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HW 2: Radioactive decay {a} Thorium decays by emitting 2 smell particle. The equation for the reaction is shown below, “Th —>*Pa +B (i) Nemethe parteleemitten Bela Patice (ii). Inthe space inthe equakon pukthé symbol for this particle (iy Wnetkindof particle nthe nucleus of the atom produced this pertile ? . si i 4 ‘s - (4) (b) Radium decays to Radon by emitting @ particle. The equation for the reaction is shown below. “Ro—> “Rn + ja | (i). Name the particle emitted ..... Alpha Particle (ii) {In the space in the equation put the symbol for this particle. | (iii) How many neutrons has this atom of Radium in its nucleus? | | 138 neutrons (iv) Another Radium atom is (ound to have 2 greater number of neutrons. The two atoms are called, Isotopes df Radium. (5) | (c) The diagram below shows a radisactive source ints rensportation container | | : | += SOURCE, P i} | (ii) Thesource may emit a, Band y radiation, 1. Whichradiationis the most panotrating ancien SRM i HW 3: Radioactive decay and half-life |, | Cobalt-60 is radioactive. It decays by Beta-emission and by Gamma-emission | with a half-life of 5.3 years |e Atomic Number Z and Mass Number A of Cobalt-60 are 27 and 60, | respectively. fa) Complete statements ¢i) and (ii) } (i) * Beta-emission is the emission of electron (i) Gamma-emission is the emission of __eleettomagnetic wave __ [3] Explain what is meant by half-life, ‘The amount of time ittakes for half of the atoms in a radioactive substance to decay. } Sree ee (© Write down the Atomic Number and the Mass Number of the product of the radioactive decay. Atomic Number of product=_28 ie Mass Number of product=__@2__ (@) When not in use, samples of Cobalt-60 are stored in a lead-lined box. Explain what happens to the energy of the emissions during storage. ‘The stored energy ends up dissipating due to the lead heating up. \ Q) Qe | _ A weak radioactive sampie was fixed in a holder and monitored every day for five | days. The monitoring was achieved by placing a Geiger-Miller tube connected to a rate~ meter in contact with the sample. Three readings of the ratemcter were taken at S-minuw intervals at the same hour every day, The following results, corrected for background | radiation, were obtained. Day Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Corrected raremeter readings) S223 BS oF aa 108 1 | 600 382-«255—— 150100 9} | Construct a table showing the average ratemetet reading for each day of the week. @ marks) }) Draw a graph of these readings against time, using the graph paper supplied. (5 marks) > Determine the half-life of the ridioactive sample. (3 marks) Scanned with CamScanner

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