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Chapter 1

A scream echoes throughout the forest. I froze. Creeped, I turned around. “Mom?” I gasped.
Quickly, I scrambled to my feet and my hand started frantically searching for my phone.

But that phone wasn’t there.

The phone that I needed wasn’t there.


Why does it have to end like this? Why does it have to be tonight when I lost my phone? Now,
where would I get help?

I saw a figure, limping her way to me. Panic rippled through my chest. “Mom?” I called louder.
The silhouette smiled at me. A bloody, weak smile. My heart wrenched. I looked down and
gasped. Loud enough to stop her from moving.

She lowered her gaze and her eyes widened. I gulped.

Blood oozed out of her broken nose and her leg was crushed. Her clothes were tattered and
muddy. Tears streamed down my face.

“W-w-wait, I-I’ll call 911,” my voice barely above a whisper. I feel for my pocket. No such luck. I
gasped again when I heard a loud thud.

I looked up and my eyes widened. She was already in the ground, gasping for air. She grabbed
my hand and smiled at me. “Remember, time comes and goes. So do people in life.” She
croaked, her fingers leaving blood prints in my wrist. “N-no. Please. Not like this,” I rasped. She
smiled again. Fainter this time.

“It’s okay. It’s okay.” She closed her eyes and let her final breath out, leaving me breathless as
well. “No,” I whispered, “no.”

I looked up to the dark sky and screamed. I screamed until my lungs hurt.

I cried. I cried my eyes out. I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. Until I don’t have any tears to
“P-please. Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me like this. Please, not like this.” I cried until I couldn’t
breathe. I cried until I’m out of oxygen. As th-

I woke up screaming at my pillow. My ankles were tangled with my blanket and my pillow was
wet. Gasping for air, I took my inhaler and sucked in. Instantly, my lungs became cooler and I felt
calm. A knock came from my door. I sat up straight.

“Jillian? Is everything okay? I thought I heard screaming before.” A voice came. I took a deep
breath. “Yeah, I’m okay.” I lied. “You sure?” Came the reply. I sighed. “Yes, I’m sure Aunt Ell.” I
told her. “Okay then..” She didn’t seem convinced, but finally she went back downstairs.

“You should tell her, Jill.” A familiar voice said. I turned around and smiled faintly. “I know, Ju.
But I can’t.” She sighed. “And.. what’s the reason?” She asked me, as if she’s the one
responsible around here.

“I-I just.. can’t.” I told her, burying my face on my hands. She exhaled loudly. “This is the future,
Jill. You should forget her, you know. You can’t just.. keep her in your mind all the time.” She told
me. I glared at her. “She’s my mom, June. My mom.” I said, emphasizing the word mom.

She sighed. “Don’t forget, she’s also mine. Yet, I can live without her.” She told me, before
turning around and left.

I took a deep breathe and forced myself to get out of bed. My dog, Choco, barked at me and
went back curling in his bed. Great, now even my dog gets mad at me. Way to go, Jill. I said

I showered and choose my outfit. After a good ten minutes, I put on a yellow T-shirt which I
layered with my favorite shiny blue jacket and ripped jeans. I scooped Choco and grabbed my
car keys, dashing to the front porch. June was already waiting there, tapping her foot
impatiently. She was wearing a similar outfit like me, except her shirt was blue and her jacket
was purple. Cookie, June’s dog, was nibbling on a ball covered with colorful paw prints.

“It’s nice that you finally decided to show up, sis.” She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and
hopped into my red Lamborgini. She slid into the passenger sit next to the driver’s. “It’s nice if
you would keep your sarcastic comments to yourself.” I shot back.

If you’re wondering who June is, she’s my sister. And not any sister, but my twin. Yes, that’s
right, we’re twins. Only, I was born one minute earlier. We’re actually different from any twin in
America. Usually, twins were really close to each other and they have the same hobby, favorite
color, etc. But me and June? We’re so different. Like Earth and sky. Like water and oil.

June is the quiet one. She’s not shy. Just quiet. Well, at least with our friends and strangers. She
enjoys spending her time with Cookie and reading books. No, she’s not a nerd. She just like
indoor activities. Sometimes, she even cooked for us (me, dad, and Aunt Ell).

I’m more like the boss. I’m loud and outgoing, just like my dad. Shopping, detention, and
freedom. That’s what I do everyday. Chocolate is also like me. He likes to wander around, and
comes back when he’s hungry. But most of the time, I kept him at home and locked the door.
Just for safety.

I heard June humming a song that mom used to sang for us every night when we’re little kids.


The word saddens me more and more everyday. It’s like a poison that made me die.

“Jill! Wake up!” A voice snapped me out of my daydream.


“Are you having one of your nightmares again?” She asked me. I scoffed. As if. This is day time.
There’s nothing called nightmare during the day. “No,” I asnwered simply, swerving my car to
the left. She sighed before focusing back to her phone. The car went to a stop and I kicked the
door open. I rang the bell and put down both Cookie and Choco at the door step. Mrs.
Wallangbanger opened the door and smiled at me.

“Ah, I see our little pumpkins are already excited for today.” She said, scooping Cookie and
Choco up. “Thanks again Mrs. Wallabanger. I’ll be back before four. Promise.” I told her. “No
need for the thanks, Jill dear. It’s a pleasure to babysit this two munchkins. I would like some
company anyways.” She smiled at me. I faked a smiled. “See you, Mrs. Wallabanger.” I bid my

The door slammed shut and I sighed as I rubbed my temple. “C’mon, we’ll be late for school.”
She told me, glancing at her watch. I jumped back inside and zoomed towards our destination.

😊. Stay updated guys..
Woah, this chapter is pretty long, huh? Another one coming up soon

Chapter 2

I open my locker door. Huffing, I dump my books inside and slammed the door shut. Another
day of suffering and torture.

I was glad when the final bell rang. Finally.

I slung my back to my shoulder and dragged my feet towards the exit. I looked around the
parking lot. No June. Maybe she’s in the library. Still no June. Sighing, I checked every classroom
in both the first and second floor. No such luck. I groaned. Where is she? This is not like the June
I know. She couldn’t get detention, could she? No, not possible. Whatever, I’ll go home now.
Serve her right for wandering around, I gritted my teeth.

I pulled up in front of Mrs. Wallabanger’s house and rang the bell.


No Mrs. Wallabanger



I grunted and plopped back in my driver’s seat. Why’s everyone disappearing? I pulled out my
phone. Yeah right. Nope. No message at all.

Finally, I groaned in defeat. I zoomed back to my house, only to be left gaping. June was sitting
in the porch, typing something in her phone while Choco and Cookie was busy playing tag.

I blinked my eyes twice. I even pinched myself. Ow, I’m not hallucinating.

“Where are you?!” I yelled at June. Startled, she dropped her phone to a nearby potted
“What do you mean where am I? I’m here the whole time!” She said, once she fished out her
phone. I dragged a hand across my face. “I searched for you at school! And you vanished.” I told
her. She rolled her eyes. “That’s what I’m supposed to ask you. I searched for you and I thought
you have another detention. So I decided to went home with Lexy.” She told me, brushing the
dirt off her phone screen. Lexy is our best friend since we’re in diapers. I wonder why she didn’t
ontacted me. “Then why didn’t Lexy told me?” I asked again. She shrugged and went back doing
whatever business she has with her phone. Frustratedly, I stomped inside the house and
slammed the door with a sickening bam.

Hey guys! So, what do you think about the story so far? Will June get into trouble for leaving
without telling Jill? What will Jill do? You can share your ideas from the comments section.

Chapter 3

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