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Name SBU/Group Position Year

Raul M. Irlanda Ayala Property Management Corp President 2009

I. KEY RESULTS AREA (Note: Corp. KRA and SBU/Individual KRA objectives must eachAyala
to 100%)
Total weight for Corporate Ayala Land Inc.:
A. Corporate KRA Objectives Tot. Weights 100% KRA must be equal
Totalto% Achievement Total weight for Corporate
KRA must be equal to
KRA Weights Target Achievement % Achievement

Total Revenues
30% 38,140


NOI Margin
10% 30%

10% 3,107

NIAT (In Php Millions)

10% 3,945

NIAT Margin Improvement vs LY

10% 2%

Capital Management and Productivity


Cash Yields from Subs (4% of LY SHE)

Dividend payout (per share)

10% 0.06
ROE: take actions in '09 required to deliver increasing ROE from 2010 (10%) to
2013 (14%) 10% 100%

10% 7.8%

B. SBU/Group and Individual KRA Objectives Tot. Weights 100.0% Total % Achievement 0%
KRA Weights Target Achievement % Achievement Annex
B.1: SBU / Group KRA Tot. 40.0% - - -
Revenue in Php million
10.0% 993


NIAT ALI Share (in Php millions)

5.0% 41

NOI Margin
5.0% 15%

Total GAE with Systems Costs & Allocation (in Php millions)
5.0% 118

Capital Management and Productivity

10.0% 52

Cash Yield to ALI Corporate (75.45% of LY SHE)

10.0% 52

5.0% 64.5%

B.2: Creating Future Value** Tot. 35.0% - - -

Reduce controllable DOE by 5%, aligned with Spend Management team targets
15.0% 5%
Achieve 99.9% service up-time for all major equipment under management
(Aircon, elevator, escalator, genset, fire alarm system, parking system & traffic
lights) 15.0% 99.9%

SBU/external customer satisfaction rating at 4.0/5.0

5.0% 4.0

Mid-year & Year-end Service Level Agreement Scorecards

2.5% 80%

Twice a year Customer Survey Results

2.5% 4.0

B.3: Key Performance Measures / Initiatives** Tot. 25.0% - - -

Develop and implement management system to develop best-in industry front
line service despite high attrition intrinsinc to the business 10.0%

Implement necessary programs to address attrition 25% attrition

5.0% rate

Re-launch corporate programs to ensure continuous quality service delivery 100%

despite high attrition implementation
2.5% by year-end
Launch phase 2
Develop and retain core pool of experienced property managers of APMC
2.5% University
Strengthen delivery of ALI sustainability initiatives - focus on reducing Energy,
Water, Waste and Improving Air Quality 10.0%

Maintain 2008 sustainabilty metrics (Energy, Water, Waste & Air Quality)
5.0% Annex A

Implement sustainability initiatives in all managed properties according to Measure

agreed implementation plan with SBU and Sustainability Council baseline carbon
5.0% footprint

Asset Protection: ASF


Avoidance of incidents; reduction in reported crime for assets under protection Incidences
(as measured by decrease in # of incidents per property) decrease by >
2.5% 10%
Customer service capability as measured by friendliness service orientation and
quality of information provided by security teams in each property 2.5%

Overall %
C. Overall KRA Weight and Percentage Score Weight Achievement % Achievement
Corporate KRA 10% 0%
SBU / Group and Individual KRA 90% 0%
TOTAL 100% -
** Maximum of five (5) combined entries for both Creating Future Value and Key Performance Measures/Initiatives
Name Arnie Batac
Group Bonifacio Estate Services Corporation
Position General Manager
Year 2010
A. Group KRA 30%
Revenue (in PhP million) Finance
Profitability Finance
NIAT Finance
NOI Finance
Total GAE Finance
Capital Management and productivity
Cash yiel to FBDC Corporate
B. Creating Future Values 35%
Continue Sustainability and Spend Management Initiatives 10%
Maintain 2009 level of administered DOE/sqm 50% apmc corporate; monthly Finance
Achieve set sustainability metrics (Energy, Water, Waste) 50% apmc corporate; monthly Val to monitor
Achieve 99.99% service up-time for all major equipment (Traffic
signals, detention tank pump, major equipment by service
providers) 10%
Achieve 99.99% service up-time for all major equipment
directly owned / operated by BESC / BGCEA 20% monthly annex - list of equipment Jun
Achieve 99.99% service up-time for all major equipment
directly owned / operated by service providers 20% monthly annex - list of equipment Jun
Implement SLA with service providers and vendors
(Security, grounds maintenance, traffic signal
maintenance, technical manpower for street light SLA - security, grounds,
maintenance) 20% SLA effective april 1, 2010; SLA compliance rate 90% sweepers, street lights Joseph
Establish and implement service process improvement to 3 for devcon, 3 for estate, 3 for security, 3 for finance
locators 20% for implementation by April 1 Joseph
Adopt automated customer service management system 10% adopt APMC corporate APMC
Identify and comply to at least ___ benchmarks of 1 per unit (estate, devcon, security, finance);
international standards 10% September 2010 Joseph
FBDC / BGCEA / External Customer satisfaction rating 5%
Mid-year and year-end SLA Scorecard 50% maintain approved dec 2009 rating Joseph/Jun
Midyear and year-end Customer Survey Results 50% hit rating of 4 Joseph/Jun
Activities to secure future revenue 5%
Secure management contract with Federal Land Inc 100% Apr-10 Finance
Activities to secure BGCEA Revenues 5%
Implement one revenue generating activity / policy 50% 1-Jul-10 Finance
Investments 5% FBDC corporate; monthly Finance
Billings (on time) 5% FBDC corporate; monthly Finance
Days in recievables 40% FBDC corporate; monthly Finance
C. Initiatives 35%
Implement programs to imrpove efficiency of BESC as a team;
individual organic manpower and service providers 10%
Implement internal customer satisfaction rating of 4 30% All
Membership and active participation in a national /
international organization which provides advantage to
BESC organization 15% 1 per unit Jun/Gerry
40 hours for each employee (not to include Pag-ibig,
Training / seminars for organic employees 15% SSS, strategic planning) All
Training / seminars for service providers 20% one per quarter per service provider Jun
Establish and implement performance index for service
providers 20% 1-Apr-10 Gerry
Renewal of contracts, permits, and licenses 5%
Compliance to all government permits and licenses 50% 100%, on time Val
Renewal of all contracts with service providers 50% 100%, on time Val
Prepara tion of Comprehensive Profile and Management Plan for
BGC 10%
Estate Profile 10% 1-Jul-10 Jun
Security and Traffic Handbook 20% 1-Jul-10 Ardhie
Consolidate Estate MC's into one Handbook 20% 1-Jul-10 Val
Consolidate all Devcon MC's into one Handbook 20% 1-Jul-10 Devcon
Establish / Adopt Financial Handbook / Manual 20% 1-Jul-10
Establish and implement compliance performance index by
locators to BESC / BGC / Declarants' policies 10% 1-Jul-10
Community / Corporate Social Responsibility 10%

Lead in community building programs within BGC 30% 4 programs Joseph

Lead in community building programs within the immediate
vicinity of BGC - Taguig and Makati barangays 30% 4 programs Jun
Achieve 75% participation rate by organic BESC
employees to CSR / corporate activities of
Corporate KRA
Group / Individual KRA

Condition Rating
Targets / Project is not implemented / achieved 0
Targets / Projects implemented / achieved but not on time 50%
Targets / Projects implemented / achieved on time 100%
Targets / Projects implemented / achieved ahead of time 125%
Targets ' Projects implemented / achieved higher than
target and on time 125%
review equipment updatime rating

Individual Performance Formula

Corporate - 10%
Personal - 90%
Total Individual Rate = Corporate + Personal

Bonus Computation Bonus Rate

below 84% no bonus
85% to 95% X1
96% to 105% X 1.5
106% - 115% X2
116% and above X3

maintain 2009 level in terms of Grounds & Landscape maintain 2009 level in terms of Events maintain 2009 level in terms of Security

99.99% service up-time for all G dn L related 99.99% service up-time for all major equipment directly
equipment directly owned by service provider owned by BESC/BGCEA

Establish SLA with G and L Establish SLA with RS Concepts Establish SLA with Security

1 1 2

Identify and comply to at least 1 benchmark of Identify and comply to at least 1 benchmark of Identify and comply to at least 1 benchmark of
international standards international standards international standards

maintain approved dec 2009 rating maintain approved dec 2009 rating maintain approved dec 2009 rating
Customer survey rating of 4 Customer survey rating of 4 Customer survey rating of 4

assist assist assist

internal Customer satisfaction rating of 4 internal Customer satisfaction rating of 4 internal Customer satisfaction rating of 4
Membership and active participation in a national /
Membership in a national / international organization Membership in a national / international organization international organization which provides advantage to
which provides advantage to BESC organization which provides advantage to BESC organization BESC organization

40 hours of training/seminar 40 hours of training/seminar 40 hours of training/seminar

1 per quarter 1 per quarter 1 per quarter

Creation of Estate Profile (Grounds) Creation of Estate Profile (Landscape

Consolidate MC's into one handbook

1 1 1

1 1 1

90% participation in BESC/FBDC/BGCEA intiated 90% participation in BESC/FBDC/BGCEA intiated 90% participation in BESC/FBDC/BGCEA intiated
activities activities activities

maintain 2009 level in terms of Community Relations

99.99% service up-time for all major equipment directly

owned by BESC/BGCEA
99.99% service up-time for all security related
equipment directly owned by service provider

Establish SLA with Traffic/Streetlights

Identify and comply to at least 1 benchmark of

international standards

maintain approved dec 2009 rating

Customer survey rating of 4

internal Customer satisfaction rating of 4
Membership and active participation in a national /
international organization which provides advantage to
BESC organization

40 hours of training/seminar
1 per quarter


Create Security and Traffic handbook

90% participation in BESC/FBDC/BGCEA intiated


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