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Oxciano, Geri Mary Belle F. Prof. Serena B. De Castro

1 Psych 2
M7A1: Activity 2. Comprehension Check-up
Briefly answer the following questions: (25 pts.)

1. Compare and contrast the artist and artisan.

An artist is a person engaged in an activity related to the creation, practice, and

demonstration of art. There are two types of artists: the art practitioner or the painter,
generally defined as the sculptor, choreographer, dancer, writer poet, musicians, and
the like who produces or creates entertainment and beauty. The kind of arts they are
making visually are appealing for the viewer’s amusement and admiration but
without a practical value, but rather has an aesthetic value.

On the other hand, the one that is a skilled craft worker who makes or creates art
that may be functional for furniture, food and household items, and such are what we
called an artisan. They help us meeting our basic needs as their works are
useful, relevant, and essential in our life.

2. Why is it important to understand the medium used by an artist in creating


Imagine one’s self not being able to tell or express what they are feeling because
of the inability to speak and write. Instead, they only use sign languages but the
people around them does not know how to understand such. It is hard to create art
without understanding the medium for it might ruin the piece. Therefore, it is
significant in a way of having a knowledge about the materials to avoid
unexpected outcomes and unsatisfaction given by its disadvantages.

3. What is the relation of the medium and the value of the art?

Every medium has an underlying value depending on its use. These two has
different function in art and is needed both to attain one’s successful art. The
artist use medium such as color paints, brushes, canvas, stones, wood, steel, etc.
While the value of art is about creating the color to complement each and have
the complexity of contrast with the use of materials or the medium. If one is
missing, then the meaning of the art is incomplete.

4. What do you think are the factors affecting the artist in choosing a particular
medium for his art?
Based on what I have learned throughout the module, each medium has
advantages and disadvantages depending on what kind of material the artist is
about to use. One of the factors I consider does affect in choosing a particular
medium is the oil paint as my sister and I made a painting for a contest and had
experienced its disadvantages, we accidentally blended colors that were not meant
to be combined because it dries very slow. We ended up redoing the part of our
piece. Especially when the contest has deadline, it is a must to consider the
factors of each medium.

5. How may the art techniques help to determine the skills of the artist?

Each artist has their own techniques in creating artworks. Like how easily the
artist made the kinds of strokes, blending, shadowing, etc. for visual arts, the steps
together with the fast beats for music, and creating a new kind of genre/stories for
the writers. We can determine the artist’s skills also with the feeling of perfection
and satisfaction.

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