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System Check Results

This device meets all site requirements, but may need attention. A Secure Browser may be required for delivery of the operational
test. If needed, be sure to install the Secure Browser on the device prior to the test.

Check Status Details

Traceroute Failed The traceroute could not be completed successfully. If the upload and
download checks have also failed then please contact support, otherwise
this should not have an impact on testing.

NOTE: The traceroute works by sending a packet of data from our server to
the WANIP currently identified for this device, one hop at a time. At
each hop, a response is returned so that we know the packet has
successfully arrived at its destination. A common cause of this check
failing is that a router has not been configured to send a response when
the packet of data has been received, which could be for a variety of
reasons including to increase performance.

Pop-up Windows Not This browser does not support the use of pop-up windows. Check your
Supported browser security settings and ensure that pop-ups are always allowed or
that they are allowed for this site.
Launch Test Delivery Warning The check to launch a test was not successful. This check attempts to
launch a representative test and automatically navigates through the test
to verify that this computer can deliver operational tests.

Confirm that your school's firewall, proxy, and/or content filters allow
unrestricted communication to and from the "" domain on
ports 80 (http) and 443 (https). Your local technical administrators may
contact tech support if they need more information or require additional

Note: To ensure that operational tests can run on the computers at your
school, this check must pass for at least one computer per computer

Name Christian Pastrana

Institution Anonymous
wan ip Address
Date/Time of Report 03/12/2021 03:18:25 AM
Date/Time of Report 03/12/2021 03:20:43 AM
Country PH
Display Resolution 1920 x 1080
Display Colors 24 - bit
Browser Chrome
Browser Version 88.0.4324.190
Platform Windows 10
Cookies Supported
Compression Supported
HTTP Latency 694 ms
User Agent String Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Chrome/88.0.4324.190 Safari/537.36
System Language en-US
Download Speed 1 Mbps (63 KB/s) kbps
Upload Speed 0 Mbps (24 KB/s) kbps
HTTP Protocol HTTP/1.1
Mime Types application/pdf, application/x-google-chrome-pdf, application/x-nacl, application/x-
Number of Checks 14
Number of Checks 9
Number of Checks 5

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