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Topic: social media presence

Problem: Business owners are not still into online

Title: Social Media Marketing for Businesses

Nowadays, people are consuming most of their time online and scrolling through their Social
Media accounts. Social Media offers a lot; we can purchase things online, book accommodation,
and avail services that we need. Besides, Social Media is a powerful tool for businesses to
connect with their customers and potential customers.

Today, many business owners and professionals are still only using traditional sales and
marketing strategies to tap their target market. They are focusing more on the conventional way
than taking advantage of the online means, which can help them increase their market reach.
They lack a social media presence, which is why they only have a limited audience for their
brand and products that they offer.  

Here are the ways how Business owners and professionals can transition their business online:
1. Business owners and professionals can create Social Media Accounts for their brand.
2. They should optimize their accounts.
3. They should create contents that are related to their brand.
4. They should be interactive when it comes to being online.

Benefits of having Social Media Accounts for businesses:

1. Increase brand awareness
2. Increase your market reach
3. Audience engagement
4. Sales/lead Generation

Social Media is a natural platform to reach new and potential customers. Posting relevant content
can attract more customers and lead them to your page or website. By posting a content plan that
sells, people will start to engage and share your social media posts, and your content will be
shown to new audiences: their friends and followers. With that, a contact becomes a customer.

Eagle Virtual Assistance also offers Social Media Management and Marketing. We will help you
and your business increase brand awareness by creating Social Media Accounts and managing
each account for you. We will create a Social Media Content Plan that will get you more likes
and engagements.

I hope this is helpful. You may visit Eagle Virtual Assistance for other services. You may also
connect with us through our Social Media Accounts.
For questions and suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

Other helpful links:
Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard. 2021. 23 Benefits of Social Media for
Business. [online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 6 March 2021].

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