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ED 152



ID NUMBER: S11134357




Discuss the theories of development and their significance to your understanding of

growth and development?


Theories of human development are based upon various Philosophers. Taking for instance John
Locke’s attachment theory where children are seen to be born as blank tablets and are later
nurtured and their minds getting matured day by day. Locke also stated that mental content
which is present in the minds need to acquire through both inner and outer experiences. These
experiences are both learnt and observed from home through parents and elders of the house
and in schools from the teachers who are also the second parents of the child and where the
child spends most of his time. Growth refers to the physical increase in size whereas
development is experiencing feelings, suffer etc. Throughout a child’s lifetime development
would be an on-going process taking place nearly every day whereas growth will only take place
till adulthood. The development theory gives us a fair idea of how a child is developing in
various stages and things they are experiencing throughout their life time.


Hello Jumanah Dean,i appreciate your views on developmental theories but i just want to add on
to your discussion based on the three types which are:

• Physical development-changes of the human body from conception till the
puberty,expansion of body figure,facial maturity etc

• Personality development-development of a persons ability to

interact,communicate,social skills and relations eg,behaviour


Neuroscience is the study of the brain – why is this important to know in understanding


Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system. It is the brain's ability to perform all these
functions that makes us human. John Bowlby’s research’s shows how the brain develops from stage
to stage in human development. Neuroscience is important in understanding the development that
takes place in an infant’s brain. It was also believed by Bowlby that brain development is controlled
by the environment in which the changes take place. From infancy till adulthood the child’s brain
tend to mature little by little. During this development period of time the child has a strong
relationship with their mothers from whom the most teaching and learning takes place. Not only
neuroscience helps in the brain development of the child but it also guides in the physical activities
such as walking, crawling etc.


Discuss your understanding of early childhood in relation to human growth and



Early childhood is a crucial time in a child’s life it is also the first stage of human development.
Early childhood is the time of toddlerhood and a little time afterwards as well. During this
period of time the child grows up physically there is an increase in size, weight etc. Good
nutrient food, milk becomes essential for the overall good and healthy development to incur.
Brain is also been developed at this stage where children learn whatever the parents say or do
observe them and later imitate it. Children go through emotional, social, spiritual, psychological
and physical changes during these early years. Parents and pre-school teachers play a vital role
in order for the early childhood growth and development to have effective impact on the child.
Whereby parents have to teach the child good moral values, guide them in studies and teachers
to educate them with knowledge and wisdom.


‘Early childhood development is everyone’s businesses – elaborate your understanding

of early childhood development to your group members and provide some examples
from your own experiences


Early childhood development is period of time where a child goes through physical, cognitive,
social and emotional development. At this period of time family and pre-school teachers play an
essential role since most of the learning taking place is from them. I agree with the statement
that ‘Early childhood development is everyone’s businesses’. Some of the examples from my
own experiences are my parents, grandmother and elder siblings being part of my early
childhood development I was also guided by my family in every way possible. My grand-mother
teaching me traditional and cultural experts of life such as following and imitating her as she
offered the prayers, she also taught me how to recite the holy book etc. Other experiences were
such that after coming back from pre-school I used to imitate the teacher of what she had taught
me in school the nursery rhymes, alphabets ABCD, counting 1234 etc. I used to observe and
catch things very fast since my brain was also developing at that period of time. I remember the
incident of my siblings been quarrelling and swearing at each other from which I learned and
used the swear words later onward for which I was punished by my parents. Looking at my own
personal experiences it can be concluded that indeed early childhood is everyone’s business
since the child is learning from the first people they come across and are in contact with.


Share your experience of being an adolescent to your group members and what have you
learned from this unit in terms of ‘adolescent development’


To my knowledge adolescence is the period between the ages of 12 to 18. This period of
development is the changing from childhood and adulthood. During this period a person starts
to develop physically, mentally and emotionally.

Some of the experience of my changing from child to adult, was being in a dilemma to whether
share my struggle and feelings to my parents or not. The issue was that things happened in a
different way in my parent’s days. Talking about physical change was a difficult challenge for

Also in this unit I have learnt the:

Physical change

Female: - increase in height

-increase in hip size

-pubic, armpit and leg hair growth

-menstrual cycle

-breast development

Males: -faster growth

-hair growth

-growth of private parts

-voice deepness

Mentally changes

-being more independent

-taking up responsibility

-considering and thinking about future (career and occupations)

Behavioural changes

-acting upon their choice

-get accepted in peer groups

-attraction of opposite gender



What are some aspects of adulthood that fascinates you? Discuss this with references to
the readings you have.


Walking into adulthood is the most difficult yet interesting journey. Some of the aspects of
adulthood is most appealing to me are:

- creating and striving to a particular goal. (Planning for the future, and making your dreams
come true)

For instance, from childhood I dreamt to be a teacher and now I am on the path to become a
teacher. I am fulfilling my dream and my goal

- Being independent and be responsible (being an adult teaches us to be independent to stand

up on your own feet and be take up responsibilities)

For example, I want to be an independent women who earns for herself and family, also take up
the responsibility of taking care of my parents and family.



Understanding people is important- discuss this in terms of diversities and inclusivity.


In human development, it is important to understand people. To understand people we need to

diversify and include ourselves with other people of different race, religion and what
differentiate us.

Diversity in reference to understanding is being able to mix with other culture, race and
religion. We diversify with this groups by learning different languages to able to communicate
and understand each other. For example schools, have vernacular language to which student
learn other languages ie Indian students learn Fijian language and vice versa.

Inclusivity with the reference to understand people is to include people who are different from
us such as handicapped, learning disable and disadvantage grouped. We need include people
who have learning disabilities and handicapped, not separate them from the everyday life.
These people need to independent and not make them feel unwanted. For example, the ministry
of education is having the education system to be inclusive, i.e. making student who are having
learning disabilities study with the normal students.

One institution who serves both diversity and inclusivity is University of South Pacific. It has
wide variety of races and culture of students who study together. The USP also enroll students
who are disabled and it has environment which makes them easier to learn such as buddy for
deaf people. These help people to learning together and understand each other.


The question was to share my reflection about the whole unit


After finishing 8 weeks of ED152, I have learnt:

* The theories of Development (Example: John Locke theory, Piaget theory, Lev Vygotsky
sociocultural theory)

* Stages of prenatal development (germinal stage –>embryonic stage –>fetal stage)

* Human Reproduction (the changes in both genders when puberty occurs)

* Early childhood development in relation to cognitive, language, social and emotional


* Early adulthood development in relation to cognitive, language, psychosocial development.

* Middle adulthood development in relation to cognitive, language, psychosocial development.

* Late adulthood development in relation to cognitive, language, psychosocial development

* How to understand people by diversity and inclusivity

These lessons have broaden my knowledge to understand human development.

(It would be more easy and helpful if this unit has a text book so that it is easier to refer to notes.
The online resources are not relevant at times)

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