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Name: Class:

A. Lengkapi kalimat kalimat di bawah ini C. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.
dengan kata yang tepat. 1. You are not allowed to talk during the test
They don’t walk (walk) to school every day. (-) (mustn’t)
1. You ____ (sleep) at 9 pm. (-) You mustn’t talk during the test.
2. She ____ (watch) cartoon on TV. (+) 2. it isn’t necessary to bring food (don’t have to)
3. Rudy ____ (make) a robot at school. (+)
4. Bob and Jay ____ (study) English together. 3. I’m obliged to finish this letter before midday
(+) (have to)

B. Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan 4. You are not allowed to leave the classroom
do/does – don’t/doesn’t without permission (mustn’t)
1. ________ you like to play tennis?
2. ________ she cook some food for us? 5. It isn’t necessary to pay for the tickets. They are
3. Our sisters ______ live in the United States. free (don’t have to)
4. ______ Patrick play on a basketball team?
5. They ________ like to write tests. (-)
6. Andrew ________ like to play volley-ball.

D. Gunakan will atau be going to untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.

1. I think he (be) ____ the next President of the United States.
2. After I graduate, I (attend) ________ medical school and become a doctor. I have wanted to be a doctor
all my life.
3. That man at the service counter (help) ____ you.
4. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) ______ down to the beach and go swimming.
5. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit) ______Paris, Nice and Grenoble.
6. Sarah (come) _____ to the party. Oliver (be) ____there as well.

F. Isilah bigian yang kosong menggunakan May atau Can.

1. Excuse me! ____ you speak French?
2. Alan isn't coming tonight. He _____ come tomorrow, I hope.
3. _____ I leave early?
4. _______ I borrow your pen, please?
5. ______ I sit down?
6. She _____ dance well, but she _____ sing.

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