Multiple Intelligence Reviewer

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Multiple Intelligence Reviewer

Verbal Linguistic (VL)

Enjoys word games such as crossword puzzles and scrabbles → VL

Easily conveys thoughts and ideas in writing → VL

Is highly verbal and is able to clearly convey ideas orally → VL

Spells accurately and easily → VL

Loves to tell stories and engage in conversations and discussions → VL

Logical Mathematical (LM)

Prefers things to be orderly and logical → LM

Understands cause and effect, actions and consequences → LM

Loves to chart, graph, map and organize information →LM

Understands abstract ideas → LM

Easily computes math problems mentally → LM

Intrapersonal Intelligence (IR)

Has a strong will → IR

Accurately identifies and conveys feelings → IR

Prefers to work independently, is self-directed → IR

Is comfortable with his or her individuality, regardless of peer pressure → IR

Interpersonal Intelligence (IP)

Prefers to work and learn with others → IP

Interacts comfortably and confidently with others → IP

Has leadership abilities, is able to influence others opinions and actions → IP

Naturalistic Intelligence (N)

Is interested in and sensitive to nature → N

Can easily identify, categorize, and classify objects, information, and ideas → N
Is “street smart”; understands how systems work and can use them to personal advantage →

Asks questions to seek more information about what he or she observes → N

Is highly observant of surroundings → N

Bodily Kinesthetic (BK)

Can mimic others’ gestures or mannerisms → BK

Enjoys acting things out, doing skits and plays; is dramatic → BK

Is well coordinated and has a good sense of timing → BK

Demonstrates balance, small and large-motor dexterity and precision in physical tasks→ BK

Excels in sports or other physical activities (dancing, martial arts, creative movement) → BK

Develops physical skills quickly and easily → BK

Likes to move around and stay active → BK

Visual-Spatial (VS)

Likes to sketch out ideas or represent them visually → VS

Learns best by seeing and observing; recalls information through images and pictures → VS

Draws and sketches accurately and with detail → VS

Musical (M)

Shows a strong interest in music → M

Improvises vocal or instrumental music and or composes music → M


Has a good memory for names, places, dates, and other facts → N & VL

Is sensitive to the feelings, thoughts, and motivations of others → IR & IP

Shows mechanical skills, can take things apart and put them back together easily →VS and LM

Enjoys working on logic puzzles or brain teasers → LM and N

Is fascinated and challenged by computers: easily uses computers for more than playing simple
games → LM and VS
Asks questions about fairness, as a strong interest in right and wrong, justice and injustice IR
and IP

Our "possible selves" include images of the self we fear as well as images of the self we dream
of becoming TRUE

The self-reference effect illustrates how our sense of self is at the center of our worlds FALSE

People with a strong sense of internal control believe that their destiny is controlled by other
people FALSE

Mildly depressed people generally see themselves as other people see them TRUE

People are clearly aware of the factors that influence their daily moods FALSE

Most university students think that standardized tests provide a fairly accurate estimate of their
ability FALSE

If we hold negative ideas about another racial group, we presume that many others also   have
negative stereotypes TRUE

Self-efficacy is equivalent to self-esteem FALSE

People with a strong sense of self-efficacy cope better and achieve more than people who lack
a sense of their own competence and effectiveness TRUE

Studies of perception and memory show that our awareness is mostly the results of thinking
and not of the process TRUE

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