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ETABS 2013 13.1.

5 License #*1G6M3NHCETMB9H8

ETABS 2013 Steel Frame Design

Element Details

Level Element Location (cm) Combo Element Type Section Classification

SUPP1 C2-1 0 DCON4 Moment Resisting Frame box columns Compact

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (cm) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit

24.500 1 0.95

Analysis and Design Parameters

Provision Analysis 2nd Order Reduction

LRFD Direct Analysis General 2nd Order Tau-b Fixed

Stiffness Reduction Factors

αP r /P y αP r /P e
0.003 0

Design Code Parameters

0.9 0.75 0.9 0.75 0.9 1 1

Design Properties of Steel Section

A (cm²) J (cm⁴) I 33 (cm⁴) I 22 (cm⁴) A v3 (cm²) A v2 (cm²)

45 5695.3 3798.8 3798.7 22.8 22.8

Material Properties

E s (kN/cm²) f' c (kN/cm²) F y (kN/cm²)

19994.798 2.758 34.474

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio Eqn.(H1-1b)

D/C Ratio = (P r /2P c ) + (M r33 /M c33 ) + (M r22 /M c22 )

0.174 = 0.001 + 0.086 + 0.086

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ETABS 2013 13.1.5 License #*1G6M3NHCETMB9H8

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (cm) P u (kN) M u33 (kN-cm) M u22 (kN-cm) V u2 (kN) V u3 (kN) T u (kN-cm)
0 -5.3504 -1156.632 1156.632 -6.0339 6.0339 0

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K1 K2 B1 B2 Cm
Major Bending 1 1 1 1 1 0.949
Minor Bending 1 1 1 1 1 0.949

Parameters for Lateral Torsion Buckling

L ltb K ltb Cb
1 1 1.054

Axial Force and Capacities

P u Force (kN) ϕP nc Capacity (kN) ϕP nt Capacity (kN)

5.3504 2012.4103 1396.1885

Moments and Capacities

M u Moment (kN-cm) ϕM n Capacity (kN-cm) ϕM n (No LTB) (kN-cm)

Major Bending 1156.632 13384.767 13384.767
Minor Bending 1156.632 13384.767

Torsion Moment and Capacities

T u Moment (kN-cm) T n Capacity (kN-cm) ϕT n Capacity (kN-cm)

0 10461.426 9415.283

Shear Design

V u Force (kN) ϕV n Capacity (kN)

Major Shear 6.0339 400.2407
Minor Shear 6.0339 400.2407

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