GenZooLec Activities - MODULE 1

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M1 - Pre-task
To begin, have first this short game which is called Scatter-gories (
For the mechanics of the game:

1. Take note of the following categories:

o History of Zoology
o Scope of Zoology
o Significance of Zoology
o Evolutionary Perspective of Zoology
o Ecological Perspective of Zoology

2. Think of a word or phrase for each category starting with the same letter of your choice.
For example, words or phrase in all the categories start with letter “O”.

o History of Zoology – On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin with his

Theory of Natural Selection
o Scope of Zoology – Organology
o Significance of Zoology – Opportunity to Understand the Importance of
o Evolutionary Perspective of Zoology – Organisms or animals share a common
evolutionary past
o Ecological Perspective of Zoology – Organisms and their relationship with the

M1 - Lesson 1. (1.1) Check-in Activity

1.1. Historical Background of the Development of Zoology
Check-in Activity
Based from the Powerpoint presented in the While-task of Lesson 1. (1.1. Historical Background
of the Development of Zoology), construct a Time Line to trace the History of Zoology.
Recognise those personalities who were involved in its development and include their
contributions. (10 pnts.)
M1 - Lesson 1. (1.3) Check-in Activity
1.1. Current Significance of Zoology
Check-in Activity
After knowing the general importance of zoology, in NOT more than 50 words, I would like you
to cite the significance of the science of zoology in your own field after pursuing your program.

M1: Analysis and Application Questions

Note: Limit you answers up to 50 words per item. Avoid plagiarism.
1. How is zoology related to biology? What major biological concepts, in addition to
evolution and ecology, are unifying principles shared between the two disciplines?
Zoology is one of the 3 Main branches of Biology. Biology and Zoology have unifying
principles in addition to evolution and ecology like genetics, botany, molecular biology,
biochemistry, cell biology, population biology and structural biology.

2. What are some current issues that involve both zoology and questions of ethics or public
policy? What should be the role of zoologists in helping resolve these issues?
Some current issues that involve both zoology and questions of ethics or public policy include
health problems (e.g. corona virus), the preservation of natural habitats, human overpopulation,
and the concern for extinction. Zoologists should spread awareness and information about how
human interference cause extinction and problems in the environment.

3. Many of the ecological problems facing our world concern events and practices that
occur in less developed countries. Many of these practices are the result of centuries of
cultural evolution. What approach should people and institutions of developed countries take
in helping encourage ecologically minded resource use?
Simple small steps like reducing the use of plastic, encouraging the use of electric vehicles,
replacing oil and using geothermal energy should be done by the people and institutions in
ecologically using resources. Included here are reducing CO2 and pollution.
4. Why should people in all parts of the world be concerned with the extinction of cichlids
in Lake Victoria?
People should be concerned with the extinction of cichlids in Lake Victoria since it teaches
something about meddling with the balance of nature. It is A perfect example of failure to
understand ecological relationships among animals and their environment that resulted in
environmental consequences (extinction of cichlids).

People should be concerned with the extinction of cichlids in Lake Victoria since it teaches
something about meddling with the balance of nature that can result in environmental
consequences (extinction of cichlids). Also, extinction of a species can bring ecological
imbalance and affect other organisms. 

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