Respiratory System Science Revision Worksheet

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Chapter 4

Respiratory System

Science Revision

Name : ______________________

Date : ______________________

Score : ______________________


Excellent Good Fair Poor

Prepared by Catherine (2017)

1. Diagram below shows the respiratory system of a human.

a. Label the diafram in the table given.

1. 2.

3. Larnyx 4.

5. Right 6.

7. Throat 8.

9. Left 10.

11. (8 marks)

b. Write down the flow of inhaled air in the respiratory system.

Nose → ___________→ Bronchus →___________→______________ (3 marks)

c. Name the structure that supports the wall of structure number 8

(1 mark)

d. State one feature in structure number 8 that allow it to function well.

(1 mark)

e. Cigarette smoking is harmful to lungs. Name three substances that can be

found in cigarette and its harmful effect.


iii. (3 marks)

Prepared by Catherine (2017)

2. Diagram below shows the gaseous exchange in an alveolus.

a. Identify the gases labelled P and Q.

Gas P : ______________________
Gas Q : ______________________ (2 marks)

b. Name the process involved in the gaseous exchange in the alveolus.

(1 mark)

What causes gas P to diffuse into the bloodstream?
(1 mark)

d. What happens to gas P as it enters the blood capillary?

(1 mark)

e. State 3 characteristics of alveolus

iii. (3 marks)

f. Why the alveolus has adopted these characteristics.

(1 mark)

h. What are found around the alveolus.

(1 mark)

Prepared by Catherine (2017)

g. Identify the blood labelled X and Y.

Blood X : ______________________
Blood Y : ______________________ (2 marks)

h. State one difference between blood X and blood Y.

(1 mark)

i. Name two diseases related to cigarrette smoking?

ii. (2 marks)

3. Diagram below show the process involved in breathing mechanism


a. Name the process X and Y.

Process X : ______________________
Process Y : ______________________ (2 marks)

Prepared by Catherine (2017)

b. Describe the movement of the following parts during the breathing mechanisms.

(4 marks)

c. Explain briefly how air is forced into the lungs.

(3 marks)

d. Explain how the process Y is carried out.

(3 marks)

e. Explain how does the gaseous exchange happen between the alveolus and
blood capillaries.

(2 marks)

4. Diagram below shos an experiment to test the content cogarette smoke.

a. When the pump is turn on, what happens to the white cotton wool?
(1 mark)

Prepared by Catherine (2017)

b. What is the substance in the cigarette smoke that causes the cotton wool to change?
(1 mark)

c. What does the cotton wool represent?

(1 mark)

d. What happen to the Universal indicator solution throughout the experiment?

(1 mark)

e. What is the substance that cause the bicarbonate indicator solution to change colour?
(1 mark)

f. What happen to the temperature at the end of the activity?

(1 mark)

g. What substances in the cigarette smoke that cause addiction and cancer?

Addition : ______________________
Cancer : ______________________ (2 marks)

5. Diagram below shos a model of a bell jar that represents the model of respiratory system.

Prepared by Catherine (2017)

a. Match and write the correct name for the structure above.
Rubber sheet
Trachea (3 marks)

b. Using the bell jar experiment, explain what happens when the rubber sheet is
pulled downwards?
(2 marks)

c. Explain what will happen to the structure that represents lungs if we push the
rubber sheet up?
(2 marks)

6. Name the addictive substance found in cigarette smoke.

(1 mark)

7. Smoker s often have blood that has lost some of its “redness”. This can be seen
by the lips taking on a pale blue color. Suggest a reason for this.

(2 marks)

8. Other than causing lung cancer, state one effect of smoking towards alveoli.
(1 mark)

Prepared by Catherine (2017)

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