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Dear Mr.


In connection with the BooskaMax distribution license that will be completed from IPB, congratulations
to us. But the distribution permit that will be issued is only for 1 type, namely Booskamax. Based on
applicable law in Indonesia, we cannot sell with 2 different packaging names and formulation, namely
Booskamax 1 and Booskamax 2. PKSJ distributors will also refuse to sell if the product name and
formulation is different from the distribution permit.
If we make Booskamax 1 and 2 then the distribution permit from IPB under the name "BooskaMax" is
invalid and is considered invalid. If we keep selling, we will be fined. Based on Article 122 of Law
22/2019, which reads:

Every person who circulates unregistered and / or unlabeled Fertilizer as intended in Article 73 shall be
sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum of 6 (six) years and a maximum fine of Rp.3,000,000,000.00
(three billion rupiah).

Lastweek Pak Zakri ask me to process the permit in BPTP for BooskaMax 1 and BooskaMax 2. And he
asked me to coordination with Ms Lee Ying. At beginning Pak Zakri asked me to find a relationship to
arrange a distribution permit which would pass and be fast because at IPB we always do not pass the Uji
Mutu. After I looked for a relationship, finally I met Pak Abadi Girsang who is the department head at
BPTP. BPTP agree to help us process the Izin Edar BooskaMax 1 and 2. But they can give invoice with
letterhead because its a fast track (2-3 month) and not really official. And they will give us BPTP's
employe Account Number but not BPTP account number.
the benefits for us using BPTP are:
1. The process of quality testing and effectiveness testing will pass more quickly and definitely.
2. BPTP can be partners and work with us to market PKSJ products
3. If we want to take care of other permits such as SNI and other permits if we make new fertilizers then
they will help us

So thats progress of our our relationship with BPTP. Hopefully we don't disappoint them because they
also took a lot of time to meeting with us, meeting among them and calling the experts to discuss with
us about Booskamax.
We also need the an immediate distribution permit so that we can immediately sell our products Pak


Best Regards
Dany J. tarigan
Agronomist & marketing PKSJ Indonesia
Dengan Hormat

Berdasarkan info dari situs web PT Andalan Chemist Indonesia bahwa perusahaan Bapak merupakan
salah satu distributor bahan pertanian, kami dari PT Pupuk Kelapa Sawit Jaya ingin menawarkan kerja
sama dengan menunjuk PT Andalan Chemist Indonesia sebagai distributor kami. PT. PKSJ
Indonesiamerupakan anak perusahaan PKSJ Fertilizer Sdn yang sudah berdiri 38 tahun di Malaysia.
Kualitas pupuk kami sangat baik dan sudah dibuktikan melalui demplot di Sumut dan Jatim. Untuk
memperluas area marketing maka kami terbuka bagi siapa saja untuk kerja sama dengan kami sebagai
distributor dengan syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.
Demikian jika perusahaan Bapak berminat untuk menjalin kerjasama dapat menghubungi kami
kembali.Sebagai bahan pertimbangan kami lampirkan list produk kami. terimakasih

Hormat kami
Dany J. Tarigan
Agronomist & Marketing PT PKSJ Fertilizer

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