Sample Problems File: Content Flow

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Performance Task 1 (Individual Task)

To design a student-friendly “mini magazine” which can be presented as a practical guide for students to
understand the topic better through presenting detailed solutions.
Final Output:
1. Mini magazine (PDF file)
2. Reflection paper (document file format)
1. Make 1 sample problem for each topic:
• Evaluating Limits of Trigonometric Functions
• Evaluating Limits of Exponential Functions
• Differentiating Trigonometric Functions
• Differentiating Exponential Functions
2. Show a detailed solution for each problem. Make sure to add side notes as to how the process is done.
(see Sample Problems File)
3. Design the final mini magazine according to preference. Adding graphical illustrations is optional, but
having a good content is a must.
4. Submit in PDF format.
5. Make a reflection using the guide questions from the Rubric.
Note: No required font formats. Contents must be arranged using the Content Flow below.

Content Flow
Evaluating Limits of Trigonometric Functions
Provide the list of theorems/formula (refer to your book).


Evaluating Limits of Exponential Functions

Provide the list of theorems/formula (refer to your book).


Differentiating Trigonometric Functions

Provide the list of theorems/formula (refer to your book).


Differentiating Exponential Functions

Provide the list of theorems/formula (refer to your book).

Provide references to avoid plagiarism. Make sure to only get the main idea from the the source instead of copying everything .

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