OM&TQM True or False

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TRUE OR FALSE Whether True or False, Explain your ANSWER

0 21 Concurrent Engineering means that at least TWO engineers are involved in product design at
Concurrent engineering means that engineers, marketing, manufacturing and purchasing
jointly involved in the product design.
1 22 One approach to EXTENDING a product's life cycle is to PROMOTE alternate uses of the p
Alternate uses prolong periods of product life.

FALE 23 Quality Functions Deployment (QFD) is a structured approach that GUARANTEES that the
or service will be designed
Quality Function Deployment guarantees that the customer's voice is incorporated into the
service design.
1 24 Product LIABILITY means that a MANUFCTURER is LIABLE for any injuries and damag
because of poor workmanship or design
Product liability is a serious issue for manufacturers.

1 25 The process of dismantling and inspecting a competitor's product to discover improvement is

Reverse engineering is a legitimate means of evaluating the competitive landscape.

1 26 Research & Development (R&D) refers to organized efforts that are directed toward increasi
KNOWLEDGE and product (or process) innovation
Product or process innovations often result from deliberate R&D programs.

1 27 Standardization refers to the extent to which there is an ABSENCE of variety in a product, se

Standardization reduces variety and leads to greater efficiency.

1 28 Re-manufacturing refers to removing some of the components of old products and REUSING
Re-manufacturing is a way of increasing sustainability.

1 29 The DEMAND for a product and the rate of technological change have significant impact on
phase of the product CYCLE
How long a product persists in a single phase of its life cycle is highly dependent on the pace

0 30 Robust design describes a product that will perform satisfactorily as it is used in a very NAR
Robust designs perform satisfactorily across a wide range of conditions.

0 31 Taguchi design methods involve identifying the optimal operating or ENVIRONMENTAL c

Taguchi design methods involve designing products that are relatively insensitive to environ

0 32 Quality function deployment (QFD) is based on a set of standards which relate customer REQ
company capabilities
QFD relates product designs to customer expectations and the skills required to carry out th

0 33 The QFD matrices are often referred to as the "House of Quality" because, when computed, t
the customer's quality requirements
QFD matrices link customer requirements with other product/process design elements.

1 34 Service design often MUST take into account the degree of customer contact required
Customer contact is a critical service design issue.

1 35 RELIABILITY refers to the ability of a product to PERFORM its intended function under N
Greater reliability translates into a greater likelihood of the product working in normal cond

1 36 APPLIED RESEARCH is the major R&D effort of business organizations because of the des
Most business organizations focus on applied rather than basic research.

0 37 COMMONALITY of components is beneficial for manufacturing but NOT for services

Services can benefit from commonality in service elements.

0 38 STANDARDIZATION can at time lead to SERIOUS difficulties and competitive struggles,

are running under DIFFERENT conditions
It is the lack of standardization that can at times lead to serious difficulties and competitive s

0 39 The term FAILURE as applied to RELIABILITY means that a PART or item does NOT FUN
Failure means that the part or item does not function as it should.

1 40 RELIABILITY can be defined in terms of a PARTICULAR point in time or in terms of LEN

Reliable designs can be counted on to work over time.


eers are involved in product design at the same time

ing, manufacturing and purchasing personnel often are
the product design.
o PROMOTE alternate uses of the product

proach that GUARANTEES that the highest quality product

omer's voice is incorporated into the issue of product or

e design.
LIABLE for any injuriest and damages by a FAULTY product

s product to discover improvement is called REVERSE

the competitive landscape.

orts that are directed toward increasing SCIENTIFIC

ate R&D programs.

ABSENCE of variety in a product, service, or process


onents of old products and REUSING them in new products

al change have significant impact on the length of given

cycle is highly dependent on the pace of technological change.

sfactorily as it is used in a very NARROW range of

ge of conditions.

operating or ENVIRONMENTAL conditions for a given

are relatively insensitive to environmental factors.

standards which relate customer REQUIREMENTS to

nd the skills required to carry out these designs.

Quality" because, when computed, they "HOUSE" all of

oduct/process design elements.

e of customer contact required

FORM its intended function under NORMAL conditions

the product working in normal conditions.

ness organizations because of the desire for commercial

n basic research.

ufacturing but NOT for services


fficulties and competitive struggles, particularly when systems

serious difficulties and competitive struggles.

that a PART or item does NOT FUNCTION at all

es not function as it should.

LAR point in time or in terms of LENGTH of service

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