——— What animal do you want to see? T\want to see kangaroos. | love kangaroos. (What about you? real {TE | want to see crocodiles. “Aecal! can speak. {1m very well, {thank you! = . . Why do you like kangaroos? Hello, Ms Kangaroo! Because theyre very slow. (What are you today?) Really? Yes.) )) Don't be silly, Min! iis Kangaroos can't speak! Vv PYes, we Let’s buy a shirt! __ Great idea!) [SST ow much is the) kangaroo cap, please? Its seventy \ Goodbye, Ms Kangaroo! Goodbye! See you soon! 2. Listen to the story again and check. 3. Read the story. Short story 4 GET UNIT 16 — UNIT; 20 4, Put the words in the correct order. Then practise the conversation in pairs. & a. A: want | what / see / you / animal | do / to / ? b. B: bears / see / want / to/1/. c. A: to | why / them / want | do / you / see / ? d. B: they're | because / big / . e. A: they're / too / and / cute/./, 5. Correct the wrong sentences. a. Gun wants to see crocodiles. b. Min likes kangaroos because they're slow. c. The kangaroo in the zoo can’t speak. d, Miu wants a kangaroo shirt. e. They don’t say goodbye to the kangaroo. 6. Unscramble these words from the story. (ED Short story 4 - ND OF SEMESTER 2 a Sge7 ~~ OBES Be oo racn & i f dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-4. Listen and number. (1 point) Part 2: Questions 5-8. Listen and circle the words you hear. (1 point) Ex. scarf shir jumper jacket 5. ge fishing go skating go shopping go swimming 6. cinema supermarket pharmacy sweets shop 7. crocodiles bears elephants tigers 8. office factory field hospital End of semsester 2 - Test 1 GEE END OF SEMESTER 2 Part 3: Questions 9-12. Listen and match. What is Sarah going to do next week? (1 point) ye Poor 6a Part 4: Questions 13-16. Listen to Jasmine taking about her holiday and tick ( v ) Yes or No. (1 point) Yes No Ex. Jasmine went to Phu Quoc last summer holiday. Vv) O 13. She went by plane with her class. 10 14. They ate seafood for dinner. C] C) 15. The food at Phu Quoc was delicious 1 O 16. Jasmine built sandcastles with her brother on the beach. | | (_ | _ RETY End of semsester 2 - Test 1 OF SEMESTER 2 VETTES Part 1: Questions 1-3. Read and number the sentences to make the right dialogue. (0.75 point) My mother is a doctor and my father is a clerk. Where do they work? Hi, Jim. What do your parents do? O00 My mother works in a big hospital and my father works in the office. Part 2: Questions 4-6. Read and choose the right sentences. (0.75 point) @ crocodile What animal am |? 7 Ex. | live in Australia. | have one baby in my bag. | can jump. | have two short legs and two long legs. a kangaroo 4. | live in or near the rivers. | have a big mouth and sharp teeth. | have four legs and | can crawl. 5. | live in the jungle. | look like @ horse but | have black and white lines on my body. | can run very fast. 6. | live in the jungle. I'm grey. I've got four big legs and two big ears. | have a long trunk. End of semsester 2- Test 1 GEER D OF SEMESTER 2 Part 3: Questions 7-9. Read and match each country with the suitable picture showing what they do in New Year. (0.75 point) NEW YEAR AROUND THE WORLD In China, the children wear nice clothes and visit their grandparents. In England, they eat a typical dessert and they have their own recipe for New Year. In America, they celebrate the New Year by watching firework display with their family or their friends. In Vietnam, New Year is later than other countries. They celebrate the New Year in late January or early February. Children can get lucky money from their parents and grandparents. END OF SEMESTER 2 —— JST Part 1: Questions 1-3. Put the words in the right order. (0.75 point) Ex. favourite | what’s | food / your / ? What's your favourite food? . 1. bread | for / want | the | sister | some / bakery / | / to / to go / buy / to/ my! . 2. animal | last | did / see | the | he / what / Sunday / zoo | in | ? 3. cinema / because | film / | / let’s / to / see | go / the / to / want /a/. Part 2: Questions 4-6. Write a text (3 sentences) to talk about your last summer holiday. (0.75 point) assis : SHI Part 1: Questions 1-3. Get to know each other. (0.75 point) 1. What does your mother do? 2. Where does she work? 3. Does she like her job? Part 2: Questions 4-6. Talk about the clothes. Ask students to choose 2 pictures and answer the questions. (0.75 point) 4. What are they? 5. How much are they? 6. Which one is more expensive | cheaper? (60,000 dong /\ | (97,000 dong /\ a 52,000 dong 35,000 dong /\ ind of semsester 2 - Test 1 END OF SEMESTER 2 Part 3: Questions 7-9. Describe the picture. Students look at the picture for 30 seconds and answer the questions. (0.75 point) 7. Where are they? 8. What are they doing? 9. Talk about your last summer holiday. (Where did you go? What did you do? Who did you go with?) Points: {72.25 ee End of semsester 2- Test 1 GER END OF SEMESTER 2 0 Oo Listening 14 Reading 12.25 Writing 115 | Speaking 12.25 Total 110 REY End of semsester 2 - Test 1 END OF SEMESTER 2 OBER inSRBEH! dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-4. Listen and tick () or cross (). (1 point) 1. = 2. ; wil se QO) Ex: OJ = a O Part 3: Questions 5-8. Listen, circle and write. (1 point) Ex. What does your brother do? - He's a farmer A He's a farmer. B. He's a doctor. C. He's a worker. 5. What do you do at Tet? 7 A. | decorate the house. B. | make banh chung. C. | watch firework display 6. What animal does he want to see? - A. He wants to see tigers. B. He wants to see elephants. C. He wants to see kangaroos. End of semsester 2- Test 2 GZ END OF SEM 7. How much are these sandals? A. They're 55,000 dong. B. Theyre 73,000 dong C. They're 92,000 dong. 8. Why do you want to go to the beach? - A. Because | want to eat seafood. B. Because | want to swim. C. Because | want to build sandcastles. Part 3: Questions 9-12. Listen and tick ( ¥ ) the correct pictures. (1 point) Ex. What would James like to eat? ¢ ore x @* = O) O) v 9. What does his mother do? a e A &. z a “ 10. What animal does Mark like? ses & ee, Ye OC) of semsester 2 - Test 2 3] sy 11. What do they do at Tet? 12. Where does Julie want to go? KUIGA, SUrERMARRET ii | YS O O) Part 4: Questions 13-16. Listen and complete. (1 point) (Ex.) Where are you _ going to do this summer? J Pm (13) Ss Nha Trang. ~ What (14) | you going to do? a | (15) Pm going to ——. <<“ a —————— That sounds (16) End of semsester 2 - Test = END OF SEMESTER (2 CETTITD Part 2: Questions 1-3. Read and choose the best options. (0.75 point) Ex: What time is it? (A It’s ten o'clock. B. It ten o'clock. C. 'm ten. 1. Would you like some beef? - A. No, | love beef. B. Yes, please. | love beef. C. Yes, sorry. 2. Why do you like zebras? - A. Because it’s small. B. Because it beautiful. C. Because it’s beautiful. 3 2 - Its ohnine-seven-five-sixfour-seven-eight-nine-eight. A. What's Henry's phone number? B. What’s Henry phone number? C. What Henrys phone number? END OF SEM Part 2: Questions 4-6. Read and complete the passage with the given words. Put the verb in the right form. (0.75 point) My family usually (Ex.) __goes for a picnic _ in the countryside on the weekend. After driving the car to there, we put the big carpet on the grass near the river and my mum (4) » 1 6) because | like cameras a lot. My brother and my dad often (6.) and normally we have a lot of fish at the end of day. | love our picnic! ae go for a picnic take some photos go fishing _ prepare the food Part 3: Questions 7-9. Read and circle True or False. (0.75 point) My sister, Julia, is a doctor. She works in a children hospital. She always wears a white long blouse and black shoes. She takes care of and treats sick children. She starts working at 8 a.m and finishes at 6 p.m. After work, she goes to the bakery to buy some bread. She loves her job a lot. Ex. Julia is a doctor in a children hospital. False 7. She always wears a white long blouse and brown shoes. False 8. She starts working at 8 a.m and finishes at 6 p.m. True False 9. After work, she goes to the bookshop to buy some books. True False © Points: 12.25 End of semsester 2 END OF SEMESTER 2 Be) WRITING } Part 1: Questions 1-3. Read and answer the questions. (0.75 point) Name: Sarah Favourite food: chicken Favourite drink: lemonade Favourite animal: tigers Ex. What's her name? Jl Her name is Sarah. 1. What's her favourite food? a 2. What's her favourite drink? a 3. What animal does she want to see in the zoo? a —_ BTIY End of semsester 2 - Test 2 END OF SEMESTER 2 Part 1: Questions 4-6. Finish the information and write about you. (0.75 point) Name: Favourite food: Favourite drink: Favourite animal: My name is | Points: 115 End of semsester 2 - Tes: 2 AEEZn END OF SEMESTER 2 — SETI Part 1: Questions 1-3. Get to know each other. (0.75 point) 1. What animal do you want to see in the zoo? 2. What are you going to do this weekend? 3. Would you like to go fishing? Part 2: Questions 4-6. Talk about the festivals. Ask students to choose 2 pictures and answer the questions. (0.75 point) 4. What festival is it? 5. When is (New Year Day / Children’s Day | Teachers’ Day / Christmas) ? 6. What do you do at (New Year Day / Children’s Day / Teachers’ Day / Christmas) ? END OF SEMESTER 2 0 Part 3: Questions 7-9. Describe the picture. Students look at the picture for 30 seconds and answer the questions. (0.75 point) 7. What does she have for lunch? 8+9. Talk about your lunch. (What time do you have lunch? Where do you have lunch? What do you have for lunch? Who do you have lunch with?) © Points: /2.25 End of semsester 2- Test 2 GLE OF SEMESTER 2 ~ Listening 14 Reading 12.25 Writing 115 is Speaking 2:25. Total Ja eae LO) BY End of semsester 2 - Test 2 END OF SEMESTER 2 + OEE Quét ma QR @ dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-4. Listen and tick (V) the right sentences. (1 point) Ex.| like tigers (Y| 1. What does your sister look lke? C) | like elephants. CO What does your brother look like?| jae 2. Would you lke to go skating? || 3. What does she do at Tet? C) Would you like to go fishing? | | What does she do on Christmas? C) 4.0m going to eat seafood. |) I'm going to build sandcastle. | Part 2: Questions 5-8. Listen and circle the correct pictures (1 point) Ex. (eat ET en 4 Wo - End of semsester 2 - Test 3 GEIR | — GEBI End of semsester 2 - Test 3 TE ets sy ped Part 3: Questions 9-12. Listen and circle the best answers. (1 point) Ex. Where are you going? A. I'm going to Phu Quoc. Be I'm going to Nha Trang. C. I'm going to Da Nang 10. A. She watches firework display. B. She visits her grandparents. C. She gets lucky money from her parents. 12. A. It’s twenty thousand dong. B. It’s a jacket. C. It’s a pink T-shirt. 9. A. | have dinner at eight o'clock B. | have dinner at eight thirty. C. | have dinner at seven forty five. 11. A. My favourite drink is water. B. My favourite drink is milk. C. My favourite drink is juice. Part 4: Questions 13-16. Listen and write the answers. (1 point) Ex. She's a farmer. 13. 14. 15. END OF SEMESTER 2 EZ Part 1: Questions 1-3. Read and match. (0.75 point) —————, / Ex. Would you like a. l'm going to to _ to go for a v for a walk? swim in the sea. (41. What are you \ b. She’s young __going to do? to do? \ and slim. 2. When is \ " . les on the twentieth Teachers’ Day? \ of November. 3, What does your \ mother look like? d. I'd love to. Part 2: Questions 4-6. Read and complete the passage with the given words. (0.75 point) L a worker farmers a student many animals Hi, ’'m Catherine. I’m (Ex.) a student in London Primary School. My mother is a Math teacher in my school. In June, the summer holiday, my mother and | always go to my grandparents to play. My grandparents are 4) but they are strong. They can work in the field and raise GB), like hens, rabbits, cows, pigs. My father is (6), so he is very busy. He only visits us on the weekend. On those days, our family has a great time. - End of semsester 2- Test 3 GEER END OF SEMESTER 2 Part 3: Questions 7-9. Read and number. This is Mary. She has many plans to do because today is Sunday. In the morning, she is going to tidy up the house. And then she is going to cook lunch for her family. In the afternoon, she is going to the bookshop to buy some books. After that, she is going to the supermarket to buy some food for dinner. BOOKSHOP [{] ° END OF SEMESTER 2 STITT Part 1: Questions 1-3. Write the questions and answers (0.75 point) Ex. animal / elephants What animal do you want to see? [want to see elephants 1. her brother / young and strong 2. summer holiday / Hue 3. Teachers’ Day / give flowers to my teachers Part 2: Questions 4-6. Finish the information and write about your meal. (0.75 point) Caer YY III) Food for breakfast: 2 2 & Food for lunch: SR oats Val ¢ Food for dinner: 8 CODA DD DAAAADIADAAAAAA EE Points: 15 End of semsester 2- Test 3 GEG Fas s\s5 1s. bo) SPEAKING | Part 1: Questions 1-3. Get to know each other. (0.75 point) 1. What does your grandfather look like? 2. What's your favourite drink? 3. What's your mother’s phone number? Part 2: Questions 4-6. Talk about the food. Ask students to choose 2 pictures and answer the questions. (0.75 point) 4. What food is it? 5. Do you like eating (chicken / pork / beef / fish)? 6. What do you have for your (breakfast | lunch | dinner)? Part 3: Questions 7-9. Describe the picture. Students look at the picture for 30 seconds and answer the questions. (0.75 point) 7. What are they doing? 8+9. Talk about your New Year's Day. (What do you do on New Year’s Day? Where do you celebrate New Year’s Day? Who do you celebrate New Year’s Day with? Do you get lucky money from your Parents on New Year’s Day?) Points: (2)25 pine even Terr END OF SEMESTER 2 Listening | 4 Reading —_—_ i 2.25. Writing a 15: Speaking | 12.25 Total | gob |10) | es of semsester 2 - Test 3 ee #& VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1 1. time 2. office 3. go to school 4. nurse 5. have dinner Part 2: 6. cook Ex. reading Cul) Ga 7. school 8. piece Do 9. book 10. teacher O ulstenine Part 1: 'é 4. ee 5 Transcript: Ex. What time do you go to school? =| go to school at seven thirty, 1, What does your mother do? ~ She is a clerk 2. When does she have breakfast? ~ She has breakfast in the morning, 3. Where does your brother work? = He works in the factory, 4, What time is it? + Its two thirty 5. When do you have lunch? = | have lunch ot noon. Part 2: ‘€) " wag * 2 @= Transcript: ‘¥ Ex. What do you do? - I'm a clerk. 6. What time is it? It’s seven forty five. 7. Where does he work? - He works in the office. 8. What does he do? - He's a worker. 9. What time does she have breakfast? - She has breakfast ot six o'clock. 10. What time do you get up? - I get up at 5 a.m Part 3: @® & a a @ $e a 42) 12 Transcript: Ex. She goes to bed at midnight. 11. What time do you go to school? =1 go to school at 7 a.m. 12. Where does Jim work? = He works in the hospital. 13. What does he do? ~ He's a doctor. 14, What time is it? Its ten fifteen. 15. When does she have breakfast? ~ She has breakfast at seven fifteen, Part 4, 16B 17.C 118A 19. 20.8 ‘Ey Oe as Ex. What time is it? - It’s ten o'clock. 16, What does she do? - She's a teacher. 117. What time do you go hore? - | go home at 4.15 p.m. 18. Where does he work? - He works in a factory. 19, What do you do? - I'm a clerk 20. What does your mother do? - My mother is doctor. (8 READING Part 1: 1. farmer 2.driver 3. three forty five 4, go to school 5. at midnight Part 2: 6B 7.C B.A 9¢ 10.B Part 3 11Yes 12.No 13.No 14, Yes 15. No Port 4: 16. seven a.m 19. go home 17. go to school 20. seven forty five p.m 18. twelve o'clock J wrITING Part 1: 1. go to school 2. worker 3. office 4, go to bed 5. school Part 2: 6, Where 7. Does 8. What does your mother do? 9. Where does she work? 10. Does she like her job? Part 3: 11. I have breakfast in the morning. 12. Where does your brother work? 13. What time do you go to bed? 14, It is ten thirty am 15, He is a teacher in a school. & SPEAKING Part 1 1. | have breakfast at 2. Yes, | do. / No, | don't. 3. My mother is a 4, She works in a 5. Yes, she does. | No, she doesn't. Part 2: 6, She's a nurse. 7. She works in a hospital 8. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't Part 3: 9. What does your brother do? 10. Does he like his job? #%& VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1 Part 2: 6. ie 9.ea 10. ie 8.00 7.ea © LsTENING Part 1: Transcript: Ex. What does he do? - He's a teacher. 1, What time is it? - les ten fifteen 2. What does he do? - He's a farmer. 3. Where does Kim work? = She works in the factory, 4, What time does she go home? = She goes home at 4.30 p.m. 5. What time do they go to school? = They go to school at seven thirty a2 9 Part 2: 6. A of? 9. 8 Transcript: Ex. office 8. nurse 6 worker 9. have breakfast 7. have lunch 10. ten thirty, Part 3: 11. seven o'clock 12. breakfast. 13, student 14. brother 15. school Transcript: Hi, my name is John. | get up at six o'clock every day, | go to school at seven o'clock and have breakfast | at seven thirty. I'm a student and this is my brother. | He's o teacher. He works in my school. Part 4: 16. Where does he work? 17. Yes, | do. | 18. She's a nurse 19. What time does she go to bed? 20. | have dinner at eight o'clock. Transcript: Ex. What does she do? - She's a nurse. | 16. Where does he work? - He works in a factory, | 17. Do you like your job? - Yes, | do 18. What does your mother do? - She's a nurse. 19. What time does she go to bed? |= She goes to bed at eleven o'clock 20. Whet time do you have dinner? |= Thave dinner at eight o'clock. WW READING Part 1: 1 2. a. 4. 5. | Port 2: ba 7b 8a aa 10.b Part 3 Part 3: algeup ) | ‘at seven am. / Ex. Does he like is job? 11. What time b.Hesa 11. sie thirty do you get up? \ doctor, 13. five o'clock 12. Where does (cL have lunch t-— your sister work? \at 11.30. 15. eight fifteen 13. Do you go Oa Yes, edocs.) | home at 5 p.m? oe Part 4, (74, What does) 14, What does (e, She works MY DAILY ROUTINE 5 ‘ yourjather e2 ina field. Hi, my name is Kien. This is my daily routine. | get fs wea] up at six thirty in the morning. Then | have break- 15. When do §. No, don't Ps y 9 \ you have lunch? ————— fast and | go to school. | go home at five o'clock in the afternoon. | have dinner at eight fifteen in the Port 4: evening, | study and go to bed 16. have breakfost 17. afternoon 18. four fifteen 19. teacher @ SPEAKING 20. school sane Port 1: af wriTING Questions to ask friends: 1. What time do you get up? Port 1 2, What time do you 2 1.0 doctor ina hospital 2, afarmer in ofeld | 4 Whot time do you > 3.a worker ina factory 4. a cletk in an office Port 2: 5. a teacher at school Questions to ask friends: Port 2: 6. What does your father do? Ex: 7. Where does he work? There are four people in my family. My father is |g What does your mother do? a former. He works in a field. My mother '8 @ | 9 Where does she work? teacher. She works in a school. My brother is a worker, He works in a factory. And | ama | Part 3: student. | study ot Quang Trung Primary School, Ex: My friends fother is a doctor. He works in a hospital RB Key ——————— DUE es ee #%& VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Port 1: 1. thick 2. noodles 3. big 4. slim 5. lemonade Part 2. olf 7.18 8S} if 10.18 © LisTeNING Part 1: Q) @) iy @| ae dad iF a oO @® Transcript: Ex. What does he look like? ~ He's tall. 1, What's your favourite drink? ~ My favourite drink is orange juice 2. What's your favourite food? ~ My favourite food is chicken. 3. What does your brother look like? - Hes strong 4, Would you like some pork? ~Yes, please. | love pork. 5. What do they look like? = They are young, Transcript: Ex. What does he look like? - He's old 6. What's his favourite drink?\ ~ His favourite drink is milk 7, What's her favourite food? ~ Her favourite food is fish 8. What do you like? - | like rice. 9, What does she look like? - She's short 10. What does your dad look like? - He's strong, Part 3; 12. 13, a? > WV 14. 15. ao Ce iF Transcript: Ex. What's your favourite food? = My favourite food is chicken 11, What do you look like? - I'm strong. 12. Is this book thick or thin? - It's thin. 13. What's her favourite drink? = Her favourite drink is lemonade 14, Would you like something? ~ Yes, | would like some chicken and rice, please. 15, What do they look like? - They are young. Part 4 16. he 17. shorter 18. noodles 19. slim. 20. milk Transcript: Ex. What's your favourite food? = My favourite food is fish 16. What does he look like? ~ He's old. 17. Who's shorter, the boy or the girl? 18. Would you like some noodles? = Yes, please. | love it 19. What does your mother look like? ~~ She's slim, 20. What's your favourite drink? = My favourite drink is milk 8 READING Part 1 1, noodles 2. young 3. vegetables 4, strong 5. bread Part 2: Ex. What's your Part 4: 16. Would you like some chicken? 17. My mother is stim and young. 18. Who is stronger, Jim or Tom? 19, What's her favourite drink? 20. His favourite food is pork. aS writing Part 1 1. My 2. drink 4. Would 5. please Part 2 6, Rin is shorter than Rim. 7. Rims grandfather is older than Rim. 8. His favourite food is chicken. 9, Her favourite drink is orange juice. 10. Yes, please. Part 3: 11. His favourite food is beef. 12. No, he doesn't. 13. His favourite drink is orange juice. 14. Yes, he does. 15, Yes, he loves it Part 4; 16, My favourite food is 17. My favourite drink is 18. Yes, | do. | No, | don't 19. Shes 20. 'm & SPEAKING Part 4: 9. What's your favourite food? 10. What's your favourite drink? #& VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: © usTENING Part 1 (eM Se & RB Transcript: Ex. What's your favourite food? - My favourite food is beef. 1, What does this monkey look like? - It's strong, 2. Do you like vegetables? - Yes, | do 3. Is this book thick or thin? - It’s thin 4, What’s her favourite drink? - Her favourite drink is milk 5. Is that monkey tall or short? - I's short Part 2: 68 7C 8B 9A 10¢ Transcript: Ex, What's your favourite food? ~ My favourite food is beef. 6. Would you like some pork? - No, thanks 7. What does he look like? - He's strong 8. Would you like some lemonade? - Yes, pleose 9. What's your favourite drink? ~My favourite drink is lemonade 10. What do you have for dinner? =I have chicken and rice. Part 3: 11. My 12.18 13. drink 14, favourite 15. No Key Transcript: A: What's your favourite food? B: My favourite food is noodles. ink? ‘A; What's your favourite B; My fovourite drink is apple juice. Do you like apple juice? A: No, | don't. Part 4: 16. 17. 18. 7s it & 19. 20. #. f Transcript: Ex. What does he look like? - He's strong, 16, What do you have for dinner? - | have rice. 17. What's your mum's favourite drink? - Her favourite drink is lernonade. 18. ls your book thick or thin? - It’s thin. 19. What do you like? - | like fish and water. 20. What does your sister look like? - She's slim. (8 READING Part 1 1.8 26 3A 4.8 5.C ‘9, Fish is my favourite food. ’b. My brother is stronger than me, favourite drink 4. Yes, please hungry F. She's slim Part 2: Ex. Would you ike some rice? ©. What's your favourite food? 7. What does your mother look like? 8. Who is stronger, jour brother or you? 9. Do you like orange juice? 70. What do jou look like? Part 3: VWF 12.T 13.T 14.F 15.T Part 4: 16. lemonade 17. beef 18. fish 19. orange juice 20. pork aS writinc Port 1 1, My fovourite drink is milk. 2. The blue book is thicker than the green book. 3, My favourite food is noodles. 4, The man is taller than the woman. 5. Yes, please. Part 3: 11. He's tall and strong. 412. She's slim and young. 13. Shes a nurse. 14, Minh is older than her sister. 15, Minh is taller than her sister. & SPEAKING Part 1: Ex: There are four people in this family. The fother is taller than the mother. The brother is shorter than the sister. The father is strong. The mother is beautiful. The sister is slim. The brother is young Part 2: 5, My mother’s name is 6. She's 7. Her favourite food is 8. Her favourite drink is 10. My mum is taller than my dad, / My dad is taller than my mum. SO Ee a) Ue SL #& VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1 Part 2: 6. fly 7. sweetshop 8. clap 9. supermarket 10. cinema © LISTENING Part 1: 1. Teachers’ Day 2. bakery 3. house 4, flowers 5. swim Transcript: Ex. sweet 3. house 1, Teachers’ Day 4, flowers 2. bakery 5. swim Part 2: 17. & 4 10. 6. 9. z= of a € eg Transcript Ex. When is Children's Day? = Its on the first of June 6. Let's go to the sweets shop. | want to buy some chocolate. 7. What do you do at Tet? - | visit my grandparents. 8. Why does she want to go to the bakery? = Because she wants to buy some bread 9. What do you get from your parents at Tet? =| get lucky money. 10. | want to buy some medicines so | went to the phamarcy, Part 3: 11. True 12. False 13, False 14, True 15. True Ex. What do you do at Tet? - | decorate the house 11, Let’s go to the cinema, | want to see a film. 12, When's the Teachers’ Day? 13. Why do you want to go to the cinema? 14, Nam and his family decorate the house at Tet. 15. | want to go to the sweets shop because | want to buy some chocolate. Part 4: 16.4 Transcript: Pare 4: Ex. Her sister makes banh chung. ms oo 16.Yes 17.Yes 18.No 19.No 20. Yes 16. Where do his parents go? - His parents go to the bakery. ad WRITING 17. What do they do at Tet? = They decorate the house. Part 1: 1B. Lets go tothe supermarket. |want to buy food. | 1, What 2. swimming pool 3, Because 19. What de Te? © you want ot Ter 4 Sorry 5. Teachers’ Day | want to watch firework display. 20. When's the Teachers’ Day? Part 2: - It’s on the twentieth of November. 6. supermarket 7. want to 8B. buy flowers 8 READING 9, When 10. twentieth of November Part 1: Part 3: 1.0 2C 3.8 4c 5.B | 11. | can't go to the zoo because | have to do my mae homework. 12. He likes Tet because he can get lucky money {from his parents. 13. What do you do on Children’s Day? 14, Why does she want to go to the pharmacy? 6. {heres 15. They decorate their house and make banh you going? chung ot Tet. c. Because | want They make banh chung and decorate their to see animals. house at Tet. | @& SPEAKING e, Ies on the | te first of January 6. Because | want to buy some bread. 7. Because | want to buy some medicine. 8, Because | want to buy food and drinks. Part 3: Part 3: | 9. L want to go to the zoo. Me 12a 13:b te 15.10: When is New Year? UNIT 15 + UNIT 16 - TEST 2 #& VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1 Ex. lucky 1. see money (the animals } 4. buy some bread Part 2: 6. clothes / close 9. bakery / pharmacy 7. sweet shop 8. flowers | floor 10. supermarket © LISTENING Port 1 & : 5, = 1 Transcript: 1. Ex. When is Teachers’ Day? - It’s on the twentieth of November. 1, Where do Jomes and Jim go? - They go to the sweets shop. 2. What do they do at Tet? = They decorate the house. 3, Lets go to the pharmacy. | want to buy some medicine. 4, When is New Year? les on the first of January. 5, Because | want to see a film, | go to the cinema, Part 2: =, Ex. Minh 6. Linh ae ‘ee 7. Kien 8. Phuong 9. Son 10. Quang Transcript: Ex. Minh wants to go to the swimming pool because he wants to swim. 6. Linh wants to go to the pharmacy because she wants to buy some medicine 7. Kien gives flowers to his teachers on Teachers’ Day, 8. Phuong and her parents make banh chung at Tet 9. Son wants to go to the sweets shop because he wants to buy some chocolate. 10. Quang can get lucky money at Tet. Part 3: 11. Sorry, 'm busy, 12. What do you do on Christmas? 13. | want to buy some bread. 14, | watch the firework display 15. When is Children’s Day? Transcript: Ex. Let’s go to the bakery, I'm hungry 11. Let's go to the park. I want to fly kites. ~ Sorry, I'm busy 12. What do you do on Christmas? =11go shopping with my mum. 13. | want to buy some bread. Let's go to the bakery. key GE 14, What do you do at Tet? =| watch the firework display, 15, When is Children’s Day? = It’s on the first of June. Part 4: 16. Let’s go to the cinema 17.1 make banh chung at Tet. 18. What does she do on Christmas? 19. When is Teachers’ Day? 20. Sorry, I'm busy. | con't go to the bookshop. Transcript: Ex. What do they do on New Year Day? 16, Let’s go to the cinema. 17. make banh chung at Tet 18. What does she do on Christmas? 19. When is Teachers’ Day? 20. Sorry, I'm busy. | can't go to the bookshop. READING Part 1 1. wear nice clothes 4. visit grandparents 2. see the animals 5, Great idea! 3. Christmas Part 2: 6A 7.8 8.8 9B 104 Part 3: Part 4: 16.No 17.No 18.Yes 19.No 20. Yes ad writinc Part 1: 1. decorate the house 2. | want to go to the bookshop. 3. on Teachers’ Day 4, go to the cinema 5. the twenty fifth of December Part 2: 6. going — go 7. want > want to 8. want —> wants 9. watching > watch 10. pharmacy —+ swimming pool | swim — buy some medicine Part 3: 11. goes to the supermarket 12. buys many things like flowers and food 13. makes banh chung 14, visits his grandparents 15, watches firework display @ SPEAKING Part 2: 6, Its on the first of January, 7. | visit my grandparents on New Year's Day 8. I can get lucky money from my parents on New Year Day Part 3: 9. | want to go to the on Sunday because | want to 10. | give flowers to my teachers on Teachers’ Day CU i343 #& VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1 2. Teachers’ Day 3. lucky money 4. getup 5. old Part 2: 6. teacher 9. flower | floor 7. beef | leof 8. thick / thin 10. dish / fish © usTENING i. kb 2. 3 ‘eo Transcript: Ex. Where do they have lunch? - They have lunch at school. 1. What does she do? - She's a clerk. 2. Is this ball big or small? - ies small 3. What's your favourite food? ~My favourite food is pork. 4, What do they do at Tet? = They make banh chung. 5. Where does he work? = He works in the factory Part 2: 6. have dinner 7. farmer 8. bookshop 91it 10. medicine Transcript: Ex. milk 8. bookshop 6. have dinner 9. read 7. farmer 10. medicine Part 3: 1 12. 13 pe 8? Transcript: Ex. Is the book thick or thin? - It’s thin, 11. When is Christmas? = Its on the twenty fifth of December. 12. Where does your mum work? ~ She works in the hospital, 13. Would you like some rice? - Yes, please. 14, Do you wear nice clothes at Tet? - Yes, | do. 15. What time is it? - It's nine o'clock. Part 4: 16. Yes 17.No 18.No 19. Yes 20. No Transcript: Ex, What time is it? = Its eleven o'clock 16. What does your brother do? ~ He's a worker. 17. What's your favourite food? - My fovourite food is fish. 18. The boy is taller than the gir. 19. What do you do at Tet? ~ I visit grandparents at Tet 20. When is New Year's Day? - It’ on the first of January WW READING Part 1: 1.8 2A 3.B 4A 5.B Part 2: 6.No 7. What 8. What's 9. your 10. He's Part 3: Ex. What does she look like? «. Yes, please Love pork. b, She works in the office. € It’s on the first of June 11, What time do you go home? 12. Would you like some pork? 13, What do you do con Teachers’ Day? 14, Where does your ‘ego home sister work? cat four J. give flowers to my teachers, 15. Wher’s the Children’s Day? Part 4: (16) | decorate the house and make banh chung, (20) | visit my grandparents. (18) My favourite food is pork. (15) Hello, Jim. What do you do before Tet? 19) What do you do during Tet? (17) What's your favourite food at Tet? af writinc Part 1: 1. dlerk 2. works 3. He's 4. hospital 5, student Part 2: 6. She's a clerk. 7. She works in the office 8.He's a doctor, 9. He works in the hospital, 10. He's a student Part 3: 11. | give flowers to my teachers on Teachers’ Day 12, Would you like some beef? 13, My favourite drink is lemonade. 14, What does she do on New Year's Day? 15, My brother works in the factory Part 4: 16. She's 17. What 18. What's 19. does 20. on @ SPEAKING Part 2: 6. What does he look like? — He's old. 7. What time do you have dinner? = Its 8, Does she wear nice clothes at Tet? — Yes, she does. Part 3: 9. He's 10. My favourite food is Te LL (341s aes fe VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: 1. vegetables 2.strong 3. go home 4. lucky money 5. Tet __ IB ey _ Part 2: . Jud rs | ( dose loor ii | —_— 1a) = —. | lid wT hi ob a) “ ©) LISTENING Part 1: 1. When is Children’s Day? 2. He's a worker. 3. What do you do on Christmas? 4. No, thanks. 5. What time does she go to bed? | Transcript: | Ex. I love beef. 1, When is Children’s Day? «It’s on the first of June. 2. What does your father do? ~ He's a worker. 3. What do you do on Christmas? + | visit my grandparents. 4, Would you like some pork? = No, thanks. 5. What time does she go to bed? ~ She goes to bed at eleven thirty | Part 2: 6. 7. 2 abe 5 = 20 0. Zz | Transcript: Ex. What's your favourite food? - My favourite food is fish 6. What does he do? - He's a driver. 7. What does your mother look like? - She's slim. 8, When is Teachers’ Day? - Its on the twentieth of November. 9. Where does a teacher work? =A teacher works at school. 10. Does she have breakfast at ba.m? - Yes, she does. Part 3: a w Transcript: Ex. The ball is small 11. | would like some rice because I'm hungry 12. My family always watches firework display on New Year's Day. 13. | like decorating the house with my dad at Tet. 14. | get up at seven o'clock in the morning 15. A farmer works in the field Part 4: 16. True 17. False 18. False 19. True 20. True Transcript: Ex. What do you do? - 'm a student. 16. What does he look like? - He's young. 17. She works in the office. 18. Would you like some pork? - Yes, please. | lke pork 19. What time is it? - It’s two forty-five 20. What’ your favourite drink? - My favourite drink is lemonade. Key MEW WW READING Part 1; [De Part 2: e Men ARo Rian FO Part 3: 11. What time do you go to school? 12, My favourite drink is water. 13. He works in the hospital 14. What do you do at Tet? 15, She's old and short, Part 4: 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. aS writinc Part 1 1. go home 2. small 3. milk. 4. factory 5. nice clothes Part 2: 6. What's 7. When 8. like 9. does 10. Teachers’ Part 3: 11. have 12. some 13. love 14, What's 15. My Part 4: 16. work —> works 17. please ++ thanks / No —» Yes 18, she —+ he | He's — She's 19, February —> January 20. doing —> do @ SPEAKING Part 2: S.cletk 6. office 7. pork 8. orange juice UNIT 11 - UNIT 15 - SHORT STORY 3 1 3. plays 4, works 5, stronger 6. do 7. shopping 5, (7D) Julie: What do you do in Vietnam, Gun? (©) Gun: My brother plays in a band. G) Julie: What do your brother and your sister do? (@) Gun: I'm a student. (B) Julie: She works in a restaurant. (7) Julie: What about your sister? (4) Gun: My brother is a musician and my sister is a cook. (F) sulie: Where do they work? 7. 1, cook 2. shopping 3. stronger 4. musician Transcript: Julie: What do you do, Gun? Gun: I'm a student in Vietnam, Julie: What do your brother and sister do? Gun: My brother is a musician. He plays in a band. Julie: And what about your sister? Gun: My sister is a cook. She works in a restaurant. Julie: What do they look like? Gun: My brother is very strong. Julie: Really? A strong dog? Gun: Well, he’s stronger than me and my dad! Julie: Today is Independence Day in Vietnam. Gun; Really? What do people do in Independence Day? They go shopping! UU a ue #& VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 2: 6. en'joy 7. invite 8. com’plete 9. re'peat 10. in'vite © LsTeNING Part 1: Transcript: Ex. Would you like go for a walk? - Id love to 1. What is it? - Ie’ @ blouse, 2. What's your phone number? ~ It’s oh-nine_five-four-oh-seven-eight-one-two-three. 3. What are they? - They are jeans. 4, How much is a T-shirt? - It's seventy five thousand dong, 5. Would you like to go fishing? - I'd love it. Part 2: 6b 7a 9b 10.4 Transcript: Ex. How much is the skirt? + It's fifty thousand dong, 6, What's Tim's phone number? = It’ obvnine-six-three_five-nine-one-seven-three-two. 7. How much is this jumper? - It’s seventy thousand dong. 8. Would you like go skating? - I'd love to. 9. Would you like to go fishing? - Sorry, I'm busy, 10. How much are these jeans? ~ They are forty six thousand dong, Part 3: 11. skirt 12. jumper 13, trousers 14, go for a picnic 15. picnic Transcript: Hi, my name is Julie, On hot days, | wear a blouse and a skirt. On cold days, | wear a jumper and trousers. At weekends, | usually go for a picnic with my family so | wear jeans and a pairs of shoes. | like picnic, Part 4: 16C 17.8 183A 19.0 208 Transcript: Ex. Would you like go fishing? - Sorry, I'm busy, 16. What's your phone number? - It's ob-nine-oh-seven-six-eight-five-four-three-one. 17, How much is that T-shirt? Its forty thousand dong. 18, Would you like to go fishing? - I'd love to 19. What do you wear? ~ | wear a T-shirt and trousers. 20. I'm wearing a brown jacket today, WW READING Part 1 Ex. What colour is the scat a. Fd love to. 2. Would you like to go fishin | would like to go skating Part 2: 6. 7. 8. 0934412593 oe 78,000 dong 9. 10. a 68 Part 3: 1A 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.C Part 4: 16. skirt 17. wear 18. skating 19. wears 20. They're aJ writinc Part 1: 1. black 2. go for a walk 3, oh-nine-nine-five-six-one-seven-eight-three-nine 4. fifty five thousand dong 5. mobile phone GTB key Part 2: 6. I'm wearing a blue T-shirt 7. How much is this jacket? 8. Whot’s Henry's phone number? 9. They are eighty thousand dong 10. What colour is the pair of shoes? Part 3: 11, How much is your skirt? 12, Would you like to go for a picnic? 13, Would you like to go skating? 14. How much are her jeans? 15, What are you wearing today? Part 4: 16. 'm wearing 17. Its 18. It’s 19. Pd love to. | Sorry, | can't 20. It’s thousand dong. & SPEAKING Part 1: 1, Whot colour is the T-shirt? 2. How much is the T-shirt? 3, What's your phone number? 4, What do you want to do? 5. Would you like to go skating? Part 2: 6. Theyre seventy-five thousand dong. 7. It’s obrnine-six-seven-two-three-one-oh-nine-seven 8. Sorry, | can’t Part 3: 9, How much is your scarf? 10. Would you like to go fishing? UNIT 17 + UNIT 18 - TEST 2 | #& VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: 1. go skating 2.ascarf 3. go fishing 4, slippers 5.0cap Part 2: as — jumper ———,_/sandals “First sound stress _ es (mpl invite a sound oval o—~ | (enog trousers © LsTeNING Part 1: im. ‘0934290652 | @ @ Oo @ Transcript: Ex. What are they? - They are trousers. | 1. Would you like to go for a picnic? - I'd love to. 2, What's your phone number? | ~ It’s ob-nine-three-four-two-nine-oh-six-five-two. 3. What are you wearing? - I'm wearing a skirt. 4. Would you like to go for a walk? - Sorry, 'm busy 5. How much is this Tshirt? - Its twenty thousand dong, Part 2: 6. 32,000 7. 94,000 8, 76,000 9. 90,000 10. 65,000 Transcript: Ex. How much is the blouse? ~ It’s fifty thousand dong, 6, How much are these sandals? ~ They are thirty two thousand dong. 7. How much is the jacket? - Its ninety four thousand dong 8. How much are those shoes? - They are seventy six thousand dong. 9. How much is the mobile phone? + It’s ninety thousand dong, 10. How much are these jeans? ~ They are sixty five thousand dong, Part 3: 11. Its fifty-six thousand dong. 12. Sorry, 'm busy. 13. | want to go sketing 14. They are ninety-eighty thousand dong 15. Its 0983456721. Transcript: Ex, What's your phone number? - I's 0987679432. 11. How much is the jacket? = It’s fifty-six thousand dong 12. Would you like to go fishing? + Sorry, I'm busy 13. What do you want to do? - | want to go skating 14. How much are the shoes? ~ They are ninety-eighty thousand dong 15. What's Lucy's phone number? - Its obvnine-eight-three-four-five-si-seven-two-one. key Ea Part 4: | & SPEAKING 16. 0975643987 17. shorts 18. black Part 2: 19. 87,000 20. go skating 6, It's oh-nine-seven-six-five-four-oh-three-two-one. Tonscrtpt: 7. She's wearing a T-shirt and shorts &e. This is Macy 8. She would like to go skating 16. His phone number is ob-nine-sevenfivesix | Part 3: -four-three-nine-eight-seven 9. es, 17. He's wearing shorts 10. | would like to 18. They are black. | | 19. Thea eghy seen word ong AERTS 20. He kes going sharing #®& VOCABULARY AND PHONICS (M8 READING Port 1: Part 1: B 5 1. He wants to go fishing s sD 2. | wear slippers in the house. ‘ PAE ee R tlple e 3. Its ohmnine-eight-seven-sixfive-four-three-two-one. a lal seg 4. They're ninety-three dong E mlalv o 5. Would you like go for a picnic? E UNDA 1 J ' UF Part 2: | Q — KP Zz ve AA 6. shoes 7. poir 8. skating : ae 9. shorts 10. a picnic é oEWYV Part 3 Ce 11. shoes 12.ajacket 13. shorts & elephant 7. beautiful 8. delicious 14. slippers 15. a jumper 9. December 10. enormous Part 4: © LISTENING 1OF 17.F 18T) 19.T 9 20.F | pot y J wriTING | & BB = oF Part 1 1. It's seventy-four thousand dong. | 2 = 2. It’s ob-nine-three-four-two-eight-seven-five-six-one 3. | would like to go for o picnic * ae 4, its ninety-nine thousand dong 4 SS 5.1 would like to go for a walk. 5. a a Transcript: Ex. What animal do you want to see? ~ | want to see kangaroos. 1, What is she going to do? She's going to stay in a hotel 2, What animal does he want to see? - He wants to see monkeys. 3. Is she going to go on a boat cruise? - Yes, she is. 4, Why doesn't he like crocodiles? - Because it's scory. 5. What are you going to do? = I'm going to swim in the sea Part 2: o~ we = a ® @ ® Transcript: Ex. | want to go to the beach on summer holiday. 6. What animal does she want to see? - She wants to see elephants. 7. Why do you like tigers? - Because they are big. 8. What is he going to do? - He’s going to eat seafood. 9. Are the bears big? - Yes, they are. 10. The seafood in Phu Quoc is delicious Part 3: 11, Why do you want to see bears? 12. I'm going to Phu Quoc. 13. I'm going to make sandcastles. 14, What are you going to do? 15. They're going to De Lat. Transcript: Ex. What animal does he want to see? - He wants to see bears. 11. Why do you want to see bears? ~ Because they are big 12. Where are you going? = I'm going to Phu Quoc. 13. What are you going to do? - I'm going to make sandcastles 14, What are you doing? - I'm swimming in the sea. 15. Where are they going? = They're going to Da Lat Part 4; 16. He wants to see tigers. 17. Because they are big 18. She's going to swim in the sea. 19. Because they are cute. 20. | want to see monkeys. Transeri Ex, Where are you going to this summer? = 'm going to Ha Long. 16. What animal does he want to see? ~ He wants to see tigers. 17. Why do you want to see bears? ~ Because they are big, 18. What is she going to do? ~ She's going to swim in the sea 19. Why do you like elephants? - Because they are cute 20. What animal do you want to see? - | want to see monkeys.

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