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‘Tpuos-nenton Triode-pentode 603 Tpnoa-nentox 63M npeaasnaven ana pa Gore B ycwurenax uuaKoli acToTM HB Kackatax Kafponohi pasnepTkn TesreDHsHOHHEKx pHeMNEKOS ¢ yrtote orkuiowicnsin ayaa Kaxeckona 70—110". ‘Tpuox-nentox 6311 spinyckaetea B minna- THOpHOM opopaateniM, B CTeKaRHHOM Gazttone ¢ He- BATHUITLIPEKOBOM HoxKO!l, ¢ AECTKHMH BUBOLAMH, © OKCULHLIM KaTonoM KOcBEHHOTO Hakata. Tpuor-nenton 60311 yeroiuus x Boszelicramo oxpyxatouleli remnepatypa ot —60 10 +70°C oruocuTensHolt naaxnocru 95—98% mpi temepa- type +40°C, a rawKe K posnelicramo Mexanite- CKHX Harpya0K: BuGpaunonuetx 20 25 g, yaapubix MHoroxpaTHHix 10 35g. HauGonpumit vec 25. Tapaurupopanuan stoarosesocts 3000 acon, ‘The 6@3I1 triode-pentode is designed for ope- ration in low-frequency amplifiers and in vertical sweep stages of television receivers having a ki- nescope beam deflection angle of 70 to 110". ‘The 6311 triode-pentodes are miniature devi ces enclosed in glass bulb and provided with a nine-pin base, rigid leads and an indirectly hea- ted oxide-coated cathode The GO3I1 triode-pentodes are resistant to am- bient temperature from —60 to +-70°C and rela- tive humidity of 95 to 98% at +40°C, as well as to mechanical loads: vibration loads up to 25 ¢ and multiple impact loads up to 35 g. Maximum weight: 25 gr. Service life guarantee: 2000 hr. SHEKTPHYECKHE JAHHBIE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS u, 63V 1, 0810.08 A Tpwoanas wacrs Triode Part U, 170 S 2512 mA Uy -18V ne Ty 25:12 mA Tlewroawan acre Pentode Part Max Max u, 170V Aytmp!) 140-mA, Uy, W70V Tyzimp!) 35:08 Unt PB 8W ko flzi9mA Ss 722 mA/V Ia le - Ale Ug= 1709 Pip mae =: Pap max 3 ra ‘Tpuos-nenton Triode-pentode

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