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Teaching Scenario – Denatasa Permatasari

English – Verbal sentence in Simple Present Tense (40 mins)

Tim Aspect of Description
5’ Soft Skill “Hello students, how are you today?
“I hope all of you are in good conditions?”
“Okay, Now I would like you to prepare your book and dictionary”
“As usual, please write your full name on the chat column as your attendance”
15’ PCK “Now I would like you to see the pictures on the slide and pay attention to the
(Knowledge questions?”
of Learner) “Anyone still remember what have we learnt on the previous meeting?
“What is nominal and verbal sentence?
PCK “How do you know if it is nominal or verbal sentence?”
(Context) “Now take a look on these sentences”

I am a student I read the book everyday

“Now take a look on the patterns of the sentence”
“Which one is subject, predicate and object of each sentences?”
15’ PCK Once the students able to answer the short quest. Then I explain the material.
of Learner

After brief explanation about the common things in nominal and verbal tense
in simple present tense. Then I explain the formula in verbal tense
After that I explain the rule on placing –s/-es/-ies after the verb

To assess this, I provide some verbs and ask the student to write –s/-es/-ies
after the verb.
After that I ask the students to change the sentence into negative, and
interrogative patterns based on the picture they see on the slide (4 Questions)

15’ PCK Later, I ask the students to read a paragraph of someone’s habit

For the assessment, I ask the students to make a paragraph about their habit
following the paragraph that they have read before. (min. 10 sentences)
10’ Reflection “Now it’s the end of our lesson”
“Before that I will ask you some questions”
“What is your first thoughts about this overall lesson?”
“What is the most difficult part of this topic?”
“What were some of the most interesting discoveries that you found during
the lesson?”
“What is the most important thing you learned personally about this topic?”

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