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Find the translation to the following FALSE cognates; and create 5

sentences while using some of them:

Actually , advise, bachelor, bald, balloon, bigot, bomber, cartoon,

casualty, choke, college, contest, costume, crude, embarrassed,
spectacles, etiquette, exit, fabric, faculty, gracious, grocery, molest,
notice, once, parade, realize, rope, sin, soap.

Actually: De hecho, en realidad, realmente.
I “actually” study at Unilibre.

Advise: Asesorar, Aconsejar, Informar, Recomendaciones.

Bachelor: Soltero.
Bald: Calvo, Pelado.
Balloon: Globo.
Bigot: Fanático, Intolerante.
Bomber: Bombardeo.
Cartoon: Dibujos animados, caricatura.
Casualty: Victima, Herida, accidente, baja.
Choke: Estrangulación, ahogar, asfixiarse.
College: Colegio, escuela, universidad.
Contest: Concurso, certamen, torneo, competencia.
Costume: Disfraz, traje, vestuario.
Crude: Crudo, escabroso, grosero, ordinario.
Embarrassed: Avergonzado, penoso, confuso.
Spectacles: Anteojos, gafas, lentes.
Etiquette: Ceremonial, etiqueta, protocolo.
Exit: Salida, Mutis.
Fabric: Estructura, tejido, genero, tela.
Faculty: Facultad.
Gracious: Elegante, cortés, gentil.
Grocery: Tienda de comestibles, bodega, almacen.
Molest: Abusador, acosador sexual, molestar.
Notice: Darse cuenta.
Once: Una vez.
Parade: Desfile, parada.
Realize: Darse cuenta, percatarse.
Rope: Cuerda, lazo.
Sin: Culpa, pecado.
Soap: Jabon.

1. Seventeen people were killed this morning by “bombers” who
targeted a shopping centre.
2. He wanted to confess his “sins” before he died.
3. He caught the “rope” and knotted it around a post.
4. Work has begun on the construction of the new “faculty” building.
5. She “choked” to death on a fish bone.

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