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2019, VOL. 37, NO. 3, 277–284

Power output in traditional and ballistic bench press in elite athletes: Influence of
training background
Irineu Loturco , Lucas A. Pereiraa, Ronaldo Kobala and Michael R. McGuiganb,c
NAR - Nucleus of High Performance in Sport, São Paulo, Brazil; bSports Performance Research Institute New Zealand (SPRINZ), Auckland University
of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand; cSchool of Medical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia


This study aimed to compare the power production in traditional bench-press (TBP) and ballistic bench- Accepted 26 June 2018
throw (BBT) exercises. Furthermore, we assessed the differences in velocity, force, and power outputs
between TBP and BBT. Finally, we tested the differences between the loads used to optimize power Optimal loads; bench press
(optimum power load; OPL) in both exercises, using three distinct power-variables: mean power (MP), throw; neuromechanical;
mean propulsive power (MPP), and peak power (PP). Sixty athletes from different sports were divided bar-velocity; propulsive
into two groups, according to their training characteristics: hypertrophy-based trained athletes (HTA), phase
thirty-one athletes performing hypertrophy training programmes for (at least) 12-weeks; and power-
based trained athletes (PTA), twenty-nine athletes performing power-oriented training sessions for (at
least) 12-weeks. Magnitude-based inferences were used to test for differences between groups.
Independent of the variable analyzed (MP, MPP, or PP), the PTA produced greater power values in
BBT, whereas the HTA generated higher outputs during TBP. The OPL in the HTA was likely heavier in
TBP than in BBT, whereas no differences related to this variable were found in the PTA. Despite the
apparent superiority of ballistics to produce power, it seems that in elite athletes, the strength-power
training routine might affect the ability to apply high forces at very-high velocities.

Introduction maximum dynamic strength. Similar results were found in a

study examining the effects of two different 8-week training
It is clear from the literature that explosive exercises can
programmes (i.e., jump squats vs. traditional resistance training)
maximize muscle activation over the entire concentric phase
in elite volleyball players with a trend toward greater enhance-
of the lift, which likely reflects in higher levels of mechanical
ment in vertical jump performance observed in the ballistic
work (Cormie, McGuigan, & Newton, 2011a; Zehr & Sale, 1994).
training group (Newton, Kraemer, & Häkkinen, 1999). That
Indeed, several studies performed on this topic have already
said, it seems clear that certain ballistic movements are effective
shown that ballistic movements (e.g., bench throw and jump
for promoting positive neuromuscular adaptations in different
squat) are able to generate greater force and power outputs
populations, which also appears to be independent of the
when compared to traditional non-ballistic strength-power
individual training background.
exercises (i.e., bench press and half squat) (Cormie,
Despite this established effectiveness and ability to pro-
McGuigan, & Newton, 2010, 2011b). In part, this phenomenon
duce muscle power, there is a scarcity of data comparing the
may be explained by the absence of decelerating phases
chronic or acute effects of upper-limb ballistic and traditional
during these movements, which requires subjects to acceler-
resistance exercises in highly trained subjects. For instance, in
ate throughout “the complete range of motion to the projec-
a study performed with professional rugby players, West,
tion point” (i.e., takeoff or release), increasing the relative
Cunningham, Crewther, Cook, and Kilduff (2013) verified that
values of mean and peak velocities, and thus the power
ballistic bench throws (BBT) (executed with 30% of 1 repetition
production (Cormie et al., 2011b).
maximum [1RM]) elicit similar increases in peak power output
This enhanced capacity to generate power frequently serves
to a traditional heavy resistance exercise preloading stimulus
as the rationale for the inclusion of these exercises in training
(traditional bench press [TBP] at 87% of 1RM). Zaras et al.
programs designed to develop sport-specific skills. For example,
(2013) reported that shot-put performance may be improved
Mcevoy and Newton (1998) reported significant improvements
similarly after 6 weeks of strength or ballistic power training in
in throwing speed and base running performance following a
novice male throwers. Of note, a comprehensive review on
10-week ballistic training intervention (i.e., bench throws and
this topic indicated that the acute increases in power tasks
jump squats) in elite baseball players. Winchester et al. (2008)
induced by ballistic exercises are not dissimilar to those
also demonstrated the effectiveness of jump squats for increas-
induced by heavy resistance exercises (Maloney, Turner, &
ing peak power and rate of force development in moderately
Fletcher, 2014). Lastly, and no less importantly, it must be
trained subjects, independently of changes in peak force and
emphasized that: (1) training for one specific physical quality

CONTACT Irineu Loturco NAR - Nucleus of High Performance in Sport. Av. Padre José Maria, 555 - Santo Amaro, 04753–060
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

(e.g., power) may affect the performance of a secondary qual- comprising moderate to light self-selected running for 5-min,
ity (e.g., maximum strength), and (2) the optimal power devel- and sub-maximal attempts at each exercise.
opment seems to be dependent on a sequential and
progressive resistance training program (i.e., hypertrophy,
strength, and then muscle power) (Zamparo, Minetti, & Di
Prampero, 2002). Therefore, it may be premature to conclude Sixty athletes from different sports disciplines participated in
(at least for the upper limbs) that ballistic movements are this study. Athletes were divided into two groups according to
always superior to traditional exercises to maximize and their strength-power training characteristics as follows: hyper-
develop muscle power. trophy-based trained athletes (HTA: n = 31 [24 men and 7
In fact, some studies have revealed conflicting results women]; 27.1 ± 4.8 years; 76.1 ± 15.7 kg; 175.3 ± 8.6 cm) which
regarding the mechanical differences between TBP and BBT included athletes who had systematically performed hypertro-
exercises. Cronin, McNair, and Marshall (2001) found no differ- phy training programmes for at least 12 weeks (three to five
ences in peak acceleration and peak force between TBP and times a week), using a high number of sets (i.e., > 16 sets),
BBT. In an additional study concerning the force-velocity rela- moderate heavy to heavy loads (i.e., > 70% of 1RM), short rest
tionship and its respective implications for training and periods (i.e., ~ 60 s), and low velocity exercises; and power-
research, the same authors did not report significant differ- based trained athletes (PTA: n = 29 [25 men and 4 women];
ences in average force production among various types of TBP 25.3 ± 5.7 years; 80.6 ± 13.4 kg, 178.1 ± 9.5 cm) which included
and BBT, although greater force outputs were recorded using athletes who had usually performed power oriented training
higher loading intensities across all techniques (Cronin, sessions for at least 12 weeks (three to five times a week),
McNair, & Marshall, 2003). More recently, Loturco et al. using a low number of sets (i.e., > 12 sets), light to moderate
(2017c) observed that National team rugby players were able loads (i.e., 30–45% of 1RM), long rest periods (i.e., > 180 s), and
to produce higher power outputs during TBP, when compared high velocity exercises (i.e., loaded and unloaded plyometrics).
to its ballistic variation. The reasons behind this trend are still The sample (including both HTA and PTA groups) comprised
controversial but may be related to the training routine professional athletes involved in national and international
adopted by these athletes, who regularly perform hypertrophy competitions, including members of Brazilian national teams,
training sessions as part of their practice, with the primary a boxing Olympic champion, a two times Karate World cham-
objective of increasing muscle size. The features of this train- pion, Pan-American champions, former Ultimate Fighting
ing scheme (i.e., high number of sets, moderate to heavy Championship (UFC) belt owners, and Olympic and Pan-
loads, short rest periods, and low-velocity exercises) might American medalists, in 10 different sports disciplines, thus
have influenced the functional adaptations of the players, attesting to their high level of competitiveness. All participants
compromising their ability to apply force at higher velocities, signed an informed consent form prior to study participation
and thus their performance in ballistic movements (Loturco, and the study was approved by the local Ethics Committee.
2018). Nevertheless, this argument is speculative and requires
further research.
Power outputs in the bench press and bench throw
Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the per-
formance obtained by athletes at different training phases or
with different training objectives (i.e., power-based trained Bar-power outputs were measured in the TBP and BBT exer-
athletes group [PTA] versus hypertrophy-based trained ath- cises; all performed on a Smith-Machine (Hammer Strength
letes group [HTA]) in TBP and BBT exercises. Considering our Equipment, Rosemont, IL, USA). Athletes performed the TBP
extensive experience with professional athletes and previous and BBT exercises on the same day, in a randomized order,
observations on this issue, we hypothesized that the PTA with a 30-min interval between exercises. The athletes were
would perform better in the ballistic variation, whereas the instructed to execute three repetitions at maximal velocity for
HTA would produce higher power outputs in the TBP. each load, with a 5-min interval provided between sets. The
test started at a load corresponding to 30% of the individual
body mass (BM). A load of 5% of BM was gradually added in
Methods each set until a clear decrement in the mean power (MP),
mean propulsive power (MPP), and/or peak power (PP) was
Testing procedures
observed. The load associated with the highest power output
This cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to compare the was considered as the load at the “optimum power zone”
performance obtained by athletes from different sports disci- (OPZ). During the BBT, the athletes were instructed to lower
plines in TBP and BBT exercises. They performed the TBP and the bar in a controlled manner until the barbell lightly
BBT exercises on the same day, in a randomized order. To touched their chest and then to throw the bar as fast as
perform the tests, athletes arrived at the sports laboratory possible. In the TBP exercise, the subjects were also instructed
prior to the first training session of the week after a rest period to move the load as fast as possible; however, they could not
of at least 24-h, in a fasting state for at least 2-h, avoiding lose contact with the bar. To determine the power outputs, a
alcohol and caffeine consumption for at least 24-h before the linear transducer (T-Force, Dynamic Measurement System;
tests. All athletes were previously familiarized with the testing Ergotech Consulting S.L., Murcia, Spain) was attached at the
procedures due to their constant assessments in our facilities. lateral extremity of the Smith-Machine bar. Comparison of the
A standardized warm-up was performed before the tests, bar-velocities between the TBP and BBT exercises was

performed using three different velocity based outcomes, as Results

follows: MV – mean bar velocity value calculated during the
All data presented normal distribution. No meaningful or sig-
entire concentric phase of each repetition; MPV – mean bar
nificant differences were observed for age, height, or weight
velocity value calculated during the propulsive phase, defined
between the two groups. Table 1 demonstrates the test-retest
as that portion of the concentric action during which the
reliability for all velocity outputs in the TBP and BBT exercises
measured acceleration is greater than acceleration due to
for both groups of athletes. The HTA presented a likely higher
gravity; and PV – the highest bar velocity value registered at
relative 1RM than the PTA (1.48 ± 0.53−1 vs.
a particular instant (1-ms) during the concentric phase
1.22 ± 0.38−1; P < 0.05; for HTA and PTA, respectively).
(Sanchez-Medina, Gonzalez-Badillo, Perez, & Pallares, 2014;
The OPZ corresponded to 33.2 ± 12.4% and 30.0 ± 8.5% of
Sanchez-Medina, Perez, & Gonzalez-Badillo, 2010). A detailed
1RM for the TBP and BBT exercises, respectively, in the HTA
description of this procedure can be found elsewhere (Loturco
group, and 31.2 ± 9.6% and 30.6 ± 10.2% of 1RM for the TBP
et al., 2017a, 2015, 2017c). Based on the MPV associated with
and BBT exercises, respectively, in the PTA group. No mean-
the OPZ, the BP 1RM was calculated using the predictive
ingful or significant differences were observed between
equation previously established by Gonzales-Badillo and
groups in either TBP or BBT with respect to the OPZ
Sanchez-Medina (2010). In addition, bar force and power out-
% (P > 0.05). Figure 1 shows the comparison of the power
comes (mean force [MF], mean propulsive force [MPF], peak
outputs (i.e., MP, MPP, PP) between the TBP and BBT exercises
force [PF], mean power [MP], mean propulsive power [MPP],
for both groups. Figure 2 depicts the comparison of the force
and peak power [PP]; calculated under the same criteria estab-
related variables between the TBP and BBT exercises for both
lished for bar velocity measures) associated with the OPZ were
groups. Figure 3 demonstrates the comparison of the velocity-
also retained for data analysis. Finally, the time to peak velo-
based measures between the TBP and BBT exercises for the
city and time to peak power variables (i.e., time related vari-
two groups.
ables) associated with the first load (30% of the athlete’s BM)
Figure 4 depicts the comparison of the loads corresponding
and with the load at the OPZ were also used in the data
to the OPZ between the TBP and BBT exercises in both groups
of athletes. The load at the OPZ for the TBP exercises was likely
higher than in the BBT for the HTA group (10% of mean
difference), while for the PTA group the difference in the
Statistical analysis loads between the two exercises was rated as unclear (2%
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD). To mean difference). Table 2 shows the comparison of the velo-
analyze the differences in the variables tested between TBP city-based outcomes using a load of 30% BM between the PTA
and BBT exercises or between the PTA and HTA groups, mag- and HTA groups in the two exercises tested. Table 3 shows
nitude-based inferences (Batterham & Hopkins, 2006) and time related variables using a load corresponding to 30% of
dependent or independent t tests were performed. The quan- BM and at the OPZ between the PTA and HTA groups in the
titative chances of the tested exercises or groups having TBP and BBT exercises.
higher, similar, or lower values between each other were
assessed qualitatively as follows: < 1%, almost certainly not;
1% to 5%, very unlikely; 5% to 25%, unlikely; 25% to 75%,
possible; 75% to 95%, likely; 95% to 99%, very likely; > 99%,
almost certain. If the chances of having better and poorer This study compared the power production in two different
results were both > 5%, the true difference was assessed as types of bench press exercises, namely the TBP and BBT. As
unclear. The level of significance for the parametric t tests was expected, the main finding was that the HTA were able to
set as P < 0.05. A customized spreadsheet available at: www. generate greater values of muscle power in the TBP, whereas was used for the magnitude-based the PTA performed better in the BBT. This is the first study to
inferences analysis. Test-retest reliability for all velocity out- demonstrate that a hypertrophy-based training program may
puts in the TBP and BBT exercises for both groups of athletes significantly impair the individual’s ability to apply force
was assessed using the coefficient of variation (CV), intraclass against lower loads and at higher velocities in upper body
correlation coefficient (ICC), and standard error of esti- exercises, thus affecting the power production during ballistic
mate (SEM). exercises.

Table 1. Test-retest reliability for all velocity outputs in the traditional bench press (TBP) and ballistic bench throw (BBT) exercises for both groups of athletes.
CV (95% CI) ICC (95% CI) SEM
HTA MV 6.92 (5.12; 8.73) 6.04 (4.58; 7.50) 0.97 (0.93; 0.98) 0.98 (0.95; 0.99) 0.08 0.07
MPV 7.31 (5.41; 9.22) 6.31 (4.55; 8.07) 0.95 (0.90; 0.98) 0.96 (0.92; 0.98) 0.10 0.10
PV 8.02 (6.86; 9.17) 7.31 (5.92; 8.69) 0.98 (0.97; 0.99) 0.98 (0.96; 0.99) 0.10 0.13
PTA MV 5.54 (4.21; 6.96) 5.31 (4.27; 6.34) 0.90 (0.78; 0.95) 0.97 (0.94; 0.99) 0.08 0.06
MPV 6.45 (5.22; 7.68) 5.48 (4.20; 6.76) 0.92 (0.83; 0.96) 0.96 (0.91; 0.98) 0.09 0.10
PV 7.44 (6.45; 8.44) 6.62 (5.46; 7.78) 0.96 (0.92; 0.98) 0.97 (0.94; 0.99) 0.11 0.12
Note: HTA: hypertrophy trained athletes; PTA: power trained athletes; MV: mean velocity: MPV: mean propulsive velocity; PV: peak velocity; CV: coefficient of
variation; CI: confidence intervals; ICC: intraclass correlation coefficient; SEM: standard error of estimate.

Figure 1. Comparison of mean power (MP), mean propulsive power (MPP), and peak power (PP) between the traditional bench press (TBP) and ballistic bench throw
(BBT) exercises for power trained and hypertrophy trained athletes (PTA and HTA, respectively). VL: very likely and significant difference between exercises, P < 0.05;
AC: almost certainly and significant difference between exercises, P < 0.05.

Figure 2. Comparison of mean force (MF), mean propulsive force (MPF), and peak force (PF) between the traditional bench press (TBP) and ballistic bench throw
(BBT) exercises for power trained and hypertrophy trained athletes (PTA and HTA, respectively). VL: very likely and significant difference between exercises, P < 0.05;
AC: almost certainly and significant difference between exercises, P < 0.05.

Figure 3. Comparison of mean velocity (MV), mean propulsive velocity (MPV), and peak velocity (PV) between the traditional bench press (TBP) and ballistic bench
throw (BBT) exercises for power trained and hypertrophy trained athletes (PTA and HTA, respectively). The differences between exercises were all rated as unclear
and non-significant P > 0.05.
Some previous investigations have also shown conflicting used to execute the exercise (ballistic or non-ballistic varia-
results when comparing ballistic and traditional exercises. For tions of bench press) across a wide range of loads (from 30 to
example, a classic study by Cronin et al. (2003) described that 80% of 1RM). Nevertheless, greater force outputs were pro-
the average force production was unaffected by the technique gressively recorded using higher loads, for all exercise

Importantly, in a subsequent communication (Loturco, 2018),

the author revealed that these “mechanical phenomenon”
occurred not only when examining the outcomes related to
the propulsive phase of the lift (which includes a short-period
when the bar is released), but also when analyzing the mean
power values obtained during the entire concentric phase or
until the peak bar-velocity (i.e., immediately before the begin-
ning of the bar flight-phase). Although it must be recognized
that the calculation method will significantly impact the bar-
velocity determination (and thus the respective power mea-
sure), it seems that this occurrence is not related to the type of
variable considered during the measurements, but rather to a
decreased capacity of these athletes to apply higher levels of
force at higher velocities (when compared to the PTA), which
compromises their actual performance during explosive move-
Figure 4. Comparison of the loads corresponding to the optimum power zone
between the traditional bench press (TBP) and ballistic bench throw (BBT) ments. These findings provide a possible indication that some
exercises for power trained and hypertrophy trained athletes (PTA and HTA, specific training adaptations can potentially affect the theore-
respectively). L: likely and significant difference between exercises, P < 0.05. tical superiority of ballistic exercises to generate greater power
variations. Lake, Lauder, Smith, and Shorter (2012) did not find The findings of the current study are in line with the later
differences in mean force and mean power between ballistic hypothesis, since the HTA produced higher levels of muscle
jump squat and non-ballistic back squat, suggesting that these power in TBP (in comparison to BBT), for all the power vari-
results can challenge “common perceptions of ballistic super- ables analyzed (MP, MPP, and PP). It is worthwhile emphasis-
iority for power development”. A key point to consider is that, ing that this group was composed of athletes who had been
in both studies, the authors observed significant differences in regularly performing hypertrophy-based training programs for
favor of ballistic exercises when analyzing velocity outputs, at least 12 weeks, with a minimum frequency of 4 times per
indicating that throwing conditions can optimize the move- week. As mentioned, this training approach (characterised by
ment velocity against the same respective loads, and therefore a high number of sets, repetitions to failure at moderate-heavy
should be preferred over traditional exercises to improve func- to heavy loads, short rest periods, and low-velocity exercises)
tional performance at higher speeds. might hamper the development of strength-power capabilities
A recent investigation involving top-level rugby players more related to the low-force, high-velocity portion of the
also found similar results related to movement velocities, force-velocity curve, whereas it appears to improve the neu-
indicating that the “optimum power zone” (i.e., range of romechanical qualities more associated with the high-force,
loads able to maximize muscle power) in the BBT indeed low-velocity muscle contractions (Baker, 1995; Baker, 2001;
occurs at higher bar-velocities compared to the TBP (Loturco Castillo et al., 2012; McBride, Triplett-McBride, Davie, &
et al., 2017c). Furthermore, it was detected that, at least for Newton, 2002). Indeed, previous research that has combined
these group of athletes in a given training period, the resul- some characteristics of this method (e.g., heavy loads, several
tant power for the TBP was greater than that for the BBT. sets, repetitions to or close to failure) have shown that

Table 2. Comparison of velocity-based variables using a load corresponding to 30% of the athlete’s body mass between power and hypertrophy trained athletes in
the traditional bench press and ballistic bench throw exercises.
Traditional Bench Press Ballistic Bench Throw
MV 30% BM (m.s−1) 1.24 ± 0.12 1.26 ± 0.22 1.44 ± 0.19 1.36 ± 0.23L
MPV 30% BM (m.s−1) 1.33 ± 0.16 1.32 ± 0.25 1.60 ± 0.25 1.50 ± 0.27L
PV 30% BM (m.s−1) 2.38 ± 0.32 2.39 ± 0.43 2.71 ± 0.24 2.56 ± 0.48L
Note: PTA: power trained athletes; HTA: hypertrophy trained athletes; MV: mean velocity, MPV: mean propulsive velocity; PV: peak velocity; BM: body mass. LLikely
and significantly different from PTA, P < 0.05.

Table 3. Comparison of time related variables using a load corresponding to 30% of the athlete’s body mass and at the optimum power zone between power and
hypertrophy trained athletes in the traditional bench press and ballistic bench throw exercises.
Traditional Bench Press Ballistic Bench Throw
Time to peak velocity (ms) 30% BM 316.5 ± 47.7 333.4 ± 77.0P 321.4 ± 53.0 340.4 ± 63.2P
OPZ 332.7 ± 60.5 351.1 ± 84.3P 343.4 ± 57.5 366.9 ± 65.9L
Time to peak power (ms) 30% BM 263.7 ± 51.6 275.7 ± 81.9 260.3 ± 51.3 280.1 ± 70.3P
OPZ 281.6 ± 64.2 295.4 ± 92.6 283.6 ± 58.9 306.7 ± 74.2P
Note: PTA: power trained athletes; HTA: hypertrophy trained athletes; BM: body mass; OPZ: optimum power zone. PPossibly and significantly different from PTA,
P < 0.05; LLikely and significantly different from PTA, P < 0.05.

subjects exposed to these stimuli may even present significant The results of this study confirm previous findings that the
decreases in their ability to perform high-velocity activities, optimum power zones always occur at narrow ranges of bar-
such as unloaded vertical jumps or maximal short sprints velocities (Loturco et al., 2015, 2017c). Of note, this phenom-
(McBride et al., 2002; Pareja-Blanco, Sanchez-Medina, Suarez- enon appears to be independent of relative strength level,
Arrones, & Gonzalez-Badillo, 2017). Although the mechanisms exercise-type, sport discipline, or training background
behind these responses are not completely understood, it can (Loturco et al., 2017b, 2016b, 2018; Sanchez-Medina et al.,
be speculated that hypertrophy-based programs result in sig- 2010). Thus, coaches interested in increasing the strength-
nificant reductions in contraction velocities, which is sup- power related qualities in their athletes through the use of
ported by a large number of studies showing the specificity optimum power loads are encouraged to use the bar-velocity
of force-velocity adaptations (Andersen & Aagaard, 2010; reference values reported here and in other studies (Loturco
Behm & Sale, 1993; Cormie et al., 2011a, 2011b; Dinn & et al., 2015, 2017c). This information is of practical importance
Behm, 2007). for sports practitioners, due to the established effectiveness,
The data reported here clearly demonstrate how specific applicability, and timesaving characteristics of the optimum
training adaptations may affect performance in upper body power loads (Loturco et al., 2016a; Wilson, Newton, Murphy, &
ballistic and traditional exercises. For example, when analyzing Humphries, 1993). It is worthwhile noting that this loading
the BBT outputs, it can be noted that the HTA attained lower range and the force-velocity profile usually fluctuate during a
bar velocities for all the measured variables (MV, MPV, and PV), given training period (e.g., microcycle), emphasizing the
and spent more time reaching both peak velocity (+ 6%) and necessity of performing frequent measurements to properly
peak power (+ 8%) than the PTA under the lightest loading determine the load for maximum mechanical power produc-
condition (30% BM). This finding favors the athletes more tion (Banyard, Nosaka, & Haff, 2017; Kawamori & Haff, 2004).
prone to apply force at higher velocities (i.e., PTA). Moreover, Finally, it is important to highlight that: (1) tests were per-
the HTA achieved the optimum power zone in the TBP with a formed on a Smith-machine, thus limiting the extrapolation of
meaningfully heavier load (10%) than the one used to achieve our findings to other exercise settings (e.g., free-weight exer-
the same zone in the BBT. On the other hand, the PTA used cises), and (2) outputs were collected from the barbell, using a
similar loads to achieve the optimum zones in both the TBP linear position transducer; therefore, our results do not repre-
and BBP. Considering that both groups presented the same sent the total power of the system and cannot be compared
bar-velocities at the optimum power zone (Figure 3), it may be with force plate data. In this sense, it must still be remem-
concluded that the HTA has the ability to move heavier loads bered that in several sport tasks the level of performance is
with the same velocity in the TBP, which also denotes a directly related to the power applied by the athlete to an
velocity-specific training response in this group. These find- external implement or to the opponent (Gabbett, Jenkins, &
ings reveal that athletes who train under hypertrophy-based Abernethy, 2011; Loturco et al., 2017c; Meir, Newton, Curtis,
conditions during a particular phase are likely to develop a Fardell, & Butler, 2001; Reid & Schneiker, 2008).
reduced capability to rapidly accelerate light loads, while pre- We recognize that this study is limited by the very particu-
senting a relatively increased capacity to generate higher lar and unique characteristics of the sample, totally composed
levels of power at higher loads, lower velocities (mechanical of top-level athletes from different sports disciplines, including
condition that favors the TBP) (Loturco, 2018; Loturco et al., Olympic Champions and medalists, World and Pan-American
2017c). Champions and medalists, and international and national
To some extent, our data are in accordance with the results competitors well-classified in their respective rankings and
of Cronin et al. (2003), who indicated that different variations confederations, which could compromise the extrapolation
of BBT do not necessarily produce greater force outputs than of our data for less trained subjects. Nevertheless, it is essential
TBP. In fact, at the OPZ, the force production – for all the to contrast these data with the more standardized and uni-
assessed variables (Figure 2) – was superior in the TBP. form concepts, to provide coaches and researchers with
Although more research is needed to clarify the exact nature detailed information regarding the distinct traits of these indi-
of this phenomenon, it may be speculated that the load plays viduals at the extreme edge of human performance. These
a key role in modulating the force application throughout steps are critical to design training programs and practices
these exercises, with the kinematic variables (i.e., acceleration that will effectively serve this population.
and velocity) assuming a less dominant influence in this
mechanical relation. Therefore, to provide more precise com-
parisons of ballistic and traditional exercises, it is essential to
assess their outputs over a comprehensive range of loads, Ballistic exercises are widely recognized by their inherent capa-
which likely reduces the probability of committing errors of city to produce muscle power and should undoubtedly be used
accuracy during data collection and interpretation. These data to improve the capability to produce greater force outputs at
emphasise the necessity to systematically evaluate athletes higher velocities. Nonetheless, it seems that in highly trained
from different sport disciplines and training backgrounds, athletes, some specific resistance training approaches (e.g.,
who usually develop very specific adaptations, according to hypertrophy-based programs) may reduce the ability to apply
their individual characteristics and workout routines. For elite force against lighter loads, thus affecting performance during
athletes, the use of general concepts in which some notions of upper-body ballistic movements. For these subjects, the tradi-
uniformity are implied might be extremely inadequate and, tional bench press is able to generate higher levels of muscle
more importantly, ineffective. power than its ballistic variation, and this is independent of the

power outcome used to compare the exercises. These results Cronin, J., McNair, P. J., & Marshall, R. N. (2001). Developing explosive
have very important applications in more applied settings. For power: A comparison of technique and training. Journal of Science
and Medicine in Sport, 4(1), 59–70.
example, if the subject presents this mechanical characteristic
Cronin, J. B., McNair, P. J., & Marshall, R. N. (2003). Force-velocity analysis of
and must be able to apply force against very-light loads (or even strength-training techniques and load: Implications for training strat-
in unloaded conditions) as rapidly and forcefully as possible, the egy and research. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 17(1),
coach is encouraged to rethink the workout routine, possibly 148–155.
Dinn, N. A., & Behm, D. G. (2007). A comparison of ballistic-movement and
implementing training schemes which prioritize explosive exer-
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