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Sheena Rose F.

BSN 301

EBN Critique Paper

I. Clinical Question

II. Citation
 Clarke, J., Vatiliotis, V., Verge, C., Holmes-Walker, J., Campbell, L., Wilhelm,
K., & Proudfoot, J. (2015). A Mobile Phone and Web-Based Intervention for
Improving Mental Well-Being in Young People With Type 1 Diabetes: Design of
a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 4(2), e50.


Intervention Comparison Outcome
Focus population
In the study conducted by The study utilized a two- The intervention that The outcome of the
Clarke entitled, “A arm randomized clinical was used in this study study that was
Mobile Phone and Web- trial. The participants of of Clarke was conducted by Clarke
Based Intervention for the study will be myCompass and active reveals that with
Improving Mental Well- randomized in either the placebo intervention. In the utilization of the
Being in Young People myCompass intervention line with this, innovative
With Type 1 Diabetes: or the active placebo respondents need to technologies and
Design of a Randomized intervention. Each group access the full innovations such as
Controlled Trial,” they would obtain a full intervention using their mobile phones,
focused their population program for at least 7 phones and devices for tablets, and the
on young people with weeks. Conversely, 7 weeks. However, in Internet, their study
type 1 diabetes that myCompass is a program both type of would be the first one
experiences elevated that is a public health intervention group, to explore the
levels of emotional fully automated type of even though they will effectiveness of self-
distress which influenced intervention that requires motivate the help intervention
their diabetes self-care no therapist input rather participants to utilize without any diabetic-
and quality of life can be accessed through the programs within the specific management
negatively. The Internet-established phase of intervention, in reducing the
participants will be mobile phones, tablets, or the researchers discomforts, distress,
recruited through diabetes even laptops. This was suggested to finish even and in enhancing the
services at the three innovated by the mental two programs modules health of this young
hospitals located in health researchers in the at their own pace. people with type 1
Black Dog Institute which Every assessment, the diabetes.
seeks to provide participants will receive
Sydney, Australia which
monitoring of moods and a message from their
are the following: (1) The
behaviors using online mail requesting
Sydney Children’s
technology devices. them to register into the
Hospital; (2) Westmead
While the active placebo website of the study to
Hospital; and (3) St.
intervention is an complete the measures
Vincent’s Hospital. In line
Internet-delivered of outcome. With this,
with this, 16-25 years of
program that is known as email sent during the 3-
age will be the eligibility
LiveWell that aims to month follow-up that
criteria for the participants
deliver health information will indicate the
that they need to meet to
regarding a range of participants to visit the
participate the study
topics that involves skin healthcare provider.
care, use of mobile
phones, and relationships.

IV. Critical Review with Summary of the Literature

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