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Materi Bahasa Inggris Peminatan

(Permendikbud No. 37 tahun 2018: 52; h 446 - 455)

Kelas XII

1. Hubungan sebab akibat.

(Unsur kebahasaan; such ... that, so ... that)

2. Benda dengan pewatas berupa sifat, jenis, atau fakta.

(Unsur kebahasaan; prepositional phrases, adjective clauses -finite dan non-finite)

3. Memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keterangan (circumstance).

(Unsur kebahasaan; klausa finite atau klausa non-finite)

4. Conditional type 2 dan 3 (Present dan Past Unreal)

If I had some wings, I would fly to the sky.

If I were a millionaire, I would buy a luxurious private jet.

If I had not registered to SMADA two years ago, I would have not met Ms. Tati.

If I had not passed the exams last year, I would have not been in this class.
5. Hubungan pertentangan dan kebalikan.

(Unsur kebahasaan; even if ..., unless ..., however, on the other hand, in contrast,


6. Teks discussion terkait pembahasan isu kontroversial dan aktual dari beberapa sudut pandang.

7. Memberi dan meminta informasi terkait konsesi.

(Unsur kebahasaan; even though, although)

8. Teks review terkait film, buku, atau cerita.

9. Lirik lagu terkait dengan kehidupan remaja

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