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FARAI MANJO su190261t


Assignment: Chapter of my choice application in the various facets of my life and the society.

My Choice: Chapter 5
The Education of Israel

The topic that has fascinated the most is the fifth chapter of education under the topic “The
Education of Israel “. It has made real implications in various facet of my life and can also
have an impact in the lives of individuals in the society. I will explain how it has fascinated
me and how it applies in the various areas of my life.

To begin with the point that education in Israel was centered on the family .The family was
the school ,the children students and the parents teachers .This helped me to have a new view
of my family ,the view that my family is a school on its own and I must be ready to receive
instructions from my parents who are my teachers .The point of family as a school also points
out to the responsibility of parents in the society that they are to imitate the parents of the
Israelites ,how they taught their children as according to Deuteronomy 6:6-7.

The habit of being industrious was also a distinctive feature of the Hebrew community. The
Israelites were not idle, they labored in fields, the kept flocks and herds. This gave me an
encouragement to do physical work, abstaining from being idle. It can also apply to the
society that everyone must cultivate the habit of physical labor. Physical labor helped the
helped the Israelites to be independent and it is very true in our life also.

To add on I specifically derived the idea of how hard it is no one to follow God when they
had permitted their mind to be corrupted by heathenism and false teaching. This is revealed in
how some Israelites we hotheaded, not following the LORD’s instruction because they
allowed the heathen teachings of Egypt defile their minds. This became a life lesson to me to
abstain from all the sources that can feed heresies into my mind.

The other point that was highlighted in the chapter is the power of God, His protection
towards his people. God protected the Israelites through giving a cloud in the day and a pillar
of fire in the night. The same attention and protection God can give it to me and all those who
believe, it might not be a cloud or a pillar of fire but He will surely protect His own.
To add on, another important lesson is that GOD cooperates in the work which he gives us.
God does not give us stupendous work. As He cooperated with the Israelites in the building
of the temple, He is also willing to cooperate with us in every work he gives us for example
GOD gave us the work of witnessing, He will cooperate with us as a Christian society in
winning souls. He is always ready to help us in any line of work that comes from Him.

Cooperation and teamwork are also pinpointed in this chapter. The Israelites cooperated to
the building of the temple by contributing labor, materials and other essentials. From this I
learnt that in order to be successful in any line of work cooperation and teamwork is
important. Through cooperation and teamwork companies will go far, students will pass with
flying colors and the society will be a whole new thing.

The importance of order was also highlighted. Order was essential to the Israelites and also it
is now to me as an individual and to the society as whole. The issue of order is shown in
Numbers 11:16-17 showing how the Israelites arranged their tents in an orderly manner. It is
this order that we avoid havoc in the family and in the society.

This chapter also taught me the idea that education does not ignore the issue of hygiene. The
Israelites practiced strict sanitary regulation. Hygiene meant to them that they could retain the
presence of GOD. Good hygiene reduces the level of diseases in a society and promotes the
heath being of me as an individual.

In addition, the Israelites followed a healthy diet in that they ate what God gave them to eat.
God sought their highest good and he gave them good food for example manna. This taught
me the lesson that it is wise to eat healthy and stay healthy. It also brings us the point that
God knows what’s best for us to eat, and the food he prescribed that we must partake thereof
we must partake. Eating what God has not advised us to it, it’s not only sinful but it is also

The Israelites acknowledged God, this was revealed in their songs and stories. They sang and
talked about how God helped them to conquer their enemies and also sang about how
privileged they were to have God. Acknowledging God must be a habit every person must
have because it is from God who give us life and blessings each day.

To add on, fellowship is also highlighted in this chapter. The Israelites gathered thrice a year.
These were times of social intercourse and worship. These times were important to the
Israelites as they are to me. Fellowship must be part of every individual in a society.
The other lesson I got is how the Israelites distributed their property equally .There was no
favoritism ,fathers were not allowed to sell the inheritance of their children ,they only lend
them for a time and redeem them afterwards .This helped in avoiding social classes where
they are some who are rich and the others poor .It could have been a nice place to live on
today had the society imitate how the Israelites distributed their land .The people could have
avoided many bloodshed by doing so.

Lastly the Israelites consecrated their tithe of all increase. This helps in killing out all
narrowing selfishness.

Chapter five of education is really helpful and has made an impact in my life.

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