The Offal Golem

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The Offal Golem

Huge Construct

Hit Dice: 26d10 (130)

Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 35 (-2 size, +27 natural)
Attacks: 2 slams +30 melee, or special
Damage: Slam 2d12 +15, or special
Face/Reach: 10’x10’/15’
Special Attacks: Spells
Special Qualities: Construct, magic immunity, damage reduction 60/+4,
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +7
Abilities: Str 37, Dex 11, Con , Int --, Wis 13, Cha 3

Climate/Terrain: Any land

Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 16
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 27-54 (Huge) 56-60 HD (Gargantuan)

The behemoth is an over sized golem, towering thrice the height of a normal human. Weighing 8000
pounds, it is crafted mainly from high-carbon steel, with generous amounts of mithril and adamantite. The
behemoth can be shaped in just about any shape the creator wishes, it must always have a definite
anatomy; i.e. it cannot be shaped as a ooze, slime, jelly or similar. It is usually given a humanoid shape,
often an enormous suit of armor (similar to an iron golem). In any case, the behemoth is never shaped
with an artificial weapon of any type. A behemoth shaped as a giant bear could use either its paws or its
bite (still only 2 attacks a round, no difference in damage), because these are natural weapons. The color
is always a shiny steel color, with silver highlights.

Behemoths cannot make any vocal noise, nor does it have any special odor (beyond the smell of metal).
The behemoth is surprisingly quick compared to other golems, but it requires solid ground to move
across, lest it either get stuck or ruin the surface.

Combat: Behemoths are terrifying opponents. Their main attack is their slam attack, powerful enough to
hit just about any opponent. Their bodies are almost impossible to damage, due to the super-hardness of
their bodies and the immense magical power residing inside.

Rust resistance (Ex). Due to the preserving enchantments on it, the behemoth is takes only minimal
damage from rust monsters and similar attacks. They take 2d6 points of damage per successful attack by
rust-causing spells and attacks, and their AC worsens by 2 points. This damage can be repaired given
sufficient time and materials.

Spells (Sp) The behemoth can cast a horrid wilting spell once every 5 rounds. Every 1d4 rounds it can
cast a magic missile (5 missiles).

Magic Immunity (Ex). The behemoth is immune to nearly all spells. Cold attacks act as a slow spell on it,
though any electric attack will negate this. Fire heals 1 hp per 3 points of damage. Disintegrate works

Spell reflection (Sp). Once every 5 rounds, the behemoth can reflect any one spell cast at it. This
reflection has flat 25% chance of happening. If not reflected, the spell has its normal effect (if any). If
more than one spell is cast on the behemoth in a reflection round, the spell that can be reflected is
chosen randomly.
Construction: Constructing a behemoth requires 7500 pounds of high-grade steel, and 500 pounds of
mixed metals (mithril, adamantite, copper, silver, platinum, and powdered gemstones. The behemoth
costs 500,000 gp to create, which includes 100,000 for the high-grade steel and the crafting of the body.
The creator must be 20th level and able to cast arcane spells. This process drains 4000 XP from the
creator, and requires wish, polymorph any object, horrid wilting, magic missile, geas/quest and life force
transfer (from the Necromancer’s Handbook). Finally, a sentient creature must be sacrificed and its life
force used to power the behemoth. This does not mean the sacrificed creature actually resides inside the
behemoth; its soul has passed on to its normal after-death destination.

The crafter of the body must have Craft (blacksmithing) with at least 10 ranks. The DC for making the
body is 25. If the check fails, the creator loses 10-40% gp worth of the materials, and must buy more.

The creator must also have the Create Wondrous Item feat.

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