Quiz 1 Solution

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Quiz 1

1. Critically evaluate the following statement, “the nature of the political economy of Pakistan is
the result of path dependent continuity from the era of British colonial rule”. (3)

The statement here is basically a restatement of Imran Ali’s thesis, in order to critically evaluate
it a student must question its assumptions and/or identifying other points of view assessing
their strengths and weaknesses, in order to agree or disagree with the statement.

- 1 mark for demonstrating knowledge of the reading

- 1 mark for fulfilling any of the criteria for critical thinking described above

- 1 mark for taking a stance on the statement either for or against

2. How would you define the Pakistani identity? How would you justify your narrow definition?

We are looking for students to demonstrate awareness of the often contradictory nature of
identity formation OR the subjective nature of the process of choosing an objective identity

- 1 mark for defining any reasonable Pakistani identity (only outlandish options should be
marked down)

- 2 marks for demonstrating an understanding of the subjective nature of identity

formation or recognizing that identity formation can often be the result of contradictory ideas or

3. Give two examples of propaganda that the Muslim League employed to dislodge the Unionists
from their position of power before the elections of 1946? (2)

Any two of the following points:

- Unionist party was painted as traitors to Islam and the Millat.

- Unionist leaders blamed for the failure of the Simla Conference of 1945.
- Blaming the Unionist party for supply shortages (including food rations and medicines)
- Offering medicines and aid to Unionist constituencies during WW2
- Blanket blame of all social and economic ills on the Unionist parties during village level
propaganda visits
- The inability of the Unionist party to honor its promise to WW2 veterans regarding
grants of land in canal colonies
- The use of Islamic appeals and symbolism
- Using mosques as a center for League propaganda
- Use of student activists to promote League propaganda
- The use of Pirs as League propagandists

4. How is the post-colonial state different from the classical Marxist state according to Alavi? (2)
In this question we are looking for the student to identify the main point of departure between
Alavi’s theory of post-colonial states and classical Marxist theory of the state.

Under classical Marxist theory, the state is inextricably intertwined with the dominant class to
the extent that they are inseparable and may be considered to be one and the same.

In post-colonial societies, Alavi argues, that the role of the state is that of an intermediary
between the competing interests of multiple classes (metropolitan bourgeoisie, native
bourgeoisie and the military bureaucratic oligarchy in the case of Pakistan).

5. Name or describe any two types of errors/transgressions that K. K. Aziz identifies in Pakistani
history text books. (1)

This question is testing students’ knowledge and familiarity with the KK Aziz reading in session 1.
For two marks we are looking for any two of the following:

o Wrong Dates
o Wrong Assertions
o Biased Assertions
o Confused or confusing assertions
o Ignorant Assertions
o Incomprehensible Assertions
o Errors of omission
o Errors of commission

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