Teamwork Turmoil: Submitted by

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Submitted by:
BINAYAK LENKA (19202144)
Q1. What are the current team norms? What do you think the group
should add to its norms list?
First of all, Norms are a set of rules and regulations that a group or a team setup to structure
the interaction of its members with one another. So after understanding the case I found that
there are no such norms set up by the group. From the case I also found that there is no
individual who appointed as the leader or the head. Although griffin has started to display
some leadership. Some of the members agreed and some of the members doesn’t show any
interest. Also they cannot even decide what to do or what not to do like for the marketing
case none of are serious. Cooper replied that we are not the marketing experts and we have to
struggle through this together. Only martin and cooper nodded their head and none of the
team members responded. Also they cannot even decide on simple matters like which
research technique should be followed. The whole team is not sure about anything and this
shows there is no cooperation among the team members because many times they say or
think differently but at the end all group member’s opinion is same. They think in a same
The group must follow a proper process like for every meeting they must be aware about the
purpose of the group meeting and tries to set a proper and clear organized plan for the matter
to be discussed. With these small steps the group started to build trust among themselves.
Also if every group member started to understand each other’s opinion it will help achieving
the objective. Every member in the group has professional background and acquired different
skills. They must divide and diversify their work rather than the work fixed to one person.
Every member must share the task in the team which help in formulating the trust and
cooperation among themselves. This will allow openness and freedom to the members to
achieve the objective. They must chat in advance that what will happen in the meeting. This
will provide a sense of understanding among the group members. At the end there must be a
clear and simple record of things that need to be achieved at the end of each meeting.

Q2. What are the characteristics that the team lacks that would allow it to
perform more efficiently? Are there any attributes that would bring the
team to a high-performance level?
Definition of a Team is a group of two or more people with harmonizing skills who are
devoted to work together to achieve a specific objective. A team is always defined and
recognized by its team members not the leader. It’s very much vital involvement of members
for the objective. Following are the characteristics that a team lacks to perform efficiently;

 Your group does not have defined goals. A lack of goals can cause team members to
lose motivation. Also, since your group’s meetings are not structured, there is a
substantial amount of time wasted during disagreements about what should be
accomplished next. The issue became apparent when Delery disagreed about doing
takeaways for each meeting claiming that the group never agreed to do it every time
and that time could be used more efficiently.
 Your group has awful connections on both an individual level just as inside a group.
By taking a gander at the huge five qualities that impact hierarchical conduct, it is
evident the attributes of suitability and transparency are absent from certain people.
These are significant to your group since when individuals challenge others' thoughts
and handle the procedure ineffectively this can prompt disappointment and poor group
execution. Griffin and Cooper show this when they continually quibble and question
each other's points of view when in reality they contend about similar thoughts.

 Since your group has vague conduct desires this can prompt awful standards, which at
last will prompt wastefulness. Terrible standards can cause an assortment of issues,
for example, lateness or poor group connection. One case of this was when Onyealisi
was late to the gathering and other gathering individuals were ignorant in the event
that he was coming or not. In addition to the fact that this is a case of the absence of
correspondence between your gathering, yet additionally this basic occasion can make
an awful standard of being late.
 However, if the community tends to fail to tackle inappropriate behavior, this can
result in several inappropriate standards that can cause group dispute. The second
instance of potential negative norms being formed is when Onyealisi arrives
unprepared for the meeting.
Attributes of high performance level:
 our suggestion is to make a motivation for each gathering, with a rundown of
objectives that you wish the gathering ought to achieve before the finish of each
gathering. By making a motivation, everybody in the gathering comprehend what's in
store each gathering and this would utilize the distributed time all the more
effectively. In any case, for this answer for be successful, the objectives would need to
follow the SMART criteria
Collectively setting team norms to abide-
 So as to have a viable group, you should address squeezing issues, for example, being not
ready for gatherings and lateness, as these have the chance of turning out to be awful
standards. Standards normally grow slowly as gathering individuals realize what practices are
important for the group to work successfully.
 We agree that this organization is now in the storming process, but due to continuing
intra-group dispute, we assume that the team will move to the forming process before
heading forward. To do so, we suggest that the group should organize biweekly team
activities at a restaurant or sports bar.

Q3. What would you tell the group if you were Tony Marshall? What kind
of feedback would you give?
If I were Tony Marshall, First I would like to create an agenda for each meeting and setting
up a common goal for the team as I think any group without common objective can’t do a
work efficiently. Everyone need common objective to be achieved. They need to know what
they want to do during the meeting and they should prepare themselves for the meeting.
Every one in the group is specialist in different subjects so they should know their potential
and also they should know their group members’ potential and need to co-operate with each
other. By setting up short term goal can build can build efficacy and allow them to rebuild
trust and confidence as a team. For the betterment of the team I think It will better to divide
everyone’s work equally.
We think the team has a good diversity so it is very common to have some kind of issues but
all person should ensure to confess their problem regarding the teamwork so that it can be
resolved. The team should have common norms and everyone should agree on this. In every
meeting they should be given specific tasks and deadlines to do the work in time. One
member can help different team member to solve their task. Group member like Delery and
Cooper need to be more calm and should work efficiently with calmness. Another one is
Onyealisi who is not committed enough to his work. He should not influence the other
members in negative way. Ge must do his work perfectly in the team and being unprepared to
the meeting should not be entertained.
Another important thing for me is to spend some extra time with the team member as I think
spending time with each other helps to make connection among themselves and also for the
better understanding of each person. Spending time with each other also increase the ability
of a person to understand the other person’s strength and ability also.

What medium would you use to provide this feedback?

I would definitely spend times with the team members to know about their problems. They
can directly confess their problem without any hesitations. I would like to call all of them to
come together and talk on their issues openly so that that can be resolved easily. Anyone can
have issues and problems but until they are not discussing it with each other it can never be
solved. Another thing is I want to motivate them by giving them some good examples of
great achievements by teamwork. I definitely want to spend some time with Onyealisi if he
doesn’t contribute to the group. I want to know about his problems and want to fix it.

 Q4. How should Marshall help facilitate a resolution to the group’s issue?
Before taking on Marshal’s view point to resolve the groups’ issue I want to state some key
things upon which a team exist-
 In spite of a certain leader in the group each and every member of the group are
accountable and responsible to each other means there no such distinct leadership role
all team members should have a mutual understanding towards their purpose.
 Each person should respect the view of every other person and encourage him/her.
 Each member should recognise the strength of very other person as well.
 Following a strategy and making keeping the team intact from all possible conflicts.
Tony Marshal, a second year learning team mentor, had formed a group as per the learning
team curriculum. The objective of this formation of group is to make all the students of
MBA-I free among themselves irrespective of place, language, region, specialty and gender.
The mentioned group was from various backgrounds like who is an athlete, economist,
engineer, Scientist etc. But they hadn’t followed the team norms for smooth functioning for
which the conflict happened.
So here are some points which will facilitate Marshall to resolve the issue-
 Make them Realize their unanimous goal, make them wake up and teach the team
 Each time when someone was saying something Onyealisi always had a mock
statement instead of encouraging.
 Everybody should have a thought that “United we stand divided we fall”.
 Attitude of running after falling is something charm full, this will make them strong to
get reunited.
 Make them self-motivated and aware their inner boost which will help them to
reconcile the old disputes, Motivation always had big role at this time.
 The reason for which team get dissolved, find that out resolve that.
 The team activity methodology through which it should function.
 Forming- To know each and all from the basic level; weakness, strong points, etc.
 Storming- Communication among the team unbiasedly.
 Norming- Believe in others help others in the bad situation and most importantly
respect the others views and appreciate it.
 Performing- The D-day flowing unanimously for a single objective.
 Adjourning- Recognizing and appreciating each other for the team work.

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