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Presented by:

Name: Kazi Md. Nurul Hasan

ID: 3-13-25-057
Department of Management Studies
University of Dhaka
 International Satellite Images (ISI)
 ISI is one of the three United States companies
permitted by the government to build and launch
a satellite system
 Capable of identifying images of very small size
(one square meter) and the resolution allows a
trained photo interpreter to identify images
including both military and non-military objects
 ISI objectives are to get venture capitalist to
invest in the company before a project is
launched and acquire advance contracts

 The contracts should target at least 150% of the

cost of building and launching the actual
satellite- in this case ISI has to acquire $300
million in advance contracts

 Each contract guarantees the purchase of a

minimum amount of imagery per year for five
 Extremely competitive market
 ISI is ahead than its competitors in
the negotiation
 Error in the Development of
thermal stabilizer by subcontractor
 Four nations that control the market:
France, Russia, Israel, and the Unites states
 United States has competitive advantage:
Technology and image clarity
 There are only three U.S. companies within the country

 ISI had to compete with other companies to get venture

capitalist to invest in the project
 Venture capitalist will finance the construction and
ongoing operations of the program
 Venture capitalist will not invest unless they see that
ISI has advance contract acquisitions
 Japan was expected to be the third largest
market for satellite imagery
 HTC- A Japanese company
 Sent several of their engineers to ISI to
evaluate their satellite and its construction
 The contract with HTC will represent over
the five years, one sixth of the contracts
necessary for ISI to ensure sufficient venture
capital to complete the satellite Strategy
 Jim Willis, Vice President of Marketing and
Sales for ISI asked for advice from the
president Fred Ballard on deciding launch
date to be published in the contract with
 Having trouble with the development of
thermal stabilizer

 Delay would be 12-18 months

President, Fred Ballard who wants to hide the
trouble issue of thermal stabilizer from HTC
 Doesn’t want to loose the bid
 Believing that everyone does it

Where as
Jim Willis is very much concerned with the
reputation of both:
 Organization

 Personal
Besides, The fact is:

The truth will come out eventually for sure

 hide or
 disclose
 Disclosing the fact
 Hiding the fact
 Professional step

 Further good relationship might be

maintained from both of the sides
 More Unprofessional than Unethical

 Resulting bad reputation

 End of relation: No further interactions

 Wastage of time, money and labor

 Disclose the fact mentioning delay time
 Approaching a revised proposal with
possible time duration
 Being more focused on the Thermal
stabilizer and other technical factors
attained by subcontractors

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