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Good morning! I am going to present to you the data on the first program implementation review in

Slide 2

I have here the consolidated data on the science accomplishments slash practices of the whole district
of manticao covering the period from april 2020 up to the present.

No. 1 on the list, the students were able to make 3D models of animal and plant cells, and binoculars
applying properties of mirror/lenses.

Lastly, most of the students were able to meet the MELCS in Science

In terms of module distribution, the printed modules are always ready for distribution during the
scheduled date as well as the retrieval of the answer sheets. Usually the schedule for the retrieval and
distribution of the printed modules is every Friday. In addition to the printed modules, activity
worksheets for the learners were also provided.

In order for the learners and even parents to contact or consult teachers on academic and other school
matters, group chats were created. It is also through this venue that teachers send supplemental videos
for the learners to clearly understand the lesson. With regards to those who cannot access the internet,
parents, students and teachers communicate through text and conference call.

Since there is no face to face conduct of classes, still the learners’ progress are monitored by the
teachers through home visitation especially those who are struggling and at risk of dropping out, this is
also the time when there is an actual face to face monitoring.

And also, prior to the start of the opening of classes, parents’ orientation was conducted.

And lastly, the whole district of manticao is very fortunate for the PTA and stakeholders for their
unending support especially in the conduct of the retrieval and distribution of the printed modules.


As you can see in this slide, despite the multiple best practices that I have mentioned in the previous
slide, the district also encountered some issues and concerns along the way.

No 1.Instructions given to parents with regards with the module were not properly relayed to their
respective children

Another issue is the struggle of parents to teach or to guide their children at home when it comes to the
lesson. This is very true for parents who are challenged academically.

The third, students had the difficulty on the sudden transition of learning where teachers were not there
to guide them on their learning.
Some parents hired tutor to answer the modules. With this, returned outputs cannot be a reliable
refence of students’ achievements. There are also time wherein the modules are not retrieved or
submitted on time due to some personal reasons of the parents.


Despite the challenges and concern that we encountered during this trying time, the whole district of
manticao, embrace these challenges and come up with solutions or actions that would somehow ease
our difficulties. The Science group took actions on these challenges:

First, lack of materials needed in the activity or inadequate materials. The action taken, provide
supplementary instructional materials using localized and indigenous materials. Second, Parents
difficulties in performing their task as a home learning facilitator. We conducted small group orientation
and coaching to parents who have difficulties in facilitating science subject. Third, Parents could not
return the module on time. The action taken, reduced the numbers of activities given to the learner to
avoid the delay of submission. Lastly, Unanswered module in science to be specific. Actions taken are
creating a class group chat using social media and texting and calling the parents.

Slide 5

Next slide is the Status/Updates of Learning Modalities In Distance Learning using Print Modules

• 90% of the 3 quarter modules are already printed
• There is a Need to cash advance for the purchase of the ink and rims of bond paper.
• 100 % of the pupils are using self-learning modules
• And lastly, the distribution of modules is up to date

Lets move on to the next slide


Students’ Academic Performance in Science

During the 1st and second quarter total number of learners is 1987. All of these learners pass the science
subject both for the 1st and second quarter.

These are the Proposed titles for Action Research Proposals

1. Psychological Effects of Covid-19 on the Academic Performance of the Students in
2. Project Method as a Teaching Strategy on the Academic Performance of Students in
3. Social Determinants Affecting the Academic Performance of Students in Science

The last slide shows the enumerated items on the Assistance Needed from Division
These are the :
• Technical Assistance for the teachers.
• Trainings and Seminars to up-skill teachers.
• Continues provision of materials in module reproduction and health kits to both teachers and
• Supplemental and learner Materials needed in Science.
• Free and stable internet connection.
• Ready-made individual printed modules.

That ends my presentation. Thank you for listening. Let us all stay safe and healthy.

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