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Dear Mr. Daryl Byron Famador,

Greetings! The following scales contain 2 domains, and 20 items related to Job Satisfaction. The 20
items are divided into Intrinsic and Extrinsic domains. Intrinsic job satisfaction considers work demand
and tasks that make up the job. In this study, this will be measured by 12 items: (1) Ability Utilization,
(2) Achievement, (3) Activity, (4) Advancement, (5) Compensation, (6) Co-workers, (7) Creativity, (8)
Independence, (9) Moral values, (10) Social services, (11) Social Status, and (12) Working conditions.
Extrinsic job satisfaction considers the work conditions of the job, such as your pay, coworkers, and
supervisor. In this tool, this will be measured by 6 items: (1) Authority, (2) Company policies and
practices, (3) Recognition, (4) Responsibility, (5) Security, and (6) Variety. The overall score is the
Overall/General Satisfaction. This will be used as the research instrument for the researcher’s study
entitled: “Level of Job Satisfaction among Practicing Occupational Therapists in the Visayas Region,
Philippines Proposed: Work Adjustment Guidelines”

Kindly review the appropriateness of each item in relation to the construct based on the definition
provided. If applicable, you may also provide comments or suggestions on the items in terms of, but
not limited to, sentence structure, grammar, and word choice.


Definition: Job Satisfaction refers to a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the
appraisal of one's job or job experiences. In this study, job satisfaction is the independent variable of
this study. This is the response of practicing occupational therapists based on the Minnesota
Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) short form 1977 and measured on 20 five-item scales. The MSQ
short form 1977 tool will measure job satisfaction in 3 scales: (1) Intrinsic Satisfaction, (2) Extrinsic
Satisfaction, and (3) General Satisfaction.
Comments/ Suggestions:

Domain 1. Intrinsic Satisfaction

Items Essential Useful but not Not Essential Comments/ Suggestions

Domain 1. Intrinsic job satisfaction

Ability Utilization
- the opportunity to use my abilities and skills as an OT in my job/s

- the feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment I get from the job/s

- the opportunity to practice my abilities and skills as an OT in my job/s

- the opportunity to get promoted on my job/s

- the pay I receive and the amount of work I do in my job/s

Co-workers and supervisors

- the way my co-workers get along with each other along with their supervisor(s)

- the opportunity to try new approaches in doing my job/s

Independence and interdependence

- the chance to work alone (or independently) on the job with opportunities for mutual support or

Moral values
- Being able to do things that don’t go against my conscience and the freedom to refuse provision of
service when moral values become at stake

Social Service
- to be able to do things for other people

Social Significance
- the opportunity to contribute and be significant to the society

Occupational Balance
- Having the right amount of occupations and the right variation between occupations (considering
working conditions)

Domain 2. Extrinsic Satisfaction

Items Essential Useful but not Not Essential Comments/ Suggestions

Domain 2. Extrinsic job satisfaction

- The opportunity to contribute thoughts and ideas to an open discussion and receive constructive
criticisms when necessary

Company policies and practices

- how company policies are put into practice in my workplace/s

Self-Review and Recognition

- The opportunity to evaluate one’s professional work and receive praise to validate professional
progress and growth

- the sense of significance of my job to my clients

- the sense of assurance because of steady employment

- the opportunity to do try different approaches at work

Validated by:

Darryl Byron C. Famador, OTRP
License No. 0003726

Date of Validation: 18 March 2021

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