School: Compostela NHS Date: Week 3 Grade/Section

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Teacher-made Learner’s Home Task

School: Compostela NHS Date: week 3

Grade/Section: Grade 12 Subject Area: Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Region

I. MELC: Researches on various contemporary forms. CAR11/12CAP-0c-e-4

III. Objective/s:
A. Knowledge: Name local artist and their art forms found in the region.
B. Skills: Discuss various art forms found in the region.
C. Values: Demonstrates understanding of the significant roles of artists from the regions.

III. Subject Matter: Contemporary Arts Practices from Various Regions

JOURNEY: Contemporary Arts of the Philippines
Arch. Carlo Luis C. Ganzon

IV. Procedure:
A. Beginning Task:



From the disarranged words, what should be our topic?

Instruction. In your own understanding, describe the pictures. You will be graded on the criteria.

The Mask in My Dream, 2001, (oil) by Danny C. Sillada mobile-like, kinetic sculpture of Alexander Calder,


The words used based on the The ideas are clear and
topic given. organize.
10 Very Good Yes
9-6 Very Good/Good Yes/Partial
3-5 Fair/Good Partial
1-2 Poor/Fair Partial
B: Reading:

Contemporary art forms cannot be easily classified and

What is example of artsfollowing
found in the
thetraditional definitions. Some blur
the distinction between the disciplines and genres.

Collage * is the method of combining

printed images with other flat media
and pasting them on a canvas or board.

Assemblage is a term used by French artist

Jean Dubuffet in 1952 to describe a series of
artworks made from paper collages, wood
scraps, and other found objects. It started with
small scale pieces, recent development in this
contemporary art form has included larger
objects and discards. It often blur the
distinction between painting and sculpture.

Mobile is a sculptural work that is suspended from the ceiling o a

protruding base. It is typically made with a number of balancing rods
dangling in different lengths carrying one or more elements.
This was pioneered by the American artist Alexander Calder. The
Mobile is an example of a kinetic sculpture since it is moving due to
its interaction with the wind.

One of Those (1972) is an example of the mobile-like, kinetic sculpture of Alexander Calder, who was
interested in creating dynamic work that moved through space. (Art courtesy The Bridgeman Library,
© 2013 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society [ARS], New York.)
Contemporary Artist who have
created mobiles:
1. Eduardo Castrillo (1942-
2016)– bronze sculptor
and designer
2. Ramon Orlina(b.1944) –
premier glass sculptor.

Performance Art is a mix of visual arts and performing arts. Its early incarnations were the
Happenings of the Dada movemention in the 1916. The medium used in performance art is
the artist himself, and the artwork is the acting and the movements of the artist. Music and
sound are often incorporated in the performance. Words and dialogues are not given as
much focus compared to the movements. A performance, to be considered performance
art, should be done in front of a live audience. Artists would often include various disciplines
in their art such as digital art, videos, fashion, etc. A performance, to be considered
performance art, should be done spontaneously or rehearsed. It can be done in a simple
manner or as a large scale event.
David Medalla(b.1948) whose performance in Brother of Isidora gained him recognition
from other artists both here and abroad. He was born in Manila and has since based himself
in cities such as London, Paris and New York. Other than performance art, he also expresses
himself in other forms of visual arts such as painting, sculpture, installation, and kinetic art.
Danny C. Sillada(b. 1963), like Medalla, is a multitalented artist. He was bon in Davao
Oriental. He combines music and art in this performance art.

The Dada Movement

The Dada Movement, Max Ernst - At the Rendez-vous of Friends 1922 The Mask in My Dream, 2001, (oil) by Danny C. Sillada
Installation Art is a form of contemporary art that involves the arrangement of objects in a given
space. It is associated with the conceptual art and the Dada movement. It is intentionally
designed to be experienced as a temporary work of art. It corporates different materials that may
include traditional sculptural materials such as wood, metal, and the different objects as well as
technology-based media such as light, sound, videos, and digital media among many others. It
often takes into consideration the viewers of the art and allow them to move around the work and
immerse themselves within the art, making the audience and their reactions part of the artwork.
Contemporary Artist who gained recognition for their Installation Art:
1. Leeroy New(b. 1986) – hails from General Santos City. He uses the things around him as
inspiration for his different artworks that range from fashion, sculpture, and the other fileds
of visual arts. One of his installation was geared toward the awareness and rehabilitation
of the Pasig River. It was entitled Bakawan Floating Island Project.
Bakawan Floating Islang Project a collaboration with urban designer Julia Nebrija.
2. Aze Ong(b.1977) – is known for her trademark crocheted art-pieces. Her art pieces consist
of colorful, organic and fluid crochet pieces inspired by her stay with the ethnic group of
Talaandigs from Bukidnoon. Many of her pieces are interactive and invite the viewers to
touch, play and even wear them. Her installations have been exhibited in many museums
in the country such as the Yuchengco Museum in Makati City. Then she exhibited an 8.83
meter high crochet installation entitled Liwanag sa Kawalan ng Kulay and Liwanag at the
Cultural Center of the Philippines. Aze Ong is a Filipino Contemporary Artist working
with fiber. This includes history, culture and her ecology around it.

Bakawayan Floating Island Project By: Julia Nebrija /Photos by Brando Relucio and Devi de Veyra

Liwanag sa Kawalan ng Kulay

C: Exercises:
Activity 1: Instruction: Create a chart of the artist mentioned in the lesson, and classify them using
the template below.
Contemporary arts

Activity II. Instructions. Conduct a research on a contemporary visual artist in your hometown or
province. Your research will be compiled with those of your other classmates to create a compendium
of the artists in your province or town. Use a long bond paper and write your family name, name, and
The research should have the picture of the artist and the following information:
• Date of birth
• Place of birth
• Hometown or province
• Contact information (website, Facebook, Twitter, etc,
• Summary of early life or childhood
• Educational Background
• Career history
• Exhibitions
• Awards
• Samples of important artwork(with images)
• References

Lamusao, Josephine Z. Week 3 Output
Gr11-Bread and Pastry Production 1
(4 spaces)

Contemporary Visual Artist (Name)
(2 spaces)
• Date of birth

You will be graded using these criteria.

Skills Points
Content -Accuracy 50
Organization-Creativity 30
Neatness - Spelling 20

Prepared By: Checked By:


Subject Teacher SH Coordinator

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