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Name : M.Haykal Alfaidzi

Student Number : A1C320053

1. Title : Emotional Intelligence

2. Author (s) : Patricia Holt

3. Explain in two or three sentences about the things that come to your mind when you read the
text title
I thought about how to control my emotions.
I thought about how emotions can affect intelligence.
I thought about how emotional intelligence can affect a person's success.

4. After reading the article, explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about

This article is about how emotional intelligence affects a child's future. Tells the story of
the experiments of Goleman, a psychologist and science writer. Goleman's experiment was
carried out on children aged four years. A man will give the children the choice, they are given
one marshmallow or two marshmallows if they want to wait for the man to return. Some
children take their minds away from one marshmellow in hopes of getting two marsmellows.
Several other children ate one marsmellow as soon as the man left. A dozen years later, the
same children were tracked as adolescents and tested again.

The difference between the children who put off one marsmellow with those who took
the marsmellow directly was dramatic. People who reject a marsmellow are more socially
competent. They tend to retreat under pressure, accept challenges and pursue them instead of
giving up. People who take one marsmellow are more likely to avoid social contact, are
stubborn, indecisive and irritable.

That's because a single neuron in the brain, passes through the neocortex - the area of
the brain where rational decisions are made - and goes straight to the amygdala, or the brain's
emotional center. This is where the faster 'fight or flight' response appears, and is saved for
future use. The more emotional memories that involve emotions, frustrations, anxiety,
depression, impulses, and fears in early adolescence, the more the amygdala can "hijack the rest
of the brain,".

But if the emotions stored in the brain are emotions of self-awareness, self-regulation,
self-motivation, empathy, hope, and optimism, there will be 'emotional intelligence'. Today's
children are more prone to anger, depression, anxiety. The so-called massive 'emotional
disturbance'. The amygdala takes a long time to mature, about fifteen or sixteen years, that is,
emotional intelligence can be taught, not only at home but perhaps, more importantly, at

5. What is the writer message or purpose in writing this article?

The message of the author in this article is that we should hold back emotionally in
achieving a goal. People who can hold back emotionally for a moment's gratification are more
likely to get what they want, because they are the type of person who doesn't give up easily,
continues to pursue dreams, and is willing to accept challenges. By instilling emotions of self-
awareness, motivation, empathy, hope, and optimism, it will lead to "emotional intelligence"
which functions to achieve desires.

6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review
The conclusion is that emotional stability is more important than IQ in determining a
person's success in life.
In the experiment it was concluded that:
People who refuse to eat marshmallows are independent, trustworthy and dependable.
People who accept (eat) marshmallows tend to be avoidant of social contact, stubborn,
indecisive and irritable
Emotional intelligence can not only be taught at home but can also be taught at school.

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