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Vernacular Architecture

Submitted by: Haider A. Nadeem Dhillon

Submitted to: Ar. Shahbaz Aalam
Vernacular Architecture

• Vernacular architecture is a style of local or regional construction

that uses traditional materials and resources from the area. As a
result, this architecture is intimately linked to its surroundings,
and it is cognizant of the unique geographic and cultural
characteristics of its surroundings, as well as being highly
influenced by them. As a result, they are special to different
countries, and they have also become a way of reaffirming one's
Architecture in
History & Background

Punjab's architecture has been strongly influenced by

various civilizations. In Punjab, the courtyard is one of
the most common architectural elements used in
vernacular construction. It's an outdoor living room
that's partly or completely surrounded by walls or
structures. Almost as soon as humans started to build
permanent structures, the courtyard became a
significant architectural design feature. It has a female-
directed relationship. Private Courtyards were the only
unobserved outdoor space for women in some Islamic
Concept of space
• In vernacular architecture, space is
conceptualized as a single shelter that is
gradually divided or added to into a variety
of spaces dependent on activities.
• A single cell is a one-room dwelling with all
functions integrated, as well as some open
space around it with an open kitchen and a
bathing area without a roof.
Basic layouts in
Architecture of Punjab
• It has a central court and rooms along the
perimeter, as well as one or two rectangular
spaces for cooking and other activities.
• The spaces were never directly connected.
House in rural Punjab

• After climate, the main driving force in shaping the built environment in
Pakistan is socio-cultural. Privacy is extremely important in Punjabi or Indian
culture. The combined effects of climatic and cultural influences led to the
adaptation of courtyard.
• Courtyard An open-to-the-sky space surrounded by interior spaces with
openings that allow interaction between the indoor and the outdoor.
• Verandas (baramda) are covered corridors with pillars that surround the
courtyard and provide access to the interior rooms.
• Terraces are open spaces that are attached to the building and raised above
ground level.
• Rooftops are accessible flat roofs that are used as sleeping areas at night.
Basic House plan in
Typical Haveli
in Walled City
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