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Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name
Student Number
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items

Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details

Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Practical Observation
Assessment 3
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable
Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess you underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the
elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:
• contents of stock date codes and rotation labels
• meaning of:
o wastage to a commercial catering organisation and reasons to avoid it
o contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia New Zealand Food
Standards Code
• reasons for protecting food from contamination
• different types of contamination:
o microbiological
o chemical
o physical
• methods of rejecting contaminated food
• potential deficiencies of delivered perishable food items:
o contaminated food
o food that is intended to be:
▪ frozen but has thawed
▪ chilled but has reached a dangerous temperature zone
o packaged food that is exposed through damaged packaging
• correct environmental storage conditions for each of the main food types specified in the Performance Evidence:
o correct application of humidity and temperature controls
o correct ventilation
o protecting perishables from exposure to:
▪ heating or air conditioning
▪ accidental damage through people traffic
▪ environmental heat and light
o sanitary cleanliness
o storing perishables:
▪ in dry stores
▪ in cool rooms
▪ in freezers
▪ in refrigerators
▪ sanitised and hygienic conditions
▪ at room temperature
• food safety procedures and standards for storage of perishable supplies:
o appropriate containers
o labelling and coding
o first in first out methods
o storage environments
o temperature, humidity, light and ventilation specifications for storage
o cleaning and sanitising processes for food storage areas
o quarantining the storage of items that are likely to be the source of contamination of food:
▪ chemicals
▪ clothing
▪ personal belongings
• indicators of spoilage and contamination of perishable supplies:
o degradation of flavour, aroma, colour and texture
o enzymic browning
o drying and hardening
o crystalisation
o infestation of animal and pest waste
o mould
o exposed packaged food through damaged packaging
o odour
• indicators of quality of perishable items:
o currency of best by or use by dates
o freshness
o size
o weight
• correct and environmentally sound disposal methods for kitchen waste and hazardous substances.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
SSH to complete

Resource Requirements
Pen, Paper, Internet access or info via a data projector or printed format for Question 6 in Part B of this

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

Read and answer the questions below. All questions must be answered to demonstrate competence.
Your trainer will provide you with constructive feedback. Insufficient submissions will need to be re-assessed
according to the assessment conditions for your course or as outlined to you prior to assessment.

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained
to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /201

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date: / /

RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date: / /

Student Signature Date: / /

Assessment 1

Your task:

Answer the following questions. Any responses you provide will be followed up during a practical observation in
assessment 2. It is therefore essential that you will be able to demonstrate the knowledge applied to practical

1. What is the importance of avoiding wastage in a commercial kitchen operation?


2. Provide 3 reasons why food needs to be protected from contamination:




3. What are the different types of contamination? How are these caused?

Type of Contamination Causes
4. What are the requirements for checking foods and perishables when a delivery arrives? This needs to
include the underpinning regulatory requirements, e.g. how to check, recording mechanisms etc.

5. List the suitable storage area, provision for correct storage (e.g. sanitised container) and typical storage
temperatures for each of the commodities listed in the table. Explain how these storage areas should be
prepared prior to storing food items following a delivery.

Commodity Storage area Storage temperature Storage provision

1. Vegetables

2. Beverages

3. Dairy products

4. Canned products

5. Dry goods

6. Cooked Food Items

7. Frozen goods

8. Fruit

9. Meat

10. Oils

11. Poultry

12. Seafood

13. Vacuumed sealed


Preparation of Storage areas:

6. What needs to be done if a delivery does not meet specifications or legislative temperature requirements or
is spoilt or contaminated? Who needs to be informed?


7. What are the humidity and ventilation requirements for dry store, cool room and freezers?
What are the requirements for monitoring and documentation?

8. What are the provisions for effective pest control and maintenance requirements?


9. You receive a delivery of fresh, frozen and dry goods. How will you store these items to ensure food safety
requirements, prevent spoilage and ensure security of goods?

10. What are the labelling and coding requirements for food items? How does this assists in effective FIFO


11. What is the purpose of stock rotation?


12. What are the recommended methods for cleaning and sanitising floors, wall and shelving in storage areas to
ensure food safety for storage?



13. Provide 7 examples of indicators which can be used to identify whether stock is spoiled or contaminated:








14. How would you dispose of kitchen waste and potentially hazardous substances according to environmental
requirements and to prevent potential contamination in a food production area?


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