Sma Kristen Tirtamarta BPK Penabur Naskah Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester TAHUN PELAJARAN 2019 - 2020

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WAKTU: 09.15-10.45

Petunjuk Umum :
1. Tulis nomor ujian, nama peserta dan data lain pada Lembar Jawaban Komputer.
2. Gunakan pinsil 2B untuk mengisi lembar jawaban komputer dan lembar jawaban tidak boleh ada coretannya.
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir pilihan ganda dan67 butir soal esai. Pada setiap butir terdapat 5 pilihan jawaban.
4. Kerjakan soal essay pada lembar terpisah, beri nama, kelas dan nomor ujian.
5. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya.
6. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel, ataupun alat bantu lain.



Read the following conversation Maria: She will teach kindergarten. She loves
Jane: Hmmm, what are your plans for this working with kids, and she always has
weekend? such a good rapport with them.
Amanda: I don’t know yet. Do you want to Amanda: She could have another carrier
get together or something? actually. I think Karen is so pretty
Maria: How about going to see a movie? that she could be a model.
Cinemax 21 on Jalan Soleh Iskandar is 1. What is the dialogue about?
showing Joker. People say that the film A. watching a movie Cinemax
is so good that the rating is so high. B. teaching carrier at school
Jane: That ‘s such a good idea. Maybe we C. Karen’s cousin, Maria
should go out to eat beforehand. D. plan for weekend
Maria: It is fine with me. Where do you want E. Pizza Hut in town
to meet?
Amanda: Let’s meet at Pizza Hut. I haven’t 2. Jane always remember the pizza in Pizza
gone there for such a long time. Hut because ….
Jane: Good idea again. They just came up with A. Pizza Hut will give us so much time to
a new pizza. It should be good because enjoy
Pizza Hut always has the best pizza in B. the appearance of Pizza Hut is so
town, the taste, the appearance. I went good
there last month.. It was so unforgettable. C. Pizza Hut is such a famous restaurant
Maria: Yeah.. Besides its famous pizza, they D. the pizza was so delicious
also have good beverages. When should E. they can eat beforehand
we meet?
Amanda: Well, the movie is shown at 2:00PM, 3.  “She loves working with kids, and she
5:00PM, 7:00PM and 9:00PM. always has such a good rapport with them.”
Jane: Why don’t we go to the 2:00PM show?
We can meet at  Pizza Hut at noon. That The underlined word is closest in meaning
will give us plenty of time to enjoy our with ….
Maria: My cousin Karen is in town. Can I bring A. feeling
her along? I hate to leave her home B. meeting
alone. C. homework
Jane: Yes, do bring her along Maria. She is D. relationship
such a nice person, and funny too. E. appointment 
Maria: She graduated last June, and she will 4. My sister is ... shy … she hides behind my
start her teaching career next week when mother when there are strangers around.
the new school term begins. A. so … that …
Jane: What grade is she going to teach? B. such … that …
C. such a … that …
D. so many ... that …

Penilaian Akhir Semester /Tahun Pelajaran 2019 - 2020 / LINTAS MINAT-BAHASA INGGRIS XII Hal. 1
E. so much ... that … . It's a baby shower for her
5. Those are … great pictures ... I never want
to throw them away. Those are 8. The underlined phrases in the dialogue are
masterpieces. prepositional phrases, EXCEPT…
A. so … that … A.  for inviting me
B. such … that … B.  to the party
C. such a … that … C.  with the cooking
D. so many ... that … D.  for the party
E. so much ... that … E.  at my own party

9. “The team with the red flag was winning the

Read the following conversation race this morning.”
(two neighbors talking) The prepositional phrase in the sentence
Martha : I'm going to have a party this is ..
Saturday. Would you like to come? A. the team 
Jane    : Oh, I'd love to come. Thank you for B. this morning
inviting me. Who's going to come to the C. was winning 
party? D. the team with
Martha : Well, a number of people haven't told E. with the red flag 
me yet. But, Peter and Mark are going
to help out with the cooking! 10. Which sentence is NOT correct? 
Jane  : Hey, I'll help, too! A. The calendar is on the wall.  
Martha : Would you? That would be great! B. The prince died on the end of the
Jane    : I'll make lasagna.   film.   
Martha : That sounds delicious! I know my C. Tom is standing at the back of the
Italian cousins are going to be there. queue.  
I'm sure they'll love it. D. There are no vegetarian meals at
Jane    : Italians? Maybe I'll bake a cake.   the menu.
Martha : No, no. They're not like that. They will E. The office is on the main road
love it. between Derby and Nottingham. 
Jane   : Well, if you say so... Is there going
to be a theme for the party?
Martha: No, I don't think so. Just a chance to 11. John : I really like our new teacher.
get together and have fun. Sam : So do I. I like the teacher ... I
Jane    : I'm sure it'll be lots of fun. can easily talk.
Martha : But I'm going to hire a clown! A. where
Jane    : A clown! You're kidding me. B. whose
Martha : No, no. As I child, I always wanted a C. which
clown. Now, I'm going to have my D. that
clown at my own party. E. whom
Jane    : I'm sure everyone will have a good
laugh. 12. I always remember the times family
Martha : That's the plan! and I spent New Year’s Eve together.
  A. when
6. Why does Jane change her mind about B. where
cooking lasagna for the party? C. which
A. She can’t cook Italian food. D. that
B. She doesn't have all the ingredients E. who
necessary. 13. Steven Spielberg movies … have seen, are
C. She can't come to the party. very well thought stories with   a lot of
D. She is nervous about cooking lasagna excitement and sympathetic characters.
for Italians. A. Most of who movies
E. She thinks the food doesn’t suit the B. Most of which I
theme of the party. C. Most of where I
D. Most of whom I
E. Most of that I

7. What's the theme of the party?

. Italian theme
. costume party 14. The people … are waiting for the bus in the
. Clowns are the theme. rain are getting wet.
. There is no theme A. where

Penilaian Akhir Semester /Tahun Pelajaran 2019 - 2020 / LINTAS MINAT-BAHASA INGGRIS XII Hal. 2
B. which there.
C. when Sue: But I was! I was in the gallery. If you
D. who … up, you … me. I waved at you,
E. that but you didn’t wave back.
A. look – see
15. The real value of money is determined by its B. look – will see
purchasing power … in turn depends on the C. looked – would see
level of commodity prices. D. looked – would have seen
A. when E. had looked – would have seen
B. of which
C. whom 21. If I had car, I would drive to Puncak every
D. which weekend means … .
E. why A. I didn’t have a car, so I didn’t drive to
Puncak every weekend
16. Jim: Have you ever read an article about B. I don’t have a car, so I don’t drive to
corruption’s effects? Puncak every weekend
Sue: Yes, I have. An English newspaper C. I didn’t have a car, yet I drove to Puncak
published last January raised an issue every weekend
about corruption … economic growth in D. I don’t have a car, yet I drive to Puncak
Indonesia every weekend
A. threaten E. I had a car, I couldn’t drive to Puncak
B. threatening every weekend
C. are threatened
D. which threatening 22. Jaya : “Why are you still be here? Didn’t
E. have threatened you tell me that you would go to
Jakarta today? ”
17. Tamara has two cats. They are both black Setadi: “I would have been in Jakarta if the
and cute. The best combination of the two bus had not got an accident.”
sentences is… The underlined utterance means...
A. Tamara has two cats, who are both A. Setiadi is in Jakarta
black and cute. B. Setiadi went to Jakarta
B. The two cats, whom Tamara has, are C. The bus was safe
black and cute. D. Jaya went to Jakarta
C. Tamara has two cats, which are both E. The bus got an accident
black and cute. 
D. The two cats, who are both black and
cute, are Tamara’s. 23. Joe: “Can we see the people we chat
E. Tamara has two cats, in which both are within the internet?”
black and cute. Sam: “We could if we had webcam.”
From the above conversation we can
18. Do you still remember the time … Hiroshima conclude that they ... a webcam.
and Nagasaki were bombed? A. don’t have
A. Where B. had
B. Whose C. have
C. Which D. didn’t have
D. Whom E. would have
E. when
24. If his mother had not been ill, Tony would
19. A: Why don’t you try to find a job in have joined the study tour to Jakarta.
factory ? with the money you earn, you       We conclude that Tony ….
can buy things you need. A. has just come back from the study tour
B: If I worked in a factory, I wouldn’t have B. went to Jakarta for study tour
much time to study. C. left his sick mother at home
What does the underlined sentence mean? D. refused to join the study tour to Jakarta
A. B works hard in a factory. E. went to Jakarta after his mother had
B. A allows B to work in a factory recovered
C. B wants to work in a factory
D. B worked in a factory
E. B doesn’t work in a factory

25. If I had realized that Tony was a bad driver,

20. Joe : You missed a good concert last I … my car.
night. Yo really should have been A. would not have lent him

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B. would not lend him C. despite 
C. will not lend him D. besides
D. did not lend him E. though
E. had not had
The following text is for questions 33-35.
26. If there had been traffic lights at this Promoting Tourism: Good or Bad?
intersection, there would not have been so Lots of tourists visit our town, but
many accidents. We may conclude that … . many people argue whether this is good or
A. drivers were always careful at this bad for the community. Each side has their
intersection own viewpoints.
B. despite the traffic lights accident happen Those in favor of the tourist industry
C. traffic lights often doesn’t work argue that tourism brings money to the
D. we didn’t find traffic light at this town and creates employment. Business
intersection owners also supports this saying that
E. there are many traffic accidents tourism promotes development in town.
Moreover, everyone benefits from having
27. … the great inconvenience of travelling, better facilities and more shops. Others
many TV reporters went to the flooded area also argue that tourism develops a better
for their reports. understanding of other cultures so people
A. although become more tolerant.
B. In addition to People against tourism, however, say
C. Despite  that most of tourist’s dollars are spent in
D. In case of international hotels owned by foreign
E. Because of interest groups. Consequently, the town
receives little financial benefit. In addition,
28. … there people have died of cholera, the they point out that the new developments
old people of the village refused to get an have caused traffic and water supply
injection against it. problems. They argue that several
A. Although unpleasant incidents in the community
B. Inspite of indicate that the local community
C. Despite  resentment towards tourists.
D. On the other hand Undoubtedly, the local council should
E. However please both sides. Not only should it
promote tourism, but also restrict new
29. She accepted the job . . .  the low salary. development that would cause traffic and
A. although water supply problems.
B. however
C. despite 
D. on the other hand 33. From the viewpoint of those who disagree
E. even though with tourist industry, who will likely receive
the most financial benefit?
30. … hungry I am, I never seem to A. Business owners
be able to finish off a whole pizza. B. The local people
A. Although C. The local community
B. However D. The local government
C. Despite  E. International hotel owners
D. On the other hand
E. Even though 34. What are the factors that make the people
agree to the tourist industry?
A. Business, finance, culture, and
31. … he left school at 16, he infrastructure
still managed to become prime minister. B. Investment, community building, cultural
A. In spite of understanding
B. However C. Business, development, investment, and
C. Despite  social
D. On the other hand D. Public facilities, development, finance,
E. Even though social
E. Finance, infrastructure, culture
understanding, community development

32. We didn’t make any profit … nobody knows

A. in spite of 35. “Not only should it promote tourism, but also
B. in case of restrict new development ....”

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(Paragraph 4) The underlined word is Scientists use animal for testing?
closest in meaning to...
A. ban A. Animals are the exact copy of humans.
B. open B. Animals and humans are regarded alike.
C. curb C. Animals can reduce human suffering.
D. Medical treatments can be given to
D. limit animals.
E. prohibit E. Cancer and HIV can be found in
The following text is for questions 36-37.
Animal testing is a deeply divided 37. The scientific community is strongly in favor
subject, with a great deal of passion, of animal testing (paragraph 2, line 1).
emotion, and ideas on both sides What is the synonym of the underlined
regarding the ethic of the practice. Some word?
individuals support animal testing and A. Disagree with
some others oppose the issue. B. Object to
The scientific community is C. Oppose
strongly in favor of animal testing. The D. Approve of
medical breakthroughs that have occurred E. Contradict
as a result of animal testing are
considered reason enough to continue the The following text is for question 38-42
practice, with the aim of reducing human SLIME: TOY OR TOXIC?
suffering and saving human lives. Animal
testing aids the researchers in finding Slime is a toy that takes form of an
drugs and treatments to improve health oozy and squishy substance created from
and medicine. Many medical treatments mixing polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) with borax
have been made possible by animal solution. It is now a major trend and not
testing, including cancer and HIV drugs, only kids, but also adults are playing it and
insulin, antibiotics, vaccines, and many posting ASMR videos (videos that satisfy
more. Animal testing also helps to ensure viewers with specific sounds) on various
the safety of the drugs and many other social media platforms. Slime is commonly
substances humans use or are exposed to made from glue, activator (borax solution),
regularly. Scientists typically use the food coloring (to add eye catching colors),
animals for testing purposes because they glitter, beads, clay and many more
are considered similar to humans. decorations to please the eye. Some
The contra on the issue of animal people disapprove of its popularity but the
testing is that countless animals are majority of the population is still attracted
experimented on and then killed after their to it.
use. Others are injured and will still live in
the rest of their lives in captivity. Many of On one side, kids and adults (mostly
these animals received tests for female) who do play slime consider it as a
substances that will never actually be used stress reliever due to its fun texture and
for public consumption and use. Animal the clicking noise that is produced while
testing generally costs an enormous poking it. Major glue companies, such as
amount of money as the animals must be Elmer’s, are now creating slime kits to
fed, housed, cared for, and treated with benefit from slime’s booming popularity,
drugs or experimental substances. The bringing a huge profit for glue companies. 
price of the animals themselves must also Elmer's spokesperson Caitlin Watkins did
be factored into calculation. recently tell NBC News that the company
As a result of the controversy, saw an increase in liquid glue sales in the
regulations and laws should be enforced. second half of 2016 "due in large part to
At the very least, animal suffering should slime mania," and then added that they
be minimized and that animals should be now plan to increase production. Children
respected during their care. often make homemade slime and selling it
online to other kids and this creates an
early entrepreneur behavior on kids. Kids
who sell slime or “slimers” are making
approximately five million rupiahs a month
from their sales. Slime is also considered
a fidget toy or a concentration tool and it
helps toddlers develop their motor abilities
by identifying different textures and
manipulating forms.
36. Which of the following is the reason why

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People who do not enjoy slime tend
to think that slime is a waste of money as 41. What do the scientific studies say about that
some kids who do not sell slime, however, dangerous material?
still make homemade slime and are buying A. Waste of money
slime supplies even if it costs a lot of B. It pleases the eye
money for their parents and themselves. C. It causes skin irritation
Homemade slime is also guaranteed to D. It is annoying
expire in a very short period of time, E. it can be ingested
prompting slimers to throw slime out.
Parents also worry for their kids’ safety as 42. What is the immediate action that is
one of slime’s ingredients is borax. The supposed to be taken if children do
Borax used to make the slime may cause accidentally ingest any slime that contains
eye, skin, and respiratory irritation, and dangerous material?
may even damage fertility. However, A. Immediately take them to the hospital
scientific studies have shown that the high for a checkup.
alkalinity of borax is likely what causes B. Take them to the hospital for a surgery.
skin irritation (just as excessive use of C. Buy slime supplies at the hospital.
baking soda would cause irritation). In D. Throw the slime away
addition, it does not penetrate the skin E. Take them to the hospital for an eye
well, and is not considered to be bio- checkup
accumulative. (Meaning, repetitive use
over time does not mean it builds up in 43. You must not give up pursuing your
your system). Nevertheless, if children do dream…………..nobody supports you.
accidentally ingest any slime that contains A. Although
Borax, parents should immediately take B. In contrast to
them to the hospital for a checkup.  Some C. However
also think that slime noises are annoying D. Unless
and its texture is odd and unenjoyable. E. Even if

In conclusion, a majority of people 44. … the government has facilitated the

still believe that slime is a fun toy and can farmers with modern tools and fertilizers,
be a great business and on the other the crops haven’t been significantly
hand, some people still think that slime is increasing.
useless, a waste of money and toxic for A. Nevertheless
children, and avoid playing or making B. However
slime. C. Even though
D. Even if
E. In contrast to
38. What makes the sales of glue companies
raise? 45. Parents will always love their children
A. The raise in advertisement anyway … they are not respected by their
B. Its ingredients children at all.
C. The scientific studies A. in contrast to
D. Booming popularity B. though
E. The demand from the population C. in spite of
D. even if
39. What is one of the benefits that make E. as though
people attracted to slime?
A. It is a fun toy
B. It is a concentration tool
C. It brings a huge profit for everybody
D. It is a famous toy
E. It helps adults develop their motor

40. What is the ingredient of slime that makes

parents worry about their children safety?
A. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
B. Baking soda
C. Glitter
D. Borax
E. Clay

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convenient because of the complete
facilities provided. The advanced
transportation system enables the citizens
The following text is for questions 46-50. to access public facilities easier, cheaper
Advantages of Living in a Big City and faster. Big cities also provide better
Do you live in a big city? It is said education and health service. In addition,
that living in big cities is expensive city life is more fun and exciting because
because of the high living cost. There are there is a wide range of entertainment to
also pollution and traffic problems that enjoy and a lot of social events to attend. 
make living in big cities unpleasant.
However, many people enjoy living in big
cities because they offer convenience and 46. Why do many people like living in big cities?
countless options for entertainment. A. It is more expensive.
Many big cities already have good B. It is more modern.
public transportation systems, which make C. It is more crowded.
it easy for the citizens to go anywhere D. It is more exciting.
around the city. This also reduces and E. It is more challenging.
helps overcome the problem of traffic jams
that often occur at peak times. With the 47. What is the advantage of a good public
convenience of public transportation, the transportation system?
citizens do not have to drive everywhere A. People do not need to buy bus tickets.
and can save money as they do not have B. People do not need to drive their car
to pay for parking charges. everywhere.
Staying healthy is everybody’s C. People can use public transport for free.
concern and in big cities you can find the D. People have to pay for parking charges.
best possible medical care for any E. People can commute to their home fast.
diseases, especially the severe ones. 48. Why is it easier to get medical treatment in
Moreover, compared to rural areas, big cities?
access to medical treatment is easier A. Because medical treatment is more
because there are always clinics or affordable.
medical centers that open 24 hours in B. Because hospital facilities are more
many parts of the city so you can get complete.
medical help anytime, as soon as you C. Because ambulances are provided for
need it. Reaching hospitals is also easier free.
as public transport is usually available 24 D. Because medical centers open 24
hours a day. hours.
There is a saying that big cities E. Because the doctors always stay
never sleep. This is true for some cities in awake.
which the night life begins just when
people in other cities are ready to go to 49. What can people in big cities do in the early
bed. Big cities like New York, Madrid, hours but people in rural areas cannot?
London and Paris have vibrant nightlife. A. Dine out
People can still find entertainment, dine B. Make shower
out or go shopping into the early hours.  C. Go jogging
City dwellers are usually more D. Have party
diverse and there are many communities E. Do sport
that hold social events or parties, which
provide interesting opportunities for social 50. What is the benefit of attending social
interactions and social networking. The events?
social interactions allow you to learn about A. We can treat your friends.
other cultures and share interests with B. We can be a social person.
people from different backgrounds, which C. We can learn about cultural diversity.
makes you more open minded and able to D. We can be more open about yourself.
understand individuals. On the other hand, E. We can improve our social class.
the social networking helps you to broaden
not only personal but also professional
All in all, living in big cities is more

Penilaian Akhir Semester /Tahun Pelajaran 2019 - 2020 / LINTAS MINAT-BAHASA INGGRIS XII Hal. 7


a) He is such a bad-tempered person that no one can work with him for long.
b) The energy from the recent lunar eclipse was so powerful that I only slept seven hours
within that three day period.
c) Mark and Jake are so different in appearance that you would hardly guess that they are
d) In order to complete the highway on time, the workers worked so quickly that there was
even no time for talking.
e) David spent such an enjoyable vacation in Europe this summer that he plans to return there
as soon as he saves enough money.
f) The passing of the comet Swift-Tuttle is  such a rare occurrence that it only comes every
133 years. 

2. Underline the prepositional phrases in the following sentences:

a) The paper airplane landed in the bushes.
b) That boy with a broken leg had been injured during a soccer game.

3. Decide whether the prepositional phrases in the sentence are used as adjectives or adverbs.
a) Throughout the night, water from the ceiling annoyingly dripped into the bucket. ADV
b) The store on the corner was damaged during a severe hailstorm. ADV

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct relative pronouns.

a) The girl … handwriting is good wrote me a letter last week.  
b) Julie looked after the injured bird … she found in the garden.
c) The man … I saw on the bus is my neighbor.   
d) The years … the "flower children" thrived, was a colorful decade.
e) The sea … you can find the best salmon in the world is in Norway.
f) The participants … don’t have access cards are not allowed to enter the room.

5. Combine the following sentences using adjective clauses.

a) An English newspaper was published last August. It raised an issue about corruption
b) Pierre Omidyar is a billionaire. He signed the Giving Pledge.

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb. (Rewrite the sentences)
a) I don’t understand the reason why you reject him. If I were (be) you, I would accept (accept)
his proposal.
b) We got lost because we didn’t have a map with us. If we had brought (bring) a map with us,
we would have known (know) the route to that place.
c) He did not tell me that he’s allergic to shrimp. If he had told (tell) me earlier, I would have
cooked (cook) chicken instead of seafood.
d) We were on the beach all day. But if we had kept (keep) in the shade, we wouldn’t have got
(not, get) sunburnt.
e) Man : What would you give me if you’re sent abroad?
Woman : If I were (be) sent abroad, I would buy (buy) a dictionary for you.


Penilaian Akhir Semester /Tahun Pelajaran 2019 - 2020 / LINTAS MINAT-BAHASA INGGRIS XII Hal. 8

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