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3/10/2021 Page printer

As the large wheel in the diagram rotates the hanging ball is made to move up
and down.
If the diameter of the large wheel is 6cm the amplitude of the small ball will be

A. 12 cm

B. 6 cm

C. 3 cm

D. 1.2 cm

For the pendulum shown in the animation

the Tension in the string is greatest at


3/10/2021 Page printer

The time taken for a pedulum to complete 20 swings is 30 seconds.

The frequency of the pendulum is

A. 0.3 Hz

B. 0.7 Hz

C. 1.5 Hz

D. 3.0 Hz

When the ball in the animation reaches point A its

A. acceleration is maximum but velocity is minimum.

B. acceleration is zero but velocity maximum.

C. displacement is zero and velocity zero.

D. displacement maximum and velocity maximum

3/10/2021 Page printer

For the oscillation shown, when the pendulum is at point A

A. the acceleration is to the left.

B. the acceleration is to the right.

C. the direction of acceleration depends on the direction of movement.

D. the acceleration is zero.

3/10/2021 Page printer

For the two pendula shown; compared to the blue one, the red one has

A. the largest time period but smallest amplitude.

B. the highest frequency but smallest amplitude.

C. the highest frequency and biggest amplitude.

D. the shortest time period and smallest amplitude

3/10/2021 Page printer

Given that the scale in the animation is a cm scale the amplitude of the oscillation is

A. 2 cm

B. 1 cm

C. 4 cm

D. 5.5 cm

3/10/2021 Page printer

For the oscillation shown the angular frequency is

A. 0.5π s

B. πs

C. 2π s

D. 4π s

3/10/2021 Page printer

The frequency for the oscillation shown is

A. 0.5 Hz

B. 0.2 Hz

C. 5 Hz

D. 10 Hz


3/10/2021 Page printer

A pendulum swings as shown.

The time period of the motion is

A. 1s

B. 2s

C. 5s

D. 10 s


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