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weal eM wax YBM OMS He ale, Uae! obi) 2iAlei, 21 cixiel olaist ABIL 200941 42! 90%} Tae 20184 38 421 SSant 19644 3B 20a) SSMS m12s FA BAL SET SRA Hat (02) 2000-0515 BA (02) 2071-0172 BHIOlx| 18,0008 ISBN 978-89-17-19640-5 ISBN 978-89-17-09821-ONIE Copyright © 2009 YBM TOEIC is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service in the United States of America and other countries, throughout the world. This product is not approved or endorsed by ETS. Ho] 0} #40] a1 eS MEE Set Sh SIN, aloe 29S BEL Ga gi mee metal SILC ( iva So AnlZ) AB9] SAO] SHe7} Cel WStT Cl 2009 AeH7] HAS AOS BE Sago] Sol Allo] BQIS Asho} Als! BUS MFSD Ich So] So Ans Sess Sale ofa} 7ixJolch, AUS Pel, SES él, & BE x7] AAw| Yoj ew zis] Heide Zoic. SS We ch BU BSE 2S Cl SS A+, Cl SS ANS BAIA SE HIEIO! QICHE ZHOICL. Ole! SHYSO| we] 4a] She G| SSO|Ltat SSO] S|2i HHS SOI Jump Up TOEIC Speaking AAS] FHS AltsIsIch (ump Up TOEIC Speaking S)2 Ala QE PESO] SO) Am|z) Also] 2 m}SoH cist ZICH Ast SIA US SMES Nel HOLM, APMO| cist ZS AICHet TIS + GIES So] Anz) ial BES. SAS] VISIT Qh ES AS SUK FSHMEO! wicks Oe! EN F inlet Sale! aS AUaIS 2h, Mow 23 BH ZO|B Soo| Bese SS SS + UES USS PvsIsICL of gt Bol toe ‘=o Ault Ale Bul7} SHSl S + USS ales We AS ory ejsieict, Eo] ANY ABE SAS OMPAAD Qe FMRC, At PRoll chet Moret Sits] Sto4 cHulsicral, = HIGHS HY S57} USA] WHE Aled Ploll Helo] Bare St= AHS LS + eloalet slsich EL IS 7 BISA O1FIS! + SLES, Jump Up TOEIC Speaking Al2IAE 0) Aniz) Al@! SUIS sit OS + ‘SSO! Selo Bast SAISON} AHS ROO she wfBOIch, APC] 0] HS Ol CHESS 0] AO| Of SI Bet AMMMIC}7} AS Slo} weIA| Brel wleIC S 12MIEOH set Sh EAI SOS Sel S2] Auiziol| cist AA Zw Seo] 2D, xh! gta) AlePsIO| Solel > SVS BAIL Att 2129} Plo] BYISIICIe VIHA CASS SUsi= SO] Anz! awe ve + ge olck. 0] Ao] SH wel MISS LB + Shall OIE XIE SHEA ZIMA BRD ZA! soll ZA Sal OF, ORO, AA SHS QUO WMolet ASS + UKs OS wajot AVS ox] BS Ly] 7S, Ap ‘Bshs Swol Doss welch, 7 Gwen Lee (0/4123) eee | ) 9} Anizjol 2 ai. ea ais BO} AY A[HO| W7L? 50] AMS £0] ASS 7S! ETSI} HE ‘Bol ssl7] Sel Bt ALR! AILICh Sel AmizS Sx CIHALIA SOL QASK= Qo} Bel7] SHS AMIE WH SHS stn SUC Ve Bete! BSS TSS VAAL UE + VE Bei] Salt UBLICL , EO} AMZ A}HO! 01871 BSSIULL? 9] AmiZIS FAIRLY} Yo} Wel7] SAS FIST ste SE ABI SAUCE er] SAS BH BH CHE HSS CHS Sad HIS vIRS ofa) 7lVtah stm, tel, 7/ROIAY S91 Amie] sais as SHH QUBLICH, At, LG, Cl, SK, BAS SICH, Sts, SH, SA, SIX IE S SU 25001 TIL AHS, QALIDy, ae] nH Sol AS BSH WALI . BO AMY ABS OF! BASS KAZI? 59] Am2) AIS AVE SAWS] ARES WIS OFFIC, BAEZ SNS S2 SIS Sat = yvloz AIS 2 + stauct . BO AMY ABS Mesa O1g7l SHI? oli 18] So! Ariz) A{Bio| Bool, Seieloe Aol 7HSeUIch. www-tosicswtco.krt SASH 0} AMZ AIRS AIMS 4 QISLICL QS. So} Any AS SHS O/B] LLL? ORO 2O0AI7HA| 108 CIS of7IXIo|, EAHol Cle} BIS] SACS LPOMBILICL AIS Ale] SAI SF 3501 4% Fol eTsIo}, SalClo|L} See SABE Yoke + USLICL Bel Ere = fa Ole 2IUICF, TOEIC Speaking Test ae 22 0-30 Level 40-50 Level 60-70 Levels 80-100 Level 4 110-120 Level 5 130-150 Level 6 160-180 Level 7 190-200 Level 8 QG. Ee} AT|z AHO] PA AlzHS of gal] SILI? S ONO] SFOS Up O|IO, 11BAMS PASI YSLICL SO! Anizs Als ake o| Aste aizhe Qz7. 20 BSILIC, Pat SAME SH SE aie 1 4,2 Read atext aloud_xiz wet 2171 UIA 45% SIAR a5 2 3 Describe a picture_AHE! a}7| UIAIR! 90% Swale? 45 3 4-6 Respond toquestions #2 Seo S26171 —_SUIAIz! BIB. IMA! 158-30 4 7-9 Respond to questions using information —SulAjz! gASixie elke ARE 302)_ provided Zola! Bs AISoIO! ZIEOI G71 uae 158-908 5 10 Propose a solution_afztat 94171 ‘BUIAZ 90 SIVA COR 6 11 Express an opinion of2! B87] Bulle! 154 Sear Gos £9] Aue! AIR] Bt 71S ofBl| 51-127 £0] Anjg}o] EIUIe ETS On-line Scoring Network LIX BE AIA} Og BE TIBOR Bp Buch TOEIC Speaking Test BAYS BIE cul 3 A BSS0l Cstol Sel / oF] / aks sae A BRS0l Cato USS BAS / US Ase sy ety 219| SE 22S ileal a9 25 98S oa QB. 9} Amz) Algol O18! SIO] LESLIE? 59] ATlz| ABS & Bsl0lO4, 67H FBS xt MAISLICL MEWS MAISIE Sale| SHS cheat WSU. Off BAI7t AAISl=A| Bes] Weis, We Sa SHS] Bole Hol Alsoll Sst a 2 Sg0| guUc. + Part 1_ Question 1~2: Read a Text Aloud THE 10H StPol| MASKS oF G~aSZt UE Zlo|o| xB 27S SH BUCH 2 TSS ete coke UIAIZE 45%, QUE AlZt a5 7} OPILICL Ula¥7] BI SFO! OHH Bes, OHH GE, AICS BI TV we, B TD ME & CHE UBS] AZO] BMIBILICH. FO!’ ALE Uol| BElst ISOS ete 20] SSAC + Part 2_Question 3: Describe a Picture io] MAISHE APS! 12 QAVSHE TISQILICL AIG Sim Buisk= APE GOR: QASHE Alt A5B7t FO{AIOH, OF Alzt Slt AICS AIMIOET BMY Q4ai| AeISHOF SILICH BL AVES AMSA, 712] W xlet Sa 5 Cet wae] AbBIO| LUIS + Vooy, Abtlon= 121 SS col Algol Sasi] ELIE + Part 3_ Question 4~6: Respond to Questions TIE SOLE OE! SAIS] AS AWE OLFOITIE AIRIOLA! 2 S72] Exit AIAMEILICL SIS, Qlat at &, SA NE S Closet Antoll Ae IS SS + goo, ALS sets aise MAVBILICL viel A @ BH WO| 271 VLoll chats 15 Eel Alzo] Aoixlol, abla} Wok Go Set cHetsHok SLC 0] TEOIMS OF Zbl Ato] oor NSS Su us HE + eke SWS wejop sIUIch, + Part 4_ Question 7~9: Respond to Questions Using Information Provided TIS 40[M= HHS Sel NASH ASR VT BAB wjotsjo] VEol cHefsHoF SILICh, mE Sz} obeI7t Xie, St 71K] ANSON CHEE 3742] SHES Bail Slo}, EN AE 2 15%, 15H, ORILICH ASO] AME S10] 3 WAL GIR, O18 AMI, O12} SBE Sol SASIO, ES SOFT BS S717) SOI Alt 20% Sot SS wale] mloteior SUI Tala AlSol cst Ast Sle] BES sielol| AA\sIn| YOoe, UES SAI] UT Soi} se ASAE OTELICh + Part 5_ Question 10: Propose a Solution THE SOLME MS} OAKS Sa YCHYO| AD Qe SArzlol| ciel aHAAS AUAlCHOF SILICH, BSE OLA] = 5 50% SOt SH Soi, Ctl AvIAIZt SOLE 7A COR SO sHzIAAS Blor SICH, IcHlsho] AH Se SHS GHAI micfeior ISS Alay ete SLsicl, Sxiol chst ss Hee Besia Al Alsi Use AAS VTEC, + Part 6_ Question 11: Express an Opinion OIXISf WHEE! Question HOLME AIS AIBOIL! All OAS Be WE ALS ST GOA Set welo| oz S Yori SUch SSS SS Sal MAMsio, Gel SVIAMIS SORAILICL A SE BS MeMSIILL, Bad ‘QA SHCHOIA| TLIO] VSS Hel Hh, Setst Seat MS 7a Vary gal lS AwsHok SIUC. ) at al + Ale] St} chal Aum}Zd DHE! 300 + Actual Test 1 + Actual Test 2 + Actual Test 3 + Actual Test 4 + Actual Test 5 + Actual Test 6 + Actual Test 7 + Actual Test 8 + Actual Test 9 + Actual Test 10 + Actual Test 11 + Actual Test 12 18 106 118 130 142 154 166 178 \ Si} OY aig AaB = awe ae ZR | CZ an a Aled mes ActualTest1 Actual Test 2 Parts cp-rover co-RoMo Part 6 are east aa deep! a | ana Actual Test 3 ActualTest4 Actual Test 5 Actual Test 6 Actual Test 7 co-ROMoR coRoMs2 = CD ROMS co-ROMEz co-ROMes aH 28871 wa eee egies] wet iasH71 ae get pay ff pavi2 Ea Paes Pee Actual Test 8 ‘Actual Test 9 Actual Test10 Actual Test11. Actual Test 12 p-ROMS2 = CD-ROM co-ROME cD-ROMeR, cD-ROMSS, aes 288071 | ae eer ae eH a 280171 ae 88171 o| #49] 244 | 2S Sas B7] Soil Are! 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Al, 4ICh BE BIOL LISS Tel A edo] HAS AE SOM Helse, ail BBS vleet HIB BOA AL IZ O81, SHARIA 271419] Set Gh ‘HS sfololm Let Algol 7171 4 OfxIet BHI} VeSEILICE ‘Aclual Tes! 128f = CD-ROMO® AN AINE HOHE 4 SIBLICL "GE 5H SHE AIRE CD-ROMS! Model AnswerOlAl 274K! EOI SHRI 4 go Di, MP3 MIRIZE BORE + SBLIC, wwmybmbooks.comll FR A ‘Uale| Wes MINS CREE + VELICL ( | ) | #421 CD-ROM AIS! 1. CD-ROM 74 Actual Test ~~ @o] 2 CD-ROMoli= 12412] Actual Test7} +8SI0] 9 a euch Start Test vs. Model Answer Test Atle! G2 Sieint BE > rho) wiEO| & UCH Start Testi 4-201 AlBi0] AISISIT, Model 1080" tonto Answers ‘20! BeIeIet SIlO= BORILICL, Actual Test 1 Main/Exit WE 71s ——— AG SS BES 28H > on EMS AUB FIZ SORE + VUOO, UAH sito] UA) Bal | HES Soll ABS QA SAI + QtSUICh Main / Ext HES 8 Al, +Bnt ABS ele alOL At BSIO}, CHE MAI OO} ALBIS AIS} GIBLICL ayers) 2} Sxl CHEE SHEP Bolele| SOR Soja, Uo! eekal ulmel S + gksUch MPS x}BAl CD-ROM lol oz! MP3 XizAIS Séi, SE test 91 28 nletat Anz) mel miele cHEECe + gh ue. 2. Al ta 0 S20] mich oF ureiaielel AIS} HE Be] > Aa BIE Bel > Molet Bel > AS g! ocle Ba] Bet) we] Bl We HH = B21 Ac obo] SH UH 2 ~> Se HIE Bel - O10 ao AISI gio! Bel ~> ojols Sao] of O18 SHH9] S719] MAS SIG & BS SEC Scie Y Bel > Ad] S20] HE HE Bao as HE 9] 0012 SBS slehet Sele} > SE Be ea Ez WE Be} > Jump Up =°} Ames ofolz wel ~> JumpUp 21 Anzi 27 Gels = xHlo| Si9lsaAh Se AES] Bc} Se > Sax BO] WAV mag AleBiC} ( I) Eo} Amz AlzitH Part 1. Read a text aloud_xig aja} 2171 EH HH ek = as AOI Bui Stal si. OF oka 8 7ICHEECE = aa steel et Part 2. Describe a picture_ 42! a4jsi71 1S S61 Belo, SSngICHT QICHEA] wT BAeIz Saleh (a AE7} aheo eh, BuIA}! 4521 45% 29)7/7) Bolt, “P| Olntt B1S AlzHt WS, £18, BO! 2171 Sol HeisIo! BIAIsI SHECL, XIgOl Zx| YOoe Aes ei IES AIA] Bebo} ICH AEG QE G PRE RHES aselo SB CHSC, of | Set ARS! UIgS metic} GAlol 22 ofstaE alee! SIA, OS SIE Hed eIx| cee! BIB Att, (= Aezlo] stele} ule, Zula 30! 45% 297|7} Sola}. od ARE: BE Are Be U HARIARS SE OF BSStO Alslol Cet 2A 1, ok ANS HN BN aN SANA 2 Part 3. Respond to questions_ #2 zg0l Sesi7| (21201 Sheiol) ett del @tiIAP| | RE SIAR eich, aly w= (iets (4-6 Bale] BESS BA AA] Sys} eal EH -SH8 E71U Sel © BYE Ct sie war Zed etc! | 28 Bol Use net ul ein setoiAeete ai (Azo! Sheol BCH Obie Be! Az! ato] sel Soe Be Se BL Ich, BUPA BH Tigao}, SIS SAIPLA AL aiaH ae, ‘Se, UO] MARIE 2121 152, 15%, 908, AlZiol asta |g ses ac. Part 4, Respond to questions using information provided_ FOS! MAE AbBsiO! BIEOH Etst71 (AP1eo1 Bhetoh eH THOS BPO MALE! IBS Sat SVSKE Sail = SEO) ae a (AHE°] sbuol Beh, z1z ght A130! ee SAS PRO, 18 Baw Sa WEA! HelBICh, (Stes Bayt alec SunRio, Bue sale 2 7-9e01 woe ECT ‘BAR SE SAlol aS Sew AOA Lo} Sets { ete, 72) 0801 teaie 22168, 153, on Part 5. Propose a solution_ i234 xi2ts}71 7 | love Sx Sore MAE, as 7cHeR Og Be 5 (c= Shale ect! By] AAS Sl EAVIBO) SAH OF Suslzte 304! 9M SHE Oe Tse! 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Read a text aloud @raioas Alsi 21 AIS SI * ZB SHES VAS Heol Folsiol SECt ‘* U2, 7B, HSA S DRS He LSS VOEct * URS; Bt FSS wel Meso} HE FO] Sh WS SBIct. & 2|0| Sie Bol HS SH0] olclelal Selsich. ‘* BA7| HE WROLt BAS Peltt= Holo wee AasHeEct BAR AZO BE vaio} GEC, Tel UGisk= ASS HRS B let rela] wWOls Seles Aa ct, Our store will have a sale today.) wa) it 2b Mee W 2euC, We are having a sale for all vegetables, fruits > and bakery items. 2 7b: Op BE AA, 318 Ln MIR MI 2IRUC BE ‘#29! Sols ZH Elo ZEStO MECH (no, never, not, neither, nor, won't, can't, shouldn't, don’ t) Our store is not open this weekend. aj zp1= ow = ex BELICt BeBAt / SEAt/ QMISAL Vee OBA! Me BBO! BS BASS SAwoem oles Bs] THBSic Do you have any plans for this summer vacation? * om of weet uosas? ‘Are you expecting to own a dream house at the lowest price?_f ax 70 az Ageia wiehuLin Can you think of a better way to buy a new product? a gaa 7aisie ol ge wel slouLine? Drill SERA Of 22] oH Glo Qe SISAKE ZABIO}, Aol BS overs ual eect ‘What are you waiting for?) 9912 zicteim aun? wee LUE Gol Si at ofxIe} Clojol Zs Fo Sars ofeeleich, This will be the chance of your lifetime! 02 e1y0) 21a} st 2eLIC1 S332 BATA 7B H Gl please S2 SAS ASI} Sect. Please be careful when getting off the train. gota wal st ote wae Look to your right when passing by the entrance. sam an ai 2252 weio, oles BO! OBS Altemily name)2| ZWKS FO4 SECL Jane Rogers Mr. Parker aig XE SUSE MAS Meloy Se WS a! Zaho| Sets eoKEct, Washington [wanton] Chicago (siké:gou] New York —[nju: jo:rk] San Francisco [stn fronsiskou] Paris [péris] Manhattan [menhétn] ase Se Sol Slelic SE HOSS zexool stich, Robin's Pie Factory GSC Foundation Rainbow Airlines World News Today Ale 24] opal Anley sel 300 19 Tt BS $2.45 —- two dollars and forty five cents 91.6 FM — ninety one point six FM. 15% — fifteen percent 17°C — seventeen degrees Celsius 65°F — sixty five degrees Fahrenheit 20 hours a day — twenty hours a day 20" anniversary — twentieth anniversary Flight 201 — flight two-o-one ae Hs 781-9829 — seven eight one - nine eight two nine 1-800-555-1284 — one eight hundred - five five five - one two three four Ext. 23 — extension twenty-three lett A. — double u double u double u dot sweet shop dot com -_—> double u double u double u dot consumer dot org —> double u double u double u dot town board dot gov gwenlee@mailcom —> gwen lee at mail dot com BASHOF St SHO} Dofs}7) Oj} SAO BAKS YRSI|O} SHECH. Jane likes apples. 1212 sain sort S019] SANE Zexo}o! fed SHE She likes apples. ute sj gorse, FOI SAO] BE CIS a BANS VRSIOH BEC She likes it. sue ame gore, ASAE SEAT] UOni SojSe Seo] SSA WrSIo| Sect. You should wait. »icjaor acy, ZSAS FBSS BRSHO SEC Olt HME SI SSAE Bl BRSHO} SHC. You shouldn’t wait. »is2We & su Drill 224] SAOIME SAME OM! SOLS ZexsI0} SHECT, We are back to the Day Time News. ca) (cols 4) Avieiuich, 201 SAP PROLMES ANE ZSIO} SHECH, Please take out your tickets. us» 740 URINTS| BAOIol aK BANS UAEIOI SECT. We will talk to him / after the break. $4) 2 51 a0 2 2eUe toRZAIS] SANS ZIBIO! SECT, We will stop in Los Angeles to transfer to another flight. et Lao uel a siaeiee ois aU SIA BBSIo} gIEct ‘We will spend some time / collecting shells / on the beach. S000 1 RUB OE of ARIE 8 eC ‘BSA QA Sin IS Woks SAKE CIS ZZAIO4 SEC, We will have a famous actor / on our show. 221 =n9 see W371 ae 2c, 22H OW] YBAVE FAB S SS, YE B OHS VO} 7B VIS, OIAIO Bakke VABIO} eteech, She is a beautiful young lady. sus ojes2 wet SE SAA lol Lok Late ZxBIo} elect, There will be a tour guide / waiting at the lobby. svoj of j= 7ictetm a xe Bol SE SAKE 2171 ol aizIel as seo ZISIOH SHECT, You will get a 20 percent discount on your purchase / today. 2= 70H! aon 20x weet E21 ulmaa aISS BEsHOI elec. We make more than 200 cars in less than an hour. xs 1012 st 11 82? ood ojo) 2 ect Our restaurant is the best French restaurant in town. xa 42@ 01 791 mal mata asec. i, any, all, soon $ 20] JOR ZA SIO CHS Bo] LZlo| Ab + Oke SlOWSS xiSAASIa|| ZeRSIOY VHC, If you have any questions, all the staff is ready to help you. HE OAR SE Io] SeI=E Bu} slo aL Soon, we will go around and have a look at the marvelous sculpture. CHU cle 21 HES we EIU, 0] 217] BAL [RYICHBAPEE BIPICHRIAY + 50] + SAH] BAICHRIAL wie ZHSlol Bot olor sich= Soil Folstct, We all know / that we can do many things to save the earth. “that 2 gloat atch 7A Fo7| Sel Se} WE HEB E+ Ue Ne OTE am sIsudt AjH a ale) Asty isi 300 21 [BARRE BSA + 0 + SAH] when, while, because, although $0] O|T= AHS of S2 Hold Bol Sect Our flight attendants are always here to assist you / if you need help. a Sonat HEC BO] WOAH BPO MIOIO, NA SPBES FY ss Gr Ae cHl BIL Whenever you are ready, / we will start today’s tour. suisia! toict ot91 Soin Alte 2IUCL “patel Sloat (ARIAHE SRIF + SAH] You should come back / before 3 o’clock. 31) x01 s01240} tc. 7 OIA BE [ESABE toP SASS + BAH] We have gathered today / to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Leman Corporation. \ae.a astesiond Bech 21 718] a 25S TRBBP SH 92> O| XI SHE LIC ‘The company has changed a lot, / expanding its business / to China. BEAR ARIERIOL Sule S202 AE alae Hol weamAaLICL ‘S47 HE HS Ae + Ut] PHO] SHIGE [5] WSS Ss] USS sch, We will make 3 stops today during the ride. ein 7 2 om ae! ama eich 2 ADIOISS HEA [d] BSS UES sich, He changed his job during the First World War. sas} abies 0! a= agg wmaLe APE Ugi= clolBolxlet, Bast WSes kn etal SKI, You will see various designs of his work. 79) sso cle! cingis st) = 21M. Many items are on sale including the latest models of digital camera. 2 NI 7B slo BE BGO A! BRIUCL Welcome to Andy's Super Store. gas 4 Acojol 24! 26 ete We hope you have a comfortable ride. wots expr suis mice I'm the tour guide for today's exhibition, xe 25 24 aus eu 7ore2UI. We will exhibit more than 20 pieces of his newest collection. 39) 2 24s 2001 38 aa xc, 22 Drill BAD} eisletal Zs! Yo! WeIxK= clolsol FeKsIch, Please make a reservation today. ot oie #49. If you wish to reserve a seat, please press one. 214 omg HSA 18 r=, Please leave your name, address and phone number after the beep. M4 A501 See ORD FA, Hat eDieAD, It is my honor to address the whole company. sia go salsru so aaAUe Tig tered 2et (1) -ed YSol SUVs SS res Sxl HEC -ed2| WB Yo] SSS YoIA| WAS] ECL changed= [ALIALSV! OM [AlQIx—clakm BIC ex. charged [2)0f@XIE] (x) [ROX] (0) washed [HOE] (x) (Atel (0) danced [HAE] &) [HAE] (0) (2) 248 [2] weal FeI6H2t, 938 [2] YS Seige! [x] Yet Sela, a] BS UAIol Arley Woke 22 Sala VES sich BS SAS] B WSOSS AIF SAlsIL| FOlCLES, Bic, ex. design / museum / easy / stores / opens / systems (SFE oIete g kw) WEol ZoksHA g 42S 8 WH enunciation iEIs! WR)O1 PACH BLoIct, questonolehe= HK kaw [AAAMIO| OFLA} [3-201-A-x}Mlee weeltsrt ex. quit / quality /request (AM Holo] B Se BI7|01| OI th? BUR AS GOMOIA| e-0l| SSIS BBS Als] Bit ex, twentieth [SHEA] (x) [EHEIO|A] (0) (5) BO] BO! 17H BIAICHAN SANS! FE OLIet SHO BREECH ex. I think that / ~ 6%) | think / that ~ (o) (VBA lolz BR Ste ASE Misia ex. county [kunt] vs. country [kinti} nature (nétr] vs. natural [ntl] aboard [obi] vs. abroad [abr] Arg abel os) A394 syst 300, 23 Part 2. Describe a picture Op=2o Al] Sa Hole ® AVS BAHE AIG i SISK Sel Sat HHS Solect, * Hal SHIS HEI HBS SOHC & 219] SAS UCM BAS SEAS O1Ssioj SSSI & ABS! AES GABE BAS DABS OlSsiol Aeetct. & O12] ChYS UES HB SEC *& S49 USS WEE OP WES eisal Ect STEP 1. £2) 22} nel This is a picture of two couples having some food and drink outdoors. Nas cba + cate! a1 oF ofS Bla BER Eke ate] ARLE, This is a picture taken outdoors near the pool, +2 24 ose) we street ASO M81 Ze In this picture, | can see that two couples are having some food and drink outdoors. aa! NE SYOS wet 0] ARO OFS BAI Bam Bre $ >to] WEIL What I can see in this picture is that two couples are having some food and drink cy ggoR Be Qutdoors. 0} x00 0 ie AS OFLA A BB Brie S BILL STEP 2. SHiS}7i| BAtSH71 (| 2 BS) In the foreground of the picture, there is a couple sitting face to face. -ArBI0| SOL OFA BHO} HHO] GALI Behind them, | can see another couple sitting next to each other. IS Soe LB] SOF HE Chee HAO] SeNIC In front of them, | can see a wine bottle in the middle of the table. SEE Bote HHO} 7k 99} ef wor WEILL In the background of the picture, there is a swimming pool. ABO GOR 4-801 eLIC 24 Drill A family is sitting together on the left side of the picture. 1x12) 2x01 & 24301 tim 0) gL There is a boat on the right side of the picture. ssi 201 vi2} si atic | can see a campfire in the foreground of the picture. 14:11 9 ot amniojoi7 sec, There is a big body of water in the middle of the picture. 1421 so 2 s01 uae, | can see a mountain in the background of the picture. 1291 staoit sol st) wach | can see a moon on the upper left side of the picture. ss 21% ot go! aur weit ‘There are some leaves on the branches on the upper right side of the picture. NE] SE So 2131] USERS IeLICh There are many buildings on either side of the picture. sj: 2% 2-224 a2 Zo aL, ‘Some trees are standing along the road on both sides of the street. g= wis wat ueso1 MeL [elo] Shs Lets Sin Sal] PIES UMsiol Galo DS Alo] OfRICl. BAIS SSsiol BE sie Wels Ao] Sz wee A couple is standing next to the rack. A couple is looking at the postcards. A couple is making some selections. (x) A couple is standing next to the rack, looking at the postcards and making some selections. (O) >180) sci gol Ai SMES wnt st 7ixim DED gaLiCe (ARBe] Sets SASHES BHA BVIBAS BSS SUS, theres AOR sk Seo] Ss] MeIch, There are some postcards displayed on the rack. ssiciol aio] e101 2eUIC, FSS FSET LYS ASO] FOR AIS AOA ASEH ‘Some postcards are displayed on the rack. gxso1 eitiot sssio! waLict A}e. 4} ah] sty yg 300, 25, [oje} CHAS SAREE my AM Bt) Many people are gathered in front of the café. si sig01 7m 201 20% katt Most of them are taking a rest on the chair. 25 cry omous aim BSC, Each of them has a seat. -18 211 net stout. ‘Some of them are standing in front of the entrance. av= a2 2 014 26uG, ‘Two of them are drinking some beverages. + 22 aa8 ein wauc, One of them is passing by. 2.8 # 261 mm seu, STEP 3. 4&9) WSS SS obfe| We From their looks, | can tell that they are having a good time. Vagoea, seele) et 50] GOON #8 Aig MUD OIE IB 8-5 ALC It seems like they are at the resort to enjoy their summer vacation. “wteiot ae ASE OB R7HE S771 et AEE gk OR wEIIC They seem to be having a good time at the resort. 252 a1s0u 2 Rig wuia 2 28 wyLICL Sag \ caasoy ater ‘The weather seems very warm, and it’s nice to be outside. News \ ciasol ate “EDF OFF cA OL S71 Bo! EI, Maybe, the couples are on their honeymoon. ojei= #701 soto 2 = st \ goto) sep They must be on their honeymoon. age 201g 2 20) ssiauet Soe “cagel set 26 Tiptedvied are) (1) SIS SAO beSAHS Akt mix] ofS! ex. A woman reading the newspaper. (x) ‘Awoman is reading the newspaper. (o) (2)There~ ZAI beSAt 27H SX] Sa, SAKE ASS, ex, There are many people are walking in the street. (x) ‘There are many people walking in the street. (o) (3) 9181 BE AAC] ALBIS AICHE gtOlS RH ex, in the left side of the picture (x) on the left side of the picture (o) (4) $89] USS WE 2S EHS Suter atgeich, ex, She seems like happy. (x) ‘She seems happy. (0) (5)121 SS SCH C1 AMIS GALE oH APISH= 01s at ZO}SCh, 121 IBS AMI BASH, Cl: CIS Sia e1RIOL HET ote OFF SzIAVeI 2 swatch, Drill BSS She OS LON Et Hotate 2 ex. + 191 Al: There is a man standing in the aisle. He has short brown hair. He is wearing heavy clothes with a knitted hat. He is looking at the other side of the street. + Cl¥ 218 Af: There are many people at the beach. Some of them are playing in the water and some cf them are lying down on the sand. They all seem to be having a good time. A} 22] aie] Ale] ste 300 27 Part 3. Respond to questions @=so% Ala 8 I Ole & THE 30l| XIE LSE WSS] THEO CHa VOHECH * US Mel SA 2S, SN Sol Bel Be ae eee mereic, * AHF SA8le BE Seve selst= eS sec * B2lo| HIS YBl Hl BSA BRUNS Azelct, TYPE 1. oid A8Btoll ZISt SS 3I29| AX eating out, shopping for clothes, washing dishes, place of living Q4. How often do you do laundry at home? sions 2% wim wees sieiar SSE BE ULOS, 716 712! Upol Of MSS SOIL} XE SHEA! RAL} Yiscol| cist OLB ABeH Act, | do laundry twice a week. Once | wash the colored clothes and then | wash the white clothes. | usually wash white clothes in warm water. However, colorful clothes can bleed in warm water so | separate the colors when doing laundry. i BRO eH MeN LIC, =F IS! BOE Bol ated + OSE KS 13 SU SB Mm CHR AR ILI, AS A a WISE So Ut, Sin 8 SY ol Ae we Eels BLL Q5. What kind of clothes do you take to the dry cleaners? ow a591 28 caliaaiot a7KuLine What kind of 222] A> SIGE HAS BF 7IAIZE OZ} 7 GO! AB Ate] ES elzoHot FICt, os SO} sik, woot? 22 PAPI! PAS RISE delicate clothes*HT HSH HOI, | usually take delicate clothes to the dry cleaners. Because when you wash delicate clothes in the washing machine, it can ruin your clothes. So I take all the delicate clothes to the dry cleaners to get cleaning from the expert. Wits WE FL RS SOIR, YSIS FE RS Ml wo Re AINE += QI MEAL AM Me BE SBE OF BETO ABM ajolsetauce Q6. What are some advantages and disadvantages of using the dry cleaners? Spolsels ott 291 Sew He eRILIM Bet SS Be AO Sw Bl EY BF RMS etasim, OIA! OR oFPaIeIC 28 Drill The advantage of using the dry cleaner is that you can keep the clothes in good condition for a long time. For example, | never wash my jeans at home, because the color can fade out. However, when | take them to the dry cleaners, | can keep the original color for a long time, But, it is very expensive to use the dry cleaners so | can’t wash my jeans too often. | think if you use the dry cleaners wisely, then it could be a good way to save money on buying new clothes in the future. 28 CojorBeldoHe 201 Uo! RS OHRO BE AeA ST} Qc HEIL ON Oy KS KE AMI OU tx! tec, Lt Mo) Hle2| WIBLILICh, BRL, LE SAIOIBEIIGIM Ret AB OWES SAI + SILC. six! EDICTS she WE OF WIR Me a UiAIn AE Ht + SOL, SelOlaeIL SSH OIBBICIeL oe RE Ale ES ofl + Ae BE vol w AeILIC, TYPE 2. S83 #Sol Zt UE 4I@9| 47H: using a computer, going on travels, watching a movie, listening to music, reading a book... Q4. What part-time job do you prefer to do? oi o1asiors: wsstacin? (What + 2A) $2 (Which + BAD SBS] SS Ales A 2ol siistsk= st 7a] AlsS etal Fe! Sct, | prefer to give private lessons to high school or middle school students. It's because | can make more money for the hours | work. Also, when | prepare for the lessons, | can study as well. So I prefer to give private lessons to younger students. Hi SSYOlUt AEST all Sh 219 o/c stsHOl AZ Sf Wee Kol cf Ir] BAIL SBI eI BUIsIOA i AARS BER 9 B71 OHERILIC, a ae Of SHABOIA ISH sits ate HERLCL Q5. How do you find information about part-time jobs? oi=uio.=01 et ete of Satine How #22 WHE Se WOR, Fx SAfo| QS eleiol aBste ELC Usually, it is very hard to find a student who wants a private lesson. However, my former students would spread the word of mouth that I'm a good teacher. Then soon, they would introduce me to their friends who want to improve their studies. BBS 1G) DI WA AolsHe ONS A7KS OFF OFLC DARL, ol A OIE! AP} w IRR ABS WYLIE Tze @, EOI SAB cf St Ske aERRODT HE 7A = UIC Ae ah che] A332 el 300, 29 Q6. What is the most important thing you consider when getting a part-time job: location, hourly wage or the experience? olzuioies 28 mais: 7H Bae 26 8 ARIE 42 BLS SOLU 7HS Pl DA ABO] FROME Se VS Aoli= 37h SES] MHAHSO] SASH Aol Aw!AhoIch, | think the most important thing is the experience. | am a student, so | have to focus on my studies. However, if | would have to spend my time doing a part time job for some reason, then | might as well do a job that can relate to my studies. If it is something that is not related to my studies then | may eam money for the work, | think it would be a great waste of time. So to me, the experience is the most important thing. Mie 7h B28! NE ABOLRED AIC, Ke MOISE MON EHO} BL SIN! OF OIF APF OLEMOIE ef} SRL BES 21 SUE BIS AARC 201 At BS} ABO] B= OL, SS SAAR! A AR! Sut S Ole ARIAL, mew APES 220 7Ht S201 gaILIc TYPE 3. $2 Atgol| 2S SE IZO] 21H: bottled water, vending machine, microwave oven, cellphone, hotel, furniture. Q4. What kind of accessories do you like to wear most often? And how much do you usually ‘spend on buying them? oi! so] oaMixiche 7H AIS AIBSHILIM? alm I7IS POIBIS a Y QOR AALI 2P| ES SI4OS BE BES SAV! Sch, How much~ MSA “A” C417 0Ol MOF west] ofeIc}et ues] "Wel elle Woke SHS Soles sch, | like to wear earrings most often. | think it is very easy to match the earrings with any kind of outfit. | usually wear earrings that cost around $20 a pair. However, it depends on the material. Some gold earrings could cost much more. Hie PROMS Ais AIBN 21S HOWILICL, AHS OF Ro AMOK oHRIGKE 20] OFF ICI ANIONIC SE, gf AOE ZORA BIE sk Ae -& SLC, cine, TS At ae CHBLIC, Fw HEIONSE 7HAOL HH cH WIARLICE QS, Where do you usually buy your accessories? = aaweim ojc1y ARILIMI 40 Bel SE VEE XE USC. SIS Ake DASE SS wisig, Aujop Tel leilo] B= ZO\ch, | usually go to the mall to buy my earrings. When I go to the mall there are many things to choose from. Also, all the shops are gathered in one place, so it is easy to find the one that | need without spending too much time looking for it. its MAE 2B ML 71 ONS GIL, | Mejol 7fsofe| 7ER] I! + eke wzIO| SLI el, GEO ef SAMI oie} AH alee 82S AldS UF go] SOIR BE AVF etic 30 Drill Q6. Describe an accessory that you recently bought. sor 2 suncio aot sae waste Describe~ S#°] BES AHS 9! ANAOH CHE! BAIS WE AMIS HIS QPSH= BS HOI OF Afziog Bist SMS] BS, SE SY wlAol cst o10}74 Stet Sick, | recently bought some earrings as a gift for my friend’s birthday. | like earrings because of my best friend Anna. | thought that big earrings would look very nice on her. So | bought two sets of earrings which were very big and had many pearls and beads on them. One of them was red, which is a trendy color nowadays, and one of them was blue. | was so happy to see that she really liked my present. ile Qa xt 1791 Wel SBS FelOME ALGLICE ke 7Pg Ale I OI MMOL AIOW BORIC), mike B AROVT ALOHA OFF obe ! A Olek MeHaUch, —ata ait OFF aim Pat I57F ol Walle Awol Fe MBLC 3 & oY BE Ou FALSE eEeMMoL Cle we op UORILICL, Ms ML AEP ANB OFF BONS ZEB em ZBL TYPE 4. 2 #19] 2 SB Q. Would you consider going abroad to study a foreign language? S10} WIP fel sto Let AB MAtSHARBEL II ‘BZoll Goll Belo] Eo] SwIn|, Yeoln| ws F OFS stewie Al. Yes, | would. | think when you go abroad there are more chances to speak the language, so it would be easier to learn it fast. ‘A2. No, | wouldn't. | have seen so many people who still cannot speak English after returning from a language course in a foreign country. So | think it is unnecessary. 84 SEL Ie A LPIeA a IOI SI IRF cl Cin AISJO elo Ma] MIE HE ALC O18, AAI ELC, A Sto] Of8! PAB WT UA SON Stes ARIES OFF Ho MALI, TAHA AE otal SM7) wRBICEE AIL Q. Do you eat breakfast every morning? ore of ule ars ‘A1. Yes, | do. It is the most important meal of the day, so | never skip breakfast. A2. No, | don’t. I'm always running late in the morning, so | don’t have breakfast. ‘ul TMRLIC, of AW SHB 7H BA olen, xi ol OBR =I BALI OLS, BIR] LICL AS Sey OFBON Sk IOV, OF AHS Bt ARO] BIBLIC ANG GH a} An}2y he 300, 31 Q. Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? avin! w ols x= HEsHLI, siaie we MRSIALIN? MAIS 2715] & @! AIS MeASlo} S010] MBE MS Ajslol CSE ORE alevetct, A. prefer eating at home. My mother is a good cook and she uses only natural ingredients to cook food, So it is much healthier and tastier as well. A2. | prefer eating out. | live alone so when | prepare food, buying the ingredients costs more money than to eat out. ie SOWA AIA ok 218 OMBLIC, xsl OOH O2IB af SLAIN, aap: Ret mee) ALC AIA SoM sks AAP! APA 2ST SHE WALI Di Siete AB of BOMRILICL, ike Bx} ANU] SAIS lselot Alt 2io| SUAS eH ol of BLL eed AL (1) Bol HOw cHESIX] Ba, Bet Ales sewer, ex. How often do you exercise? + alld 5~62] SY: | exercise twice a week. + ail! 7~82] Ele I exercise twice a week. (SHIEH) — Since | work, | don't have time during the weekdays. (2etA}g!) — So | exercise on the weekends. | usually ride a bicycle in the park. (2E1AI8!) (2)3% Sets HHS ve Bor HesicH + OBIE ZICHE ZZ go to a travel 0] OILIT! go on a travel0ICk, ‘ex. [will go on a trip to Japan this summer. | will go on a picnic when I have free time, + BA BAB theres @ BP Gol BRAVE BA AECL ex. Ihad a great time at there. (x) Thad a great time there. (0) (3)il~ Ae} UO He SEIS ALIBI, AROS ARIS XSW IL “OL.” 9t BS VS oiVriahe AS 16K Se AIS GO Fe aovo|ch, 20 | fle ASS SHS AbBalO} ICIP! Bole eteICt, ex, Ithink of, Of.) I think... wel... itis better to um... (0) 32 Drill Part 4. Respond to questions using information provided @ r=: ois Ald a ala Sole o FESO AE USE ARE SH, OIRO) Bal BlSH= HSS eolech * Bel UiGol ola Aaolol Elvisi= vs eteeict, * USS Belsiol SMS Vole BESS leit, ‘amt Bet 2Y, Sh} SO2 Sato} ond| OME MAAS GSO} BSkch, Q. When is the meeting taking place? sir} emi sein A. It will take place on Friday, March 19%. 9y 199 ae20i a! aeuie, Q. When is the next meeting taking place? cig sok ott gain? A. The next meeting will take place on May 8". sq ozo ga 2aUet BA Bet BA BE Lol ist IS AAAI ina} atS PwOlol ABEICH SHS Leh a= SAA ons ACh Q. Where is the meeting being held? #29} oiein| 218-72 A. The meeting will be held at Village Arts Center. sioje w2ix ols atejoia aie 2914, Q. Where is the meeting taking place? sp: 01:14 sui ‘A. The meeting will take place in the main meeting room on the 8" floor. ot 0 Fale eel LIC, * in - in the main hall, in the room, in the banquet hall, in the cafeteria... © at - at the gym, at the city hall, at Willian Building, at Central Areni Alzt Beet ARKE Bet oH 2 Stoll ARIAS ats OIC, Q. What time does the meeting start? sei s aon avset-ine A. The meeting will start at 10:30 A.M. sot: 221 104) ono Ate 221UIC Ale Sb os] 2321 mel 300 33 Q. What time should | be there to participate in the meeting? slaw asi st Ax! 21704 7101 BUI A. The meeting will start at 10:30 A.M. You should arrive before that time to participate in ‘the meeting, sisi ox! 1041 soon Ale AEC, alo Baie 7 I EAAHAF BIC YAO| Asia} BE SAlol WE + Sle SAE trom~ tor OIC, Gok IASC t= BE last for ~S ACL Q. How long does the meeting last? sie si) 29 eve ‘A. The meeting will be held from 10:30 to noon. It will last for one and a half hour. oe 210A 08s BIN BEL FAH IR BLE. BiSaAt Beet Hol BSH OOPS # MHS AAA “on'S, ABS] ASE YS WES AA ‘trom’S ABSIT, Q. Who will lead the discussion on new business? 22 Agit cat 8s 57) of LI A. Allen Fiddler from the Town Committee will lead the discussion on new business. 51S RLS] He TIBEPL ARS ARON et SES lw ARIE STIS CHIR Of AHA/] SRB ASSIS SAMO! Of! WBol Sex| srleict, * lead / be led by: workshop, discussion, tour? #0| Zleti7t SESH SHAS OF The workshop will be led by Tanya Hills. waee et 47) of ei * give / be given by: speech, lecture, announcement®} 20] SI88z17} ASA WHS Fe AS Ste aH ‘The lecture will be given by Arnold Preacher. 221: of= malar; wie 2214ck * present / be presented by: award ceremony% 20] Zax} AB HOISHE BAL The employee of the month award will be presented by the branch manager. 0] 9] Ate ANE XIIO] oie ILC * introduce / be introduced by: new employee?| 20| SXi7t Met SS PLS 27S BAL The new employee will be introduced by the HR director. 1 == ouiezo| 274s? 2214, FO} BOSS +Beh Ssoe FAolO}, Sek a! ClBo| A1P1B wer Gl Al9] Gol BAAL "thes welch, Q. Who will be leading the discussion on unfinished business? vies sgiol aw S23 7) ol auLine A. The discussion on unfinished business will be led by Mike Burton, the town manager. Oise AR CSE SS njorl ofS HIE wt alr ZAELIC Drill Be WS Basso} Best] Q. I was told that our next meeting will be held in April, Is this right? 9S Slop} azn ein SeIaLICh, UE? ‘A. No, you've got the wrong information. Our next meeting will be held in May. OC, BRU AME, oS stole So) SILC, Q. As far as | remember, we will have lunch at Oliver's Garden. Right? Ab} PSI BewiA 7IEOIN BB eis aI 2 wa? A. No, 'm afraid not. You will have lunch in the cafeteria, ois, 7uAOIN SE 812 tec ‘BGI Se AHO] SMES CM Ses $1, AE At AINE El ALIS CHBeICH, Q. Is Mr. Burton leading the discussion on new business? wie ap} at iol ae! 29 ole 2197 A. No, actually not, Allen Fiddler from the Town Committee will lead the session instead. Ai, 291 EUCL Se AARLEIO| WE MISE cH! Ses OFF ZEN IC SHE APS Belstoi BSI Q. Could you please explain the agenda for the unfinished business? igs AiO ce obi sted SAIALGL IO SHS APO] SE 7H71 MEA] EI HOHE, AlZo] SS Ee AE US| Seal cle} a Boi eokesy sich, There will be two main agenda items for the unfinished business, which starts at 10:30 AM. First we will discuss about the schedule of the fundraising event to build the new animal shelter. After that, we will talk about the sewer construction. We will set the schedule and the budget with the contractor. 22 10M SOON Ao, 7ES1 OF BIS] QE FR SHOE GLC, AI VN, IE MSS LEAR 5 PIB OS MA OIE ROME 26) Lich LCA alt= BHA? AON HSH ER ARIE, Sake Bsa OWNS EIR AP AEILICL Q. What discussions will | be participating in if | arrive at 11:30 A.M.? AE S34 1A SOSA 21IO OFS |eBOF AIOIsIN SLIM When you arrive at 11:30 A.M., there will be only one discussion remaining. It is a discussion on new business led by Allen Fiddler. We will talk about giving the approval for the construction to set up the street lights in Deaton Park area. And then, we will go to the cafeteria to have lunch. SETA SOROL SAtOHAIO ap} ot let Hof ARIE, ate ate MIT) Ome MER AIRIOl BE EOIILICL Salt CIE Sal Aleta} 7485 4481 S71 2S}O| tO} 2OILIC), TaLm LIM, SAIEODY tel ANE! RUC 418 G1 dhe] A5}-3 ape 300 85 AlZE SAMCHE BSH! First, there will be an opening speech. ea nawpt 22 obit After that, we will have a discussion on the current business. -1 sos Algo igt |201 38 218LIC, And then, Kelly Mason will give a video presentation. sata ae} oloi2o1 wicle metareionss w 2i2UIC Next, we will have lunch at the banquet hall. cgos, sian sung 8 221 Right after lunch, there will be a workshop for all the new employees. A SHO SE Mee MHES set Sasol Ae BLL Finally, there will be a closing speech led by the CEO. omejoe svryol ome orsel aio 28 enc, Teter PH (1) Yestt Noz SH Alstsi2H Can you~? Are there~?2t 20] beSAL, ZSA} FY QVISAL ESOS SOle= WOE, PM Yes SS Noe AIL Bio} Erol SAIS etn! visi eich (2) RHE 49] Alzt BI 2A Bei IE stash SAILS Bolell + 2:00 P.M. — at 2:00 P.M, + Mar. 15th, 2010 (Thur) —- On Thursday, March fifteenth, two thousand ten + 10:00 AM. ~ 14:00 AM. — from 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 AM. + Place: Auditorium, — in the auditorium (G) SALA 9! OPIATES ABSIOl BE TEtStet, TE 404 XIE & AE GLE! WHOlt= BOL} tose} eo} CHC ASH AIRIOLO, SINLAINILE OleIAlAl =I 2 QBlch, $Bel PRS Sd 9 OAM SES MSE SAS SFE 201 Ect ex. The meeting started at 2:00 P.M. (x) ‘The meeting starts at 2:00 P.M. (0) The meeting will start at 2:00 P.M. (o} Drill Part 5. Propose a solution @pasonis Ala a Aa Bole * MS ORE Ba, USS osAol S Belst= ASS sich & HAMS AAlsi7| Hol SS USS Vetsjol Sich, * OFS USS YeS TPS MOE BAB SEC UBlSl USt CHES $e WES SSsHECh ‘STEP 1. Listening Layout: 248} Oi/A|X] 37] Hello, this is Sunny Rivers. | ordered a juice maker from your store last week. I've just received the item. The juice maker is the right one. However, | have some problems with the free bonus gift which comes along with the juice maker. When | opened the box to check the dishes which | selected as my gift, | was disappointed to find out that one of them was broken. | bought the juice maker because | also liked the dishes you were giving as a bonus gift, so you see... 'd really like to receive a new one to replace the broken dish. Could you please check and see what you can do about this matter? (Once again, this is Sunny Rivers and you can reach me at 623-6615. Thank you! (1) Starting of a message: Hels 71 gto] 721%) bets} (2) Background Situation: 2xiajo| esti =! wiz! olstsi7] (3) Problem: Sx 1213171 (4) Request: 2are m2ts'71 (5) Ending: of 22] o1A\x| Si2t5}71 STEP 2. Summarizing Layout: nA|x| LIS 22817 Hello, Ms. Rivers. This is Fred Norman, the customer service representative of ABC shopping mall. ergsyea, ama a is ABC ARE TAREE MAIS Sete I've got your message saying that you ordered a juice maker along with some dishes we were giving as a gift. pris Agenin msi} cole OR aie wesciS ol] weIALC However, when you received them, you were disappointed to find out that a dish was broken. ae woaim Ua At me AS we Antic, So you'd like for us to send you another dish. saa a7 c= Bale ston ste, So you'd like to receive another dish. 2a ge 24s wosoe aca, Abe ef chu] m9 et 300, 387 STEP 3. Proposing a Solution: 5244 AIAIS}7] (aa 32 881 After checking into the situation, I’ve found out that... vue sie 20) ~g aieuict one of our staff made a mistake and sent you the wrong item. one of our staff made a mistake when taking your order. there were some errors in our ordering system our delivery man has made a mistake during the shipping procedure. Hal aig & OF gol ee cle Bie SUC Nel 8 Se 20] FES WOOW Aw sate Hi FB ALB! 4197} SILC, Hel wal 22 Sor MOE MeL We will send you the right product by express delivery service. AD} mia Me HE aS a2imaLiC We will give you a full refund if you send us back the item. 89 Sete ap, <4 ae czimaLiC, We will exchange the product for another one of your choice. AMEE Ce aoe wall EalRaLC, Since this is our mistake, to compensate you... si 491 40162, ~6 samara we will send you a 20% discount coupon to use on your next purchase. we will send you a $10 voucher to use on your next purchase. we'd like for you to keep the wrong item. we'll cover all the shipping costs. HOVE CS BE Al ay ES OME OI RES SUCAIMELICE ADE CIS Par AD AM + Oe OREM) SEI MIN AIAL Ct BRE Sue 7aln HK. ZAPESE Gaul ¥ESRIUEL (oles Bet 2888] After checking into the booking status, I've found out that... o eis sivsin ~a wetaute one of our staff made a mistake when taking your reservation. there has been a communication breakdown so we misplaced your booking, there aren't any rooms available that day. there has been a cancellation so some rooms are available that day. Halse & 801 aes Bes ee RELI, 2h) Aol 8971 2018 THO] BIB wR AEIMELICL 3 YE ole} 7H8t Wo] BIBL off BLA7} QUO1A ofS! 7H wOI RL 38 Drill I think | can give you two options. = 71x15 aster + 28 atict ‘One is a double room and another on SURE GREROIN, CIB SLE Hic} MOIS Aet=BBIIC a suite with an ocean view. One can accommodate 150 people and the other hall can accommodate up to 200 people. SUE WoRe 488 + 21m, Lom Be 2008 48 7ASBILCE One is a direct flight and the other one will make a transfer in Japan. sh =I, Jomee ea ZoItO ICE One is a late night movie and the other one is a matinee movie. site sor Hola, Lotte axesIeLC Since this is our mistake, to compensate you... =2| 591 40108, ~$ wasi=2| set we will give you free room service of your choice. we will not charge you for the additional cost. ‘we will change your seat to a business class seat. ‘we will give you a voucher to see any movie of your choice at our theater. “Dall Sieh B AMAR ee slcaaLd, “paf $21 ig AEFI WaLaUE, ase alg wea slow wisteaiatic, “Rafgol 8] $89 fe SEH wal $ le OIE SalmLaLIC After changing the reservation, | will send you the confirmation note right away. eels a! Fol vis A! HY SeIBLE After changing the reservation, | will send your tickets through your e-mail. 21g WE Aol MIRE eS ast=EHELICL (SIA ci Bit 28H] After checking into the situation, I've found out that... sa sie soi ~2g aeauict there are two pieces of advice to give you. there could be two possible solutions. there are two schedules available for the meeting next week. [xp toh =F Pinel B27) BLL Dist = 7 fe BOI BLE CA 12Nm + Blt 7IR) BOI SIBLE ANG ge ay) Am aa 300 39 Be7t A7nst71 I know a person who is an expert in this field. 0] g0i91 ee7i9! # eB B= ELI, He should be able to help you out on this matter. + oj o| xm sae 4 ste atch Vl give you his contact number so you can call him right away. 21M ORB SeleanOL ule BS 8 BUC, Pll make a call ahead so he would know about this situation. I Oe SISK &f SOL] “IRO| 0} ABE OF BLL Holl SHE shat AALS} ([aaiselol4 ae}71] Just make sure that you have all the information ready. o& ses wsce ewewi, You must also be confident when speaking in front of others. COB Ais GIOIA AY oH HOF Stet aA eevee, Also, you should practice many times by yourself or in front of others. nein BAIN RS A BIOL OI UI SeOF BL (opie! asi) Why don’t you make some fliers to promote the product? ss aus sat seins sick: 201 osta7 You should also try to make some appealing advertisements. #25 ne ane St 2 Leis BUC You could hold an event to introduce the new item to the consumers. ANINSO WHS 401d OMES ef AE SIBUCh (ote $3 ahztst71 We have decided to hire new employees who can help you out with the project. BRMES S98 EMS 2EoIe HOR BENRELCL There is just the right person in the marketing department who could help you, SNS S25 + IE API oI aL, We will hire an experienced worker who can handle this matter right away. o| Swim we Ae 2 NR Ew ULE, WS Sa Bat 'm really sorry for the inconvenience we have caused you. wueie macaw sue neste, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced, sams 21 saan ash 'm happy to say there is a way to solve this matter. o1 2321 ajzovt ast SE aN SO1 BL. I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. ea s801 get 22 a mesia 4zisLE 40 Drill ope] Bat Ifyou wish to speak more about this matter, please call me back at 555-1234, 0] Bb cleo wtoin sone co5-t2aae we SS, For more information, please call me back at 555-1234. aus wa oni sss-oste aie sale, Please call me back and let me know your decision. x1 iN is 4M awetuis wena, Tiotedried aH (1) OAKS 2! AIS Aes Saloe Ech ‘AS AIS Sz, Aue] $0 OF, AS SS 7/{I0| ae SAI! BBIch, Ast OIAInIOLAI SE O/B ehol, ANCHO] IXIA BH Me-B, OI WHE Ms, SS Mrs/Miss SS BOW arsic, ex. Hello, Mr. Wood. / Hello, Ms. White, (2) U2] 488 geiat, EY DLAI] Selo US] AAS vide BES oA} OBS BE, ASS wal Elol Aeotm ABASIC, ex, This is Sarah Atkins from ABC Store. (3) A801 SHE Aime este, + ASh OIAIXIS S57, AcHeIo| AIBIOl SIAL AIRS ADS LISS MRISICL, AE BH, SWSISL, DIZLAIMDE Mola Etch ex. | got your message saying that you are having some problem with the product. + BMS MACKS PROMS OLDE ASSIS Bich, ex. | will send you the right product by tomorrow. (4) BPS S8t PES Chol SleiseH + Alcielo| ASH Qik SxISOl Chel SHRIMIS AAIa}7| PEL AIA QUES OISHEECL oles Alo] alRIOLAIAIE Lisciets, ‘siziste AI6HA INYO} ICH MELE 2171 OHZOH 01 MENS OI6IS= 2101 BSI. ‘ex. I'm sorry for the inconvenience we have caused you. 1'm sorry to hear about your situation. 1'm happy to tell you that there is a way to solve this matter. + SE OUALXIS OIP2IB Mf, AHO] CHEE CHAI 7H 21 SESE SHEIAL ex. If you wish to speak more about this matter, please call me back at 555-1234. Ape abe] ps] 23424 365 300, 41 Part 6. Express an opinion @»o- Ag A AIS Bole & S018 Ale) WAS Welstch & Sid 2 UI UBS est BHS ASsict, & HO! QIzol| CHEE SIL OLE HHOl= HHS Meet. TYPE 1. 45 Atst #ol71 (aS AS HEL a SSH BE) | would prefer to do the same work for my whole life than to have various kinds of work ‘experience. we zie aris! 2 aioli ch als WE YS se BE BCL | would prefer doing the same work for my whole life to having various kinds of work experience. xt cei SR Ue Bele ct Be We UE Bit Be ELL (ug oat Bet) There are several reasons to support my opinion. 1 oie sweet oi10 ole istic I'd like to elaborate on this by giving the following reasons. 48 ol 7x12 O| aol Hol Ae] BRSeIatS LIC, 'd like to elaborate on my opinion by giving the following reasons. fg Of 7I81n 924 ca mH BEEEIAEL IL The reason is simple. os aca (4 ein oF BtSH71] First of all, | think itis the way to become an expert. 914 220] sa7Pr sie ween APIBLt Most of all, | think it is the way to become an expert. ssusci= a2) 7 Ste wiioleen AIL The first reason is that, | think itis the way to become an expert. 24 Yat offs 20] HBP Ste wrote IU, i ein Of 8171] Also, there are many advantages. #41 ue ojgo1 siguet In addition, there are many advantages. 27 w= oso! sieuC, Moreover, there are many advantages. 2171 #2 oraol aut Another point is that, there are many advantages. ue yous wt 82 olss01 uaUe 42 Drill [221 8 OAL MIAISI711 For example, you can get a promotion easily. ois ae! sue ans + sieueh For instance, you can get a promotion easily. ais ge ue am + elauet Generally, you can get a promotion easily. wsio2 aaa aa w 4 sisuich In most cases, you can get a promotion easily. quzoi a2 aaa al 4 weuiC, (228 12 S a) Whenever | coped with the bad situation, things got better soon. Us ale 218 wc} ge iso] aw goMSLIC, When I coped with the bad situation, things got better soon. Ue 48 28 OF Ge ZisOl ae ROHIEUC, (OP ets $18! 4] That is why | definitely would like to work in the same company for my entire life. 20] a7} BH WE SIAOLY eisha Ae ole Therefore, | definitely would like to work in the same company for my entire life. S268 Hib ele] BY WE AMON gin BaLE, For such reasons, | definitely would like to work in the same company for my entire life. 3B ORB He BREE BF We A asin BUC, TYPE 2. St / StcH S124 ¥SI71 (23 US wtsI71) J agree with the opinion. o 920i sec J agree with the opinion that it is necessary to learn about the new technologies to adapt to the fast changing world. asi styot 886i7| Set MES 7188 EE 201 Beste OO AIC | agree that it is necessary to learn about the new technologies to adapt to the fast Gheanging world. west: Meo adr 9m imeem we 2 snare aM Be (ety st wteI711 I disagree with the opinion. oj 2201 wcietich | disagree with the opinion that it is necessary to learn about the new technologies to adapt to the fast changing world. avisi= sol 85171 4 NEw 7188 see 201 wesicte siz wR I disagree that it is necessary to learn about new technologies to adapt to the fast changing World. setts staot 183171 et AIRS 7ise eS 210] SiRsicHe AIO) wiCILICe, AV 24 aie] A312 sei 300 43 [Selah CHE eiztoll ciel teast an] On the other hand, there are some people who are trying hard to live a slow life. iB Aiplowe: Lor] deka Atel MEISE BBL, However, there are some people who are trying hard to live a slow life. TAIL Cajal eta etal ASE ELI But, there are some people who are trying hard to live a slow life. Shri Lapa dein Siete ARISE QeUICh Of course it is true that, there are some people who are trying hard to live a slow life. (SE Lala aia Latete AIS GCE Zo] AtARILICL (CHAI Lio] erate at) In spite of all the good sides of living in the old way of life, I think iti the changing world by learning new technology. portant to adapt to Despite all the good reasons of living in the old way of life, | think it is important to adapt to the changing world by learning the new technology. Although there could be many good sides of living in the old way of life, | think it is important to adapt to the changing world by learning new technology. ae Woe At Bol Scie SEOs NPSIA, Mase: NAO BAP Sat MES ies MSE 01 Boskin zeLICL ‘Tig e471: a SE) (1) prefer ~ to ~ #E9] FB SSSR] art ASAI Se RE] ALO (Oreter A to B) ALS ABSHLK, Oth BIC} AB cf MBBICH: EIS 7/2}3}. AG} BO] RIE ABI] WER sth x. | prefer wearing casual clothing to wearing formal suit. = | prefer to wear casual clothing rather than to wear formal suit. (Li Saluch #2! 12h of dessIct) (2)agree with / agree to / agree that2| AeIHE Z8t6Il agrect: BHISICh, SOISICHZlt= KOR, (agree with + AIB/2I2, (agree to + SAEED, (agree that + SEK=xD) 9] SHOR Molt 21210] ARM! w! thatol Mol ASS w ASIN! 7IeISIES atc. ex. | agree with the people who think that watching TV is harmful for children, | agree to the opinion watching TV is harmful for children, | agree that watching TV is harmful for children. Hetuadl Tests Test] Actual Test 47 pee) Creo Ran As the nation’s leading non-profit fund-raising organization, Blue Ribbon has been donating more than 15 million dollars each year. This year, we are planning to hold a fund-raising event in San Francisco. We will be selling handcrafted gifts, traditional African clothing and carpets to raise money for children who are starving in Africa. dete ay ere ura hl After the orientation, we will take a tour around the student union. There, you will be given an overview of the yearly meal plan, classroom information and the school events. ‘You will also have some free time to enjoy a snack in the cafeteria on the 1st floor of the union. Please make sure to come back to the building lobby by 2 o'clock afterwards. SSS 48 Test] AaualTest1 49 ese Question 3 of 11 50 Test] Questions 4~6: Respond to Questions Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided. ‘You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6. Actual Test 1 51 rete ea Ore kan Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have ‘agreed to participate in a telephone interview about computers. What is the most important thing you would consider when you choose a laptop computer? TOEIC pare erect al wy & Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about computers. What are the advantages of using a laptop computer? = escent) eka Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about computers. Would you prefer to buy a laptop computer or a desktop computer? naa 52 Test] ‘Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions Using Information Provided Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the ‘questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. Actual Test 1 53. Jason Medical Group Meetings WHEN: 10:30 A.M.-12:00 P.M. WHERE: Main Auditorium Date Location Topic ‘Aug. 17 | Lakewood Hall | Childhood Obesity : Eugene Harper (East Medical School) Sept. 15 | Hillside Hall Current Research for Cancer : Trevor Benon (Northern Scientific Community) Oct. 10 | Lakewood Hall | Childhood Eating Disorder Treatment : Eugene Harper (East Medical Schoo!) Nov. 14" | Shoreline Hall |The Cause of Mad Cow Disease : Amelia Calus (Ashton College of Medicinal Science) Dec. 12 | Shoreline Hall Children’s Diabetes Treatment : Donald Laton (Downing Medical Schoo!) * Schedule Changes for November: Nov. 14th — Nov. 20th hace Test] Question 10: Propose a Solution seconds to speak. In your response, be sure to * show that you recognize the problem, and * propose a way of dealing with the problem. Actual Test 1 55. TOEIC Speaking i ren Rem a aking fore a In your response, be sure to * show that you recognize the problem, and * propose a way of dealing with the problem. Et Test] Question 11: Express an Opinion Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be ‘sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. ere Do you prefer to make a decision on your own, or to listen to others’ opinions to get some help? Which do you think is better and why? Give specific reasons and details to ‘support your answer. ec Actual Test 1 57. Actual Test 2 ‘Speaking Test Directions This is the TOEIC Speaking Test. This test includes eleven questions that measure different aspects of your speaking abilty. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. Question Task __Evaluatin Criteria 12 Read a text aloud ‘= pronunciation ‘intonation and stress: 3 Describe a picture all of the above, plus * grammar * vocabulary * cohesion 46 Respond to questions allof the above, plus * relevance of content = completeness of content 78 Respond to questions ‘all ofthe above using informatin provided 10 Propose a solution all of the above cd Express an opinion | allofthe above For each type of question, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for preparation and speaking. It fs to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. It is also important that you ‘speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions. Click on Continue to go on. Test 2 Questions 1~2: Read a Text Aloud Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. Actual Test2 59 eres This weekend, come to Meridian Clothing store, located downtown in the Flushing ‘Shopping Mall. If you are looking for quality items, then Meridian is the name to trust. We are giving a limited time offer to all the customers visiting our store this weekend. Choose your favorite item from our spring collection of jackets, trousers and accessories. Eas era h The Commerce Department announced some bad news about the economic situation today. The Nation's economic growth failed to fully overcome the depression during the first quarter of the year, resulting in a drastic fall in the stock market. The leaders of enterprise, economists and government officials will gather this week to take measures. aa Test 2 ‘AcualTest2 61 Question 3 of 11 62 Test 2 Aadual Tesi2 63 Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about buying books. Do you like to read books in your free time? ere ra) Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about buying books. How much do you usually spend on buying books each month? SS Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have ‘agreed to participate in a telephone interview about buying books. Do you prefer to buy books at the bookstore or through the on-line shopping malls? ‘Actual Test 2 65. Besos) Cer ea 9:00 AM. 915 AM. 9:30 AM. 10:00 AM. 1115 AM. 11:30AM. 1:00 PM. +» BENZONE INVESTEMENT COMPANY *** Corporate Board Meeting Executive Meeting Room (21st FL) / Nov. 20th (Mon) Opening Speech (Rorel Parker, CEO) Background - Benzone Foundation (Tim Davidson) Introduction - New Board Members (Jennifer Huston, Alex Wright) Video Presentation (Corporation of the year) ‘Overview - Annual Sales Report Retail Sales Report (Tim Davidson, Overseas Sales Dept.) Export Sales Report (Kenneth Bowman, Marketing & Sales Dept.) Open Discussion - Market Strategies for 2010 (Tim Davidson) Lunch* (Banquet Hall) * Must give prior notice to participate in the banquet (Maggie Fulton, 714-9920) 66 Test 2 >u will have Actual Test2 67 Cre ma OEIC Speakin geen Crean Rael In your response, be sure to ‘+ show that you recognize the problem, and * propose a way of dealing with the problem. ES rena Some people think that having more experience as an intern or working a part time job ‘can help you find the job that you want. Do you agree with this opinion? Why or why not? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer. ‘Actual Test 2 69 Actual Test 3 Pry Speaking Test Directions This is the TOEIC Speaking Test. This test includes eleven questions that measure different aspects of your speaking ablity. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. Question Evaluatin Criteria | + pronunciation |_t intonation and stress all of the above, plus * grammar: + vocabulary * cohesion. all of the above, plus * relevance of content + completeness of content Respond toquestions | alloftheabove | Using informatin provided 40 Propose a solution all of the above it Express an opinion allof the above For each type of question, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for preparation and speaking. Its to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. Its also important that you ‘speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions. Click on Continue to go on. 70 Test 3 ‘cual Test 71 oa ee Orca Thank you for calling Brooks Apparel Company. Our office is currently closed, so please listen carefully to the following options. If you need to check your order status, please press one. If you want to leave a message for our customer service department, please press two. If you wish to be connected to our 24-hour hotline, please press three now. eer s y rea Welcome to Science News. Today, we will take a closer look into recent advances in robot technology. Nowadays, robots are becoming more familiar to us in many ways. You can easily buy a toy robot, hear about robotic inventions and sometimes even experience them yourself. Let's welcome Dr. Griffins who is here to tell us more about it. Test 3 Question 3: Describe a Picture Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much detail as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture, none Actual Tests 73 fete era 74 Test 3 ey ‘Actual Test 75 Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about work. your country usually work each day? ia Question 5 of 11 Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about work. Would you consider working at a company which requires working on the weekends? fea ‘ eres en Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about work. What is the most important thing that you would consider when choosing a job: salary, employee benefits, or location? 16 Test 3 Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions Using Information Provided Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. Actual Test3 77 9:00 A.M. AM. 11:00 AM. 12:00 P.M. 10: 3:00 P.M. PM. 2:00 P.M. Haven County’s Teacher’s Workshop Language Education for Young Readers & Writers: Lincoln College, Liberal Arts Genter (Auditorium), Thurs. April 14 [Reading Program] Effective Strategies for Young Readers (Beverly James) ‘The Best Way to Improve Student Literacy Skills (Sally Tyner) Innovative Programs for Kindergarten Classrooms (Andy Peterson) Lunch - Faculty Cafeteria [Writing Program] Best Strategies to Develop Writing Skills (Margo Beiley) Organizing a Class & Writing Instructions (Anne South hall) Teaching Exercise - Conducting a Writing Class (60 min. each) Short Story Writing - Grades 1 & 2 (Room 201) Independent Writing - Grades 8 & 4 (Room 304) Interactive Writing - Grades 5 & 6 (Room 102) * Special Benefit : Resource Handbooks & Teacher's Planner lect 78 Test 3 Awa Test 79) TOEIC Speakin ses lee eT aking Question 10 of 11 In your response, be sure to * show that you recognize the problem, and * propose a way of dealing with the problem. aaa Test 3 ing Question 11: Express an Opinion Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. Ty forrest ‘Some people think that advertising has a great influence on individual's decision to buy a product. Do you agree or disagree? Give specific reasons and details to support your answer. AcualTest3 81 Actual Test 4 This Is the TOEIC Speaking Test. This test includes eleven questions that measure different Speaking Test Directions aspects of your speaking ability. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. {ication Task Evaluatin Criteria 14-2 Read a text aloud '* pronunciation * intonation and stress i Describe a picture allofthe above, plus | * grammar | + Yecabutary + cohesion 46 Respond fo questions | allofthe above, plus | * relevance of content | | + completeness of content 79 | Respondtoquestions | allofthe above using informatin provided 10_|_ Propose a solution all ofthe above 4 [Express an opinion allot the above For each type of question, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for preparation and speaking, Its to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. It is also important that you ‘speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions. Glick on Gontinue to go on. 82 Test 4 Questions 1-2: Read a Text Aloud Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. Actual Test 4 83 Attention Everyone. Welcome to the Simon Chemical Plant Manufacturing Tour. My name is Jim Kyle and I'll be guiding your tour today. Before entering the plant, | have some. safety precautions for all of you. Please make sure to stay within the yellow line as you move, have your safety helmets on and listen carefully to instructions at all times. Question 2 of 11 Welcome to World Leaders’ Society. Today, we will speak with Regina Kelly, the founder and CEO of Devon Cosmetics. Most of you have probably heard about a lip product called Jelly Balms, but did you know that 1,000 of these are sold every second around the world? Let's welcome Ms. Kelly on our show to talk about her life, challenges and successes! aa Test 4 AalualTest'4 85 Question 3 of 11 Test 4 Actual Tesi4 87 Crear ean] Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about houses. ‘Would you consider living in a house that doesn't have a parking space? aa Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about houses. ‘What is the advantage of buying a house? era Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about houses. What is the most important thing you would consider when choosing a place to i location, price or facilities? Ea Actual Test BO Cr ae a 50’s Retirement Planning Seminar Malcomm Community Center Wee, July 16th ~ Thurs, July 16th Day 1: Saving for Retirement 9:00AM. Saving Strategies and Plans (Jamie Reed) 10:00 AM. Finding the Right Planner (Ashley Simons) 11:00 AM. Pension and Benefit Plans (Ben Franklin) 12:00 P.M. Group Lunch - Open Discussion (Ashley Simons & Ben Franklin) Day 2: Investing for Retirement 9:00 AM. Ultimate Guide for Investment (Kim Winston) 10:00 AM. Winning in the Stock Market (Phil Morris) 11:00AM. Investing in Funds with High Profits (Ashley Simons) 12:00 P.M. Lunch Banquet (Rosalie Hall) 2:00 P.M. Building a Retirement Portfolio (1:1 Meeting - Financial Experts) Eon Test 4 ActualTests 91 Speaking Cree maT eae sa erent a In your response, be sure to * show that you recognize the problem, and * propose @ way of dealing with the problem. (ole Ra) Which would you prefer: to work with a colleague who has a good sense of humor, or to ‘work with a colleague who is skilled at their job? Give specific reasons and examples to ‘support your answer. Actual Test 4 93 4 Speaking Test Directions This Is the TOEIC Speaking Test. This test includes eleven questions that measure different aspects of your speaking ability. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes, Question Task Evaluatin Criteria 12 Read a text aloud * pronunciation ‘intonation and stress. 3 Describe a picture allof the above, plus ‘grammar + Yocabulary eee ie ‘= cohesion [46 Respond to questions | all ofthe above, plus | ‘relevance of content | ue + completeness of content 78 Respond to questions | allof the above | using informatin provided 10 | Propose a solution all ofthe above Ea Express an opinion all of the above For each type of question, you will be given specific directions, Including the time allowed for preparation and speaking. Itis to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. itis also important that you speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions, Click on Continue to go on. Test 5 TOEIC §; Actual TestS 95 TOEIC Speaking ere Ra This is Fred Norman on Greatest Hits 101. Tonight is going to be a special night with Kim, Jones, the nation’s number one hit singer. 2008 has been her year, and it hasn’t ended yet. We see her on commercials, TV programs, and all the famous award ceremonies. Stay tuned and you will get to be among the first to hear her newest single coming right up! a om cea ata lees Welcome to Woodland National Zoo Park. | am ranger Johanna your tour guide for the safari today. Wild animals are quite dangerous and attack people if they are disturbed. So, please make sure not to throw food, trash or anything else out the window. If any dangerous situation occurs during our trip, please remain seated and listen to my instructions. (00:00: 45, Test 5 ActualTests 97 TOEIC Speaking er uel Test 5 ‘AdualTestS 99 TOEIC Speaking ere Rn Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about giving gifts. How often do you prepare gifts for your friends and family? Testes gst ers ean Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate ina telephone interview about giving gifts. Would you consider giving flowers as a gift to your friends and family on a special day? eran Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about giving gifts. Do you think itis better to ask what to give as a gift or to choose an item on your own? 100 Test 5 Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions Using Information Provided Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. ‘Actual Tests 107 Cerra 8th Annual Vegetarian Seminar King George Hotel, Vista Hall (June 5th~7th) Ast Day : Vegetarian Products and Industry 8:00 Welcome Speech- Melinda Bay, CEO, Vegetarian Society 9:00 Introduction of New Vegetarian Products - Lisa Jefferson, Vegetarian Press 10:00 Import & Export of Vegetarian Products - Charlie Danes, Vegetarian Union 11:00 Melinda Bay's Review: Vegetarian Expo 2009 12:00 Lunch - New Vegetarian Recipes of the Year (Banquet Hall) 1:00 Future of the Vegetarian Industry - Ray Howard, Soy Beano Factory Inc. 2:00 Vegetarian Way of Life - Melinda Bay, CEO, Vegetarian Society * Special thanks to the Soy Beano Inc. for funding and support 00. rm 102 Test 5 Question 10: Propose a Solution Directions: In this part of the test, you willbe presented with @ problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have $0 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. In your response, be sure to ‘+ show that you recognize the problem, and ‘* propose a way of dealing with the problem. ‘Actual Test 103 Teal Crean ah) TOEIC Crema In your response, be sure to ‘+ show that you recognize the problem, and ‘+ propose a way of dealing with the problem. aa 104 Test 5 rece) Question 11: Express an Opinion Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be ‘sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. said orem any ‘Some people think that itis necessary to give a different level of compensation according to performance to make employees work harder. Do you agree or disagree? Give specific reasons and details to support your answer. a Et ActualTests 105 Actual Test 6 This is the TOEIC Speaking Test. This test includes eleven questions that measure different Speaking Test Directions aspects of your speaking ability. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. ‘Question Task Evaluatin Gi 12 Read @ text aloud * pronunciation + intonation and stress 3 Describe a picture allof the above, plus * grammar * vocabulary * cohesion 46 Respond to questions | allof the above, plus * relevance of content += completeness of content 73 Respond to questions | allof the above 7 Lssing informatin provided 40 ‘Propose a solution allof the above i Express an opinion allofthe above For each type of question, you will be given specific preparation and speaking It is to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. tis also important that you speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions. Click on Continue to go on. 106 rections, including the time allowed for Test 6 eee Questions 1-2: Read a Text Aloud Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. Actual Test6 107 peaking eres a You have reached the customer service hotline of Amigo Express. Listen to the following options and press the extension of your party at any time. To check the weekly flight schedule, please press 1. To confirm your reservation, please press 2. If you wish to ‘cancel, change or make a reservation, please press 3 now to talk to one of our customer service representatives. pe (elton Pea Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining the National Global Warming Forum. Global warming is a worldwide threat, and we are here today to discuss the possible threats, solutions and government policies. First, let me introduce an expert who has been doing research in this field for decades. Please let's welcome Dr. Dennis Tyron. oe 108 Test 6 ‘Actual Test6 109 roses) Question 3 of 11 110 Test 6 AcualTesi6 111 ees Question 4 of 11 Imagine that an Australian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have ‘agreed to participate in a telephone interview about family gatherings. How often do you have a family gathering and what are the occasions like? peaking ere ek an] Imagine that an Australian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about family gatherings. ‘What do you usually do at the family gathering? Crea en Imagine that an Australian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about family gatherings. Describe the most recent family gathering you had with your family members. al 12 Directions: In thi provi ‘ActualTests 113. eee recom Wh World Cuisine Conference sun, March 20 Where: Main Auditorium, Tarron Community College, Chicago 7:30AM. 9:00 AM. 10:00 AM. 11:00 AM. 12:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. Breakfast Meeting" - Invited guests only! Benefits of the Traditional Asian Diet Organic ingredients around the World ‘Changes in Food style Artistic World of French Desserts Demonstration of Award Winning Dessert - Maple Whip Tea Party with Maple Whip Book signing event - “Sweet French Arts”, Paul Leman * Check the invitation lst & place at 00:00:18/30 114 Test 6 TOEIC Speaking u will ha otual Test 115 rece Clee RET TOEIC Speaking era In your response, be sure to ‘* show that you recognize the problem, and * propose a way of dealing with the problem. a Et 116 eee Cree Rea ‘Some people think that having much money is the ultimate goal in life. Do you agree or disagree? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer. ‘Actual Test6 117 Actual Test 7 Resessta) This is the TOEIC Speaking Test. Thi Speaking Test Directions. test includes eleven questions that measure dif aspects of your speaking abilty. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. ‘Question Task Evaluatin Criteria 12 Read a text aloud * pronunciation * intonation and stress 3 Describe a picture all of the above, plus * grammar * vocabulary * cohesion: 46 Respond to questions all of the above, plus * relevance of content + completeness of content 79 Respond to questions all of the above using informatin provided 10 Propose a solution all of the above i Express an opinion all of the above For each type of question, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for ‘preparation and speaking, Its to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. It is also important that you ‘speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions. Click on Continue to go on. 118 Test 7 Achal Test 7 119) T eet (oro a Freddy Bowman is more than a clothing line: It’s a lifestyle brand. At first it was a casual wear brand launched for bikers in the early ’80s. But now, it is wom by motorcyclists, teenagers and celebrities around the world. This year, Freddy Bowman will expand their collection of designer brands to cosmetics, home furnishings, and accessories. na cee era Attention, Wallace Mart shoppers. Our store will close in 15 minutes, but here is some good news to you help save some change. There is a limited offer given on all fresh baked items at the bakery section. Gome and buy our famous pies, cookies and cakes at half price today only! But you must hurry since we haven't got much remaining on the shelves. 120 Test 7 Tease) Actual Test? 121 ee er eR Pas (0000745 122 Test 7 Questions 4-6: Respond to Questions Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6. Actual Test? 123 ata fetes ee cab Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about electronic goods. What electronic goods do you currently need to buy? aking ree ean Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about electronic goods. Would you consider buying an electronic item from a second hand store? RESPONSE TIM TOEIC eres eran Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about electronic goods. What is the most important thing you consider when buying an electronic item: warranty, price or design? 124 Test 7 _ Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions Using Information Provided Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the ‘questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. Y Actual Test? 125 Women's Career Development Conference ACTIVITIES PRESENTER Registration - Coffee & Rolls Chairperson's Welcome Jessica Simon Building Up Your Professional Life Branding Yourself as a Professional vane Lexington ‘Thinking Like an Entrepreneur and Becoming One Judy Martin Developing Public Speaking Skis Brenda Leigh Luncheon - Enjoying Every Moment of Life Keith Harvy Managing Your Personal Life Being Aware of Common Diseases Sarah Atkins Time Management between Family & Work Nora Matthews Yoga - Relieving Stress and Fulfilling Peace Yvette Kyle Closing & Evaluation Jessica Simon * 4096 discount for the Members of Professional Women's Association TIME 9:00 AM. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 AM. 42:00 P.M. PM. PM. 3:30 PM. 4:30 P.M. 126 Test 7 Question 10: Propose a Solution Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 80 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. In your response, be sure to + show that you recognize the problem, and « propose a way of dealing with the problem. Actual Test? 127 In your response, be sure to ‘* show that you recognize the problem, and * propose a way of dealing with the problem. 128 Test 7 fee Question 11: Express an Opinion Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be ‘sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. Cr na Do you think wearing a formal suit can encourage people to work more professionally? Why or why not? Give specific reasons and details to support your answer. (00:01:00, Actual Test? 129 © Actual Test 8 ‘Speaking Test Directions This Is the TOEIC Speaking Test. This test includes eleven questions that measure different ‘aspects of your speaking abil. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. | ‘Question Task Evaluatin Criteria 12 Read a text aloud + pronunciation * intonation and stress 3 Describe a picture all ofthe above, plus * grammar * vocabulary + cohesion, | 46 Respond to questions allofthe above, plus | + relevance of content + completeness of content 73 Respond to questions all of the above |_ using informatin provided 10) [Propose solution | all ofthe above it Express an opinion all ofthe above For each type of question, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for preparation and speaking. Itis to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. Its also important that you speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions. Glick on Continue to go on. 130 Test 8 peaking Questions 1~2: Read a Text Aloud Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. Actual Test 8 131 er nan ‘Summers Resort Group is proud to announce the completion of its new hotel in New York. Our new hotel has a VIP lounge, royal suites and private meeting rooms offered to all our special guests! When you visit our new hotel, you will experience the state-of-the- art facilities with an upper-class service that suits you in every way. It will be an experience of your lifetime! eee) Question 2 of 11 Good morning everyone, this is Wesley Simons with Today's Weather Report. Today, the southern region of the state will stay wet with showers all day long. These showers will continue on through the week until Thursday. However, we are expecting some sunlight on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so get ready to go on a family outing this weekend! 132 Test 8 Adual Test@ 133 els RRR 134 Test 8 Actual Test8 135, Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about house chores. Who usually does the house chores in your family? eran Imagine that @ British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about house chores. ‘Would you consider buying an appliance that could help you do the house chores more easily? 00. 15 Question 6 of 11 Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about house chores. Describe the steps of cleaning your house. 136 Test 8 ‘Adual Test 187 fester) Ce ea Calbury’s Classic Movie Nights Calbury Theater Main Street, Chicago, IL Non-members: $10 Members & Seniors over 60: $7 ‘Ist Week Dec-4, (Fri) 8:30 P.M. ‘The Tale of Oliver Green (1950) Adventure Dec-5, (Sat) 6:00 P.M. Falling in Love with a Stranger (1961) Drama 2nd Week Dec-10, (Thu) 6:20 P.M. Shoeshine Boy and the Ballerina (1952) Comedy Deo-12, (Sat) 9:20 P.M. Family Musical “Nut Crackers” (1945) Musical 8rd Week Dec-18, (Fr) 7:30 P.M. Ambassador's Son (1937) ‘Comedy 4th Week CHRISTMAS SPECIAL EVENTS No Show! 5th Week. Dec-31, (Thu) 10:30 P.M. My Darling Miss Daisy (1959) ‘Comedy * Keep your tickets! - Prize Drawing held at the end of each movie night =a 138 ‘Actual Test8 189 Orr Unk aet ee se er aaa In your response, be sure to + show that you recognize the problem, and ‘+ propose a way of dealing with the problem. 140 oe er na Do you prefer to be the leader of a group, or to be a follower who works as directed? Which do you prefer and why? Give specific reasons and details to support your answer. ‘Adal Test 141 © Actual Test 9 Speaking Test Directions This is the TOEIC Speaking Test. This test includes eleven questions that measure different ‘aspects of your speaking abilty, The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. Question Task Evaluatin Criteria] 12 FRead a text loud * pronunciation | * intonation and stress | 3 Describe a picture allofthe above, plus | * grammar | * vocabulary | * cohesion | 46 Respond to questions | allofthe above, pus | ‘relevance of content| + completeness of content | 79 Respond to questions | all ofthe above fr cae rare need | 10 Propose a solution ail ofthe above | a Express an opinion all of the above | For each type of question, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for preparation and speaking. Itis to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. It is also important that you speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions. Click on Continue to go on. 142 Test 9 ActualTests 143 TOEIC Speaking Cerna ‘The American Folk Arts Museum has completed its renovation and will reopen this spring. The new museum has increased in size and will hold many great programs each month. In March, they are planning Folk Music Performances with great singers from around the world. Please visit the Museum during the 1%, 2 and the 3 weeks of March to enjoy this wonderful event! at Decent) Question 2 of 11 On this week's Science World, meet our special guest from China, Dr. Louis Wang. He is. known as the youngest scientist and has achieved degrees in physics, biology and chemistry all by the age of 17. It seems like his scientific talents are unlimited, and he's already made great inventions which have become great assets to the quality of life. = 144 Test 9 ‘Actual Testo 145 Cleo ua ESS 146 Test 9 cece Questions 4~6: Respond to Questions Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided. ‘You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6. AovalTest9 147 sete) core Imagine that a British marketing firm Is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about traveling How many times have you been to a foreign country? SPONSE TIME, panes er TT Imagine thet a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about traveling. Which country would you like to visit on your next trip abroad? eae gaat Coes Ra Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about traveling. ‘When you visit a foreign country, would you ever travel with a stranger ‘or would you rather travel alone? 148 Test 9 Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions Using Information Provided Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. Actual Test9 149 Ludington County's 25th Italian-American Festival Firenze Plaza , Aug 8~10 Date Time Event & Ticket information Venue Fri, Aug-8 | 12:00 P.M. | Opening Event - Luncheon with Mayor Roman Hall ($10/person, reservation until Aug.7th) Fri, Aug-8 | 7:30 P.M. | Line Dance Party with Tracy Damon Club Milano ($5/person, tickets sold at the entrance’) Sat. Aug-9 | 5:30 P.M. | Shanon O'dell & Barbara Green Tribute Show | Main Stage ($7: online / $9: entrance) Sat. Aug-8 | 7:30 P.M, | Dance Night with Jacky O's House Music | Club Toscana ($5/person, tickets sold at the entrance’) ‘Sun, Aug-10| 6:00 P.M. | Amber Trio’s Musical Festival Venetian (67: online / $9: entrance) Pavillion * Tickets are limited. Includes 1 free drink at the club. (00: 00: 15/30 150 Test 9 Question 10: Propose a Solution Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. In your response, be sure to + show that you recognize the problem, and * propose a way of dealing with the problem. AcualTest9 151 eS a cea Crna In your response, be sure to show that you recognize the problem, and * propose a way of dealing with the problem, El 152 Test 9 eae) Question 11: Express an Opinion Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. Would you prefer to run a business of your own, or to retire at an old age from the company you've worked for your whole life? Give specific reasons and details to support your answer. =a ‘Actual Test 9 153 Actual Test 10 This is the TOEIG Speaking Test. This tes! Speaking Test Directions judes eleven questions that measure different aspects of your speaking ably. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. Question Task Evaluatin Oriteria 12 Read a text aloud ‘pronunciation + intonation and stress 3 Describe a picture all of the above, plus ‘= grammar '* vocabulary ‘cohesion 46 Respond to questions all of the above, plus ‘relevance of content ‘completeness of content 78 Respond to questions all of the above Using informatin provided 10 Propose a solution all of the above 1 Express an opinion all of the above "For each type of question, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for preparation and speaking. Itis to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. itis also important that you ‘speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions. Click on Continue to go on. 154 Test 10 Questions 1~2: Read a Text Aloud Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. ‘Actual Test 10 155, Looking for a place to stay during your summer vacation? Here's the hottest deal you don’t want to miss out on! Tara Hotel in Canoun is giving a special offer for guests staying over a week. You can get a 50% discount on each night's stay after the 7° night. This includes using all the usual facilities as well as breakfast served poolside. era | am proud to announce that three graduating seniors from the class of 2009 have been selected to receive the Grand Ashworth Scholarship. Each of the selected graduates will receive a $3,000 scholarship, a round trip ticket to Europe and a diploma of honor at the graduation ceremony. The awards will be presented by Principal, John Young. a 156 Test 10 Question 3: Describe a Picture Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as ‘much detail as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture. Actual Test 10. 157 Question 3 of 11 158 Test 10 Questions 4~6: Respond to Questions Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided. ‘You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5 and 30 seconds to respond ‘to Question 6, ‘Actual Test 10 159 ee Cree eat Imagine that an Australian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about delivery food. How often do you use the food delivery service and what menu items do you order the most often? Ss a i Cree UE aT Imagine that an Australian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have ‘agreed to participate in a telephone interview about delivery food. ‘What is the advantage of ordering the delivery food? eres kan Imagine that an Australian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have ‘agreed to participate in a telephone interview about delivery food. ‘What is the most important thing you consider when using the delivery food service: price, menu or the speed of the delivery? oo 160 ‘Actual Test 10 161 (ory Canolian’s Spring Festival Month LODGING INFORMATION Preferred Lodging List | Mon-Thurs | Fri-Sun Bay Royal - 2015 Bay Ave. Single 1 person only $50.00 $60.00 Double 2beds $75.00 $85.00 Suite 4 people max. $98.00 $108.00 Glencoe Camp Site - Festival's East Ground Camp Site - Type A No-electricity $18.00 $20.00 Camp Site-Type8 | Water &Electricity | $33.00 $35.00 * Separate Storage Available ($10/night) RV Overnight Parking - Festival's North Ground Parking Site - Type A | No-electricity $21.00 $23.00 Parking Site -TypeB | Water &Electricity | ($36.00 $38.00 * Separate Storage Available ($10/night) ee 162 Test 10 Acual Tes 10. 168 ocr Crna lesan Ore eka In your response, bs sure to +» show that you recognize the problem, and + propose a way of dealing with the problem. na 164 err a Do you agree that the increased number of working moms has a bad influence on children’s eating habits? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer. ‘Actual Test 10 165 Actual Test 11 aoe This is the TOEIC Speaking Test. This test includes eleven questions that measure different Speaking Test Directions aspects of your speaking ability. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. Question | Task Evaluatin Criteria 12 | Read a text aloud * pronunciation ‘intonation and stress 8 Describe a picture all of the above, plus ‘grammar * vocabulary ‘= cohesion. 46 Respond to questions all of the above, plus ‘relevance of content ‘completeness of content 73 Respond to questions all of the above using informatin provided 10) Propose a solution all of the above 4 Express an opinion all of the above For each type of question, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for preparation and speaking. Itis to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. Itis also important that you ‘speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the directions, Click on Continue to go on. 166 Test II Aatual Test 167 TOEIC Speaking (etree nan) Attention all passengers on Sunrise Airways flight 901 to Los Angeles. We are very sorry to announce that the flight has been delayed due to the weather conditions. Your estimated boarding hour is 2 P.M. While you wait, please enjoy complimentary beverage, snack and entertainment service in the passenger's lounge. Onoe again, we apologize for the delay. — feds eles Peay Today, we have a team of researchers from the Emory Institute to discuss how life ‘expectancy is influenced by the work people do. Fifty thousand workers participated in the interview and it has shown great results. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Dr. David Fisherman, the researcher and the professor of the Emory Institute, and his team. naa 168 Test Il Actual Test 169 Caen) Cran 170 Test II rose) Actual Test 11171 Question 4 of 11 Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about writing a card or letter. When was the last time you wrote a handwritten card or a letter to your friend? peaking eres ah Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about writing a card or letter. Do you think it is necessary to write a letter or a card on some occasions? Question 6 of 11 Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about writing a card or letter. Which do you think is better: writing a handwritten letter or sending an e-mail? 172 Test 1 Questions 7~9: Respond to Questions Using Information Provided Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the ‘questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9. Actual Test 11 173 aking 7-Day European Tour - Travel Itinerary Day1 Day 2 Day3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Inquirer: Patricia Dunkin Member's ID: DPatty102 Nov. 5 (Fri) Departure (12:80 P.M., JFK Airport) Nov. 6 Arrival (3 P.M., London - Heathrow Airport) Check-in (Kingdom Hotel) & Explore London for the day Nov. 7 Panoramic Tour of London’s Landmark (Tower of London / Excursion to Windsor Castle) Nov. 8 Visit Amsterdam, Holland (Canal Cruise / Diamond Center / Overnight at Rhine) Nov. 9 ‘A Day in Rhine (Steamer Cruise / Coach Sight Seeing / Overnight at Basel) Nov. 10 Full Day Explore in Paris (Eiffel Tower / Louvre Museum & The Pyramid) Final Night - Hotel Rose* Nov. 11 Departure (1:20 P.M., CDG Airport) * An optional French farewell dinner & Cabaret Show ($150/person) ee 174 Test II Question 10: Propose a Solution Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 80 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. Reel: In your response, be sure to ‘= show that you recognize the problem, and * propose a way of dealing with the problem. Aesual Test 11 175, erent ka In your response, be sure to * show that you recognize the problem, and * propose a way of dealing with the problem. 176 Test I] DEIC Speaking Question 11: Express an Opinion Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be ‘sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. : Question 11 of 11 Do you think it is necessary to take some time off of work in order to improve your performance when you return? Why or why not? Give specific reasons and details to support your answer. Se Ackal Test 11 177 Actual Test 12 This is the TOEIO Speaking Test. This test includes eleven questions that measure different Speaking Test Directions ‘aspects of your speaking abil. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes. ‘Question Task Evaluatin Criteria 12 Read a text aloud "pronunciation ‘intonation and stress. 3 Describe a picture all of the above, plus = grammar * vocabulary * cohesion. 46 Respond to questions all of the above, plus * relevance of content + completeness of content 79 Respond to questions all of the above using informatin provided 10 Propose a solution all ofthe above [a Express an opinion all of the above For each type of question, you will be given specific directions, including the time allowed for preparation and speaking. Itis to your advantage to say as much as you can in the time allowed. itis also important that you speak clearly and that you answer each question according to the rections. Click on Continue to go on. 178 Test 12 Actual Test 12 179) Attention everyone. As we walk through the path under the water tank, you will get to have a whole new experience of the underwater world. Look to your right and you will ‘see a school of jellyfish from the Canyon Bay. These creatures drift in the water and feed ‘on living or dead prey such as eggs, small fish and even jellyfish of other species. Have you ever dreamed of becoming a French cuisine expert? Then you can make your dream come true at Truffles, the most recognized French restaurant in town. Our course shows you how to make classic French sauces, marinate meats and bake finger pastries for desserts! Soon, you'll be serving a full course French meal to all your loved ones. ae 180 Test 12 ‘Actual Test 12, 181 Corres eR ah 182 Test 12 ‘Actual Test12, 183 ge Question 4 of 11 Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about shopping for clothes. How often do you go shopping for clothes? Where do you usually go? a Question 5 of 11 Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about shopping for clothes. Would you consider buying clothes through on-line shopping? Ss Cele oe Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about shopping for clothes. ‘What is the most important thing you consider when buying clothes; quality, brand or the design? 184 the iding imme ill have ‘Actual Test12 185 ere Travel Plan Status: May — Europe Dates | Tour Programs Remarks Status 16-May | ITALY HIGHLIGHTS Group Tour* Registration: 18 people (Venice, Florence and Rome) Available: 2 20-May | ROMANCE IN SWITZERLAND — | Small Group Tour: | Registration: (Experience the natural Beauty | Special Rates on | 1 group (4 people) at the Alphine Resort) groups of 4 or more 22-May | BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Group Tourt FULL, (Discover historical beauty in Next tour in June Prague, Vienna and Budapest) 27-May | AWEEK IN PARIS Group Tour Registration: 15 people (Explore marvelous French culture| Available: 5 ata reasonable price) 81-May | MULITICOUNTRY TOUR IN Independent Customized tour upon EUROPE (Design own tour) Personalized request Program, * Group Tours: Recommended for first-time visitors 186

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