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1) Name the structure of upper respiratory tract

● Nose and nasal cavity

● Pharynx
● Larynx

2) Give 3 regions of pharynx

1. Nasopharynx
2. Oropharynx
3. Laryngopharynx

3) Where is the location of C-shaped? What its function?

- The location of C shaped is in the trachea or called as a windpipe.

The function of trachea is support and permanently open of airway. Its also
cough reflex and warming, humidifying and filtering the air.

4) Give 3 types of pleura

1. The viscelar pleura (inner) - adherent to the lung

2. Parietal pleura (outer) - adherent to the inside of the chest wall
3. The pleural cavity - consist of serous fluid (pleura fluid) to protect the lung

5) In 250 words, explain about the organs of lower respiratory tract .

- The lower respiratory tract there are four organs. First, the trachea, bronchus,
bronchioles, and also alveolus. The trachea, is also known by it's called as a windpipe.
The structure of trachea is kept open by 16 - 20 hyaline cartilage rings in the shape of C.
This is because to provide a semirigid support so that the trachea wall does not collaps
inward and obstruct the airway passage way. The rings are also connected by
fibroelastic connective tissue and longitudinal smooth muscle. It's because enable the
trachea flexible and extencible and allow the diameter of trachea change during of
inhalation and exhalation. There are composed of three layers of tissue in trachea, which
is (outer layer) is a fibrous and elastic connective tissue enclose the cartilage, the
(middle layer) is a cartilage and smooth muscle, and (inner layer) is a ciliated columnar
epithelium which is containing mucus secreting goblet cell. The function of trachea is
support and permanently open of airway, the cough reflex and the last is warming,
humidifying and filtering the air.

Secondly, the organ of lower respiratory tract bronchi, or also known as a bronchus. The teacher
branches into left and right bronchi at level 5 th thoracic vertebra. At a point, where the trachea
divides called Carina. This is divided 2 which is the right bronchi and the left bronchi. The right
bronchi is wide, short and vertical. This is subdivides into smaller tubes known as bronchioles
and it's also same of the left bronchi. The left bronchi is narrow and longer. The function of
bronchi is control of air entry, can warming and humidifying, support and the cough reflex.

The third organ of the lower respiratory tract is bronchioles. This is contain smooth muscle. The
bronchioles further subdivides into alveolus. The structure of bronchioles is less than one mm in
diameter. The alveolus which is a site for gas exchange and secrete surfactant. This is known
as (phospholipid fluid to prevents alveoli drying) . The pathyway start first from bronchioles to
the alveolar duct and the last alveoli. The bronchioles carry oxygen rich air into the lungs and
carry carbon dioxide rich air out of the lungs, there by aiding in the process of breathing and
respiration. The smooth muscle that surround the bronchioles can construct or dilate the airway,
which is can aid in getting the proper amount of oxygen into the blood.

Explain of the alveoli is functional units of the lungs. Every lungs contain of about 150 milion
alveoli, which is each surrounding by a network of capillaries. It crustered in brunches like
grapes. The structure of alveoli is cup shaped out pouching lined by simple squamos epithelium.
It's supported by a thin elastic connective tissue basement membrane. Is the two or more group
alveoli and share a common opening which is known as - Alveoli sac. The lying between
alveolar cells is sepral cell that can secrete alveolar fluid (surfactant). There are two reason why
this is happen, first for keeps the surface between the cells and the air moist. Second, for lower
surface tension, reduce the tendecy of alveoli to collapse.

The alveolar wall also contain alveolar macrophages, and phagocytes. This is for make sure
that ingest and destroy microorganisms and foreign particles that have penetrate the alveolar
lining. After this way, it's moved upwards by ciliary action to be expelled by coughing. Next, the
alveolar and capillary wall together form respiratory membrane. The respiratory membrane is
very thin. This is because of to allow rapid diffusion of gases.

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