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Certificate of Analysis i 1.00983.2500 Ethanol absolute for analysis EMSURE® ACS,|SO,Reag. Ph Eur Batch 44807283 Batch Values Putty (GC) 2999 % Identity (FR) conforms ‘Appearance conforms Colour <10 Hazen Solubily in water conforms Acidity or alkalinity 530 pm “Tarabie acid 0.0002 media Titrable base 0.0002 meqig Density (420 “C120 °C) 0.790- 0.793 UV absorption conforms Aldehydes (as Acetaldehyd) 50.001 % Fusel ois conforms ‘Substances reducing potassium 0.0002 % permanganate (as 0) Carbonyl compounds (as CO) <0.003 % Readily carbonizable substances conforms Acetone (GC) <0.001 % Ethylmethyiketone (GC) $002 % Isoamy! alcoho! (GC) 5005 % 2-Propanal (60) 50.003 % Higher alcohols (Gc) 001 % Volatie impurities (GC) (Acetaldehyde and < 10 ppm celal) Volatile impurities (60) (Benzene) <2 pm Volatile impurities (GC) (Mathano)) < 100 pm Volatile impurities (GC) (Total of other <300 pm Impurities) Volatile impurities (GC) (disregard imi) <9 pm Chloride (C1 <03 pm Nitrate (NOs) 503 pm Phosphate (PO.) <03 pm Sulphate (S0.) 503 em Ag (Siven +<0.000002 % ‘A (Aluminium) 0.00005 % ‘As (Arsenic) += 0.000002 % ‘Au (Gold) 0.000002 % Ba (Barium) <0.00001 % Merck KGaA, Frankfurter Strate 250, 64293 Darmstadt (Germany): +49 6181 72-0 Page 1 of 2 EMD Millipore Corporation -A division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany 290 Concord Road, Bilric, MA 01821, USA, Phone: (978) 715-4321 Certificate of Analysis 1.00983.2500 Ethanol absolute for analysis EMSURE® ACS,|SO,Reag. Ph Eur Batch 44807283 Be (Berylium) += 0.000002 % i (Bismuth) +=0.000002 % Ca (Calcium 0.00005 % (Cd (Cadmium) +<0.000005 % Co (Cobalt) 0.000002 % (Cr(Chromium) +<0.000002 % ‘cu (Copper) 0.000002 % Fe (ron) 0.00001 % Ga (Galium) 0.000002 % tn (Indium) += 0.000002 % Li uithium) 0.000002 % ‘Mg (Magnesium) 0.00001 % ‘Mn (Manganese) 0.000002 % ‘Mo (Molybdenum) 0.000002 % Ni (Nike) += 0.000002 % Pb (Lead) 0.00001 % Pt (Platinum) +=0.000002 % ‘Sb (Antimony) 0.000002 % Sn (Tin) 0.00001 % (Titanium) 0.000002 % (Thalia) +<0.000002 % (Vanadium) 0.000002 % 2n Zine) +<0.00001 % 2+ eon) 0.000002 % Evaporation residue +<0.0005 % Water 04 % Date of release (DD.MMLYYYY) 31.07.2013, Minimum shet if (OD.MM.YYYY) 31.07.2018, Dr. Michael Savelsberg Response laboratory manage ally conve) ‘This document has been produced electronically and is val without a signature Merck KGaA, Frankfurter Strate 250, 64293 Darmstadt (Germany): +49 6151 72.0 EMD Millipore Corporation - A division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany 200 Concord Road, Bilerica, MA 01821, USA, Phone: (978) 715-4321 Page 2 of 2

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