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By Aline Francia
The flower is the reproductive part of a plant
that produces seeds through the process of
reproduction. There are different types of
flowers that can be identified through the
parts they have. The main parts of a flower are
the stamen and pistil.

The stamen is the male part of a flower that

has two parts the anthers and filaments.
Anthers are the one that produces and holds
the flower pollen grains. While the filaments
are the stems that support the anthers. The
female reproductive part is the pistil also
called the carpel. it has three parts the
stigma, style, and ovary. Stigma is the sticky
surface at the top of the pistil that traps and
holds the pollen. The style is the tube-like
structure that holds up the stigma.
While the ovary is below down the style and it
contains the ovules. The ovule is the part that
forms the seed of flowering plants. It is
located inside the ovary.

The other parts are the petals and sepals.

Petals are the one that attracts the pollinators.
Also. the reason why people buy and enjoy
the flowers for we are also attracted by their
color. Sepals, also known as calyx are green-
like petals at the base of the flower. It helps in
protecting the developing bud.

Flowers can be either perfect or imperfect

flowers. There are some that the parts are all
male, all female, or a combination. Imperfect
flowers are when their parts are all men or
female parts. Then the flowers that have both
the male and female parts are the perfect

Every part of a flower has its purpose in

reproduction. They are all important in
producing seeds and while in the process of


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