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Novel Applications of Multimedia

Authors: Thomas D. C. Little, Michael Christel, Simon Gibbs, Christian Breiteneder, Vicki De May

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Publication: IEEE MultiMedia • March 1994

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IEEE MultiMedia Abstract Got it!

Volume 1, Issue 1 

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Abstract 

References 3

Index Terms 1. 1. S. Gibbs et al., "Video Widgets and Video Actors," in Proc. UIST 93, ACM Press, Atlanta, 1993, pp. 179- 185.

Comments 
2. 2. M.G. Christel, "Experiences with an Interactive Video Code Inspection Laboratory," Lecture Notes in Computer Science
640: Software Engineering Education, SEI Conf. Proc., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992, pp. 395-411.

3. 3. M.G. Christel and S.M. Stevens, "Rule Base and Digital Video Technologies Applied to Training Simulations," SEI Tech.
Review 92, Software Eng. Inst., Pittsburgh, 1992. 

Index Terms (auto-classi ed)

Novel Applications of Multimedia

Information systems

Information systems applications World Wide Web

Multimedia information systems Web applications

Internet communications tools


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